2011-01-04 City Council minutesJanuary 4, 2011
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Minutes of the Regular Meeting
Held Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the regular meeting of the City Council, City of Mendota
Heights, Minnesota was held at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall, 1101 Victoria Curve, Mendota
Heights, Minnesota.
OATH OF OFFICE City Administrator McKnight administered the Oath of
Office to Mayor Sandra Krebsbach, who was elected on
November 2, 2010 to a two -year term of office, and to
Councilmembers Ultan Duggan who was re- elected to a
four -year term of office and Liz Petschel, who was elected
to a four -year term of office.
CALL TO ORDER Mayor Krebsbach called the meeting to order at 7:06 p.m.
The following members were present: Councilmembers
Duggan, Petschel, and Vitelli.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Council, the audience and staff recited the Pledge of
AGENDA ADOPTION Councilmember Duggan moved adoption of the agenda as
Ayes: 4 Councilmember Vitelli seconded the motion.
Nays: 0
APPROVAL OF MINUTES Councilmember Duggan moved approval of the minutes of
the regular meeting held on December 21, 2010.
Ayes: 4 Councilmember Vitelli seconded the motion.
Nays: 0
CONSENT CALENDAR Mayor Krebsbach presented the consent calendar and
explained the procedure for discussion and approval.
Mayor Krebsbach noted the South -West Review was the
2011 designation of the official newspaper. Mayor
Krebsbach stated the appointment of Data Practices
Compliance Officials Sandie Thone and Chief
Aschenbrener. In addition, she acknowledged and thanked
Hugo and Sue Blackfelner for the donation of $250.00 to
the police department. With regret and thanks, Mayor
Ayes: 4
Nays: 0
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Krebsbach accepted the resignations of firefighters Joe
Hennessy and Rob Soleim.
Councilmember Duggan moved approval of the consent
calendar as presented and authorization for execution of
any necessary documents contained therein.
a. Acknowledgement of the Minutes from December 28,
2010 Planning Commission Meeting
b. Approval of the Official Newspaper for 2011
c. Approval of Changes to the Banking Corporate
Authorization Resolution
d. Adoption of Resolution No. 2011-01: " RESOLUTION
e. Adoption of Resolution No. 2011-02: " RESOLUTION
f. Adoption of Resolution No. 2011-03: " RESOLUTION
g. Adoption of Resolution No. 2011-04: " RESOLUTION
h. Accept the Resignation of Firefighters Joe Hennessy
and Robb Soleirn
i. Approval of the Claims List dated January 4, 2011
totaling $182,776.99
Councilmember Vitelli seconded the motion.
PUBLIC COMMENTS There were none.
SERVICE AWARDS Mayor Krebsbach stated the city has been very blessed with
great service of employees and acknowledged the many
friends and family members who were in attendance in
support of the employees who were being recognized
tonight in appreciation for their five to thirty years of
Mayor Krebsbach read in full the certificate of appreciation
and presented service awards to the following employees:
Vince Belmares, Fire Department Five Years
Hayley Heidelberg, Fire Department
Kim Henning, Police Secretary
Stacy Kaiser, IT Manager
John Mendez, Fire Department
Steve Meyer, Police Officer
Dale Stein, Fire Department
Sandie Thone, City Clerk
January 4, 2011
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Five Years
Five Years
Five Years
Five Years
Five Years
Five Years
Five Years
Eric Petersen, Police Sergeant
Ten Years
Todd Rosse, Police Officer
Ten Years
Tanner Spicer, Investigator
Ten Years
Richard Burrows, Public Works
Fifteen Years
Brian Convery, Police Sergeant
Fifteen Years
Tim Oster, Public Works
Fifteen Years
Scott Patrick, Police Officer
Fifteen Years
David Dreelan, Fire Department
Twenty Years
Neil Garlock, Police Sergeant
Twenty Years
Roy Kingsley, Fire Department
Twenty Years
Ken Weisenberger, Fire Department
Twenty Years
Mike Coonan, Fire Department
Thirty Years
Gordy Skjerven, Fire Department
Thirty Years
Jeff Stenhaug, Fire Department
Thirty Years
Staff introduced their friends and family members who
joined them as photographs were taken. The audience,
staff, and council members responded with a round of
PUBLIC HEARING City Clerk Thone reviewed that tonight's public hearing
MAPLETREE MENDOTA RETAIL was a continuation of a public hearing held on December
OFF-SALE LIQUOR LICENSE 21, 2010 for MapleTree Mendota Retail for an off-sale
liquor license for The Wine Market located at 720 Main
Street, Suite 101. Ms. Thone noted the applicant was
present and had successfully submitted all materials and
fees per city code and in compliance with the Minnesota
Department of Public Safety and has a closing date
scheduled for Friday, January 7, 2011. Ms. Thone
provided that the police department background
investigations proved to be clear. Ms. Thone informed
there were no public comments at the preliminary public
hearing held on December 21, 2010 and staff recommends
approval to issue the off-sale liquor license as requested to
Ayes: 4
Nays: 0
Ayes: 4
Nays: 0
Ayes: 4
Nays: 0
January 4, 2011
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MapleTree Mendota Retail for The Wine Market located at
720 Main Street, Suite 101. Ms. Thone opened it up for
comments or questions.
Mayor Krebsbach opened the public hearing at 7:34 p.m.
and requested public comments or questions.
The applicant and owner of MapleTree Mendota Retail,
Corey Maple and the proposed proprietor of The Wine
Market, Patricia Judalena appeared before the council. Mr.
Maple noted they were available for questions.
There being no questions or comments, Councilmember
Vitelli moved to close the public hearing at 7:35 p.m.
Councilmember Duggan seconded the motion.
Councilmember Vitelli moved to approve the issuance of
an off -sale liquor license to MapleTree Mendota Retail,
LLC for The Wine Market located at 720 Main Street,
Suite 101.
Councilmember Duggan seconded the motion.
Councilmember Duggan moved to nominate
Councilmember Vitelli as Acting Mayor during 2011.
Councilmember Petschel seconded the motion.
Mayor Krebsbach opened the discussion with
regard to appointing representatives to boards and
commissions for 2011.
Mayor Krebsbach noted that the Northern Dakota County
Cable Communications Commission requires both a city
council representative and a resident representative. Mayor
Kresbach informed the current representatives
Councilmember Duggan and Mickey Kiefer agreed to
continue to serve on the commission for the term February
1, 2011 through January 31, 2013.
Mayor Krebsbach noted that the Dakota Communications
Center requires both a primary and alternate city council
representative. Mayor Krebsbach informed current
representatives Councilmember Duggan as the primary and
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Mayor Krebsbach as the alternate agreed to continue to
serve for the term January 1, 2011 through December 31,
Mayor Krebsbach noted that the Noise Oversight
Committee requires both a primary and alternate city
council representative(s). Mayor Krebsbach noted current
representatives are Councilmember Duggan as primary,
Mayor Krebsbach as first alternate and Councilmember
Petschel as second alternate. Mayor Krebsbach informed
she will be resigning from the committee. Mayor
Krebsbach recommended Councilmember Duggan continue
his term as primary representative and Councilmember
Petschel be appointed as the alternate representative for the
remainder of the term which will expire on June 25, 2011.
Councilmember Vitelli thanked and commended
Councilmember Duggan for his service and contributions
to the commissions and committees. Councilmember
Duggan thanked Councilmember Petschel for her
outstanding service and contributions to the Airport
Relations Commission and the Noise Oversight Committee.
Councilmember Duggan stated he fully supports and would
like to recommend Councilmember Petschel be considered
by the council to take his primary representative role at the
end of his term later this year. Mayor Krebsbach concluded
that she would also like to thank and commend
Councilmember Duggan for his commitment and
contributions to the commissions and committees he serves.
Councilmember Vitelli moved adoption of Resolution No.
Ayes: 4 Councilmember Petschel seconded the motion.
Nays: 0
CITY COUNCIL VACANCY Mayor Krebsbach stated that discussion of the city council
vacancy process was initiated at the meeting on December
21, 2010. Mayor Krebsbach noted the last council vacancy
in her experience was in 1998 and the council vacancy was
resolved by appointment rather than filled by an application
January 4, 2011
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process as proposed and agreed upon in the case of the
current vacancy. Mayor Krebsbach explained the process
as follows; approve the appointment process tonight,
January 4, 2011, begin to accept applications tomorrow,
January 5, 2011, the deadline to receive applications would
be January 11, 2011 and the interviews of applicants would
take place on January 13, 2011. Mayor Krebsbach
continued we would appoint the councilmember at our next
regular council meeting on January 18, 2011 and the new
councilmember would take the oath of office on January
19, 2011 during the special city council meeting and goal
setting session. Mayor Krebsbach explained this process
meets the needs of both assuring qualified candidates ample
time to apply and supports an expedited plan to fill the
vacancy to ensure adequate service with regard to future
meetings, sessions and appointments.
Councilmember Vitelli inquired if the appointment on
January 18, 2011 was a meeting. Mayor Krebsbach
confirmed that yes this was a meeting and that the
appointment would be made with a majority vote and that
in case of a tie vote the mayor should make the
Councilmember Vitelli asked where the oath of office
would be administered the following day. City
Administrator McKnight explained the following day,
January 19, 2011 was the annual goal setting session and
the oath of office would be administered before the session.
Mr. McKnight stated that we could additionally opt to have
an additional formal oath of office at the next regular city
council meeting held in February if council so desired.
Mayor Krebsbach inquired whether it is acceptable to have
a councilmember sworn into office at the January 19, 2011
meeting. City Administrator McKnight explained that the
meeting on January 19, 2011 is a special city council
meeting and therefore qualified as an acceptable meeting
for the oath of office to be administered.
Councilmember Duggan inquired with regard to the
interviews being held on the 13th of January and stated that
usually the interviewing body has a good idea of who will
be selected. Councilmember Duggan raised concerns about
the appointment of an alternate candidate which seemed to
January 4, 2011
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fly in the face of the interview and appointment process
determined to be best. Councilmember Duggan reiterated
his concern for this process if the council could not come to
an agreement during the period between January 13 and
January 18, 2011.
Mayor Krebsbach asked City Attorney Diehm to qualify
the process in the event of such a scenario.
City Attorney Diehm explained that the language states that
you are not bound to appoint someone who fills out the
application. Ms. Diehm stated that the statute requires you
to fill the vacancy but does not dictate the process to do so.
In the case of a tie vote in which the mayor would make the
appointment she would be able to appoint anyone who is
able and willing to serve in that capacity. So the point of
the resolution was to outline the process and ensure that if
no one applied or if only one person applied that the
council would not be bound to only the pool of applicants.
Mayor Krebsbach stated that it remained up to council's
discretion and that it gave them the ability to make the
appointment on January 18, 2011 for the vacant council
Councilmember Duggan inquired if the council was
undecided after the interviews on the 13th of January how
many tie votes would be permitted.
City Attorney Diehm stated there was no good answer to
Councilmember Duggan's question. Ms. Diehm stated that
if the council could come to an agreement that would be the
best solution. Ms. Diehm continued in the event we find
ourselves with a tie vote, arguably it could be the end of it.
Councilmember Duggan stated if we had chosen the
appointment only process that we would have a name and
there would be a vote on it and since there are only four
voting it would be very easy to have a tie. Councilmember
Duggan continued if we could not come to an agreement on
the candidate, he would like to know we have a process in
place we are in agreement on, as to how we would proceed
in that event.
January 4, 2011
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City Attorney Diehm explained that the process will be that
someone will make a motion and one of three things will
happen, it will pass, it will fail or there will be a tie. Ms.
Diehm continued if it passes the person will be named the
new councilmember but there will be time for discussion
after the motion is made so a councilmember may express
why or why not they may be in favor of that motion or
perhaps they may have an alternate candidate whose name
they would like the opportunity to put forth. Ms. Diehm
stated that because this is required to take place at an open
meeting it is difficult to anticipate how that will go. Ms.
Diehm further stated that if the motion fails someone would
have the opportunity to make an alternate motion. Ms.
Diehm explained that it is really only in the case of the
actual tie vote you would move to the mayor to actually
make the appointment. Ms. Diehm recommended all votes
be roll call votes to ensure a clear record.
Councilmember Duggan recommended that each
councilmember have the opportunity to nominate someone
so that if we are not clear at the end of the day on January
13, 2011 that we can come forward with our nominations
on the 18th of January, beginning with Mayor Krebsbach,
senior Councilmember Vitelli, Councilmember Duggan and
Councilmember Petschel in that order. Councilmember
Duggan explained that if the first nomination failed we
would proceed to the next and so on.
Mayor Krebsbach inquired on what the definition of failure
would be, qualifying that three no votes would be a failure
but in the event of a tie according to statute the mayor then
makes the appointment.
Councilmember Duggan clarified that with two voting for
and two voting against that would be a tie vote but asked
the question that before we get to that point is the mayor
the only one who has an appointment opportunity or does
each councilmember have one.
City Attorney Diehm explained that if the mayor makes a
motion and it fails we would naturally move on to another
motion and that could continue through three, four or even
ten motions until you have a motion that passes or a tie.
The statute does not dictate how many motions can be
made, although in the event of a tie the statue does state
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that the appointment will be made by the mayor. Ms.
Diehm went on to qualify that the statute does not
specifically address if the council is deadlocked or if they
fail to make a decision, suggesting that it is a singular tie
Councilmember Duggan asked if there were any other
questions with regard to this process from members of
Councilmember Petschel responded that she did not have
any questions and from her experience and perspective this
process to replace a vacant council seat was routine and she
wanted to make clear to residents that this practice is
standard operating procedures for most municipalities.
Councilmember Petschel stated she is content with the
process and confident that it will settle itself on January 18,
Councilmember Vitelli added that he also was satisfied
with the process. Councilmember Vitelli inquired as to
whether proceeding the interviews held on January 13,
2011 would the councilmembers be allowed to discuss their
thoughts with regard to the candidates and interviews.
City Attorney Diehzn stated technically a councilmember is
an employee of the city and has some flexibility with
regard to employment decisions and other things, so you
can have preliminary discussions, although no decisions
can be made and the official decision has to be made at a
public meeting.
Councilmember Vitelli asked if the discussion after the
interviews would be considered a private or a public
City Attorney Dielnn stated since the meeting for which the
interviews will be conducted is noticed as a public meeting
you could have those discussions at that time understanding
that the public is welcomed to attend and would not be
asked to leave for such discussions.
Councilmember Duggan explained in the event the public
chooses not to come to the meeting, as has been the case in
some important hiring decisions in the past such as with the
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police chief, administrator and public works director, they
discussed and made decisions in a public forum but were
able to speak and discuss freely due to the lack of a public
presence and he noted all of those decisions were excellent.
Councilmember Duggan recognized that they would need
to be circumspect in comments and sensitive to the
applicants, not questioning the information provided, in the
event of public presence and stated his hope for an
outstanding candidate to be revealed on the 13th of January
and a subsequent easy decision for appointment on January
18, 2011. Councilmember Duggan reiterated the
importance of understanding the process and being in
agreement with it.
Mayor Krebsbach stated this has been an important
discussion and valuable questions have been raised and
there will be more opportunity on the 13th and the 18th of
January to continue. Mayor Krebsbach remained confident
that this resolution allows us a process to interview and
appoint for the council seat vacancy.
Councilmember Duggan made an inquiry with regard to
how staff is proposing to take minutes of the special
meeting scheduled for January 13, 2011.
City Administrator McKnight explained that we would take
minutes like any regular or special council meeting and
they would be available in a summary format.
City Administrator McKnight asked for council's approval
of the application for the vacant city council seat. Mayor
Krebsbach stated that if the applicant would like to attach a
resume that would be fine. Councilmember Duggan raised
concerns about the time element and review process for
applicant paperwork. Mr. McKnight advised council that
he would provide them with the applications as he receives
them to alleviate time constraints. Mayor Krebsbach stated
that she would like all applications on or before January 11,
2011 at 4:00 p.m.
City Administrator McKnight proposed a 5:00 p.m. start
time to the special city council meeting to conduct the
interviews on January 13, 2011. Mayor Krebsbach and the
councilmembers agreed on a 15 minute interview length.
Councilmember Duggan inquired about advertisement of
� i
January 4, 2011
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the vacancy. Mr. McKnight advised the notices will be
sent to local newspapers tomorrow.
Councilmember Vitelli moved adoption of Resolution No.
Ayes: 4 Councilmember Petschel seconded the motion.
Nays: 0
CASE NO. 10 -34 Mr. Sedlacek presented the application of William
WILLIAM GACKI Gacki for a critical area permit for a three season porch
1133 CASCADE LANE for his residence located at 1133 Cascade Lane.
CRITICAL AREA PERMIT Mr. Sedlacelc explained the application falls within the
critical area and any additions to these homes are looked at
it in terms of their aesthetic impact on the river corridor and
any impact they may have on the river as a natural
resource. Mr. Sedlacek stated the Planning Commission
heard this case at their December 28, 2010 meeting and
noticed that the original drawings did not show a step down
from the patio door of the three season porch, therefore the
applicant provided a new drawing with the addition of the
steps. Mr. Sedlacelc informed questions were raised about
the soil disturbance and plans were shown to include
simple footings placed on concrete resulting in soil
disturbance limited to the removal of soil for the footings.
Mr. Sedlacek stated the Planning Commission found it
would have no negative impact on the critical area. Mr.
Sedlacelc added the Planning Commission held a public
hearing on December 28, 2010 and there were no public
comments. Mr. Sedlacek noted the Planning Commission
added a condition on their approval recommendation,
which is outlined in the council packet and the condition
includes: Approval includes steps subject to staff approval.
Mayor Krebsbach asked for comments and questions.
The applicant, William Gacki appeared before the council
and stated he thought the case was reported fairly and they
have lived in the neighborhood for twenty years. Mr.
Gacki explained that the porch is a way for his 30 year old
son who is confined to a wheelchair to enjoy the sunshine
and a little bit of the outdoors. Mayor Krebsbach noted
that Mr. Gacki's property is not directly located on the
bluff and that Mendota Heights has been a great steward of
the bluff.
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Councilmember Duggan moved adoption of Resolution No.
Ayes: 4 Councilmember Petschel seconded the motion.
Nays: 0
COUNCIL COMMENTS Councilmember Petschel noted as we were reviewing a
planning case which involved the bluff it reminded her of a
story published recently with regard to the continued angst
between the DNR and local municipalities with regard to
treatment of the bluff. Councilmember Petschel offered
that the article featured Representative Rick Hanson
standing in front of the new buildings in Mendota and
expressed for anyone interested in learning about the
critical area it was very informative.
Councilmember Vitelli asked press representative Danielle
Cabot who was in attendance in the audience to share a few
moments about Patch.com.
Danielle Cabot of Patch.com appeared before council,
introduced herself and stated that she was with Mendota
Heights Patch, an online community newspaper serving
Mendota Heights, Mendota and Lilydale. Ms. Cabot noted
they launched on November 30, 2010 and are working on
covering the area. Councilmember Vitelli asked how to
contact them and Ms. Cabot stated that you can contact
them directly through the website at
mendotaheights.patch.com. Councilmember Petschel
asked if they have been tracking the number of hits on the
website and Ms. Cabot stated they do have that capability
but she was unaware of the count. Councilmember Vitelli
commented on what a useful addition and gap the Patch
fulfills for local news in an online format. Mayor
Krebsbach noted there are many things the Patch covers
and we are grateful for them in our community.
Councilmember Duggan stated that a medium such as
Patch is more user friendly for the younger people and he
believes the site is a wonderful addition to Mendota
Heights. Councilmember Vitelli asked about the marketing
plan for Patch and Ms. Cabot responded that the plan is
grass roots, word of mouth and search engines.
Ayes: 4
Nays: 0
Sandie Thone
City Clerk
January 4, 2011
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Councilmember Duggan congratulated Mayor Krebsbach
on her election as mayor and the first female Mendota
Heights mayor. Councilmember Duggan congratulated
Councilmember Petschel and expressed he looked forward
to working with her and added these were exciting times
for Mendota Heights.
Mayor Krebsbach expressed to the residents what a deep
and great honor it was to serve them as Mayor. Mayor
Krebsbach addressed fellow councilmembers and added
she was looking forward to working with them and knew it
would be another outstanding council. Mayor Krebsbach
gave her thanks and appreciation for the excellent staff and
stated they have always been an asset.
City Administrator McKnight made reminder of the
vacancy application deadline 4:00 p.m. on January 11,
There being no further business to come before the council,
Councilmember Duggan moved to adjourn the meeting.
Councilmember Vitelli seconded the motion.