ORD 398 Amend Liquor CodeCITY {JFK8ENOOlAHEIGHTS DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA [SQUI Pik FA" AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 3 CHAPTER 1 OF THE CITY CODE The City Council of the City of Mendota Heights, Minnesota ordains as follows: SECTION 1 City Code Title 3 Chapter 1. Alcoholic Beverages, is hereby amended iO the following respects: Section 3-1-5A.5 is hereby amended so that as amended it shall read as follows: 5. Off Sale Licenses: Off sale licenses shall be issued only to exclusive liquor stores which shall be located only in B4 or MU-PUD zoning districts. Section 3-1-13B is hereby amended so that as amended it reads as follows: Location: Except for on em|e special event licenses, no license shall be granted for a location within one thousand feet M.00[Y\ofg school o[seven hundred twenty five feet (725') nf any church. |n the case ofo school, the distance is to be measured in o straight line from the lot on which the establishment is to be located to the nearest point of the lot on which the school is located. In the case of church, the distance nhg|| be measured from the lot on which the establishment is to be located to the nearest point of the ChU[Ch building. The erection of gchOO| O[ church within the prohibited area after an original application has been granted shall not, iO and ofitself, render such premises ineligible for neDevvo| of license. /\ location for which e license was granted in 1984, or lawfully granted thereafter, and at which a licensee has been in continuous operation, is not ineligible for a license by reason 0f proximity toa school orchurch. Section 3-1-14Rio hereby amended ao that as amended it shall read aefollows: R. On Sale Licenses; Percent Of Gross Sales: At the time of application for renewal of any on sale intoxicating liquor |ioenoeoronoo|ewina|im*Osa. the applicant shall submit proof to the city that not less than sixty percent (8O96)of the gross sales ofthe establishment for which the on sale license iStVbe used isin the serving offood. SECTION 2 This Ordinance shall beiO full force and effect from and after its publication according to law. Adopted and ordained into an Ordinance this 15 m day of February, 2OO5 CITY COUNCIL CITY OF MENDOTA HE�GHTS Kdthleen M. Swanson, City Clerk , Mayor