2011-04-12 Parks and Rec Comm MinutesPage - 1
April 12, 2011
The April meeting of the Mendota Heights Parks and Recreation Commission was held on
Tuesday, April 12, 2011at Mendota Heights City Hall, 1101 Victoria Curve.
Special Meeting:
Mayor Krebsbach called to order a special meeting in the large conference room at 6:00 P.M.
The following commissioners were present: Chair Ray Morris, Commissioners Tom Kraus,
Mary McGrory-Usset, Michael Toth, David Miller, Stephanie Levine and Steve Commers. Also
present were Mayor Sandra Krebsbach, former Parks and Recreation Commission Chair Dick
Spicer and Assistant to the City Administrator Jake Sedlacek.
Mayor Krebsbach asked Chair Morris to provide a little background on the special parks fund
and asked Mr. Sedlacek to confirm the current balance in the fund. The Water Tower Fund,
which is funded with cellular antenna lease proceeds was discussed as a funding source used in
the past for parks and recreation projects and identified as a potential revenue source into the
Mr. Spicer mentioned that parks continue to re-cycle and that it can be hard to predict what new
needs the community will identify. While the commission has done a good job of keeping our
parks current, there is always more work to be done. While serving as chair, Mr. Spicer
maintained a minimum balance of $200,000 in the Special Parks Fund, but this will be a hard
goal in the future as there will be very little development.
Mr. Sedlacek reviewed the park dedication policy and confirmed that park dedication has been
received for the Mendota Plaza Redevelopment. Mayor Krebsbach stated that future funding
sources may include cell tower revenues, or even the general fund. Mr. Spicer replied that the
role of the commission should be to define needs in the park system and leave it to city council
to identify funding sources.
Newer commissioners asked why the balance level for the special parks fund has been set at
$200,000, when typical annual projects are in the range of $60,000. Mayor Krebsbach stated
that her clear preference is to maintain the $200,000 balance.
The Mayor thanked the commissioners for attending the special meeting and summarized the
meeting as a good conversation about the future issues the parks and recreation commission will
need to be aware of in the future.
Regular Meeting:
Chair Ray Morris called to order the Parks and Recreation Commission meeting at 6:32 p.m.
The following Commissioners were present: Chair Ray Morris, Commissioners Tom Kraus,
Mary McGrory-Usset, Michael Toth, David Miller, Stephanie Levine and Steve Commers. Staff
present: Assistant to the City Administrator Jake Sedlacek and Recreation Programmer Teresa
Approval of the Agenda
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Commissioner Commers made a motion to approve the agenda, Commissioner Kraus seconded
the motion.
Approval of Minutes
Commissioner Miller made a motion to approve the March 8, 2011 minutes, Commissioner
Commers seconded the motion.
Parks and Recreation Report
Ms. Gangelhoff summarized the recreation programmer report which was provided at the
meeting. Summer programs were emphasized; registration for all programs started Thursday,
March 24, 2011, and was very successful. The vast majority of registrations have come in via
the internet.
Kensington Park Playground Update
The March commission meeting focused around the creation of a simple survey to get feedback
from the public to help the parks and recreation commission develop concept plans for public
review. Following the March meeting, staff was informed that such a survey was not acceptable
to the mayor.
The challenge for the commission is to get good quality feedback from the public in these very
early stages of project development. It will be a challenge for a representative body to draw
from the many good playground products on the market to try and develop a concept which
addresses the public’s desires.
The commission discussed the parameters for a public open house to be held at Kensington Park
on Tuesday, April 26, 2011. The commission directed staff to develop a display board
representing some of the available playground options and spur discussion at the open house.
Staff responded that it would be possible to get some sample images and publicity for the open
house prior to the April 26. The commission discussed the possibility of visiting the park on
Saturday mornings to get feedback. Staff reminded the commission that this level of public
involvement in playground development is breaking new ground in Mendota Heights.
The commission reiterated their strong desire to complete this project in 2011. The possible
timeline for the project would now include an open house in late April, with and RFP considered
at the May parks and recreation commission meeting. If the RFP is issued in early May, the
commission could consider proposals at their June meeting and make a recommendation to city
council at their second meeting in June. It is possible that playground companies could install as
soon as the week after school starts this fall.
The commission asked clarification on the grant money which had previously been discussed for
a portion of the surfacing materials. Staff replied that the Dakota County CDA, which
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administers Community Development Block Grant funding had considered this request and felt
that it was an appropriate project for this funding source.
The commission is looking forward to the open house on April 26, 2011.
Parks Celebration Update
The event is shaping up for Saturday, June 4, 2011. The time has been moved up from 10:00
a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the request of the Mendota Heights Mom’s Club. Volunteers will be needed
to help set up and tear down the event.
Par 3 Update
The course opened for the 2011 season on Friday, April 8, 2011. Replacing the roof on the
clubhouse is budgeted for this year; staff is waiting until revenue covers spring start-up costs
before moving any plans forward. The commission also requested that staff move forward a
replacement for the monument sign which is in poor repair and is also budgeted for 2011.
Commissioner Miller passed a motion asking staff to bring forward proposals as soon as possible
to replace the monument sign. Commissioner Ussett seconded the motion, which passed 7-0.
Commissioner Comments
Important Dates
The Mendota Heights Spring Clean Up is scheduled for Saturday, May 7, from 8:00 a.m.
to 1:00 p.m. at Mendakota Park.
The Mendota Heights Park Celebration is scheduled for Saturday, June 4, 2011 from
10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
The meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.