2011-02-08 Parks and Rec Comm MinutesPage - 1 10/12/10
February 8, 2011
The February meeting of the Mendota Heights Parks and Recreation Commission was held on Tuesday,
February 8, 2011at Mendota Heights City Hall, 1101 Victoria Curve. The meeting was called to order at
6:30 P.M.
The following Commissioners were present: Vice Chair Steve Commers, Commissioners Tom Kraus,
Michael Toth, David Miller and Stephanie Levine. Staff present: Assistant to the City Administrator
Jake Sedlacek and Recreation Programmer Teresa Gangelhoff.
Approval of Minutes
Vice Chair Commers noted one correction on page seven of the minutes.
Commissioner Kraus made a motion to approve the January 11, 2011 minutes, Commissioner Miller
seconded the motion.
Parks and Recreation Report
Ms. Gangelhoff summarized the recreation programmer report which was provided at the meeting. She
also added detail that nearly every opening for the learn to skate program filled this year.
The commission asked if ice rink attendance was available for the year, Ms. Gangelhoff reported having
received some numbers, but that they are not tabulated until the end of the season. Feedback from rink
attendants has been that rink attendance has been similar this year to last year.
Mendota Heights Par 3 Annual Report
Mr. Sedlacek reviewed the 2010 annual report, reporting that the course was purchased by the City in the
summer of 2007, and has now completed a third full season as a municipal operation. The course
operates as an enterprise, meaning that no general fund dollars are used to support the operation. The
taxpayers are paying for the purchase of the course; the course pays for operating expenses and
The 2010 golf season illustrated what it means to be a weather-dependent business. The season started
strong in March and April, but core summertime months were negatively impacted by cold and rainy
weather. While the course was brought up to the best playing conditions in memory, the total cost for
maintenance operations were down, due to closer oversight of the maintenance contract. Clubhouse
staffing costs were relatively flat, as clubhouse hours and programs were similar to years past. One
notable learning point regarding operations costs was that even with excellent weather conditions through
the month of October, rounds of golf played were similar to previous years. The commission advised
staff to consider limiting operational hours to peak times in October, or closing the course for the season
Costs for improvements were similar to last year, as maintenance efforts have been underway to ensure
that the course not only looks good, but is healthy as well. Staff anticipates that 2009 was the high point
for costs with 2010 requiring less labor-intensive projects. 2011 is anticipated to see even lower costs
given the conditions of the course and equipment at the par three.
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The city council has established a goal of maintaining $40,000 in funds for the start of each year. Even
with a net loss on the 2010 golf season, the course has slightly exceeded expectations and brings a fund
balance slightly over $40,000 into the 2011 season.
The commission had a number of suggestions to include in the annual report. Staff will add detail as
directed and bring the annual report back to the commission in the March meeting.
Kensington Park Playground Update
Mr. Sedlacek reported that the grant funding discussed at the January meeting is available for the
Kensington Park project. The commission reiterated their interest in using community development
block grant dollars to create a “more accessible” path with surfacing through the park, in conjunction with
a less expensive surfacing material for the majority of the play area. Jake also reviewed the 2011 Parks
and Recreation budget and other potential funding sources.
The commission had considerable discussion about potential timelines and how public feedback will be
garnered for the project. An early summer open house at Kensington Park was planned, with the hopes
that playground installation can occur immediately after the start of the school year.
Parks Celebration Update
Mr. Sedlacek reported that the park celebration is set for Saturday, June 4, 2011 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00
p.m. MHAA will be holding their baseball tournament at the park that day and the Mendota Heights 5K
is slated for that morning at The Village at Mendota Heights. This year the event will be smaller and will
still feature live music and family-friendly activities. The commission identified local high school
students as potential volunteers for the event, noting that many students need to complete volunteer hours.
Commissioner Comments
Commissioner Miller stated that it was nice to meet with the mayor to discuss important parks issues
going into the future.
Commissioner Toth reminded the audience that the commission is very interested in receiving feedback
on the Kensington Park playground project.
Important Dates
Advisory Commission interviews are set for February 16, 2011, meaning that the Parks and
Recreation Commission should have seven members seated for our next meeting in March.
The Mendota Heights State of the City Address will be held Thursday, March 3, 2011 at the
Dakota County Northern Service Center. This event is hosted by the Dakota County Regional
Chamber of Commerce, and is open to all. The doors will open at 7:30 a.m.
The Mendota Heights Spring Clean Up is scheduled for Saturday, May 7, from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00
p.m. at Mendakota Park.
The Mendota Heights Park Celebration is scheduled for Saturday, June 4, 2011 from 10:00 a.m.
to 1:00 p.m.
Commissioner Kraus made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Commissioner Toth seconded the motion.
The meeting adjourned at 7:53 p.m.