2010-06-25 Friday Newsnnm
June 25, 2010
New City Website Work Underway
Back in February the City Council authorized staff to work with a con-
tractor to update the city's website. Our current website has served
as well, but the time has come for a new look and the update pro-
vides an opportunity to put more information on the website for our
residents. Stacy Kaiser and Mary Hapka have been working hard on
the format of the new site and putting together all of the information
that residents and visitors to the site will get to review and use. Stay
tuned as we continue the work in putting the site together. If you
have questions, comments or suggestions on the site please contact
Stacy or Mary. Thank you both in advance for your work on this pro-
ject. We all look forward to seeing the new website.
F 2011 City Budget Work
City staff has started work on the 2011 budget in order to be able to present what we
Rbelieve to be an acceptable budget to the City Council in August. City staff members
will meet with the City Administrator, Finance Director and City Clerk on Monday and
' Tuesday of next week to review their proposed budgets for 2011. Once those meet-
ings are completed, city staff will review all of the budgets and determine what op-
tions are available, what work needs to be done and eventually develop a proposed
® budget for the City Council to review in August. If anyone has any questions on the
budget or the budget process please feel free to contact David McKnight. Much like
last year, there are many factors that are impacting the 2011 budget. The economy,
A levy limits, slowed growth and many other factors are playing a large role in the
budget process.
Y History Repeating Itself
I was given a copy of Mayor Robert Lockwood's 1979 state of the city address this
week. In the address the mayor talks about the water tower, the purchase of a new fire
truck, the completion of the comprehensive plan, concerns about the rate of develop -
Nment in the city and the impact of major roadways on Mendota Heights. Although I
have only been in my position for seven months, these are all issues that we have or
are still dealing within that same timeframe in 2010. It is fun to look back sometimes
at our history to see where we came from. This column was interesting to read and
could have been written as a big part of our 2010 history. Makes you wonder what the
Wpeople in our positions in 2040 will think of us.
S '"W", Fourth of July Holiday Safety Rerninde"M _
With the Fourth of July long holiday weekend one week away, please take the time to
remind those that you celebrate with to take the extra precautions to be safe. Follow
the safety rules when handing fireworks, buckle up when you drive, do not drink and
drive and look out for all of those around you. Having a safe and happy fourth of July
weekend is always better than the alternative. Enjoy the extra day off and celebrate
safely with family and friends.
June 25, 2010
Mendota Plaza Update
If you have driven past the Mendota Plaza lately you can tell that work is moving along at a fast
pace. You can start to see the framework of what the "new" anchor building will look like with the
new facing and the new smaller sized building. The interior infrastructure work is also progress-
ing so you can see future roads and building locations. The McDonald's drive through area will
also be seeing some change in the near future. The Planning Commission approved a condi-
tional use request that will change the one lane drive through to a more traditional two lane drive
through. The City Council will consider this conditional use permit application at their meeting on
July 6, 2010. The scheduled completion of the first phase of the reconstruction project is set for
Spring 2011. If you are curious about the project please visit the project website at
Community Fireworks Reminder
Please accept this reminder that the city will again be partnering in 2010 with Mendakota Country
Club to provide a community fireworks display on July 4th. This will be the 16th year that this
very successful event will take place in our community. Please show your support for the com-
munity and the city staff members that contribute to and work this event. City staff members from
the Police Department, Fire Department and Public Works Department all work different portions
of this event. Thank you also to the City Council for continuing the city's support of this excellent
community event.
Dates To Remember
Community Fireworks
City Offices Closed
City Council Meeting
Airport Relations Commission Meeting
City Council Meeting
Noise Oversight Committee Meeting
7:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
1:30 p.m.
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Just The Facts, The Pipeline, TwinCities.com Article "South -metro school districts join move to pro-
pose levy increases", Article from Villager "Council approves replacing all water meters in St. Paul
area", Thank you letter for Par 3 Golf Course and Road Construction Letter from MNDOT.
June 25, 2010
7A- elatest aeras j rvyrc the Ae,,,t&A �fei9lits�vlice �eyartyrce�t
The S -ecial Olynnpics `forth F_
Police x:
Staff -
Kim Henning
Sandie Ristine
Susan Donovan { i
Cathy Ransom
Becky Pentel
Police Officers rk
Jerry Murphy Last Thursday MHPD participated in the east leg of the 2010 Dakota
Scott Patrick County Law Enforcement Torch Run. Volunteers from every aspect of Law
John Larrive Enforcement ran, walked, roller bladed or bicycled, carrying in the Olympic
Bobby Lambert
Tanner Spicer torch together before the MN Special Olympic games began. You can still
Todd Rosse help us support this worthy cause by purchasing a (or more than one)
Chad Willson 2010 Commemorative shirts: $10 dollars minimum donation per shirt. Of
Jeff VonFeldt course, we will accept any donations and forward them directly to Special
Denise Urmann Olympics Minnesota (receipts available) — just stop in to MHPD and staff
Michael Shepard will help you out. Torch Run is the primary fundraiser to support the
Peyton Fleming annual MN State Games. Thanks!!
Jenny Fordham
School Resource MHPD Blog solving Crimes
Officer The northern Dakota County cities of Mendota Heights, West St Paul,
Steven Meyer South St Paul and Inver Grove Heights share a blog.
Investigations http://wsppvideos.blogspot.com/search/labeiNVest%2OSt%20PauI
Mario Reyes The blog has been successful in helping us solve crimes. If you are
Tanner Spicer interested in staying current with our blog, at the bottom of the page click
Sergeants on: Subscribe to: Post (Atom) To find out what crimes need to be solved
Neil Garlock you just have to click on this symbol , in your Internet explorer toolbar.
Brian Convery Watch as we continue to learn how to use these new tools to solve crimes.
Eric Petersen
Reserves Theft Saturday 1228 hours
Randy Pentel Officer Bobby Lambert responded to a local gas station on a drive -off
Gino Messina report. The thief, a mid 20's black male driving a Pontiac G6, pushed the
Jesse Mettner "pay inside" button, but after pumping $28 worth of gas, jumped in the car
Andrew Quinlan and drove away. However, an employee managed to get the vehicle
Romel Brown license plate as the car drove away. Officer Lambert made contact by
Chief hone with the registered owner R/0 who stated she was working
Mike p 9� ( ) 9
Aschenbrener when the theft occurred. The R/0 assured him should would attempt to
obtain a name for the thief.
Missing Saturday 1311 hours
Caller reported that his 86 YOA wife with Alzheimer's was missing for about the last ten minutes.
Officer Bobby Lambert was pleased when an old friend returned the woman home.
Drunk/AOA Sunday 0015 hours
Officer Denise Urmann responded to the call of a woman laying on the ground in a yard. Upon
arrival, she found an intoxicated 32 YOA female lying on the West St Paul side of the street;
however, WSPPD squads were tied up on calls. The drunk was transported home and released
to a sober party.
Drunk to Disorderly to DUI Sunday 1931 hours
Caller reported a drunk screaming and swearing off the back deck. Officer Chad Wilson spoke
with the suspect and learned they were just venting about all the things wrong in their life.
Officers cleared after speaking with the party's son who had just arrived on scene and agreed to
take control of the situation. However, after soon after they left, the screaming started up again
and the caller wanted to know why officers hadn't arrested or detox'd the person (well, there is
that "little" document called The Constitution...). The drunken suspect was gone when Officers
arrived — but the suspect was located — driving back home! The suspect was then arrested for
DUI and transported to MHPD. After being read the MN Implied Consent Advisory, the suspect
refused everything, because the plan had been to jump off the high bridge as soon as possible,
not to go to jail. That little bit of info initiated a call for HealthEast Ambulance; a 72 Emergency
Hold form was filled out and the party was transported to the hospital for a professional
evaluation. Charges pending - Clear no further contacts.
Fire Sunday 2200 hours
Officer Peyton Fleming responded to home of a long standing neighborhood feud, similar to the
Hatfield's and McCoy's. One neighbor was thought to be on probation and was not to have any
fires as a condition of the probation. However, the fire was legal per City Ordinance, and the son
had the fire going, not the actual convicted neighbor. A review of court files showed that the
probationary period had expired and there were no longer any standing conditions; case closed
as unfounded.
Trash Monday 2208 hours
Caller reported to Officer Mike Shepard that someone had put trash into their mailbox (and it
definitely wasn't junk mail). They were unsure if mail was stolen. Information purposes only.
Smashed Mailboxes Monday 2300 hours
Officer Chad Willson received two separate calls of kids driving around smashing mailboxes.
The suspects were last reported in the area of Lilac Lane and Marie Avenue. The only suspect
information was a white 4 door sedan vehicle; but no such vehicle was located. Officer Willson
found and notified the owners of 8 mailboxes about the damage. The following morning five
more residents called in to report their mailboxes were damaged. Be On the Look Out (BOLO) for
a white 4 door sedan with juveniles (99% probability boys) driving around your neighborhood for
no apparent reason.
Suspicious Person Wednesday 0022 hours
Resident called about a man sitting on a rock near a fountain ... for an unknown length of time.
The caller was concerned about the person. Officer Mike Shepard found and checked in with the
man and determined he was a resident enjoying a cigar. All in a day's work....
Missing Person Wednesday 1255 hours
Officer Steve Meyer received a call about a missing 88 YOA female who has Alzheimer's, last
seen 60-90 minutes earlier. The reporter was checking the neighborhood while another family
member stayed home in case she showed up there. The City's Public Works staff even helped
out in the search. Shortly after the search began the caller reported that she had been located
and everything was okay. She was actually at lunch with a friend — it was her son who forgot the
scheduled appointment. Officers cleared. We like happy endings to these incidents.
/! r
The Pipeline
Public Works
Code Enforcement June 25, 2010
Public Works
The Parks Crew hauled dirt in around the curbs at City Hall,
leveled it and put down grass seed. The pitching mounds on
fields one and two were installed at Mendakota Park for a 13
year old baseball tournament. Picnic tables were stained
throughout all the parks. Trees were trimmed at City Hall
and limbs taken away.
Rich jetted bad spots in the sanitary sewer lines. He cleaned;
Caren Road, Caren Road easement, Highway 13 (Fremont to
Garden and Brompton to Sylvandale), Annapolis Street,
Timmy Street, Glen Hill Road, Walsh Lane, Kay Avenue,
Callahan Road, and Knob Road. A resident called on South
Freeway Road that had roots in their service, Rich cleaned the
City's line downstream to the frontage road. Lloyds Meats
was cleaned to the lift station and Pipe Services than
vacuumed the lift station. Storm sumps on Wachtler Avenue
were vacuumed and mosquito control biscuits were added.
The Streets Crew cleaned up the stump grindings with the
Bobcat on Brompton Place. They helped the Parks Crew with
a downed large evergreen tree in Rogers Lake Park and a tree
down in Ivy Falls Park. Trees were cut and brush taken out
around the storm pipe on Arbor Court so Rich could jet the
pipe. Tim helped Cliff work on the hydraulics system leak on
the bobcat. Work was also finished up on the front end of the
John Deere back hoe. A gutter cover was picked up and
installed at City Hall. They started hauling Class 5 to the Par
South -metro school districts join move to propose levy increases - TwinCities.com
districts join moveto
propose levy increases
By Maricella Miranda
Updated: 06/22/2010 11:18:18 PM CDT
A second south -metro school district will ask its
voters in November to approve levy increases — and
a third is seriously considering asking for
additional dollars, too.
Like Lakeville schools, the West St. Paul -Mendota
Heights -Eagan school board this month has
decided to go after an operating levy with a $1.8
million renewal and $1.7 million in new money.
The Rosemount -Apple Valley -Eagan school board
also plans to decide this summer whether to pursue
$15.5 million in additional revenue from an
operating levy vote.
But even with new levy dollars, the districts expect
budget cuts will be inevitable.
Stagnant state revenue and more than $1.8 billion in
delayed state aid payments since July 2009 have
stretched Minnesota school finances thin. And now,
district leaders say, cuts to school funding could be
next to help plug the state's estimated $6 billion
"It puts school districts in a really bad situation,"
said Tony Taschner, spokesman for the Rosemount -
Apple Valley -Eagan district.
Page 1 of 2
The district currently receives $1,042 per student
from three levies, which expire in 2015. The district
can seek $525 more per student to reach the state -
set cap of $1,567.
In an updated five-year financial plan, district
officials estimated how school -funding cuts from
the state could affect the district's $288 million
annual operating budget. If voters approved raising
the levy — and the state reduced school funding
— the district would need to cut $4.5 million to
almost $12 million from its budget, Taschner said.
Next month, a community survey will allow
residents to weigh in on a potential school levy. The
board must decide by Aug. 20 whether the district
will pursue it.
"They're certainly discussing the possibility,"
Taschner said.
West St. Paul schools want voters to support an
operating -levy renewal and increase, which will
bring the district's levy to the state's maximum cap.
The district's levy renewal would mean $362 per
student. The increase would mean an additional
$357 per student.
The increase would cost taxpayers $35 more a year
on a home valued at $100,000.
School leaders plan to use the additional money to
invest in more cost-effective ways to do business,
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South -metro school districts join move to propose levy increases - TwinCities.com
Superintendent Jay Haugen said. That could include
offering more online courses, sharing classes with
other districts or starting programs in the district.
If voters approve the levy, it would protect the
district from one year of budget cuts. But the district
likely will have to reduce its budget by up to $2
million a year after that.
Lakeville schools are seeking a levy renewal, a levy
for additional revenue and a capital -projects
technology levy to replace computers that are at
least 10 years old.
If approved, the renewal would mean $236 per
student, a $14 decrease from the current levy
because of declining property values. The new levy
would generate $524 per student, and the one-time
capital -projects technology levy would mean
$940,000 for schools.
The new 10 -year operating levy would have a tax
impact of $299 a year on a $250,000 home. The
capital levy — which would replace about 875
computers and upgrade infrastructure — would
have a one-time tax impact of $39 for a $250,000
If the levies pass, the district still plans to cut $3
million from its $106 million budget because of an
expected $21 million deficit for the 2011-12 and
2012-13 school years.
The last time Lakeville residents voted on school
funding was three years ago when a $4.6 million
annual operating levy request failed by 12 votes.
Maricella Miranda can be reached at 651-228-5421.
Page 2 of 2
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http://www.twincities.com/dakota/ci_15354827?nclick check=l 6/23/2010
Council approves replacing all
water meters in St. Paul area
Approximately 94,000 water meters will be
replaced in cities served by St. Paul Regional
Water Services over the next three years as a
result of action by the St. Paul City Council on
June 16. The council approved a loan of up to
$30 million to pay for the replacement as well
as two other major water utility projects.
About $23.4 million will be spent to replace
all residential and commercial water meters
in St. Paul, Mendota Heights, Maplewood,
West St. Paul, Flacon Heights and Lauderdale.
The new meters will be designed to be read
electronically, which will eliminate the need
for meter readers to go onto private property.
The water utility's long-term plan is to elimi-
nate meter reader jobs as current employees
The water meter replacement project will
start this fall and is expected to pay for itself
within 10 years, according to water utility di-
rector Steve Schneider. The proposed 2011
water rates, along with the 2011 water utility
budget, will be announced in July.
Another $3.5 million, will be spent to
place lead water service lines. The water utility
pays for the replacement from the street to the
property line, and the property owner pays the
rest. The bond issue will allow the water utility
to replace about 3,000 lead water lines. There
are 10,000 to 15,000 such lines still awaiting
replacement in St. Paul.
Another $6 million has been earmarked
to replace the old underground Dale Street
Reservoir in Roseville. Demolition of the old
reservoir began this spring.
Page 1 of 1
David J. McKnight
From: Jake Sedlacek
Sent: Wednesday, June 23, 2010 11:01 AM
To: David J. McKnight
Subject: FW: Mendota Par 3
Jake Sedlacek
Asst to the City Administrator
City of Mendota Heights
From: Liz Lee [mailto:liz@wallcompanies.com]
Sent: Wednesday, June 23, 2010 10:35 AM
To: Jake Sedlacek
Subject: Mendota Par 3
Hi Jake,
I just wanted to let you know that we have really enjoyed our relationship with the folks at the Mendota Heights
Par 3 course. We are very glad that the city has opted to keep it open as a golf course! If you recall, You helped
me organize the after school golf club for Visitation which we have run for 3 years in a row. This past year, we
had 30 kids sign up! For a school our size that's pretty impressive. In addition, this year we held an adult/child
golf tournament at the end of the school year. Again, we had a fabulous turnout. I have to attribute that to the
good instructors who have been making golf a lot of fun for the kids. So I wanted to thank you for all you have
done to help. It's been a great experience for the kids at Visitation, and hopefully those families will continue to
play over the summer at the Par 3. Tom Perkins has been very helpful and responsive to our needs. I have a hard
time turning kids away who sign up late, and Tom was very quick to hire another instructor to accommodate the
larger than anticipated group we had. The instructors were also good. There was one in particular, whose name
escapes me just now, but he has been there the last 2 years, and he is truly good with kids. I believe he is a gym
teacher at a school nearby. I'll have to ask my kids and send you his name; I'd like for you to know who it is that I
thought was really outstanding. I'm embarrassed that I can't remember just now!
Anyway, thanks again, and we look forward to more golf at the Par 3.
Liz Lee
Do �o Minnesota Department of Transportation
Metropolitan District
oFTRP`'y¢o 1500 West County Road B2, Roseville MN, 55113
Date: June 24, 2010
Dear Resident,
A road construction project that may affect your travels is scheduled to begin soon on
Highway 149 near your home.
Highway 149 in Mendota Heights will be closed between Wentworth and Emerson
Avenues, adjacent to Somerset Country Club. The closure starts on July 6 and will last
through August 27.
The project will replace two drainage culverts and resurface the roadway, along with other
needed repairs and upgrades to help maintain or improve drainage in the area.
The posted detour route will direct you to Wentworth and Delaware Avenues (please see
the map printed on the back of this letter). Access to Somerset Country Club and
residences within the project will be maintained from either the north, or from the south,
depending on which culvert is being replaced.
If you have questions, feel free to contact me directly at the phone number or e-mail
address below.
9 -?7- ;)IA1(1
J.P. Gillach
Mn/DOT Public Affairs Coordinator
Phone 651-234-7503
James.Gillach@state mn.us
An Equal Opportunity Employer
000;_ ooso0
Hwv 149 Construction
July 6 - August 27 But�erAve
r- 149
map not to scale
Culvert replacement Emerson Ave
Culvert replacement 149
Wentworth Ave