2015-10-20 Council PacketCITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS CITY COUNCIL AGENDA � October 20, 2015 — 7:00 pm Mendota Heights City Hall 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Pledge of Allegiance 4. Adopt Agenda 5. Consent Agenda a. Approval of September 15, 2015 City Council Minutes b. Approval of October 6, 2015 City Council Closed Session Minutes c. Approval of October 6, 2015 City Council Minutes d. Adoption of Resolution 2015-80 Support of Dakota County Draft 2016-2020 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) e. Authorization to Seek Professional Services for the Revision of the City's Local Surface Water Management Plan (LSWMP) f. Approval of 2016 Insurance Renewal and Election to Not Waive Statutory Tort Limits g. Approval of September Building Activity Report h. Approval of Claims List i. Approval of Contractor List 6. Public Comments 7. Presentations a. Airport Relations Commission Work Plan Update 8. Public Hearing a. Resolution 2015-81 Adopting Assessments for Victoria Road South Reconstruction 9. New and Unfinished Business a. Authorize Preparation of a Financial Management Plan b. Motion to Rescind October 6, 2015 Decision on Water Service Agreement — Requested by Councilmember Ultan Duggan c. Approve Out of State Travel Request for Police Department 10. Community Announcements 11. Council Comments 12. Adjourn page 3 CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS DAKOTA COUNTY STATE OF MINNESOTA Minutes of the Regular Meeting Held Tuesday, September 15, 2015 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the regular meeting of the City Council, City of Mendota Heights, Minnesota was held at 8:00 p.m. at City Hall, 1101 Victoria Curve, Mendota Heights, Minnesota. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Krebsbach called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. taking note that the start time was later due to recognition of Rosh Hashanah. Also present were Councilmembers Duggan, Povolny, Petschel, and Norton. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Council, the audience, and staff recited the Pledge of Allegiance. AGENDA ADOPTION Mayor Krebsbach presented the agenda for adoption. Councilmember Povolny moved adoption of the agenda. Councilmember Petschel seconded the motion. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 CONSENT CALENDAR Mayor Krebsbach presented the consent calendar and explained the procedure for discussion and approval. Councilmember Norton moved approval of the consent calendar as presented and authorization for execution of any necessary documents contained therein, pulling items i) Approval of Revised Resolution 2015-50, modifying the original conditions of approval for a lot split and variance at 650 North Freeway Road. a. Approval of September 1, 2015 City Council Minutes b. Approval of September 1, 2015 City Council Workshop Minutes c. Approval of August Building Activity Report d. Approval of Personnel Action Report e. Authorization to Execute Purchase Order for Professional Services to Provide Land Survey and Geotechnical Services for the Mendota Road Neighborhood Improvements Project f. Approval of Resolution 2015-70, Amendment to Building Permit Fee Schedule for Projects in Excess of $1 Million g. Authorization of a Purchase Order to Replace the Hockey Rink Boards at Wentworth Park page 4 h. Approval of Bourn Lane Property Cleanup i. Approval of Revised Resolution 2015-50 Modifying Original Conditions of Approval j. Approval of Claims List k. Approval of Contractor List Councilmember Povolny seconded the motion. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 PULLED CONSENT AGENDA ITEM I) APPROVAL OF REVISED RESOLUTION 2015-50 MODIFYING ORIGINAL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Planner Nolan Wall explained that Resolution 2015-50, in support of a lot split and variance at 650 North Freeway Road, was approved at the July 7th City Council meeting. One of the conditions in that resolution required the proposed garage addition to be completed prior to the lot being split. The applicant is now requesting a revised condition that would allow construction of the proposed garage addition on the existing parcel and construction of the dwelling on the newly created parcel to occur simultaneously. Staff has proposed a modified condition that they feel allows reasonable flexibility in the construction schedule and the recording process and still accomplishes the intent of the original condition, which was to ensure that the proposed garage is constructed in compliance with their original approval. Councilmembers asked what would happen if the garage is never finished. Wall stated the Certificate of Occupancy would be withheld until the project was finished. Councilmember Duggan moved to adopt the revised RESOLUTION 2015-50 APPROVING A LOT SPLIT AND VARIANCE AT 650 NORTH FREEWAY ROAD. Councilmember Povolny seconded the motion. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 PUBLIC COMMENTS There were no public comments. PRESENTATIONS A) DAKOTA COUNTY UPDATE ON HIGHWAY 110 PEDESTRIAN CROSSING Public Works Director/City Engineer John Mazzitello explained that as part of the Mendota -Lebanon Hills Greenway Master Plan, Dakota County received a grant through the Metropolitan Council to construct a pedestrian crossing at Highway 110. He introduced Dakota County Project Manager Mr. Jacob Rezac to explain the options being reviewed for the separated grade trail crossing. page 5 Mr. Rezac gave a brief background on the project and reviewed the options that have been developed to date. At this time, Dakota County is going through an analysis of each option to select a preferred alignment location and a preferred crossing type. The county has developed three possible alignments for the trail crossing. The western alignment crossing, which is located near the intersection of Highway 110 and Dodd Road, would cross at a 90 -degree angle to Highway 110 and utilize an existing trail easement. This particular crossing would be fairly low cost because of the 90 -degree angle and the low amount of earthwork involved. This would be a box culvert or tunnel option (approximately 200 feet long). This option would provide good connections to existing and future trails and is the lowest estimated cost option. It would require acquisition of part of the McDonald's property and would have drainage and utility impacts. A similar option would be located just to the east of the intersection but the alignment would be skewed from Highway 110. It would utilize the existing easements and require property acquisition from McDonald's. The trail connection points are the same. This option would have lower base construction costs, and reduce the drainage and utility impacts, and also provide for good connections to existing trails. This option would have more design options available, which could be more costly but are safer for pedestrians. A third option would utilize a parcel that is owned by the Dodge Nature Center but is encumbered by a MnDOT easement. This option would not require any additional property acquisition and would have less drainage and utility impacts. This option is located to the east of the Dodd/Hwy 110 intersection, near Oak Street, and would offer more design choice flexibility. This option could provide the highest base construction costs. Councilmembers asked questions with regard to each option. An open house will be scheduled in mid-October so residents can review the options, ask questions, and provide feedback. All comments or concerns would be given to Dakota County for consideration. NEW AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS A) ADOPTION OF OMNIBUS AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS AND THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS FOR THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL Mayor Krebsbach requested that the Council vote on this item at the October 6, 2015 Council meeting. This would give Councilmembers time to gather additional information. Public Works Director John Mazzitello gave a summary of the existing agreement with St. Paul Regional Water Service and a summary of the proposed agreement. The City of Mendota Heights has been under a contract with St. Paul Regional Water Service (SPWC) since 1995 and this agreement is set to expire at the end of the 2015. With existing agreement, the City of Mendota Heights owns the water distribution system, the hydrants, and the water tower itself. The page 6 city contracts with St. Paul Regional Water Service to provide the water to residents, and provide for emergency repairs to the system, inspection or completion of new replacement projects, and provide bills to the customers. Mendota Heights is responsible for routine maintenance, rehabilitation, and replacement of system components to include capital improvements. Because of this arrangement, St. Paul Regional Water Service charges Mendota Heights customers a rate 20% higher than residents of the city of St. Paul and some other municipal partners. This surcharge money is used to fund their services in the way of emergency repairs, inspections, etc. The City of Mendota Heights also charges a 10% surcharge to gain revenue in the water utility fund, which is used for maintenance activities as well as rehabilitation and replacement projects. The Council has been meeting with St. Paul Regional Water Service regarding a new agreement. Through discussions, a draft agreement is outlined below. Residents and businesses would not see any difference in their level of service. • Mendota Heights would deed ownership of the water distribution system to St. Paul Regional Water Service. • City of Mendota Heights would be able to enter into a separate agreement with the other municipal partners to obtain one of two seats on the Board of Water Commissioners • St. Paul Regional Water would be responsible for all routine maintenance, emergency repairs, and capital improvements. • Mendota Heights would be responsible for painting the fire hydrants and making any adjustments to the water system that are not part of a St. Paul Regional Water plan (i.e. needing to replace valve cover castings for a mill and overlay project). • St. Paul Regional Water Service and Mendota Heights would be required to review capital projects at least once per year to coordinate their execution and time frames. • The 20% surcharge currently charged to Mendota Heights' customers would be scaled back over a seven-year period, with the seventh year being no surcharge. • Mendota Heights would retain ownership of the land that the water tower sits on; St. Paul Regional Water Service would own the tower itself. Mendota Heights would grant an access easement agreement over city property to access the water tower for maintenance. St. Paul Regional Water Service would allow Mendota Heights to continue to store material in the water tower. Also, as part of this agreement, no exterior modifications or alterations to the water tower would be completed without the prior permission of the City of Mendota Heights. • The City of Mendota Heights would collect 100% of the cell tower revenue from the water tower for the first six years. After six years, the revenue would be divided 50150. • St. Paul Regional Water Service would complete all quarterly billing. • Mendota Heights would be responsible for adjustments to the system (i.e. water casting). • The City of Mendota Heights would not be billed for water consumed for fire response or fire training. • Mendota Heights, if it chooses, can terminate this agreement and regain ownership of the water distribution system. The City would reimburse St. Paul Regional Water Service for the depreciated cost of capital improvements made to the system that are not listed in Exhibits A -D. The City of Mendota Heights would be reimbursed any funds collected by St. Paul Regional Water Service but not expended on capital improvements for those assets listed in Exhibits A -D. page 7 Mr. Matt Anfang, President of the Board of Water Commissioners, and Mr. Dave Wagner, Engineering Manager, were available to answer questions from the Council. Councilmember Povolny explained he is not comfortable with the agreement and his reasons for not supporting this initiative; however, he has no complaints on the quality of service provided. Mayor Krebsbach recommended that language be included in Article IV, stating that the City of Mendota Heights has the first right of refusal to buy back the system if it is ever sold for any reason. She asked about language in Article II and what happens to the easement at the tower site should St. Paul Regional Water Service sell the utility. In Article III Section 2, she asked what the payment for adjustments to the depths of any deficient mains identified in Exhibit B is for. Mr. Wagner explained that this cost would be paid for by the surcharge fee included on the bills. Councilmember Duggan asked about Article V Section 9, the inspection of house plumbing connections and the fees for these inspections. Public Works Director Mazzitello stated the inspections are for the service lines that connect the property to the main. This will be clarified in the agreement. Councilmember Duggan questioned language in Article X, first paragraph "the preservation, regulation, and protection of its water supply, including water waste, water conservation, sprinkling restrictions, and water use for air conditioning equipment". Mazzitello stated this means that St. Paul Regional Water Service can enforce conservation rules or water restrictions it feels are necessary. Regarding Article XI, Councilmember Duggan questioned if hydrant spacing was determined by St. Paul Regional Water Services. Mr. Wagner stated that any changes to the placement existing of hydrants or additional hydrants will be paid for by the City of Mendota Heights. He referred to Exhibit G which is attached to the agreement. Councilmember Duggan asked about Article XIII Section 5, how is the depreciation value determined. This information will be forwarded to the city staff. Councilmember Povolny questioned the map showing cast iron pipes in the area. Mr. Anfang displayed a map of the entire St. Paul Regional Water Service area which showed a ranking of the water mains and how likely they are to fail. Mr. Wagner stated the map was based on a recent study where the water mains were ranked based on a number of criteria. Councilmember Duggan noted the very small number of complaints received by St. Paul Regional Water Service and the wonderful quality of the water. Mayor Krebsbach requested that answers to any questions, or language that needs to be clarified in the agreement, be provided to Councilmembers before the October 6 meeting. Councilmember Duggan moved to table the ADOPTION OF OMNIBUS AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS AND THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS FOR THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL to the October 6, 2015 City Council Meeting. Councilmember Petschel seconded the motion Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 page 8 B) RESOLUTIONS 2015-71, 2015-72, 2015-73 CERTIFICATION OF THE PRELIMINARY 2016 TAX LEVY AND BUDGET Finance Director Kristen Schabacker explained that staff began working on the 2016 preliminary budget in July 2015 and workshops were held with the City Council in August and September 2015. Different than previous years, the department heads prepared improvement packages for the Council's consideration. Most of these requests were for capital equipment and some requests for additional services. Half of the improvement packages are included in the 2016 preliminary budget. Adjustments have been made to the preliminary budget: • Tuition requests capped at $3,000 for 2016 • City contribution to firefighter pension amounts was increased to $3,000 per firefighter per year • In 2015 there was a police patrol position that was included in the budget; however, that position was not included in the 2016 preliminary budget • A request for a 2.5 ton dump truck for the street department is included with equipment certificates to be issued this fall, to be included with the bond for the street improvements. That bond request will come to the Council at the next meeting. • The budget includes an increase in workers compensation and a 2% cost of living increase for employees • The City's contribution towards employee health insurance remained at the same level. Director Schabacker explained that the 2016 preliminary levy represents a 5.95% increase from 2015, approximately $416,000 more. Included in the packet is an analysis for what the residents would see as far as their portion of the City's property tax with this levy. A home valued at $500,000 for 2016 would see an increase in the city portion of their property taxes of approximately $93.00. A home valued at $225,000 in 2016 would see an increase in the city portion of their property taxes of approximately $42.00. Councilmember Povolny noted that this is only the city tax and does not include the county, the school district, or any other taxing entity. Director Schabacker explained that once the preliminary levy is approved, it would be certified to Dakota County. After that point, the levy cannot be increased, however, it could be decreased if the Council desired. Mayor Krebsbach noted that this is a very tight budget and even at a less than 6% levy increase, things have had to be cut out. The City has decided to not hire an additional police officer. She noted the City will see over $7 million; however, according to information which had been received from Dakota County, there is another $1.8 million that comes out of the City's taxes that the City does not see. This amount goes into the state fiscal disparities fund. Mayor Krebsbach stated that one of the reasons the Council is considering the transfer of the water system is because if there should be a major breakage, the City does not have a large reserve to go to. The reserve has been kept at 75% to keep a high bond rating. She noted that a workshop will be held later this year to look at the City's revenue sources and what types of expenses can be pulled back on. page 9 Councilmembers asked questions regarding the `Fiscal Disparities Contribution'. City Administrator Mark McNeill explained that some cities are required to pay into the fiscal disparities fund. He stated that Mayor Krebsbach is recommending to the state representatives that a cap be put on the fiscal disparities amount for cities with a population under 15,000. Councilmember Povolny moved to adopt RESOLUTIONS 2015-71, 2015-72, 2015-73, CERTIFICATION OF THE PRELIMINARY 2016 TAX LEVY AND BUDGET. Councilmember Duggan seconded the motion. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 C) ORDINANCE 477 CONCERNING TRADE SCHOOL DEFINITION, PLANNING CASE 2015-14 Planner Nolan Wall explained that the City is considering an amendment to Title 12, Chapter 1, Article B, Section 2 of the City Code, concerning the definition of a trade school. The City has been approached with several requests to establish different types of educational facilities within the industrial district. To clarify the city's interpretation of the existing definition, this amendment is being proposed. The original definition in the code read: TRADE SCHOOL: An educational institution, either private or public, which offers classes and training to full and/or part time students including, but not limited to, technical, mechanical, services and computing fields. The proposed amendment to the definition, as it was sent to the Planning Commission, read: TRADE SCHOOL: An privately -owned, post -secondary, skill -based educational institution, either- private a ptiblie, which offers elutes completion programs that issue certificates, diplomas, and demand certified training to full and/or part time students including, but not limited to, technical, mechanical, services and computing fields. The Planning Commission recommended the definition read as follows: TRADE SCHOOL: An post- secondary, skill -based educational institution, , which offers completion Programs that issue certificates, degrees, or elasses-zan certified training to full and/or part time students inelu ing, W4 net limite *^, such as those in technical, mechanical, services and computing fields. Mayor Krebsbach expressed her desire to remove `Trade School' as a definition and permitted use in the Industrial District. City Attorney Tom Lehmann noted that to make such a substantive change to the Ordinance would require that it go back to the Planning Commission. Mayor Krebsbach moved to adopt the amended definition as it was originally presented to the Planning Commission. Councilmember Norton seconded the motion. Councilmembers asked for an explanation of the nuances of the Planning Commission in making their amendments to the suggested definition. Planner Wall stated the Planning Commission felt that both public and private post -secondary schools should be included in the definition since that language is in the current ordinance. page 10 After continued discussion regarding the motion on the table, Councilmember Norton withdrew his second of the motion. Councilmember Norton moved to approve ORDINANCE 477, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 12 -IB -2 OF THE CITY CODE CONCERNING TRADE SCHOOLS with the definition as proposed by the Planning Commission. Councilmember Petschel seconded the motion. Mayor Krebsbach noted that she would not vote in favor of this motion and requested that in the City's planning process they look at removing `Trade Schools' as a permitted use in the Industrial District. Councilmember Duggan suggested removing the term `completion' and the term `services' from the ordinance. Councilmember Norton amended his motion to include removing the word "completion" from the definition; Councilmember Petschel seconded the amended motion. Ayes: 4 Nays: 1 (Krebsbach) D) ORDINANCE 485 CONCERNING ALTERNATIVE ENERGY SYSTEMS, PLANNING CASE 2015-34 Planner Nolan Wall explained that the City was considering amendments to Title 12, Chapter 1, Articles B, D, and E of the City Code concerning alternative energy systems. Currently there are no standards in place for alternative energy systems in the Code. Ordinance 485 would create a new section in the Code and provide standards for solar energy systems. Additional sections could then be added as necessary in the future to address ground source heat pumps, wind energy systems, and any other technology that arises in the future. The intention now is to only deal with solar energy systems. The proposed ordinance would ensure that consistent standards are in place to encourage sustainable practices that staff feels do not have any adverse impacts on the community. The Planning Commission recommended approval of Ordinance 485; however, they were unsure if the proposed use should be considered a permitted use or a conditional use. Planner Wall briefly highlighted the proposed standards. Councilmembers asked questions regarding the different types of solar systems and solar gardens. They discussed that this should be a conditional use (requires public notice and requires a public hearing) for now. Councilmember Duggan moved to adopt ORDINANCE NO. 485 AMENDING TITLE 12, CHAPTER 1, ARTICLES B, D, & E OF THE CITY CODE CONCERNING ALTERNATIVE ENERGY SYSTEMS with the additional language that this be a conditional use. Councilmember Petschel seconded the motion. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 page 11 COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS Assistant to the City Administrator Tamara Schutta made the following announcements: • The fall edition of the Heights Highlights has been delivered to residents. • Pickleball courts are now ready to use. Residents can request use of the city's racquets and balls from the city hall. • The 2015 Halloween Bonfire is scheduled for October 31 at 7:00 pm. Information will be posted on the City's website. Brush will be collected through October 29 for the bonfire. • A neighborhood meeting is scheduled for September 28 at 6:30 pm at City Hall to talk about the 2016 Mendota Road and Warrior Drive street reconstruction project. • Lilydale is having their 5th Annual Lily Daze Festival on September 20 at Lilydale City Hall • Residents can recycle computers, paint, batteries, coffee makers, and other items on Saturday, October 3 at the Burnsville Maintenance Facility at no cost. COUNCIL COMMENTS Councilmember Norton wished a Happy New Year to the Jewish residents. Councilmember Duggan noted a photograph he brought in of the 175th Anniversary of St. Peters Church. He also expressed congratulations to the City of Eagan on the Viking's acquisition of land in their area. Traffic on Dodd Road and Highway 149 is anticipated to be significant and the City of Mendota Heights should have some input in how the traffic would be handled. Mayor Krebsbach noted the passing of Thelma Hunter, a long-term Mendota Heights resident and patron of the arts. ADJOURN Councilmember Duggan moved to adjourn. Councilmember Povolny seconded the motion. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Mayor Krebsbach adjourned the meeting at 10:26 p.m. Sandra Krebsbach Mayor ATTEST: Lorri Smith City Clerk page 12 CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS DAKOTA COUNTY STATE OF MINNESOTA Minutes of the Closed Session Held Tuesday, October 6, 2015 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a meeting of the City Council, City of Mendota Heights, Minnesota was held at 6:00 p.m. at City Hall, 1101 Victoria Curve, Mendota Heights, Minnesota. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Krebsbach called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m. Councilmembers present included Duggan, Norton, Petschel, and Povolny. Also in attendance were City Administrator Mark McNeill, City Attorney Tom Lehmann, and Public Works Director John Mazzitello. CLOSED SESSION TO DISCUSS UNION CONTRACT NEGOTIATIONS: Mayor Krebsbach stated that, pursuant to Minnesota Statute 13D.03 subd. 1(b), the City Council would be going into a closed session. Councilmember Duggan moved to adjourn to a closed session. Councilmember Norton seconded the motion. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 The purpose of the closed session was to consider strategy for labor negotiations, including negotiation strategies or developments or discussion and review of labor negotiation proposals, conducted pursuant to sections 179A.01 to 179A.25. CLOSED SESSION TO DISCUSS PENDING LITIGATION AGAINST THE CITY Pursuant to Minnesota Statute 13D.05 subd. 3(b), the City Council continued in closed session. Present for this portion of the meeting were Mayor Krebsbach, Councilmembers Duggan, Norton, Petschel, and Povolny. Also in attendance were City Administrator Mark McNeill, City Attorney Tom Lehmann, Public Works Director John Mazzitello. The purpose of the closed session was to discuss potential litigation against the city. I.\�ar� 1: ►I Councilmember Duggan moved to adjourn the closed session meeting. Councilmember Norton seconded the motion. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Mayor Krebsbach stated no action was taken by the Council in closed session. Councilmember Duggan moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:39 p.m. Councilmember Norton seconded the motion. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Sandra Krebsbach, Mayor ATTEST: Lorri Smith, City Clerk page 13 page 14 CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS DAKOTA COUNTY STATE OF MINNESOTA Minutes of the Regular Meeting Held Tuesday, October 6, 2015 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the regular meeting of the City Council, City of Mendota Heights, Minnesota was held at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall, 1101 Victoria Curve, Mendota Heights, Minnesota. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Krebsbach called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Present were Councilmembers Duggan, Povolny, Petschel, and Norton. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Council, the audience, and staff recited the Pledge of Allegiance. AGENDA ADOPTION Mayor Krebsbach presented the agenda for adoption. Councilmember Duggan moved adoption of the agenda. Councilmember Povolny seconded the motion. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 CONSENT CALENDAR Mayor Krebsbach presented the consent calendar and explained the procedure for discussion and approval. Councilmember Duggan moved approval of the consent calendar as presented and authorization for execution of any necessary documents contained therein, pulling items e) Approval of Ordinance 487, Amend Code Section 3-7-1 Concerning Criminal Background Checks; f) Approval of Resolution 2015-76, Support for Dakota County Designation of County State Aid Highway 31 (Pilot Knob Road) as a 10 -Ton County Highway; g) Approval of Resolution 2015-77, Calling for a Public Hearing on the Partial Vacation of Perron Road Right -of -Way; and n) Receipt of August Par 3 Update. a. Approval of September 15, 2015 City Council Minutes Councilmember Petschel moved to table the City Council Minutes of September 15, 2015 until the October 6, 2015 meeting. Councilmember Duggan seconded the motion. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 b. Acknowledgement of September 22, 2015 Planning Commission Minutes c. Acknowledgement of September 8, 2015 Parks and Recreation Minutes d. e. f. 9. h. 1. J• k. 1. In n. o. p• q• page 15 Approval of Annual Contribution to Mendota Heights Athletics Association Approval of Ordinance 487, Amend Code Section 3-7-1 Concerning Criminal Background Checks Approval of Resolution 2015-76, Support for Dakota County Designation of County State Aid Highway 31 (Pilot Knob Road) as a 10 -Ton County Highway Approval of Resolution 2015-77, Calling for Public Hearing on Partial Vacation of Perron Road Right -of -Way Approval of Resolution 2015-78, Providing for the Sale of General Obligation Bonds and the Refunding of General Obligation Bonds Approval of City Administrator Service Club Membership/Continuing Education Expenses Approve Purchase of a New Gate Operator at Public Works Approve Purchase of Computer Network Infrastructure Approval of Resolution 2015-75 Accept Donation for Patrick Memorial Receipt of August 2015 Fire Department Synopsis Report Receipt of August Par 3 Update Approval of Claims List Approval of Contractor List Approve Treasurer's Report Councilmember Petschel seconded the motion. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 PULLED CONSENT AGENDA ITEM E) APPROVAL OF ORDINANCE 487, AMENDING CODE SECTION 3-7-1 CONCERNING CRIMINAL HISTORY BACKGROUND CHECKS City Clerk Lorri Smith explained this ordinance is to make the City Code consistent. In April, the City Council amended the Code regulating peddlers and solicitors. The current code does not allow for peddlers or solicitors that are engaging in any commercial type of activity. The proposed code amendment will delete the language that requires background checks for peddlers, solicitors, and transient merchants. Mayor Krebsbach noted that there are no permits for peddlers or solicitors in Mendota Heights. If someone does come to a resident's home, any commercial type selling is not allowed. Therefore, there will not be a need for background checks. Councilmember Norton moved to approve ORDINANCE 487, AMENDING CITY CODE SECTION 3- 7-1 CONCERNING CRIMINAL HISTORY BACKGROUND CHECKS. Councilmember Duggan seconded the motion. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 page 16 F) APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION 2015-76, SUPPORT FOR DESIGNATION OF COUNTY STATE AID HIGHWAY 31 (PILOT KNOB ROAD) AS A 10 -TON COUNTY HIGHWAY Councilmember Duggan noted that "WHEREAS, Minnesota Statute 163.02, Subd. 3, allows local governments to designate any street or highway under their jurisdiction as a 10 -ton route" be revised to read "WHEREAS, Minnesota Statute 163.02, Subd. 3, allows local governments to designate a certain street or highway under their jurisdiction as a 10 -ton route" Councilmember Petschel moved to adopt RESOLUTION 2015-76, SUPPORT FOR DAKOTA COUNTY DESIGNATION OF COUNTY STATE AID HIGHWAY 31 (PILOT KNOB ROAD) AS A 10 -TON COUNTY HIGHWAY with the revision as recommended by Councilmember Duggan. Councilmember Povolny seconded the motion. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 G) APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION 2015-77, CALLING FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE PARTIAL VACATION OF PERRON ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY Public Works Director John Mazzitello stated that staff received a request from an area property owner for a right-of-way vacation. Pursuant to the City's process, a public hearing is required so other parties can be notified. The property in question is 2401 Pilot Knob Road. The current owner wishes to sell and has a buyer. However, when they went to close on the property, the title investigation discovered that a small portion of the parking lot encroaches into the Perron Road right-of-way. The public hearing for the vacation would be held on November 3, 2015. Calling for the public hearing on the partial vacation would not obligate City Council to vacate the right-of-way. Councilmember Petschel moved to approve RESOLUTION 2015-77, CALLING FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE PARTIAL VACATION OF PERRON ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY. Councilmember Duggan seconded the motion. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Mr. Bruce Miller of MFC Properties Corporation, the potential purchaser of the site in question, came forward and introduced himself and gave a brief background on his company. N) RECEIPT OF AUGUST PAR 3 UPDATE Councilmember Duggan complimented staff, in particular Recreation Program Coordinator Sloan Wallgren, for the great job they are doing; especially with the games that have been added to the Par 3, which have generated greater interest in the use of the golf course for children and adults. Councilmember Norton moved to accept THE AUGUST PAR 3 UPDATE. Councilmember Duggan seconded the motion. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 page 17 PUBLIC COMMENTS Mr. Brian Birch, 755 Willow Lane, noted that he is the underlying fee owner to part of the Town Center property that remains unused. He shared a diagram of the area and requested that any unused portions be turned back over to him. This January it will be 14 years since the City took this property by imminent domain. He referenced a law that states that any property that is 10 years old from moment of taking is turned back if it has not been used. He has a use for this area; building of a twin home that would be in the parameters of the PUD. He requested that this be put on the next city council agenda. Mayor Krebsbach referred Mr. Birch to City Attorney Tom Lehmann. Councilmember Duggan commented that in the past, staff has responded within 30 days to residents who make requests in the Public Comments portion of a Council meeting. Mr. Ron Furchner, 1032 Sibley Memorial Highway, noted that he watched the previous City Council meeting and he was not happy. He saw the Council discussing a deal with St. Paul Regional Water for conveyance of the water distribution system. He understands that the City can buy it back but could not believe that St. Paul Regional Water would sell it back for just $1. He also requested to see the minutes of the closed -door meeting that the City Council had with St. Paul Regional Water. Mayor Krebsbach noted that there have been four open workshop meetings regarding this topic and it has been under discussion for the last year. Mr. Furchner reiterated his displeasure that the City would consider giving that much public investment to St. Paul Regional Water. Ms. Claire Hayes, Whitfield Drive, brought to the Council's attention the overcrowding of Kensington Park. Five days per week soccer practices and games are held at this park. There are two fields with 76 parking places. Mendota Heights Athletic Association schedules eight to ten teams on each of the fields at the same time; so there could be anywhere from 16 to 20 soccer games each weekday. This causes massive traffic and congestion in the area. She and her neighbors have been trying to get something done about this issue for some time. She would like to see a maximum capacity placed on the field to limit how many games could be played at one time. Mayor Krebsbach noted that staff and the Council are aware of the traffic and congestion issues in the area. She suggested Ms. Hayes continue to work with the City Administrator. Mr. Jim Harrell, Beebe Avenue, referencing an article in the Heights Highlights about organizing neighborhood garbage services, noted that the article implied that the City is considering forcing residents to use a single garbage collector. In his opinion this would be a bad idea. He likes the idea of having multiple businesses because better service is provided that way. He is quite happy with his service and with what he is paying. Mayor Krebsbach noted that the City is not considering going to organized trash service. She stated the response to the article recommending that neighborhoods work together to organize their garbage service has been very good. page 18 PRESENTATIONS A) MOMS CLUB OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS PROCLAMATION Mayor Krebsbach invited those in attendance representing the MOMS Club of Mendota Heights to come forward. Representing the MOMS Club of Mendota Heights were Sarah Herschbach and Darcy McKenzie. A brief background of the MOMS Club of Mendota Heights was given, after which Mayor Krebsbach read the proclamation declaring July 1, 2016 as MOMS Club of Mendota Heights Day; the 17th anniversary of its founding. Councilmember Duggan moved to proclaim July 1, 2016 as MOMS Club of Mendota Heights Day. Councilmember Povolny seconded the motion. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 PUBLIC HEARINGS There were no public hearings scheduled. NEW AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS A) RESOLUTION 2015-74 WETLANDS PERMIT AT 2190 GLEN TORO ROAD, PLANNING CASE 2015-36 Planner Nolan Wall explained that the applicant is requesting a wetlands permit for vegetation removal and construction activity on the parcel located at 2190 Glen Toro Road. The proposed construction activities are within 100 feet of a wetland and do not meet the requirements for administrative approval. Planner Wall shared an image of the parcel and the location of the proposed construction. He also noted the power line easement that runs through the south part of the property. The subject parcel is zoned R -IA and is guided for rural residential development on the Comprehensive Plan. Both of the conditions outlined between the wetland and the power line easements constrain the buildable area on this parcel. The property is currently undeveloped and the applicant has been contracted to construct a new single-family dwelling on the parcel. The original approvals of a Conditional Use Permit for a Planned Unit Development, Final Plat, and the Development Agreement for this development were approved in 1998 and do not address a wetland permit for this parcel. This is due to the fact that this particular wetland was not located on the official wetland map at that time. In 2006 the map was updated and the wetland was identified. In 2002, the Council did approve a PUD Amendment that allowed for a reduced setback on several lots within the development. A 10 -foot side yard setback was approved for this lot to allow for the preservation of the existing trees and to provide for a building site that was as far away as possible from the power lines. Vegetation removal and construction of the proposed patio, porch, retaining wall, and portions of the dwelling will actually be located within 25 feet of the wetland boundary. City policy generally restricts clearing and grading within such a distance. In this case, since the previously approved PUD does precede this policy, staff is not proposing that condition. page 19 The engineering department has reviewed the proposed drainage plans and determined that construction on the subject parcel will not negatively impact the development's existing drainage system. According to the applicant, the underbrush and five mature trees would be removed within the proposed building pad. There are also several significant trees within the wetland buffer area that would be preserved as part of this project. Due to the 100 -foot wetland buffer encompassing the entire proposed building pad, a condition of approval requiring a landscape plan was included by staff. That plan should be submitted and approved by April 1, 2016. The applicant has acted on that condition and has provided a preliminary landscape plan, which highlights the buffer area. If this application is approved, staff will continue discussion with them to make sure that landscaping in that area provides as much protected and vegetative buffer for that wetland area as a result of the proposed construction activities. Mr. Thorbeck, architect on this property, came forward and introduced himself and provided a few comments expressing his appreciation of staff and Council. Councilmember Duggan moved to adopt RESOLUTION 2015-74 WETLANDS PERMIT AT 2190 GLEN TORO ROAD based on the following findings of fact and conditions as stated in the resolution. Councilmember Povolny seconded the motion. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 B) ADOPTION OF OMNIBUS AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS AND THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS FOR THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL Public Works Director John Mazzitello reminded the Council of the September 15, 2015 City Council meeting where staff presented a proposed agreement between the City of Mendota Heights and the Board of Commissioners for St. Paul Regional Water Service (SPRWS), for the conveyance of the water distribution system to St. Paul Regional Water Service. Minor revisions to the agreement which were requested by the Council have been made to this agreement. Public Works Director Mazzitello noted that Mr. Steve Schneider was present to represent SPRWS. Mayor Krebsbach commented that the City Council has been meeting on this topic for over a year and had multiple workshops (February 3, May 12, June 29, and August 24) which were open to the public. The results of the workshops were various revisions to the contract. The mayor's particular interest has been that, at some point, the City will want to reacquire the system. She understands that if SPRWS were to make any investments in the system, the City would have to pay for those investments. Councilmembers asked questions of Mr. Schneider regarding whether or not the City could initiate the reacquisition at any point in time, how the City could accrue the funds to repurchase the system giving SPRWS the 5 -year notice time. page 20 Councilmember Duggan expressed his discomfort with this being a simple majority vote; however, he would be willing to vote on this tonight. Councilmember Povolny commented he is not in favor of this agreement and made the following points: • The Council has not been given a cost or explanation of how the City would budget going forward to do this. • In regards to the requirement to give a 5 -year notice to reacquire, a lot can happen in five years. • The City would have no say as to when a water line would be replaced during a street project. • The SPRWS has an $8M/year budget for water line replacement which covers the cities of St. Paul, Maplewood, West St. Paul, Falcon Heights, and Lauderdale. • The City would be giving the system to SPRWS for $1 but would not be able to reacquire it for $1. • He believes that staff and Council should come up with a long-term budget for how we could replace the water pipes needing repair in the city. Mr. Schneider replied that the Board of Water Commissioners and St. Paul Regional Water Services want to be the water provider for the residents of Mendota Heights, either by the acquisition agreement before the Council or through the continuation of the original retail agreement. Mayor Krebsbach asked why the notice to reacquire would be five years. Mr. Schneider replied that would give them time to develop the paperwork and for the City of Mendota Heights to do whatever it is they would need to do to buy the system back. The board is going to make significant investments and some of that may be personnel. He stated this is standard language for the agreement. Lengthy discussions took place regarding water surcharges, use of those funds for repairing the water mains, and other costs to the City for water tower and water pipe repairs. Councilmember Duggan stated he is not in favor of this agreement as he does not see the benefit of selling the system and sees it as giving away a significant asset. Councilmember Petschel stated her reasons for supporting this contract; mainly focusing on the tight budget and the funds that will be needed in the future to pay for the needs of the city. Those costs will not show up on the water bill; it will show up in the future bonding the city will need to do. Concessions have been made by SPRWS on this contract, such as the City keeping the cell tower revenue through the transition period and 50% of it after the transition period. Councilmember Petschel stated that when the infrastructure was installed, it was worth $13 million. It is now a liability with long-term issues. This decision being made is binding future Councils and putting millions of dollars of needed repairs and reconstruction on them. Councilmember Norton commended staff and SPRWS on the great work they do and have done on this contract and negotiations. He stated he has the same concerns as voiced by Councilmember Petschel and that is paying for an infrastructure that is aging; however, at the same time he recognizes that someone is going to have to pay for that some way or another. One thing that has to be considered is that if this agreement goes through, the City would also be sharing in the infrastructure costs of the other members of SPRWS just as they would be sharing in the costs of Mendota Heights. page 21 In reply to a question raised by Mayor Krebsbach, Mr. Schneider noted that if this omnibus agreement were not passed and instead, the retail agreement was renewed, then acquisition negotiations could not be entered into before the end of the term of a retail agreement. Terms available for a retail agreement could be 10 years with an option for a 10 -year extension. After further lengthy discussions, Mayor Krebsbach asked for this topic to be held over to the October 20, 2015 City Council meeting. Councilmember Duggan disagreed as he does not see that anything new will be added in two weeks that makes it any different. Councilmember Duggan moved to deny the OMNIBUS AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS AND THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL. Councilmember Povolny seconded the motion. Ayes: 4 Nays: 1 (Petschel) C) CITY OF EAGAN PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE PLAN AMENDMENT: MVZ VENTURES, LLC Planner Nolan Wall explained that staff received an agency responsive request from the City of Eagan to amend their Comprehensive Plan by changing the land use designation of approximately 194 acres located south of I-494, east of Lone Oak Parkway and west of Ames Crossing Road from SA -MO (Special Area -Major Office) to SA -MIXED (Special Area -Mixed Use). The development portion of this property is the former Northwest Headquarters. There are a number of other undeveloped parcels that would be combined to form the acreage that this group has already purchased and wishes to develop. The concept plan includes an athletic training complex, corporate offices for the Minnesota Vikings franchise, outdoor practice fields, stadium, conference center and hotel, medical and corporate offices, and a mixed use retail and multi -family housing. The development would be constructed in phases with the densities and land uses determined by the market. The initial step in the development agreement process is to request a Comprehensive Plan Amendment based on their proposed plans. Future review of such development on this parcel would include environmental review as well as rezoning, subdivision, and Planned Unit Development approvals. During discussions with the City of Eagan they have indicated that adjacent communities will have an opportunity to provide further comment as this development plays out. The City of Eagan Planning Commission recommended approval of the proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment. Staff reviewed the concept plans with the Planning Commission last month. Due to its location and past issues coming up with potential development in the northwest corner of Inver Grove Heights and the potential impact that it might have on the City of Mendota Heights, staff brought this forward for discussion and recommended a response to the City of Eagan. page 22 Councilmember Duggan reviewed the edits he recommended to the response, which Planner Wall noted were more emphasis changes than issue changes. Councilmembers asked questions regarding the environmental impact statement and ongoing engagement in the process. By general consensus, the Council was in favor of submitting the response to the City of Eagan as amended. D) DISCUSSION OF WEBSITE REDESIGN City Administrator Mark McNeill reminded the Council of a meeting held several weeks ago where Assistant to the City Administrator Tamara Schutta brought forward the topic of redesigning the City's website. At that time, the Council gave direction to review other city websites and provide alternatives for consideration. Staff contacted the current website designer, GovOffice through the League of Minnesota Cities. They came up with a proposal that would allow staff to change pictures more easily, pictures would be able to rotate on the screen, a new navigation bar is available to be able to go to shortcuts for up to ten different locations without having to go through the main website to get to them. The city could also allow for electronic payments and the site would be more mobile -friendly. The cost to upgrade the current website would be approximately $6,600. Staff also looked at alternatives through another vendor. The other site offers more features and ease of use, but costs approximately $10,000 a year for the next three years. Councilmembers asked questions regarding having the capability of adding an ALERT to the home page, who decides what goes on the website, and if staff felt this upgrade would be adequate. Councilmember Duggan moved to authorize a purchase order for GovOffice for $6,595 for the redesign of the City's website. Councilmember Povolny seconded the motion. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS City Administrator Mark McNeill made the following announcements: • The 30th annual Fire Prevention Open House will be held on October 10. • November 13 is the 67th annual Firefighters Dance to be held at the Mall of America Hilton. • Halloween Bonfire —residential brush can be brought to the site behind Mendota Plaza beginning October 24 through October 29. The bonfire will be on October 31 starting at 7:00 p.m. • Off -Leash Dog Area—half of the fence has been installed and the remaining will be going in on October 7. It is anticipated that people can start using the park by the end of the week. page 23 COUNCIL COMMENTS Councilmember Duggan congratulated St. Thomas Academy on the launch of the novel titled "Survivor". He also encouraged everyone to attend the Firefighters Dance on November 13. Councilmember Povolny suggested that if a resident could not go to the Firefighters Dance, they should purchase tickets anyway. Councilmember Petschel commented that some residents using Verizon for their cellphone service are experiencing their phones going silent whenever aircraft are over the water tower. She has no solution but wanted residents to know we are aware of the issue. She also commented that this is a time in which she is very happy that Mendota Heights does not have streetlights. Everyone could see the lunar eclipse. It was a wonderful neighborhood event. She acknowledged that in the Highland Villager, the King and I Thai Restaurant got an incredible review in regards to the food they are serving. She noted they can only serve wine and beer; whereas in their previous location they were well known for their wonderful bar and mixed drinks. Soccer Saturday is coming up and Mayor Krebsbach encouraged everyone to be very careful in the Kensington Park neighborhood where this event will be taking place. She commended neighborhoods that are organizing their own garbage/recycling pickup through the use of one provider. She also noted that she and her husband were at an event before the Sibley game last Friday at Heritage Middle School and it was packed with elementary and middle school children. She commended Molly and Clint Commers who were recognized by the Society of Visitation for their contributions to that school. Mayor Krebsbach also commended the Council and staff on their very detailed and hard work, and certainly the work completed by St. Paul Regional Water Service. Councilmember Duggan moved to adjourn. Councilmember Povolny seconded the motion. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Mayor Krebsbach adjourned the meeting at 9:07 p.m. ATTEST: Lorri Smith City Clerk Sandra Krebsbach Mayor page 24 1101 Victoria Curve I Mendota Heights, MN 55118 651.452.1850 phone 1651.452.8940 fax www.rrendota-heights.com s CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS DATE: October 20, 2015 TO: Mayor, City Council, and City Administrator FROM: John R. Mazzitello, PE, PMP, MBA Public Works Director/City Engineer SUBJECT: Resolution Supporting the Dakota County 2016-2020 Capital Improvement Plan BACKGROUND Every year Dakota County updates their five-year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). In conjunction with these updates, the County asks for resolutions of support from County cities and townships to present to the County Board at the public hearing where the CIP is formally adopted. This year's public hearing before the County Board is scheduled for November 6, 2015 at the County Administrative Center in Hastings. A copy of the Draft 2016-2020 CIP is attached for your review. Mendota Heights has one street projects listed in the Draft 2016-2020 CIP as well as recurring markings and signage maintenance items. Dakota County is proposing upgrading County State Aid Highway 31 (Pilot Knob Road) from Northland Drive to Mendota Heights Road. Although not designed yet, the project would include improved turn lanes, a traffic signal upgrade at Mendota Heights Road, and a new traffic signal at the Pilot Knob Road/I-494 interchange. Design of the project is scheduled for 2016 with construction in 2017. Also included in the Draft 2016-2020 CII' is the Mendota to Lebanon Hills Greenway project to construct a grade -separated pedestrian crossing of Highway 110. Construction of this project is scheduled for 2017. There is no proposed City cost share for this project at this time. BUDGET IMPACT As with any County project, the City of Mendota Heights would be a cost share participant in the project listed above. Similar to other County projects completed in Mendota Heights, the County and City split the costs 55%/45% respectively; however the County received Federal money that is applicable to this project's construction. The breakout of the project costs as listed in the Dakota County Draft 2016-2020 CIP are: Year Task County Share City Share Federal 2016 Design $55,000 $45,000 2017 Construction $42,900 $35,100 $702,000 The $80,100 City share of the project could be funded out of the City's Infrastructure Fund if the fund balance can support the payment at time of invoice. This project would be eligible for Municipal State Aid (MSA) Funds as well and could be paid out of the City's MSA Account. RECOMMENDATION page 25 Staff recommends that if Council wishes to support the Dakota County 2016-2020 CIP, they should adopt a Resolution in support of the CIP. RESOLUTION 2015-80, A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING PROJECTS LISTED IN THE DRAFT 2016-2020 DAKOTA COUNTY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN is attached for Council consideration. Adoption of this Resolution would require a simple majority vote. page 26 CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2015-80 RESOLUTION SUPPORTING PROJECTS LISTED IN THE DRAFT 2016-2020 DAKOTA COUNTY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN WHEREAS, the City of Mendota Heights values the cooperative working relationship it has with Dakota County; and WHEREAS, the City of Mendota Heights supports the continued maintenance and improvement of its regional road network, trails and park system; and is further supportive of the proposed work on the regional trail network; and WHEREAS, the City of Mendota Heights is also supportive of vehicular and pedestrian public safety, as well as storm water drainage improvements throughout the public right-of-way in the city. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Mendota Heights, Minnesota supports the efforts of Dakota County to improve public safety, transportation, storm water drainage, parks, trails, and recreational facilities through the Draft 2016-2020 Capital Improvement Plan. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Mendota Heights this 20th day of October, 2015. CITY COUNCIL CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS Sandra Krebsbach, Mayor ATTEST: Lorri Smith, City Clerk xiJzo 26 �� Page 27 2016 Construction DRAFT, - CITY COUNTY GRAVELTAX COUNTY PROJ NO ROAD SEGMENT (TO/FROM) PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROI LOCATION ANNUAL COST SHARE FEDERAL STATE STATE AID FOR CONST OTHER COST LEAD AGENCY 2016 County Funds: Highway Surface - Gravel Resurface & Chloride Application 825,000 825,000 Dakota County Highway Surface - Gravel Spot Locations 50,000 50,000 Dakota County Traffic Control Devices Durable Pavement Markings 500,000 500,000 Dak Co/Others Bike Trail 700,000 700,000 Cities/Others Transit Infrastructure 60,000 - 60,000 Others Storm Sewer System Repair 500,000 100,000 400,000 Dak Co/Cities Jurisdictional Classification 600,000 - r C .1 -L�, - 600,000 Dakota County Safety and Management Projects 1,000,000 117,000 ti`- ` ! l� 883,000 Dakota County ROW Preservation & Management 1,000,000 450,000`1��1Sf 550,000 Dakota County 5-50 CSAH 5 Intersection relocate at 172nd St/Kenyon Design/ROW Acq/Construct Lakeville 822,250 - 822,250 Lakeville 42-82 CSAH 42 Consultant Construction Administration RFP in 2016 for 2017 Construction Rosemount 1,500,000 675,000 825,000 Others/MnDOT 42-144 CSAH 42 W. limits B'ville to CSAH 33 (Diamond) Pedestrian Study Along Corridor Burnsville, Apple Valley 100,000 45,000 55,000 Dak Co/Cities 50-xx CSAH 50 At Hamburg Ave Intersection Improvements Lakeville 500,000 - - 500,000 Lakeville 83-08 CR 83 Replace Bridge #1315 1.5 mile north of CSAH 86 Hampton Twp 100,000 100,000 Dakota County 97-162 future CR 179th St (CSAH 31 to E city limits) Build roadway to County standards Lakeville 250,000 - - - 250,000 Lakeville 97-163 future CR new 185th Street Highview to CSAH 23 Build roadway to County standards Lakeville 416,000 - - 416,000 Lakeville Future Studies/Professional Services 500,000 225,000 - - - 275,000 Dakota County Township Road Distribution 20,900 - 20,900 Dakota County Attorney Reimbursement 230,355 - - 230,355 Dakota County 2016 County Funds Subtotal 9,674,505 1,612,000 - - 8,062,505 CITY COUNTY GRAVELTAX COUNTY PROJ NO ROAD SEGMENT (TO/FROM) PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJ LOCATION ANNUAL COST SHARE FEDERAL STATE STATE AID FOR CONST OTHER COST LEAD AGENCY 2016 County State Aid Highway (CSAH): 5-47 CSAH 5 At Burnsville Pkwy Design Burnsville 100,000 45,000 - 55,000 - Dakota County 8-20 CSAH 8 At CSAH 73 - Roundabout ROW Acq/Construction west St Paul 1,300,000 222,120 806,400 271,480 - Dakota County 8-20 CSAH 8 Consultant Survey Administration RFP in 2016 for 2017 Construction West St Paul 60,000 27,000 - 33,000 Consult -survey 9-36 CSAH 9 Indiana Ave/194th St to CSAH 60 Construction Lakeville 5,160,000 2,322,000 - - 2,838,000 - Dakota County 11-26 CSAH 11 Commonwealth Dr to Parkview Lane Construction (4 -lane to 3-1ane) Burnsville 855,000 38,475 769,500 47,025 - Dakota County 11-27 CSAH 11 at Burnsville Parkway Intersect Recon -Design Burnsville 100,000 45,000 - 55,000 Dakota County 26-47 CSAH 26 At TH 3 - Roundabout Design Inver Grove Heights 325,000 146,250 - 178,750 Dak Co/MnDOT 26-52 CSAH 26 At CSAH 43 (Lexington Ave) Design Eagan 300,000 135,000 - 165,000 - Dakota County 31-76 CSAH 31 35E southbound ramps to Central Parkway Construction Eagan 4,545,000 425,250 3,600,000 - 519,750 - Dakota County 31-86 CSAH 31 Northland Dr to Mendota Heights Rd Design (no ROW?) Mendota Heights 100,000 45,000 - - 55,000 Dakota County 32-80 CSAH 32 Consultant Survey Administration (Const prog in 2015 CIP) Eagan 25,000 11,250 - - 13,750 Consultant 38-52 CSAH 38 CSAH 31 (Pilot Knob) to TH 3 Design Apple Valley/Rosemount 225,000 101,250 - - 123,750 - Dakota County 42-119 CSAH 42 Consultant Construction AdministrationCMAO RFP in 2016 for 2017 Construction 240,000 108,000 - - 132,000 - Consultant 42-136 CSAH 42 Aldrich Ave to NB 1-35 ramp const EB turn lane extend, Buck Hill Sig Rev Burnsville 1,800,000 315,000 - 1,000,000 385,000 100,000 MnDOT 50-19 CSAH 50 South CSAH 60 to CSAH 9 ROW Acquisition Lakeville 4,224,640 1,901,090 - - 2,323,550 - Dakota County 63-25 CSAH 63 South of TH 55 to south CSAH 26 ROW Acquisition/Construction Inver Grove Heights 13,287,500 5,788,100 - 425,000 7,074,400 - Dakota County 63-27 CSAH 63 "north" portion of Argenta Trail ROW Acquisition Inver Grove Heights 2,836,000 1,045,100 - - 1,790,900 Dakota County 73-18 CR/CH 73 Rsmt/IGH line to CSAH 32 Design Inver Grove Heights 100,000 45,000 - 55,000 Dakota County 73-19 CR/CH 73 Bonaire Path to Rsmt/IGH line Design Rosemount 142,900 64,300 - - 78,600 - Dakota County Signal Projects - various Locations Flashing Yellow Arrow 241,400 89,190 - 43,200 109,010 - Dak Co/Others Consultant Construction Administration 2016 48,280 17,838 - 8,640 21,802 - Consultant Signal Projects - various Locations Revise/Replace/Recon/Geo Imp 1,025,000 45,000 - 275,000 705,000 - Dak Co/Others Consultant Construction Administration 2016 51,250 2,250 - 13,750 35,250 - - - Consultant 2016 CSAH Subtotal 37,091,970 12,984,463 5,175,900 1,765,590 17,066,017 - 100,000 CITY COUNTY GRAVELTAX COUNTY PROJ NO ROAD SEGMENT (TO/FROM) PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJ LOCATION ANNUAL COST SHARE FEDERAL STATE STATE AID FOR CONST OTHER COST LEAD AGENCY 2016 County Funds & County State Aid Highway (CSAH): Highway Surface - Bituminous 3,243,700 - 200,000 3,043,700 Dakota County Highway Surface - Bituminous CSAH Maintenance 1,391,000 - 1,391,000 - - Dakota County Intersection Control 525,000 225,000 275,000 25,000 Dak Co/Others Consultant Construction Administration 2016 Intersection Control 100,000 45,000 - 55,000 - Consultant 14-28 CSAH 14 14th Ave to 3rd Ave ROW Acq/Final Design South St Paul 1,510,000 679,500 700,000 130,500 Dakota County 42-139 CSAH 42 E. jct TH 55 to "old" CR 87 (Lock Blvd) Design Nininger Township 576,200 - 403,340 172,860 Dakota County 78-06 new 78 235th/Denmark to TH 3 ROW Acquisition Eureka/Castle Rock Twp 612,050 - 428,435 183,615 Dakota County 80-12 CSAH 80 CSAH 23 to TH 3 Consultant Design Bridge Eureka/Castle Rock Twp 250,000 - 175,000 75,000 Dakota County 86-29 CSAH 86 East of CSAH 47 to TH 52 ROW Acquisition CR,Ran,Sciota,Hampton 100,000 70,000 30,000 Dakota County 86-29 CSAH 86 Consultant Survey Administration RFP in 2016 for 2017 Construction CR,Ran,Sciota,Hampton 343,725 - - 171,800 - 171,925 Consult -survey 97-xx CSAH 70 East of 1-35 to CSAH 23 (Cedar Ave) Roadway Corridor Study Lakeville 200,000 66,000 20,000 34,000 46,000 34,000 Dakota County CIP Reimbursement to Operations - 3,905,591 859,230 - 1,327,901 - 1,718,460 Dakota County r ��`, J ✓_ j 2016 County Funds & CSAH Subtotal 12,757,266 1,874,730 - 20,000 5,031,476 200,000 46,000 5,585,060 2016 TOTAL 59,523,741 16,471,193 5,175,900 1,785,590 22,097,493 200,000 146,000 13,647,565 2017 Construction DRAFT s/v/zolss:26 CITY COUNTY GRAVELTAX COUNTY PROJNO ROAD SEGMENT(TO/FROM) PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROILOCATION ANNUAL COST SHARE FEDERAL STATE STATE AID FOR CONST OTHER COST LEAD AGENCY 2017 County Funds: Highway Surface - Gravel Chloride Application 385,000 - - 385,000 Dakota County Highway Surface - Gravel Spot Locations 50,000 - 50,000 Dakota County Traffic Control Devices Durable Pavement Markings 500,000 - - - 500,000 Dak Co/Others Bike Trail 700,000 - - 700,000 Cities/Others Transit Infrastructure 60,000 - - 60,000 Others 500,000 100,000 Storm Sewer System Repair ��__, 400,000 Dak Co/Cities - Jurisdictional Classification 600,000 - - t' - 600,000 Dakota County Safety and Management Projects 1,000,000 117,000 r 1I - - 883,000 Dakota County ROW Preservation & Management 1,000,000 450,000 �='= - 550,000 Dakota County 8-21 CSAH 8 CSAH 63 (Delaware) to Humboldt Ave Design West St Paul 272,200 122,500 - - 149,700 Dakota County 42-82 CSAH 42 At TH 52 (Bridges Only) Construction Rosemount 12,500,000 2,475,000 7,000,000 - 3,025,000 Dakota County Exp Proj '18 -Consultant Construction Admin RFP in 2017 for 2018 Construction 1,650,000 - - - - 1,650,000 Consultant Future Studies/Professional Services 500,000 225,000 - - - 275,000 Dakota County Township Road Distribution 20,900 - - - - - 20,900 Dakota County Attorney Reimbursement 237,266 - - - - - 237,266 Dakota County �. 2017 County Funds Subtotal 19,975,366 3,489,500 7,000,000 - - - - 9,485,866 CITY COUNTY GRAVELTAX COUNTY PRO1NO ROAD SEGMENT(TO/FROM) PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROILOCATION ANNUAL COST SHARE FEDERAL STATE STATE AID FOR CONST OTHER COST LEADAGENCY 2017 County State Aid Highway (CSAH): 5-47 CSAH 5 At Burnsville Pkwy Intersect Recon -ROW Acquisition Burnsville 300,000 135,000 - 165,000 - - Dakota County 11-27 CSAH it at Burnsville Parkway Intersect Recon -ROW Acquisition Burnsville 200,000 90,000 - 110,000 - - Dakota County 26-47 CSAH 26 At TH 3 - Roundabout ROW Acquisition/Utility Relocate Inver Grove Heights 913,000 410,850 - 502,150 - - - MnDOT 26-47 CSAH 26 Consultant Construction Administration RFP in 2017 for 2018 Construction Inver Grove Heights 360,000 162,000 - 198,000 MnDOT 26-52 CSAH 26 At CSAH 43 (Lexington Ave) ROW Acquisition Eagan 857,000 385,650 - 471,350 - - - Dakota County 26-52 CSAH 26 Consultant Construction Administration RFP in 2017 for 2018 Construction Eagan 324,000 145,800 - - 178,200 - - Others 28-44 CSAH 28 At Elrene, At Mike Collins Design-Signal/Median Modifications Eagan (PlaceholderTBD) 2 1 - 1 Dakota County 31-86 CSAH 31 Northland Dr to Mendota Heights Rd Construction Mendota Heights 780,000 35,100 702,000 - 42,900 Dakota County 31-87 CH 31/CH46 CSAH 46 from Kenrick Ave to CSAH 31 ATMS - Design AV, B'ville, L'ville 150,000 67,500 - 82,500 Dakota County 31-87 CH 31/CH46 Consultant Construction Administration RFP in 2017 for 2018 Construction AV, B'ville, L'ville 165,000 74,250 - 90,750 Others 38-52 CSAH 38 CSAH 31 (Pilot Knob) to TH 3 ROW (2 -lane to 3 -lane) Apple Valley/Rosemount 200,000 90,000 - 110,000 - Dakota County 42-124 CSAH 42 CSAH 42 Corridor Intersection Projects - Des/ROW Apple Valley/Burnsville 170,006 76,503 - 93,503 - Dakota County 42-124 CSAH 42 Consultant Construction Administration RFP in 2017 for 2018 Construction Apple Valley/Burnsville 460,000 189,330 - - 270,670 - - Others 50-19 CSAH 50 South CSAH 60 to CSAH 9 Construction Lakeville 10,513,760 4,731,190 5,782,570 - - Dakota County 73-18 CR/CH 73 Rsmt/IGH line to CSAH 32 ROW Acquisition Inver Grove Heights 1,000,000 450,000 550,000 Dakota County 73-19 CR/CH 73 Bonaire Path to Rsmt/IGH line ROW Acquisition Rosemount 500,000 225,000 - 275,000 - - - Dakota County Signal Projects -various Locations Flashing Yellow Arrow (8.15.2015 none) Dak Co/Others Consultant Construction Administration 2017 (8.15.2015 none) - - - - - - - - Consultant Signal Projects -various Locations Revise/Replace/Recon/Geo Imp 1,195,000 177,500 1,017,500 - - Dak Co/Others Consultant Construction Administration 2017 143,400 21,300 - 122,100 - - Consultant 2017 CSAH Subtotal 18,231,168 7,466,974 702,000 - 10,062,194 - CITY COUNTY GRAVELTAX COUNTY PRO1NO ROAD SEGMENT(TO/FROM) PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROILOCATION ANNUAL COST SHARE FEDERAL STATE STATE AID FOR CONST OTHER COST LEAD AGENCY 2017 County Funds & County State Aid Highway (CSAH): Highway Surface - Bituminous 3,447,435 - 200,000 - 3,247,435 Dakota County Highway Surface - Bituminous CSAH Maintenance 1,419,000 - 1,419,000 - - - Dakota County Intersection Control 950,000 462,500 - 462,500 - - 25,000 Dak Co/others Consultant Construction Administration 2017 Intersection Control 185,000 92,500 92,500 - - - Consultant 14-28 CSAH 14 14th Ave to 3rd Ave Construction South St Paul 5,875,000 3,225,000 2,450,000 - - 200,000 Dakota County 23-76 CSAH 23 CSAH 86 (280th St) to CR 96/Eveleth Ave Design Greenvale Township 100,000 - - 70,000 - - 30,000 Dakota County 42-139 CSAH 42 E. jct TH 55 to "old" CR 87 (Lock Blvd) ROW Acquisition Nininger Township 864,300 - - 605,010 - - 259,290 Dakota County 78-06 new 78 235th/Denmark to TH 3 Construction Eureka/Castle Rock Twp 1,734,750 - 1,214,325 - - 520,425 Dakota County 78-09 CSAH 78 TH 3 to CSAH 79 (Blaine Ave) Design Castle Rock Township 740,800 - - 518,560 - - 222,240 Dakota County 86-29 CSAH 86 East of CSAH 47 to TH 52 Construction CR,Ran,Sciota,Hampton 6,875,000 - - 4,812,500 - - 2,062,500 Dakota County 86-32 CSAH 86 TH 3 to west of CSAH 47 ROW Acquisition CR,Waterford, Sciota 2,040,500 - 1,428,350 - - 612,150 Dakota County 86-32 CSAH 86 Consultant Survey Administration RFP in 2017 for 2018 Construction CR,Waterford, Sciota 343,750 - - 240,600 - - 103,150 Consult -survey 88-20 CSAH 88 TH 56 to Fullerton Rd Design Randolph Township 395,100 - - 276,570 - - 118,530 Dakota County CIP Reimbursement to Operations - 4,022,759 885,007 1,367,738 - - 1,770,014 Dakota County r 1, f/ - 2017 County Funds & CSAH Subtotal 28,993,394 4,665,007 - 14,957,653 200,000 - 9,170,734 2017 TOTAL 67,199,928 15,621,481 7,702,000 - 25,019,847 200,000 - 18,656,600 Q01 2018 Construction DRAFT 9/17/20159:26 CITY COUNTY GRAVELTAX COUNTY PROJ NO ROAD SEGMENT (TO/FROM) PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJ LOCATION ANNUAL COST SHARE FEDERAL STATE STATE AID FOR CONST OTHER COST LEAD AGENCY 2018 County Funds: Highway Surface - Gravel Resurface & Chloride Application 860,000 - - - - 860,000 Dakota County Highway Surface - Gravel Spot Locations 50,000 - - - 50,000 Dakota County Traffic Control Devices Durable Pavement Markings 500,000 - - - 500,000 Dak Co/Others Bike Trail 700,000 - - - 700,000 Cities/Others Transit Infrastructure 60,000- "" - - 60,000 Others Storm Sewer System Repair 500,000 100,000 - _ - - 400,000 Dak Co/Cities Jurisdictional Classification 600,000 !+ �� - - 600,000 Dakota County Safety and Management Projects 1,000,000 117,000 �*(� - - 883,000 Dakota County t, ROW Preservation & Management 1 000,000 450,000D - 550,000 Dakota County 6-06 CR 6 At CSAH 73 (Oakdale Ave) Construction (for turnlane) West St Paul 200,000 90,000 - 110,000 Dakota County 8-21 CSAH 8 CSAH 63 (Delaware) to Humboldt Ave ROW Acquisition West St Paul 1,306,000 587,700 - - 718,300 Dakota County 32-65 new 32 117th St: CSAH 71 to TH 52 ROW Acquisition Inver Grove Heights 1,000,000 - - - 1,000,000 Dakota County 38-xx CSAH 38 limits TBD Repair/Replace Retaining Walls Apple Valley/ Burnsville 350,000 - - - 350,000 Dakota County 97-164 Twp Replace Bridge L3249 205 St, 0.3 mile W of TH 61 Marshan Township 300,000 - - - - - 300,000 - Dakota County Exp Proj'19-Consultant Construction Admin RFP in 2018 for 2019 Construction 1,650,000 - - - - - - 1,650,000 Consultant Future Studies/Professional Services 500,000 225,000 - - - - - 275,000 Dakota County Township Road Distribution 20,900 - - - - 20,900 Dakota County Attorney Reimbursement 244,384 - - - 244,384 Dakota County 2018 County Funds Subtotal 10,841,284 1,569,700 - - - 300,000 8,971,584 CITY COUNTY GRAVELTAX COUNTY PROJ NO ROAD SEGMENT(TO/FROM). PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJ LOCATION ANNUAL COST SHARE FEDERAL STATE STATE AID FOR CONST OTHER COST LEADAGENCY 2018 County State Aid Highway (CSAH): 5-47 CSAH 5 At Burnsville Pkwy Signal Recon/Intersection Geo Burnsville 667,000 300,000 - - 367,000 - - - Dakota County 11-27 CSAH 11 at Burnsville Parkway Intersect Recon -4F Land Mitigate Burnsville (PlaceholderTBD) 2 1 - 1 - - - Dakota County 26-47 CSAH 26 At TH 3 - Roundabout Construction Inver Grove Heights 2,650,000 238,500 2,120,000 - 291,500 - - - Dak Co/MnDOT 26-52 CSAH 26 At CSAH 43 (Lexington Ave) Construction Eagan 2,650,000 238,500 2,120,000 - 291,500 - - - Dakota County 26-56 26,28,31,43 Eagan Area Signal System ATMS - Design Eagan 154,000 69,300 - 84,700 - - - Dakota County 28-44 CSAH 28 At Elrene, At Mike Collins ROW Acq-Signal/Median Modifications Eagan (PlaceholderTBD) 2 1 - - 1 - - - Dakota County 31-87 CH 31/CH46 CSAH 46 from Kenrick Ave to CSAH 31 ATMS - Construction AV, B'ville, L'ville 1,346,200 121,635 1,075,900 - 148,665 - - - Dakota County 38-52 CSAH 38 CSAH 31 (Pilot Knob) to TH 3 Construction (2 -lane to 3 -lane) Apple Valley/Rosemount 1,272,000 57,240 1,144,800 69,960 - - - Dakota County 42-124 CSAH 42 CSAH 42 Corridor Intersection Projects - Const Apple valley/Burnsville 2,300,000 946,650 - - 1,353,350 - - - Dakota County 73-18 CR/CH 73 Rsmt/IGH line to CSAH 32 Construction Inver Grove Heights 1,700,600 765,300 - 935,300 - - - Dakota County 73-19 CR/CH 73 Bonaire Path to Rsmt/IGH line Construction Rosemount 3,124,200 1,405,900 - - 1,718,300 - - - Dakota County xx-xx CSAH x Placeholder Next Highest Priority Design 2 mile rural 2 -lane bit Township 165,000 - - 165,000 - - - Dakota County 2018 CSAH Subtotal 16,029,004 4,143,027 6,460,700 - 5,425,277 - - - CITY COUNTY GRAVELTAX COUNTY PROJ NO ROAD SEGMENT (TO/FROM) PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJ LOCATION ANNUAL COST SHARE FEDERAL STATE STATE AID FOR CONST OTHER COST LEAD AGENCY 2018 County Funds & County State Aid Highway (CSAH): Highway Surface - Bituminous 3,690,757 - - - 200,000 - 3,490,757 Dakota County Highway Surface - Bituminous CSAH Maintenance 1,419,000 - 1,419,000 - - - Dakota County Intersection Control 2,200,000 1,087,500 - 1,087,500 - 25,000 Dak Co/Others Consultant Construction Administration 2018 Intersection Control 435,000 217,500 - - 217,500 - - - Consultant 23-76 CSAH 23 CSAH 86 (280th St) to CR 96/Eveleth Ave ROW Acquisition Greenvale Township 1,234,600 - - 864,220 - - 370,380 Dakota County 42-139 CSAH 42 E. jct TH 55 to "old" CR 87 (Lock Blvd) Construction Nininger Township 5,761,700 - 4,033,190 - - 1,728,510 Dakota County 78-09 CSAH 78 TH 3 to CSAH 79 (Blaine Ave) ROW Acquisition Castle Rock Township 1,111,200 - - 777,840 - - 333,360 Dakota County 80-12 CSAH 80 CSAH 23 to TH 3 ROW Acquisition Eureka/Castle Rock Twp 1,500,000 - 1,050,000 - - 450,000 Dakota County 80-12 CSAH 80 Consultant Construction Administration RFP in 2018 for 2019 Construction Eureka/Castle Rock Twp 680,000 - - - 476,000 - - 204,000 Others 86-32 CSAH 86 TH 3 to west of CSAH 47 Construction CR, Waterford, Sciota 6,875,000 - 4,812,500 - - 2,062,500 Dakota County 86-34 CSAH 86 CSAH 23 to TH 3 Design Eurka,CR,Green,Water 285,600 - - 199,920 - - 85,680 Dakota County 88-20 CSAH 88 TH 56 to Fullerton Rd ROW Acquisition Randolph Township 592,600 - - 414,820 - - 177,780 Dakota County 91-25 CSAH 91 TH 61 (240th St) to 210th St Design Marshan,Douglas,Miesville 403,600 - - 282,520 - - 121,080 Dakota County Expansion Projects 11,000,000 - - 2,200,000 - - 8,800,000 Dakota County CIP Reimbursement to Operations 4,143,441 911,557 1,408,770 - - 1,823,114 Dakota County 2018 County Funds & CSAH Subtotal 41,332,498 2,216,557 - - 19,243,780 200,000 - 19,672,161 2018 TOTAL 68,202,786 7,929,284 6,460,700 - 24,669,057 200,000 300,000 28,643,745 2019 Construction DRAFT 9/17/2015 9:26 CITY COUNTY GRAVELTAX COUNTY PROJ NO ROAD SEGMENT (TO/FROM) PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJ LOCATION ANNUAL COST SHARE FEDERAL STATE STATE AID FOR CONST OTHER COST LEAD AGENCY 2019 County Funds: Highway Surface - Gravel Highway Surface - Gravel Traffic Control Devices Bike Trail Transit Infrastructure Storm Sewer System Repair Jurisdictional Classification Safety and Management Projects ROW Preservation & Management 8-21 CSAH 8 CSAH 63 (Delaware) to Humboldt Ave 28-48 CR 28 TH 3 to 0.62 mile east 32-65 new 32 117th St: CSAH 71 to TH 52 Exp Proj '20 -Consultant Construction Admin Future Studies/Professional Services Township Road Distribution Attorney Reimbursement PROD NO ROAD SEGMENT (TO/FROM) 2019 County State Aid Highway (CSAH): 11-27 CSAH 11 at Burnsville Parkway 26-56 26,28,31,43 Eagan Area Signal System 28-44 CSAH 28 At Elrene, At Mike Collins xx-xx CSAH x CM1ek: Placeholder Next Highest Priority PROJ NO ROAD SEGMENT (TO/FROM) Resurface & Chloride Application Spot Locations Durable Pavement Construction ROW Acquisition Construction RFP in 2019 for 2020 Construction PROJECT DESCRIPTION Markings West St Paul Inver Grove Heights Inver Grove Heights 2019 County Funds Subtotal PROJ LOCATION 885,000 - - - - - - 885,000 Dakota County 50,000 - - - - - - 50,000 Dakota County 500,000 - - - - - - 500,000 Dak Co/Others 700,000 - - - ") - - 700,000 Cities/Others 60,000 60,000 Others 500,000 100,000 - C �� �''� - - 400,000 Dak Co/Cities 600,000 - - - - - 600,000 Dakota County 1,000,000 117,000 - - - - - 883,000 Dakota County 1,000,000 450,000 - - - - - 550,000 Dakota County 3,265,300 1,469,400 - - - - - 1,795,900 Dakota County 1,056,000 475,200 - - - - - 580,800 Dakota County 4,000,000 - - - - - - 4,000,000 Dakota County 1,650,000 - - - - - - 1,650,000 Consultant 500,000 225,000 - - - - - 275,000 Dakota County 20,900 - - - - - - 20,900 Dakota County 251,715 - - - - - - 251,715 Dakota County 16,038,915 2,836,600 - - - - - 13,202,315 CITY COUNTY GRAVELTAX COUNTY ANNUAL COST SHARE FEDERAL STATE STATE AID FOR CONST OTHER COST LEAD AGENCY Signal Recon/Intersection Geo Burnsville 250,000 112,500 - - 137,500 - - - Dakota County ATMS - Construction Eagan 1,663,200 149,688 1,330,560 - 182,952 - - - Dakota County Signal/Median Modifications Eagan 400,000 180,000 - - 220,000 - - - Dakota County ROW Acq 2 mile rural 2 -lane bit Township 816,200 - - - 816,200 - - - Dakota County - 2019 CSAH Subtotal 3,129,400 442,188 1,330,560 - 1,356,652 - - - TH 3 to CSAH 79 (Blaine Ave) Construction Castle Rock Township CITY COUNTY GRAVELTAX COUNTY PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJ LOCATION ANNUAL COST SHARE FEDERAL STATE STATE AID FOR CONST OTHER COST LEAD AGENCY 2019 County Funds & County State Aid Highway (CSAH): - - - - 200,000 - 3,746,245 Dakota County Highway Surface - Bituminous - - - 1,419,000 - - - Dakota County Highway Surface - Bituminous CSAR Maintenance - 1,087,500 - - 25,000 Dak Co/Others Intersection Control 217,500 - - 217,500 - - - Consultant Consultant Construction Administration 2019 Intersection Control - 5,761,700 - - 23-76 CSAH 23 CSAH 86 (280th St) to CR 96/Eveleth Ave Construction Greenvale Township 78-09 CSAH 78 TH 3 to CSAH 79 (Blaine Ave) Construction Castle Rock Township 80-12 CSAH 80 CSAH 23 to TH 3 Construction (road & bridge) Eureka/Castle Rock Twp 86-34 CSAH 86 CSAH 23 to TH 3 ROW Acquisition Eurka,CR,Green,Water 88-20 CSAH 88 TH 56 to Fullerton Rd Construction Randolph Township 91-25 CSAH 91 TH 61 (240th St) to 210th St Right of Way Acquisition Marshan,Douglas,Miesville - 2,200,000 - - 8,800,000 Expansion Projects 4,267,745 938,904 - - 1,451,033 - - 1,877,808 CIP Reimbursement to Operations 50,724,170 2,243,904 - I 9(-,�k: 22,195,907 - 2019 County Funds & CSAH Subtotal - 2019 TOTAL 3,946,245 - - - - 200,000 - 3,746,245 Dakota County 1,419,000 - - - 1,419,000 - - - Dakota County 2,200,000 1,087,500 - - 1,087,500 - - 25,000 Dak Co/Others 435,000 217,500 - - 217,500 - - - Consultant 8,231,000 - - - 5,761,700 - - 2,469,300 Dakota County 7,407,900 - - - 5,185,530 - - 2,222,370 Dakota County 5,656,000 - - - 3,749,200 - - 1,906,800 Dakota County 1,428,300 - - - 999,810 - - 428,490 Dakota County 2,950,880 - - - 2,765,616 - - 185,264 Dakota County 1,782,100 - - - 1,247,470 - - 534,630 Dakota County 11,000,000 - - - 2,200,000 - - 8,800,000 Dakota County 4,267,745 938,904 - - 1,451,033 - - 1,877,808 Dakota County 50,724,170 2,243,904 - - 26,084,359 200,000 - 22,195,907 69,892,485 5,522,692 1,330,560 - 27,441,011 200,000 - 35,398,222 page 31 2020 Construction DRAFT 9>17/2015 9:26 CITY COUNTY GRAVELTAX COUNTY PROJ NO ROAD SEGMENT (TO/FROM) PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJ LOCATION ANNUAL COST SHARE FEDERAL STATE STATE AID FOR CONST OTHER COST LEAD AGENCY 2020 County Funds: Highway Surface - Gravel Resurface & Chloride Application 910,000 - - - - - - 910,000 Dakota County Highway Surface - Gravel Spot Locations 50,000 - - - - - - 50,000 Dakota County Traffic Control Devices Durable Pavement Markings 500,000 - - - _ C �-; - - 500,000 Dak Co/Others Bike Trail 700,000 700,000 Cities/Others Transit Infrastructure 60,000 - - y t' e �,`� - - 60,000 Others 1�\ 400,000 Dak Co/Cities Storm Sewer System Repair 500,000 100,000 - Jurisdictional Classification 600,000 - - - - - - 600,000 Dakota County Safety and Management Projects 1,000,000 117,000 - - - - - 883,000 Dakota County ROW Preservation & Management 1,000,000 450,000 - - - - - 550,000 Dakota County 28-48 CR 28 TH 3 to 0.62 mile east Construction Inver Grove Heights 600,000 - - - - - - 600,000 Inver Grove Heights Future Studies/Professional Services 500,000 225,000 - - - - - 275,000 Dakota County Township Road Distribution 20,900 - - - - - - 20,900 Dakota County Attorney Reimbursement 259,267 - - - - - - 259,267 Dakota County Ue. - 2020 County Funds Subtotal 6,700,167 892,000 - - - - - 5,808,167 CITY COUNTY GRAVELTAX COUNTY PROJ NO ROAD SEGMENT (TO/FROM) PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJ LOCATION ANNUAL COST SHARE FEDERAL STATE STATE AID FOR CONST OTHER COST LEAD AGENCY 2020 County State Aid Highway (CSAH): xx-xx CSAH x Placeholder Next Highest Priority Construction 2 mi rural 2 -lane bit Township 2,313,000 - - - 2,313,000 - - - Dakota County 2020 CSAH Subtotal 2,313,000 - - - 2,313,000 - - - CITY COUNTY GRAVELTAX COUNTY PROJ NO ROAD SEGMENT (TO/FROM) PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJ LOCATION ANNUAL COST SHARE FEDERAL STATE STATE AID FOR CONST OTHER COST LEAD AGENCY 2020 County Funds & County State Aid Highway (CSAH): Highway Surface - Bituminous Highway Surface - Bituminous Intersection Control Consultant Construction Administration 2020 86-34 CSAH 86 CSAH 23 to TH 3 91-25 CSAH 91 TH 61 (240th St) to 210th St xx-xx CSAH x Placeholder Expansion Projects Regional Solicitation CIP Reimbursement to Operations 3,946,245 - - - - 200,000 - 3,746,245 Dakota County CSAH Maintenance 1,419,000 - - - 1,419,000 - - - Dakota County 2,200,000 1,087,500 - - 1,087,500 - - 25,000 Dak Co/Others Intersection Control 435,000 217,500 - - 217,500 - - - Consultant Construction Eurka,CR,Green,Water 4,047,800 - - - 2,833,460 - - 1,214,340 Dakota County Construction Marshan,Douglas,Miesville 7,188,900 5,032,320 2,156,580 Dakota County Placeholder TBD Township 2 . - - - 1 - - 1 Dakota County 6,600,000 - - - 1,320,000 - - 5,280,000 Dakota County 8,750,000 787,500 7,000,000 - 481,250 - - 481,250 Dakota County - 4,395,777 967,071 - - 1,494,564 - - 1,934,142 Dakota County - 2020 County Funds & CSAH Subtotal 38,982,724 3,059,571 7,000,000 - 13,885,595 200,000 - 14,837,558 - 2020 TOTAL 47,995,891 3,951,571 7,000,000 - 16,198,595 200,000 - 20,645,725 TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT 5 -YEAR SUMMARY 9/17/20159:26 up 57 -ear -summary Projects By Year Annual Cost City Share Federal State County State Aid Gravel Tax Other County Cost 2016 _- 2017 59,523,741 67,199,928 16,471,193 15,621,481 5,175,900 7,702,000 1,785,590 - 22,097,493 25,019,847 200,000 200,000 146,000 - 13,647,565 18,656,600 r' 2018 68,202,786 7,929,284 6,460,700 - 24,669,057 200,000 300,000 28,643,745 2019 69,892,485 5,522,692 1,330,560 3,200,000 27,441,011 200,000 - 35,398,222 2020 47,995,891 3,951,571 7,000,000 - 16,198,595 200,000 - 20,645,725 5 -Year Total: 1 312,814,8311 49,496,221 1 27,669,160 1 1,785,590 1 115,426,003 1 1,000,000 1 446,000 1 116,991,857 Revenue County Funds County Program Aid Wheelage Tax Motor Individual Year End County Funds & Program Aid (1) (3) (7) County Cost Balance Cumulative Year End Balance Est. Ending Fund Balance 12.31.2015 - - - - - 60,450,000 59,685,255 2016 4,506,489 5,176,331 3,200,000 13,647,565 (764,745) 2017 4,551,554 4,176,331 3,200,000 18,656,600 (6,728,715) 52,956,540 2018 4,597,069 3,176,331 3,200,000 28,643,745 (17,670,345) 35,286,195 2019 4,643,039 2,676,331 31200,000 35,398,222 (24,878,852) 10,407,343 20201 4,597,068 1 2,676,331 1 3,200,000 20,645,725 11 (10,172,326) 235,017 5 -Year Total: 22,895,219 1 17,881,655 1 16,000,000]F116,991,857 11 27,441,011 (6,841,011) 2 Flexible Motor Cumulative Revenue State Aid"' State Aid CSAH Highway Vehicle Lease Individual Year End Year End Balance CSAR, Flex Hwy, LMVST CSAH - Construction - Maintenance Account (5) Sales Tax (4) CSAH Cost Balance (CSAH $7M + FlexHwy $5.8M) Est. Ending Fund Balance 12.31.15 - - - - - 12,800,000 10,202,507 2016 9,700,000 1,400,000 1,500,000 6,900,000 22,097,493 (2,597,493) 2017 9,800,000 1,400,000 1,600,000 7,400,000 25,019,847 (4,819,847) 5,382,660 2018 9,900,000 1,400,000 1,600,000 7,600,00024,669,057 (4,169,057) 1,213,603 2019 10,000,000 1,400,000 1,600,000 7,600,000 27,441,011 (6,841,011) (5,627,408) 2020 10,100,000 1,400,000 1 1,600,000 7,600,000 16,198,595 4,501,405 (1,126,003) 5 -Year Total: 1 49,500,000 7,000,000 1 7,900,000 1 37,100,000 IF 115,426,00311 1 NOTES: (1) County Funds Revenue (8.26.2015) (2) CSAH Revenues rounded to nearest $100,000 (3) Program Aid (8.26.2015) (4) Leased Motor Vehicles Sales Tax (Revenue Revised 8.7.2015) (5) Flexible Highway Revenues (Revised 09.02.2014) (added $5.8M balance to cumulative Year End Balance) "' CSAH State Aid Construction (Revised 07.08.2015 - subject to change) (7) Wheelage Tax shown as $3.2M/Year (potential for change/increase in years 2018-2020) (9.03.2015) 32 Est. Balance 12.31.15 Est. Balance 12.31.15 page 33 2016 - 2020 Parks & Greenways Capital Improvement Program D n c_,"- ir- SHEET PROJECT PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT LOCATION ANNUAL FEDERAL STATE COUNTY DEED TAX Park EM METRO GENERAL PARK PROPERTY TOTAL LIFE LEAD # NO. Planning: Parks/ Greenways /Operations Systemwide COST 0 0 PROGRAMAID 0 O&M (L-inL) FUND SHARE FUND FUND TAX PROJECT COST AGENCY Proj 2 2016 Section Park and Greenway System Systemwide 4,533,333 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,400,000 1,133,333 0 0 Proj 1 0130 Planning: Parks/ Greenways /Operations Systemwide 355,000 0 0 355,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,600,000 Dakota County Proj 2 P00040 Acquisition: Park and Greenway System Systemwide 4,533,333 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,400,000 1,133,333 0 0 22,666,665 Dakota County Proj 4 P00048 Maintenance: Park/Greenway, System System -wide 275,000 0 0 55,281 0 0 194,719 0 0 0 25,000 1,688,806 Dakota County Proj 5 Proj 6 0 Maintenance: Bituminous Upkeep Systemwide 158,492 0 0 86,369 0 0 0 0 0 0 72,123 798,492 Dakota County Proj 6 P00074 Park Development: Enhancements Systemwide 150,000 0 0 0 0 0 150,000 0 0 0 0 900,000 Dakota County Proj 7 P00075Greenway Development: Enhancements Systemwide 75,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 75,000 625,000 Dakota County Proj 8 P00031 Greenway Development: MRRT Rosemount West MRRT- Rosemount West 2,880,000 1,440,000 0 0 0 0 170,000 1,270,000 0 0 0 2,980,000 Dakota County Proj 9P00078 Proj 31 Greenway Development: Collaborative Systemwide 500,000 0 0 0 0 0 500,000 0 0 0 0 2,500,000 Dakota County Proj 10 P00020 Natural Resources: Base Program Systemwide 511,000 0 0 0 11,000 339,000 0 161,000 0 0 0 3,633,018 Dakota County Proj 12 P00084Maintenance: Greenway System Systemwide 50,000 0 0 0 0 0 50,000 0 0 0 0 250,000 Dakota County Proj 13 0 Natural Resources: Dike Feasibility Study White Tail Woods Park 40,000 0 0 40,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40,000 Dakota County Proj 14 P00106 0 Greenway/Parks/Natural Resources: Grant Match Systemwide 550,000 0 0 0 0 0 550,000 0 0 0 0 2,750,000 Dakota County Proj 16 P00107Greenway 0 Park Development: WWRP- Lone Rock Trail Signs White Tail Woods Park 33,016 0 16,508 754 0 0 0 0 0 0 15,754 33,016 Dakota County Proj 20 P00109 Greenway Development: MNRRT-Fort Snelling Eagan 5,000,000 0 2,500,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,500,000 0 5,000,000 Dakota County Proj 21 P00011Greenway Development: MRRT Rosemount East MRRT- Rosemount East 5,000,000 1,400,000 2,500,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,100,000 0 5,345,000 Dakota County Proj 22 0 Greenway Development: MNRRT Burnsville Burnsville 275,000 0 0 0 0 0 140,281 0 0 0 134,719 525,000 Burnsville Proj 23 0 General Acquisition Systemwide 50,000 0 0 0 0 0 50,000 0 0 0 0 250,000 Dakota County Proj 24 0 Big Rivers Trailhead Big Rivers Regional Park 1,574,000 0 787,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 787,000 0 1,574,000 Dakota County Proj 27 0 Greenway Development North Creek Greenway - Zoo Semi 300,000 0 0 0 0 0 300,000 0 0 0 0 300,000 Dakota County Proj 30 0 Lebanon Hills Master Plan Improvements Lebanon Hills Regional Park 200,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 200,000 0 0 0 2,030,000 Dakota County Proj 31 0 Lake Byllesby Master Plan Improvements Lake Byllesby Regional Park 238,000 0 0 238,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,246,853 Dakota County Proj 37 0 Trail and Interpretation MRRT-Swing Bridge Trailhead 400,000 0 0 0 0 0 200,000 0 0 0 0 400,000 Dakota County Proj 38 0 WWRP- Post Occupancy Improvements White Tail Woods Park 95,000 0 0 0 0 0 95,000 0 0 0 0 95,000 Dakota County Proj 39 0 MRRT- Greenway Enhancements Mississippi River Regional Trail 306,719 0 0 206,719 0 0 100,000 0 0 0 0 306,719 Dakota County 2016 Total 23,549,560 2,840,000 5,803,508 982,123 11,000 339,000 2,500,000 5,031,000 1,133,333 4,387,000 322,596 58,537,569 2017 Section Proj 1 0130 Planning: Parks/ Greenways /Operations Systemwide 440,000 0 0 440,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,600,000 Dakota County Proj 2 P00040Acquisition: Park and Greenway System Systemwide 4,533,333 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,400,000 1,133,333 0 0 22,666,665 Dakota County Proj 3 0 Greenway Development: VRRG Hastings Hastings 180,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 180,000 0 0 0 180,000 Hastings Proj 4 P00048 Maintenance: Park/Greenway System System -wide 315,795 0 0 0 0 0 250,000 0 0 0 65,795 1,688,806 Dakota County Proj 5 0 Maintenance: Bituminous Upkeep Systemwide 160,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 160,000 798,492 Dakota County Proj 6 P00074 Park Development: Enhancements Systemwide 150,000 0 0 0 0 0 150,000 0 0 0 0 900,000 Dakota County Proj 7 P00075 Greenway Development: Enhancements Systemwide 100,000 0 0 0 0 0 100,000 0 0 0 0 625,000 Dakota County Proj 9 P00078 Greenway Development: Collaborative Systemwide 500,000 0 0 0 0 0 500,000 0 0 0 0 2,500,000 Dakota County Proj 10 P00020 Natural Resources: Base Program Systemwide 532,707 0 0 0 11,000 303,707 0 218,000 0 0 0 3,633,018 Dakota County Proj 31 P00093 Greenway Development: MRRTto St. Paul South St. Paul 3,029,062 2,154,000 0 386,062 0 0 0 489,000 0 0 0 3,329,062 Dakota County Proj 12 P00084 Maintenance: Greenway System Systemwide 50,000 0 0 0 0 0 50,000 0 0 0 0 250,000 Dakota County Proj 14 0 Greenway/Parks/Natural Resources: Grant Match Systemwide 550,000 0 0 0 0 0 550,000 0 0 0 0 2,750,000 Dakota County Proj 15 0 Greenway Development: NCRG AV Tunnel North Creek Apple Valley 160,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 160,000 0 0 0 160,000 Apple Valley Proj 17 P00106 Greenway Development: MH to LHRP Hwy 110 WSP, Mendota Heights 2,210,000 1,040,000 0 0 0 0 0 1,170,000 0 0 0 2,590,000 Dakota County Proj 18 P00107Greenway Development: MNRRT Eagan Minnesota River Greenway 792,400 582,400 0 0 0 0 0 210,000 0 0 0 932,400 Dakota County Proj 19 P00108 Greenway Development: Pine Bend Trailhead MRRT- Pine Bend 1,410,000 400,000 0 0 0 0 0 410,000 0 0 100,000 1,525,000 Dakota County Proj 23 0 GeneralAcquisition Systemwide 50,000 0 0 0 0 0 50,000 0 0 0 0 250,000 Dakota County Proj 28 0 MRRT- Interpretation Node Improvements MRRT-SSP 330,000 0 275,000 36,061 0 0 0 0 0 18,939 0 330,000 Dakota County Proj 29 0 Mississippi River Regional Trailhead DNR Boat launch - SSP 120,000 0 0 120,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 120,000 Dakota County Proj 30 0 Lebanon Hills Master Plan Improvements Lebanon Hills Regional Park 461,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 461,000 0 0 0 2,030,000 Dakota County Proj 31 0 Lake Byllesby Master Plan Improvements Lake Byllesby Regional Park 593,061 0 0 0 0 0 593,061 0 0 0 0 2,246,853 Dakota County Proj 32 0 Whitetail Woods Master Plan Improvements Whitetail Woods Regional Park 300,000 0 0 0 0 0 76,939 0 0 223,061 0 2,895,435 Dakota County Proj 33 0 Thompson Park Master Plan improvements Thompson County Park 180,000 0 0 0 0 0 180,000 0 0 0 0 1,518,123 Dakota 2017 Total 17,147,358 4,176,400 275,000 982,123 11,000 303,707 2,500,000 6,698,000 1,133,333 242,000 325,795 55,518,854 page 34 2016 - 2020 Parks & Greenways Capital Improvement Program D R n FF_ 1' SHEET PROJECT PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT LOCATION ANNUAL FEDERAL STATE COUNTY DEED TAX Park EM METRO GENERAL PARK PROPERTY TOTAL LIFE LEAD # NO. Proj 1 0130 COST Systemwide 50,000 PROGRAMAID 0 O&M (L-inL) FUND SHARE FUND FUND TAX PROJECT COST AGENCY 0 1,600,000 Dakota County Proj 2 P00040 Acquisition: Park and Greenway System Systemwide 4,533,333 0 0 0 0 0 0 X 1,133,333 0 2018 Section 22,666,665 Dakota County Proj 4 P00048 Maintenance: Park/Greenway System System -wide 425,667 0 0 0 0 0 250,000 Proj 1 0130 Planning: Parks/ Greenways /Operations Systemwide 445,000 0 0 445,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,600,000 Dakota County Proj 2 P00040 Acquisition: Park and Greenway System Systemwide 4,533,333 0 0 0 a 0 0 3,400,000 1,133,333 0 0 22,666,665 Dakota County Proj 4 P00048Maintenance: Park/Greenway System System -wide 250,000 0 0 0 0 0 250,000 0 0 0 0 1,688,806 Dakota County Proj 5 0 0 Maintenance: Bituminous Upkeep Systemwide 160,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 160,000 798,492 Dakota County Proj 6 P00074 Park Development: Enhancements Systemwide 200,000 0 0 0 0 0 200,000 0 0 0 0 900,000 Dakota County Proj 7 P00075 Greenway Development: Enhancements Systemwide 150,000 0 0 0 0 0 150,000 0 0 0 0 625,000 Dakota County Proj 9 P00078 Greenway Development: Collaborative Systemwide 500,000 0 0 0 0 0 500,000 0 0 0 0 2,500,000 Dakota County Proj 10 P00020 Natural Resources: Base Program Systemwide 717,907 0 0 0 11,000 556,907 0 150,000 0 0 0 3,633,018 Dakota County Proj 12 P00084 Maintenance: Greenway System Systemwide 50,000 0 0 0 0 0 50,000 0 0 0 0 250,000 Dakota County Proj 14 Miesville Ravine Park Reserve 0 Greenway/Parks/Natural Resources: Grant Match Systemwide 550,000 0 0 0 0 0 550,000 0 0 0 0 2,750,000 Dakota County Proj 23 0 General Acquisition Systemwide 50,000 0 0 0 0 0 50,000 0 0 0 0 250,000 Dakota County Proj 25 Proj 36 0 Lake Marion Greenway Burnsville 370,000 0 0 370,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 370,000 Dakota County Proj 31 Dakota County 0 Lake Byllesby Master Plan Improvements Lake Byllesby Regional Park 1,415,792 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,415,792 0 0 0 2,246,853 Dakota County Proj 32 42,851,104 0 Whitetail Woods Master Plan Improvements Whitetail Woods Regional Park 2,595,435 0 0 167,123 0 0 750,000 1,483,208 0 26,051 169,053 2,895,435 Dakota County Proj 33 0 Thompson Park Master Plan improvements Thompson County Park 524,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 524,000 0 0 0 1,518,123 Dakota 2018 Total 12,511,467 0 0 982,123 11,000 556,907 2,500,000 6,973,000 1,133,333 26,051 329,053 44,692,392 2019 Section Proj 1 0130 Planning: Parks/ Greenways /Operations Systemwide 310,000 0 0 310,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,600,000 Dakota County Proj 2 P00040 Acquisition: Park and Greenway System Systemwide 4,533,333 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,400,000 1,133,333 0 0 22,666,665 Dakota County Proj 4 P00048 Maintenance: Park/Greenway System System -wide 422,344 0 0 0 0 0 250,000 0 0 0 172,344 1,688,806 Dakota County Proj 5 0 Maintenance: Bituminous Upkeep Systemwide 160,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 160,000 798,492 Dakota County Proj 6 P00074 Park Development: Enhancements Systemwide 200,000 0 0 0 0 0 200,000 0 0 0 0 900,000 Dakota County Proj 7 P00075 Greenway Development: Enhancements Systemwide 150,000 0 0 0 0 0 150,000 0 0 0 0 625,000 Dakota County Proj 9P00078 Greenway Development: Collaborative Systemwide 500,000 0 0 0 0 0 500,000 0 0 0 0 2,500,000 Dakota County Proj 10 P00020 Natural Resources: Base Program Systemwide 907,852 0 0 0 11,000 746,852 0 150,000 0 0 0 3,633,018 Dakota County Proj 12 P00084 Maintenance: Greenway System Systemwide 50,000 0 0 0 0 0 50,000 0 0 0 0 250,000 Dakota County Proj 14 0 Greenway/Parks/Natural Resources: Grant Match Systemwide 550,000 0 0 0 0 0 550,000 0 0 0 0 2,750,000 Dakota County Proj 23 0 General Acquisition Systemwide 50,000 0 0 0 0 0 50,000 0 0 0 0 250,000 Dakota County Proj 33 0 Thompson Park Master Plan improvements Thompson County Park 814,123 0 0 64,123 0 0 750,000 0 0 0 0 1,518,123 Dakota Proj 35 0 Spring Lake Park Master Plan Improvements Spring Lake Park Reserve 608,000 0 0 608,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,957,000 Dakota 2019 Total 9,255,652 0 0 982,123 11,000 746,852 2,500,000 3,550,000 1,133,333 0 332,344 42,137,104 2020 Section Proj 1 0130 Planning: Parks/ Greenways /Operations Systemwide 50,000 0 0 50,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,600,000 Dakota County Proj 2 P00040 Acquisition: Park and Greenway System Systemwide 4,533,333 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,400,000 1,133,333 0 0 22,666,665 Dakota County Proj 4 P00048 Maintenance: Park/Greenway System System -wide 425,667 0 0 0 0 0 250,000 0 0 0 175,667 1,688,806 Dakota County Proj 5 0 Maintenance: Bituminous Upkeep Systemwide 160,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 160,000 798,492 Dakota County Proj 6 P00074 Park Development: Enhancements Systemwide 200,000 0 0 0 0 0 200,000 0 0 0 0 900,000 Dakota County Proj 7 P00075 Greenway Development: Enhancements Systemwide 150,000 0 0 0 0 0 150,000 0 0 0 0 625,000 Dakota County Proj 9 P00078 Greenway Development: Collaborative Systemwide 500,000 0 0 0 0 0 500,000 0 0 0 0 2,500,000 Dakota County Proj 10 P00020 Natural Resources: Base Program Systemwide 963,552 0 0 0 11,000 802,552 0 150,000 0 0 0 3,633,018 Dakota County Proj 12 P00084 Maintenance: Greenway System Systemwide 50,000 0 0 0 0 0 50,000 0 0 0 0 250,000 Dakota County Proj 14 0 Greenway/Parks/Natural Resources: Grant Match Systemwide 550,000 0 0 0 0 0 550,000 0 0 0 0 2,750,000 Dakota County Proj 23 0 General Acquisition Systemwide 50,000 0 0 0 0 0 50,000 0 0 0 0 250,000 Dakota County Proj 34 0 Miesville Ravine Park Master Plan Improvements Miesville Ravine Park Reserve 550,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 550,000 0 0 0 550,000 Dakota County Proj 35 0 Spring Lake Park Master Plan Improvements Spring Lake Park Reserve 2,349,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,349,000 0 0 0 2,957,000 Dakota Proj 36 0 Master Plan Implementation -General System Wide 1,682,123 0 0 932,123 0 0 750,000 0 0 0 0 1,682,123 Dakota County 2020 Total 12,213,675 0 0 982,123 11,000 802,552 2,500,000 6,449,000 1,133,333 0 335,667 42,851,104 page 35 2016 - 2020 Parks & Greenways Capital Improvement Program D n c_,"- ir- SHEET PROJECT PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT LOCATION ANNUAL FEDERAL STATE COUNTY DEED TAX Park EM METRO GENERAL PARK PROPERTY TOTAL LIFE LEAD 4 NO. COST PROGRAMAID O&M(L-inL) FUND SHARE FUND FUND TAX PROJECT COST AGENCY TOTAL FEDERAL COST DEED TAX Park PROGRAMAID METRO O&M(L-inL) FUND SHARE FUND FUND TAX PRO1ECi COST 2016 23,349,560 2,840,000 5,803,508 982,123 11,000 339,000 2,500,000 5,031,000 1,133,333 4,387,000 322,596 58,537,569 2017 16,647,358 4,176,400 275,000 982,123 11,000 303,707 2,500,000 6,698,000 1,133,333 242,000 325,795 55,518,854 2018 12,511,467 0 0 982,123 11,000 556,907 2,500,000 6,973,000 1,133,333 26,051 329,053 44,692,392 2019 9,255,652 0 0 982,123 11,000 746,852 2,500,000 3,550,000 1,133,333 0 332,344 42,137,104 2020 12.213.675 0 0 982.123 11.000 802.552 2.500.000 6.449.000 1.133.333 0 335.667 42.851.104 TOTAL FEDERAL STATE COUNTY DEED TAX Park EM METRO GENERAL PARK PROPERTY REVENUE PROGRAM AID 0 O&M(L-inL) FUND SHARE FUND FUND TAX 24,683,777 2,840,000 5,803,508 982,123 11,000 350,000 2,500,000 5,031,000 1,133,333 5,710,217 322,596 16,451,651 4,176,400 275,000 982,123 11,000 350,000 2,500,000 6,698,000 1,133,333 0 325,795 12,278,509 0 0 982,123 11,000 350,000 2,500,000 6,973,000 1,133,333 0 329,053 8,858,800 0 0 982,123 11,000 350,000 2,500,000 3,550,000 1,133,333 0 332,344 11,761,123 0 0 982,123 11,000 350,000 2,500,000 6,449,000 1,133,333 0 335,667 PROGRAM AID NCC O&M(L-inL) 2016 (1,334,217) 0 2017 195,707 0 2018 232,958 0 2019 396,852 0 2020 452,552 0 Total (56,148) 0 0 EST. ENDING FUND BALANCE 0 ADDITIONAL EST. PARK 206,907 NCC FUND BAL. Proj. Ending Fund Balance (1) 26,051 0 Ending2016 (1,334,217) 1,334,217 Ending 2107 195,707 1,138,510 Ending 2018 232,958 905,552 Ending 2019 396,852 508,700 Ending 2020 452,552 56,148 Total (56,148) 1,720,000 PROGRAM AID O&M(L-inL) FUND SHARE FUND FUND TAX 0 0 0(11,000) 0 0 0 (1,323,217) 0 0 0 0 (46,293) 0 0 0 242,000 0 0 0 0 206,907 0 0 0 26,051 0 0 0 0 396,852 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 452,552 0 0 0 0 (0 I otal U L,1bu,000 1,44U,uuu iu,LUu,000 b,6UU,000 1L,-,UUU 6,L4U,000 Lu,buu,uuu (1) Estimated ending Park Fund Balance as of 12/31/2014 (2) For Metropolitan Council Acquisition Opportunity Funds Match (25%) (3) REVENUE BREAKDOWN FOR "METRO SHARE" REGIONAL CAPITAL REVENUE ACQ. OPPORTUNITY FUND TOTAL STATE MET. COUNCIL TOTAL PARKS AND STATE BOND MET. COUNCIL STATE MET. COUNCIL TRAILS LEG. PASS THRU BONDS 60% 40% 2016 2,040,000 1,360,000 2,040,000 1,360,000 3,400,000 2017 540,000 360,000 2,040,000 11360,000 2,580,000 11720,000 41300,000 2018 540,000 360,000 2,040,000 1,360,000 2,580,000 1,720,000 4,300,000 2019 540,000 360,000 2,040,000 1,360,000 2,580,000 1,720,000 4,300,000 20201 540,000 360,000 1 2,040,000 1,360,000 1 2,580,000 1,720,000 4,300,000 I otal U L,1bu,000 1,44U,uuu iu,LUu,000 b,6UU,000 1L,-,UUU 6,L4U,000 Lu,buu,uuu (1) Estimated ending Park Fund Balance as of 12/31/2014 (2) For Metropolitan Council Acquisition Opportunity Funds Match (25%) page 36 2016 - 2020 Proposed Building Capital Improvement Program SHEET PAGE PROJECT PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT LOCATION ANNUAL BOND INTERFUND OTHER COUNTY TOTAL LIFE LEAD Project # # NO. COST PROCEEDS TRANSFERS COST PROJECT COST AGENCY Type 2016 Section Proj 1 870041 Carpet Replacement Program Countywide 192,000 0 0 0 192,000 1,386,300 0 Continuing Proj 2 870013 Energy Improvements Countywide 527,000 0 0 40,000 487,000 693,000 0 Approved Proj 3 B7004X Miscellaneous Projects Countywide 185,000 0 0 0 185,000 925,000 0 Continuing Proj 4 870040 Parking Lots Seal and Repairs Countywide 209,200 0 0 0 209,200 1,027,200 0 Continuing Proj 5 870045 Engineering Evaluation - Refrigerant F Countywide 30,000 0 0 0 30,000 30,000 0 Approved Proj 7 870043 Special Assessments Countywide 20,000 0 0 0 20,000 120,000 0 Continuiing Proj 8 870044 Storm Water Improvement Projects Countywide 25,000 0 0 0 25,000 150,000 0 Continuing Proj 12 810013 Renovation I New Additions Judicial Center Hastings 4,938,000 0 0 0 4,938,000 9,941,000 0 Continuing Proj 13 810041 Boiler Replacement Judicial Center- Hastings 390,000 0 0 0 390,000 390,000 0 Approved Proj 15 830025 Replace DX Air Conditioner Library - Farmington 112,000 0 0 0 112,000 112,000 0 Revised Proj 18 830024 Space Needs Assessment Library - Pleasant Hill - Hastings 35,000 0 0 0 35,000 35,000 0 Approved Proj 22 810011 HCFC Chiller Purge Room Western Service Center 89,000 0 0 0 89,000 89,000 0 Approved Proj 23 820001 Security System Improvements Law Enforcement and Juvenile Cei 1,720,000 0 0 0 1,720,000 1,755,000 0 Revised Proj 35 New Replace (2) Translucent Skylights Law Enforcement Center 57,800 0 0 0 57,800 57,800 0 New Proj 40 New New Full Building Generator Library - Wescott - Eagan 530,000 0 0 0 530,000 530,000 0 New Proj 43 New New Generator Transfer Switches Thompson and Spring Lake Park Fi 45,000 0 0 0 45,000 45,000 0 New Proj 46 New Renovate Public Service Desk Western Service Center 82,680 0 0 0 82,680 82,680 0 New Proj 47 New Replace UPS Unit Western Service Center 80,000 0 0 0 80,000 80,000 0 New 2016 Total 9,267,680 40,000 9,227,680 17,448,980 2017 Section Proj 1 B70041 Carpet Replacement Program Countywide 198,000 0 0 0 198,000 1,386,300 0 Continuing Proj 3 B7004X Miscellaneous Projects Countywide 185,000 0 0 0 185,000 925,000 0 Continuing Proj 4 870040 Parking Lots Seal and Repairs Countywide 105,000 0 0 0 105,000 1,027,200 0 Continuing Proj 7 B70043 Special Assessments Countywide 20,000 0 0 0 20,000 120,000 0 Continuiing Proj 12 B10013 Renovation I New Additions Judicial Center Hastings 165,000 0 0 0 165,000 9,941,000 0 Continuing Proj 14 B10026 Emergency Generator Replace Judicial Center- Hastings 1,467,378 0 0 0 1,467,378 1,480,000 0 Revised Proj 16 830027 Space Needs Assessment Library - Heritage - Lakeville 35,000 0 0 0 35,000 35,000 0 Approved Proj 19 B30026 Renovation Library - Pleasant Hill - Hastings 820,000 0 0 0 820,000 2,770,000 0 Approved Proj 20 B30028 Replace Data Center Cooling Library - Wescott - Eagan 76,000 0 0 0 76,000 76,000 0 New Proj 24 New Replace 2 Cooling Towers Administration Center 280,900 0 0 0 280,900 280,900 0 New Proj 25 New Add Diesel Exhaust Fluid Dispensers Empire Transportatoin Facility 19,000 0 0 0 19,000 19,000 0 New Proj 27 New New Fuel Island Canopy Empire Transportation Facility 135,680 0 0 0 135,680 135,680 0 New Proj 29 New Replace UPS Systems Dakota Communications Center 212,000 0 0 212,000 0 212,000 0 New Proj 30 New Replace Security and Fire Notification Dakota Communications Center 251,000 0 0 251,000 0 251,000 0 New Proj 31 810023 Tier III Data Center Improvements Judicial Center 1,856,768 0 0 0 1,856,768 1,856,768 0 Revised Proj 45 New Replace Library and Service Center M Western Service Center 222,600 0 0 0 222,600 222,600 0 New 2017 Total 6,323,326 463,000 5,860,326 21,137,448 2018 Section Proj 1 870041 Carpet Replacement Program Countywide 204,000 0 0 0 204,000 1,386,300 0 Continuing Proj 3 B7004X Miscellaneous Projects Countywide 185,000 0 0 0 185,000 925,000 0 Continuing Proj 4 870040 Parking Lots Seal and Repairs Countywide 60,000 0 0 0 60,000 1,027,200 0 Continuing Proj 7 870043 Special Assessments Countywide 20,000 0 0 0 20,000 120,000 0 Continuiing Proj 8 870044 Storm Water Improvement Projects Countywide 25,000 0 0 0 25,000 150,000 0 Continuing page 37 2016 - 2020 Proposed Building Capital Improvement Program SHEET # PAGE PROJECT # NO. PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT LOCATION ANNUAL BOND INTERFUND COST PROCEEDS TRANSFERS OTHER COUNTY COST TOTAL LIFE PROJECT COST LEAD Project AGENCY Type Proj 17 B30029 MEN&- Renovation - Library & License Center Library - Heritage - Lakeville 1,080,000 0 0 0 1,080,000 000000- 5,080,000 0 Approved Proj 19 B30026 Renovation Library - Pleasant Hill - Hastings 1,950,000 0 0 0 1,950,000 2,770,000 0 Approved Proj 38 New Replace Pneumatic BAS Controls Library - Pleasant Hill - Hastings 150,000 0 0 0 150,000 150,000 0 New Proj 4 B70040 2018 Total 3,866,610 0 3,866,610 11,801,110 0 2019 Section Proj 1 B70041 Carpet Replacement Program Countywide 210,000 0 0 0 210,000 1,386,300 0 Continuing Proj 3 B7004X Miscellaneous Projects Countywide 185,000 0 0 0 185,000 925,000 0 Continuing Proj 4 B70040 Parking Lots Seal and Repairs Countywide 210,000 0 0 0 210,000 1,027,200 0 Continuing Proj 7 B70043 Special Assessments Countywide 20,000 0 0 0 20,000 120,000 0 Continuiing Proj 8 B70044 Storm Water Improvement Projects Countywide 25,000 0 0 0 25,000 150,000 0 Continuing Proj 17 B30029 Renovation - Library & License Center Library - Heritage - Lakeville 3,600,000 0 0 0 3,600,000 5,080,000 0 Approved Proj 32 New Replace (5) HVAC Rooftop Units Juvenile Services Center - Hastings 150,000 0 0 0 150,000 150,000 0 New 400,000 0 2019 Total 4,400,000 400,000 5,080,000 0 4,400,000 8,838,500 Replace 1998 35 Ton Chiller 2020 Section Proj 1 B70041 Carpet Replacement Program Countywide 216,300 0 0 0 216,300 1,386,300 0 Continuing Proj 3 B7004X Miscellaneous Projects Countywide 185,000 0 0 0 185,000 925,000 0 Continuing Proj 4 B70040 Parking Lots Seal and Repairs Countywide 200,000 0 0 0 200,000 1,027,200 0 Continuing Proj 7 B70043 Special Assessments Countywide 20,000 0 0 0 20,000 120,000 0 Continuiing Proj 8 B70044 Storm Water Improvement Projects Countywide 25,000 0 0 0 25,000 150,000 0 Continuing Proj 9 B10042 Parking Lot Addition Government Center 95,200 0 0 0 95,200 95,200 0 Revised Proj 17 B30029 Renovation - Library & License Center Library - Heritage - Lakeville 400,000 0 0 0 400,000 5,080,000 0 Approved Proj 33 New Replace 1998 35 Ton Chiller Juvenile Services Center 85,000 0 0 0 85,000 85,000 0 New Proj 34 New Replace 1998 42 Ton DX Air Conditior Juvenile Services Center 88,000 0 0 0 88,000 88,000 0 New Proj 36 New Replace DX Air Conditioner Library - Heritage - Lakeville 115,000 0 0 0 115,000 115,000 0 New Proj 37 New Replace 2000 Chiller Library - Inver Glen - Inver Grove F 115,000 0 0 0 115,000 115,000 0 New Proj 39 New Needs Assessment Library - Wentworth - West St. Pat 40,000 0 0 0 40,000 40,000 0 New 2020 Total 1,584,500 0 1,584,500 9,226,700 TOTAL EXPENDITURES ANNUAL BOND INTERFUND OTHER COUNTY TOTAL LIFE COST PROCEEDS TRANSFERS COST PROJECT COST 2016 9,267,680 40,000 9,227,680 17,448,980 2017 6,323,326 463,000 5,860,326 21,137,448 2018 3,866,610 - 3,866,610 11,801,110 2019 4,400,000 4,400,000 8,838,500 2020 1,584,500 1,584,500 9,226,700 Total 25,442,116 503,000 24,939,116 68,452,738 page 38 2016 - 2020 Data Network Capital Improvement Program SHEET PAGE PROJECT I PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT LOCATION ANNUAL LOCAL FEDERAL STATE OTHER COUNTY TOTAL LIFE LEAD # # NO. DING COST SHARE 500,000 - COST PROJECT COST AGENCY Proj 1 DN00033 Collaborative Broadband Networks To Be Determined 800,000 - - - 300,000 500,000 A 800,000 - - 2016 Section 2018 Total 800,000 - - - 300,000 500,000 4,200,000 Proj 1 DN00033 Collaborative Broadband Networks To Be Determined 1,000,000 - - - 450,000 550,000 4,200,000 To Be Determined Proj 1 DN00033 2016 Total 1,000,000 - - - 450,000 550,000 4,200,000 2017 Section 2019 Total 800,000 - - - 300,000 500,000 4,200,000 2020 Section = Proj 1 DN00033 Collaborative Broadband Networks To Be Determined 800,000 - - - 300,000 500,000 4,200,000 To Be Determined , 2017 Total dM1 L, 800.000 - - - 300,000 500,000 4,200,000 2018 Section -- COST PROJECT COST 2016 1,000,000 - - - 450,000 550,000 4,200,000 2017 N-%-Wr - 300,000 500,000 - 2018 800,000 - - Proj 1 DN00033 Collaborative Broadband Networks To Be Determined 800,000 - - - 300,000 500,000 4,200,000 To Be Determined 800,000 - - - 300,000 2018 Total 800,000 - - - 300,000 500,000 4,200,000 2019 Section Proj 1 DN00033 Collaborative Broadband Networks To Be Determined 800,000 - - - 300,000 500,000 4,200,000 To Be Determined 2019 Total 800,000 - - - 300,000 500,000 4,200,000 2020 Section Proj 1 DN00033 Collaborative Broadband Networks To Be Determined 800,000 - - - 300,000 500,000 4,200,000 To Be Determined 2020 Total 800,000 - - - 300,000 500,000 4,200,000 COST SHARE COST PROJECT COST 2016 1,000,000 - - - 450,000 550,000 4,200,000 2017 800,000 - - - 300,000 500,000 - 2018 800,000 - - - 300,000 500,000 - 2019 800,000 - - - 300,000 500,000 - 2020 800,000 - - - 300,000 500,000 - 2016 - 2020 TOTAL 4,200,000 - - - 1,650,000 2,550,000 4,200,000 page 39 1101 Victoria Curve I Mendota Heights, MN 55118 651.452.1850 phone 1 651.452.8940 fax www.rnendota-hei ghts.corn s CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS DATE: October 20, 2015 TO: Mayor, City Council, and City Administrator FROM: John R. Mazzitello, PE, PMP, MBA Public Works Director/City Engineer SUBJECT: Authorization to Seek Professional Services for the Revision of the City Local Surface Water Management Plan BACKGROUND The City of Mendota Heights Local Surface Water Management Plan (LSWMP) was last updated in 2006. The Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR), the State regulatory agency that oversees surface water issues requires these municipal plans be updated every 10 years. In addition, the Lower Mississippi River Watershed Management Organization (LMRWMO) recently updated its Watershed Management Plan, at the request of the City of Mendota Heights, to incorporate that portion of the City formerly a part of the Gun Club Lake Watershed Management Organization. Updating this plan would accomplish two tasks with one revision: 1. Meet the regulatory requirements of BWSR 2. Marry our LSWMP goals and objectives with those of the LMRWMO (also a BWSR requirement) Staff is asking for authorization to seek professional services via issuance of a Request for Proposals (RFP) from local consulting firms specializing in water resource management. If approved, staff would issue the RFP, evaluate the proposals received, and make a recommendation to City Council for project award according to the following schedule: October 23, 2015 — Issue RFP November 16, 2015 — RFP deadline for submittal to City November 23, 2015 — Staff evaluation complete December 1, 2015 — Recommendation for project award to City Council The timeframe for project development would have the revised LSWMP completed, reviewed by applicable regulatory agencies, and brought before Council for final adoption by January 2017. BUDGET IMPACT Staff has planned for this project as part of the Storm Sewer Utility fund, and adequate funds have been set aside specifically for the revision of the LSWMP. page 40 RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that if Council wishes to revise the City Local Surface Water Management Plan, they should pass a motion authorizing staff to seek the professional services outlined above. This action would require a simple majority vote. page 41 1101 Victoria Curve I Mendota Heights, MN 55118 651.452.1850 phone 1 651.452.8940 fax www.rnendota-hei ghts.corn s CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS DATE: October 20, 2015 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Kristen Schabacker, Finance Director SUBJECT: Insurance Renewal INTRODUCTION: The Council is asked to take action regarding the purchase of additional liability insurance, and to not waive the monetary limits on claims against the City. BACKGROUND Each year LMCIT requires the city to decide if it wishes to purchase additional liability coverage and a waiver of monetary limits on the claims. The base coverage is $1.5 million, which is the basic statutory limit. In the past, the City has not purchased additional coverage, and has elected not to waive the statutory tort limits. If it would choose to waive the statutory limits, plaintiffs filing lawsuits against the City could conceivably collect more than the statutory limit of $1.5 million. Only rarely do cities choose to waive this maximum. The insurance coverage period runs November 1, 2015 to November 1, 2016. BUDGET IMPACT 10a RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Mendota Heights City Council pass a motion to not purchase additional liability coverage and elect not to waive the statutory tort limits. ACTION REQUIRED; If the Council concurs, it should, by motion, decline to purchase additional liability coverage, and furthermore decline to waive the statutory tort limits. 10/14/2015 Mendota Heights Building Activity Report Mike Andre'ka, Building Official page Z September 1, 2015 thru September 30, 2015 January 1, 2015 thru September 30, 2015 January 1, 2014 thru September 30, 2014 January 1, 2013 thru September 30, 2013 Building Permit No. Valuation Fee Collected Building Permit No. Valuation Trade Permit Fee Collected Building Permit No. Valuation Fee Collected Building Permit No. Valuation Fee Collected SFD 0 $ $0.00 SFD 8 $ 4,064,744.00 $44,424.62 SFD 16 $ 6,855,000.00 $68,314.29 SFD 3 $ 1,059,000.00 $ 11,176.11 APT 0 $ $0.00 APT 0 $ 12 $0.00 APT 0 $ $0.00 APT 0 $ $ - Townhouse 0 1 $ $0.00 Townhouse 4 1 $ 1,080,000.00 $13,706.56 Townhouse 0 1 $ $0.00 Townhouse 0 1 $ $ Condo 0 $ - $0.00 Condo 0 $ $0.00 Condo 0 $ $0.00 Condo 0 $ $ - Misc 80 $ 838,982.20 $ 13,651.80 Misc 484 $ 7,072,778.20 $ 109,472.51 Misc 453 $ 5,247,781.09 $ 92,176.88 Misc 417 $ 5,206,318.00 $ 92,467.09 Commercial 5 $ 2,909,735.00 $24,410.12 Commercial 31 $ 5,424,476.00 $61,417.45 Commercial 37 $ 10,078,437.50 $89,591.52 Commercial 83 $ 11,102,973.00 $ 87,678.20 Sub Total 1 85 1 $ 3,748,717.20 1 $ 38,061.92 Sub Total 1 527 1 $ 17,641,998.20 $ 229,021.14 Sub Total 506 1 $ 22,181,118.59 1 $ 250,082.69 1 Sub Total 1 503 1 $ 17,368,291.00 1 $ 191,321.40 Trade Permit No. Valuation Fee Collected Trade Permit No. Valuation Fee Collected Trade Permit No. Valuation Fee Collected Trade Permit No. Valuation Fee Collected Plumbing 18 $2,725.52 Plumbing 166 $15,440.24 Plumbing 123 $9,360.43 Plumbing 136 $ 7,773.60 Water 0 $0.00 Water 6 $60.00 Water 4 $40.00 Water 2 $ 20.00 Sewer 1 $75.00 Sewer 12 $750.00 Sewer 15 $375.00 Sewer 3 $ 75.00 Mechanical 1 42 1 1 $9,313.44 lMechanical 1 265 1 1 $28,552.25 1 lMechanical 1 196 1 1 $19,327.81 1 iMechanical 1 230 1 1 $ 32,299.09 Sub Total 61 1 1 $ 12,113.96 Sub Total 1 449 1 1 $ 44,802.49 11 Sub Total 1 338 1 1 $29,103.14 11 Sub Total 1 371 1 1 $ 40,167.69 License No. Valuation Fee Collected Licenses I No. Valuation Fee Collected Licenses I No. Valuation IFee Collected Licenses I No. Valuation Fee Collected Contractor 6 1 $300.00 Contractor 282 $14,100.00 Contractor 295 1 $14,750.00 Contractor 1 311 1 $ 15,550.00 Total 152 1 $ 3,748,717.20 1 $ 50,475.88 Total 1 1258 1 $ 17,641,998.20 $ 287,923.63 Total 1139 1 $ 22,181,118.59 $ 293,935.93 Total 1185 1 $ 17,368,291.00 1 $ 247,039.09 NOTE: All fee amounts exclude SAC, WAC and State Surcharge. Amounts shown will reflect only permit plan review fee and valuation totals page 43 1101 Victoria Curve I Mendota Heights, MN 55118 651.452.1850 phone ( 651.452.8940 fax ® www.mendota•heights.com CITY OF MENOOTA HEIGHTS DATE: . October 20, 2015 TO: Mayor, City Council and City Administrator FROM: Kristen Schabacicer, Finance Director 0&1-,- Claims List Sun -unary Sinnificant Claims Nelson Auto Center — Police Department Vehicle Xcel Energy — Utilities Avenet LLC — Web Design Northland Fence Repair — Dog Park Fencing Pioneer Engineering — Victoria Road South Project Valley Paving — Victoria Road Project Work Wingfoot Commercial Tire — Police Dept Tires Manual Checks Total System Checks Total Total for the list of claims for the October 20, 2015 city council meeting Approval of the list of claims for October 6, 2015. $ 31,287.95 $ 7,857.18 $ 6,595.00 $ 12,050.00 $ 3,352.00 $ 511,522.91 $ 3,297.84 $ 48,290.47 $ 602,662.34 $ 650,952.81 page 44 CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS 10/14/15 10:56 AM Page 1 Claims List MANUALCHECKS 10/14/15 MAN Account Comments DEPT Descr Amount Search Name BOWMAN, JUSTIN R 01-3348 OFF DUTY WORK $183.00 Search Name BOWMAN, JUSTIN $183.00 Search Name I C M A RETIREMENT 457 G 01-2072 10/09/2015 PAYROLL Road & Bridges $2,046.81 Search Name I C M A RETIREMENT 457 AUG 2015 EL. UTILITIES $2,046.81 Search Name MCCARTY, PAT E 01-4211-315-30 AUG 2015 EL. UTILITIES Fire R 01-3348 OFF DUTY WORK AUG 2015 EL. UTILITIES $152.50 Search Name MCCARTY, PAT E 01-4211-310-50 AUG 2015 EL. UTILITIES $152.50 Search Name NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION E 08-4211-000-00 AUG 2015 EL. UTILITIES G 01-2072 10/09/2015 PAYROLL E 15-4212-310-60 $50.00 Search Name NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION $18.21 $50.00 Search Name NELSON AUTO CENTER Road & Bridges $1,687.61 E 15-4211-310-60 E 01-4610-020-20 POLICE DEPT VEHICLE Police $31,287.95 Search Name NELSON AUTO CENTER Utility Enterprise $881.16 $31,287.95 Search Name REYNOLDS, JOHN Spec Fds $626.46 E 01-4212-310-50 R 01-3348 OFF DUTY WORK $18.23 $183.00 Search Name REYNOLDS, JOHN $183.00 Search Name SELECT ACCOUNT E 05-4131-105-15 HSA CONTRIBUTION Engineering Enterprise $438.46 E 01-4131-050-50 HSA CONTRIBUTION Road & Bridges $257.69 E 01-4131-070-70 HSA CONTRIBUTION Parks & Recreation $257.69 E 01-4131-020-20 HSA CONTRIBUTION Police $1,919.89 E 01-4131-110-10 HSA CONTRIBUTION Administration $334.62 G 01-2071 HSA CONTRIBUTION $2,385.32 Search Name SELECT ACCOUNT $5,593.67 Search Name UNITED WAY OF ST. PAUL G 01-2070 10/09/2015 PAYROLL $49.00 Search Name UNITED WAY OF ST. PAUL $49.00 Search Name US POSTAL SERVICE E 15-4318-060-60 3RD QTR SEWER BILLING POSTAGE Utility Enterprise $887.36 Search Name US POSTAL SERVICE $887.36 Search Name XCEL ENERGY E 01-4211-420-50 AUG 2015 EL. UTILITIES Road & Bridges $205.24 E 01-4211-320-70 AUG 2015 EL. UTILITIES Parks & Recreation $266.17 E 01-4211-315-30 AUG 2015 EL. UTILITIES Fire $669.12 E 01-4211-310-70 AUG 2015 EL. UTILITIES Parks & Recreation $272.91 E 01-4211-310-50 AUG 2015 EL. UTILITIES Road & Bridges $272.91 E 08-4211-000-00 AUG 2015 EL. UTILITIES Spec Fds $2,431.15 E 15-4212-310-60 AUG 2015 GAS UTILITIES Utility Enterprise $18.21 E 01-4211-300-50 AUG 2015 EL. UTILITIES Road & Bridges $1,687.61 E 15-4211-310-60 AUG 2015 EL. UTILITIES Utility Enterprise $272.91 E 15-4211-400-60 AUG 2015 EL. UTILITIES Utility Enterprise $881.16 E 28-4211-000-00 AUG 2015 EL. UTILITIES Spec Fds $626.46 E 01-4212-310-50 AUG 2015 GAS UTILITIES Road & Bridges $18.23 page 45 CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS 10/14/15 10:56 AM Page 2 Claims List MANUALCHECKS 10/14/15 MAN Account Comments DEPT Descr Amount E 01-4212-310-70 AUG 2015 GAS UTILITIES Parks & Recreation $18.23 E 01-4212-315-30 AUG 2015 GAS UTILITIES Fire $70.34 E 08-4212-000-00 AUG 2015 GAS UTILITIES Spec Fds $69.20 E 15-4212-400-60 AUG 2015 GAS UTILITIES Utility Enterprise $27.33 E 01-4212-320-70 AUG 2015 GAS UTILITIES Parks & Recreation $50.00 Search Name XCEL ENERGY $7,857.18 $48,290.47 page 46 CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS 10/14/15 2:35 PM Page 1 Claims List SYSTEM CHECKS 10/20/15 PAY Account Comments DEPT Descr Amount Search Name 4 PAWS ANIMAL CONTROL LLC G 01-2035 SEPT 2015 ANIMAL CONTROL -$20.63 E 01-4225-800-90 SEPT 2015 ANIMAL CONTROL Animal Control $320.63 Search Name 4 PAWS ANIMAL CONTROL LLC $300.00 Search Name AAA CREDIT SCREENING SERVICE G 01-1145 BACKGROUND CHECK - MENDOTA $25.00 G 01-1145 BACKGROUND CHECK - MENDOTA $25.00 Search Name AAA CREDIT SCREENING SERVICE $50.00 Search Name ADVANTAGE SIGNS & GRAPHICS E 01-4420-050-50 STREET SIGNS Road & Bridges $31.50 Search Name ADVANTAGE SIGNS & GRAPHICS $31.50 Search Name ALL CITY ELEVATOR, INC. E 08-4335-000-00 OCT 2015 ELEVATOR CONTRACT - CITY HALL Spec Fds $153.00 Search Name ALL CITY ELEVATOR, INC. $153.00 Search Name ALVAREZ, ROBERT R 01-3365 PLANNING CASE #2015-26 $400.00 Search Name ALVAREZ, ROBERT $400.00 Search Name AMERICAN FLEET SUPPLY E 01-4330-490-50 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS - STREETS Road & Bridges $217.82 Search Name AMERICAN FLEET SUPPLY $217.82 Search Name ASPEN MILLS E 01-4410-020-20 UNIFORM - D. URMANN Police $355.90 Search Name ASPEN MILLS $355.90 Search Name AVENET, LLC E 01-4220-114-14 WEB DESIGN Info Tech $6,595.00 Search Name AVENET, LLC $6,595.00 Search Name BCA- Ci IS E 01-4223-020-20 3RD QTR ODN CHARGES Police $720.00 Search Name BCA -CJ IS $720.00 Search Name BATTERIES PLUS E 01-4305-070-70 BATTERIES - PARKS Parks & Recreation $51.96 Search Name BATTERIES PLUS $51.96 Search Name BLUE TARP FINANCIAL E 01-4320-050-50 FUEL - SHOP Road & Bridges $57.99 E 15-4320-060-60 FUEL - SHOP Utility Enterprise $57.98 E 01-4320-030-30 FUEL - SHOP Fire $57.99 E 01-4320-070-70 FUEL - SHOP Parks & Recreation $57.98 Search Name BLUE TARP FINANCIAL $231.94 Search Name C. DARLENE OEHLKE, CAP E 01-4220-110-10 10/06/15 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Administration $169.40 Search Name C. DARLENE OEHLKE, CAP $169.40 Search Name CARLSON WELL DRILLING, INC. E 13-4460-000-00 WELL SEALING @ 1189 BOURN LN Spec Fds $2,170.00 page 47 CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS 10/14/15 2:35 PM Page 2 Claims List SYSTEM CHECKS 10/20/15 PAY Account Comments DEPT Descr Amount Search Name CARLSON WELL DRILLING, INC. $2,170.00 Search Name CDW GOVERNMENT, INC E 01-4301-114-14 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT Info Tech Search Name CDW GOVERNMENT, INC Search Name CENTRAL IRRIGATION SUPPLY E 08-4335-000-00 IRRIGATION REPAIR PARTS - CITY HALL Spec Fds E 08-4335-000-00 IRRIGATION REPAIR PARTS - CITY HALL Spec Fds Search Name CENTRAL IRRIGATION SUPPLY Search Name COMCAST E 45-4210-045-45 OCT 2015 SERVICE - PAR3 Golf Course Search Name COMCAST Search Name COMMERCIAL ASPHALT E 01-4422-050-50 STREET MAINT. MATERIALS Search Name COMMERCIAL ASPHALT Search Name DAKOTA COMMUNICATIONS CENTER E 01-4275-020-20 NOV 2015 DCC FEE E 01-4275-030-30 NOV 2015 DCC FEE Search Name DAKOTA COMMUNICATIONS CENTER Search Name ECKBERG LAMMERS E 01-4220-120-40 E 27-4220-791-00 E 01-4220-120-30 E 01-4220-120-80 E 01-4221-120-10 E 01-4220-120-10 E 37-4220-120-00 E 01-4481-110-10 Search Name ECKBERG LAMMERS SEP 2015 LEGAL SERVICES SEP 2015 LEGAL SERVICES SEP 2015 LEGAL SERVICES SEP 2015 LEGAL SERVICES SEP 2015 LEGAL SERVICES - COUNCIL MTGS SEP 2015 LEGAL SERVICES SEP 2015 LEGAL SERVICES SEP 2015 LEGAL SERVICES Search Name EMERGENCY APPARATUS MTNC E 01-4268-030-30 NFPA PUMP TEST - ENGINE 11 E 01-4268-030-30 NFPA PUMP TEST - TANKER 10 Search Name EMERGENCY APPARATUS MTNC Search Name EMERGENCY RESPONSE SOLUTIONS E 01-4305-155-30 PROTECTIVE GEAR - FIRE DEPT E 01-4305-155-30 PROTECTIVE GEAR - FIRE DEPT Search Name EMERGENCY RESPONSE SOLUTIONS Search Name ESI SEPTIC E 13-4460-000-00 SERVICE @ 1189 BOURN LN Search Name ESI SEPTIC Search Name FASTENAL INDUSTRIAL & CONSTR E 15-4305-060-60 OPERATING SUPPLIES - SEWER Search Name FASTENAL INDUSTRIAL & CONSTR Search Name FIRST IMPRESSION GROUP E 01-4268-030-30 2014 ANNUAL FIRE REPORT Road & Bridges Police Fire Code Enforcement/Inspe Spec Fds Fire Planning Administration Administration Spec Fds Administration Fire Fire Fire Fire Spec Fds Utility Enterprise �' $113.61 $113.61 -$15.67 $176.18 $160.51 $201.46 $201.46 $1,196.64 $1,196.64 $17,515.00 to ) nn :P16,1/ -/.VV $450.00 $1,350.00 $337.50 $562.50 $400.00 $300.00 $150.00 cki R7_ Sn ZP-3,/a/.Z)V $225.00 $225.00 $450.00 $373.74 $46.69 $420.43 $175.00 $175.00 $18.33 $18.33 $2,693.00 page 48 CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS 10/14/15 2:35 PM Page 3 Claims List SYSTEM CHECKS 10/20/15 PAY Account Comments DEPT Descr Amount Search Name FIRST IMPRESSION GROUP $2,693.00 Search Name FLEETPRIDE E 45-4330-490-45 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS - PAR3 Golf Course $8.22 G 45-2035 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS - PAR3 -$0.53 Search Name FLEETPRIDE $7.69 Search Name FOREMOST PROMOTIONS E 01-4305-220-20 D.A.R.E. SUPPLIES Police $1,321.00 Search Name FOREMOST PROMOTIONS $1,321.00 Search Name FRONTIER AG & TURF E 01-4330-490-70 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS - PARKS Parks & Recreation $125.35 E 01-4330-490-70 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS - PARKS Parks & Recreation $60.94 E 01-4330-490-70 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS - PARKS Parks & Recreation -$44.38 E 01-4330-490-50 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS - STREETS Road & Bridges $13.43 Search Name FRONTIER AG & TURF $155.34 Search Name GERTENS GREENHOUSE E 08-4335-000-00 LANDSCAPING MATERIALS - CITY HALL Spec Fds $149.85 E 08-4335-000-00 LANDSCAPING MATERIALS - CITY HALL Spec Fds $149.85 Search Name GERTENS GREENHOUSE $299.70 Search Name GOPHER STATE ONE CALL E 01-4210-040-40 SEPT 2015 SERVICE Code Enforcement/Inspe $451.05 Search Name GOPHER STATE ONE CALL $451.05 Search Name CPRS E 01-4400-110-10 PAYROLL SEMINAR - ADMIN Administration $80.00 Search Name GPRS $80.00 Search Name GRAINGER E 08-4335-000-00 BLDG MAINT. SUPPLIES - CITY HALL Spec Fds $102.72 Search Name GRAINGER $102.72 Search Name GRANNIS & HAUGE, P.A. E 01-4222-120-20 SEPT 2015 LEGAL SERVICES Police $5,891.00 Search Name GRANNIS & HAUGE, P.A. $5,891.00 Search Name H & L MESABI E 01-4305-050-50 SNOW PLOW BLADES - STREETS Road & Bridges $2,033.18 Search Name H & L MESABI $2,033.18 Search Name HAMLINE UNIVERSITY E 05-4400-105-15 CLASSES - R. BURROWS Engineering Enterprise $1,400.00 Search Name HAMLINE UNIVERSITY $1,400.00 Search Name HIRSHFIELD S PAINT & MFG INC E 01-4330-215-70 FIELD STRIPING PAINT Parks & Recreation $950.40 Search Name HIRSHFIELD S PAINT & MFG INC $950.40 Search Name INNOVATIVE OFFICE SOLUTIONS E 01-4300-110-10 OFFICE SUPPLIES - ADMIN Administration $107.20 E 01-4300-030-30 OFFICE SUPPLIES - FIRE DEPT Fire $38.30 E 01-4300-020-20 OFFICE SUPPLIES - PD Police $91.26 CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS Claims List SYSTEM CHECKS 10/20/15 PAY page 49 10/14/15 2:35 PM Page 4 Account Comments DEPT Descr Amount Search Name INNOVATIVE OFFICE SOLUTIONS $236.76 Search Name INTERSTATE BATTERY SYSTEM E 01-4330-460-30 BATTERY - FIRE DEPT Fire $91.95 E 01-4330-490-50 BATTERIES - STREETS Road & Bridges $335.85 Search Name INTERSTATE BATTERY SYSTEM $427.80 Search Name IRON MOUNTAIN RECORDS MGMT E 01-4490-110-10 SEPT 2015 SHREDDING Administration $12.07 E 01-4490-020-20 SEPT 2015 SHREDDING Police $36.21 Search Name IRON MOUNTAIN RECORDS MGMT $48.28 Search Name JANI-KING OF MINNESOTA, INC. E 01-4331-020-20 MAT SERVICE - PD Police $780.00 E 01-4335-310-50 MAT SERVICE - PW Road & Bridges $66.67 E 01-4335-310-70 MAT SERVICE - PW Parks & Recreation $66.67 E 15-4335-310-60 MAT SERVICE - PW Utility Enterprise $66.66 Search Name JANI-KING OF MINNESOTA, INC. $980.00 Search Name KAT KEYS E 08-4335-000-00 BLDG REPAIRS - CITY HALL Spec Fds $14.00 E 08-4335-000-00 BLDG REPAIRS - CITY HALL Spec Fds $1,631.00 Search Name KAT KEYS $1,645.00 Search Name LAWSON PRODUCTS, INC E 01-4305-050-�0 OPERATING SUPPLIES - SHOP Road & Bridges $90.76 E 01-4305-070-70 OPERATING SUPPLIES - SHOP Parks & Recreation $90.76 E 15-4305-060-60 OPERATING SUPPLIES - SHOP Utility Enterprise $90.76 Search Name LAWSON PRODUCTS, INC $272.28 Search Name LEAGUE MN CITIES E 01-4400-110-10 MEETINGS - M. MCNEILL Administration $40.00 Search Name LEAGUE MN CITIES $40.00 Search Name LEGEND TECHNICAL SERVICES, INC E 08-4335-000-00 LEAK/MOLD INVESTIGATION - CITY HALL Spec Fds $819.04 Search Name LEGEND TECHNICAL SERVICES, INC $819.04 Search Name LEXISNEXIS E 01-4223-020-20 AUG 2015 SERVICE Police $50.00 E 01-4223-020-20 SEPT 2015 SERVICE Police $96.25 Search Name LEXISNEXIS $146.25 Search Name LILLIE SUBURBAN NEWS E 01-4240-080-80 AUG 2015 PUBLICATIONS - ORDINANCES Planning $240.00 E 01-4240-080-80 AUG 2015 PUBLICATIONS - PLANNING NOTIC Planning $22.50 Search Name LILLIE SUBURBAN NEWS $262.50 Search Name M T I DISTRIBUTING COMPANY E 01-4330-490-70 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS - PARKS Parks & Recreation $570.98 E 01-4330-490-70 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS - PARKS Parks & Recreation $542.30 E 01-4330-490-70 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS - PARKS Parks & Recreation $284.13 Search Name M T I DISTRIBUTING COMPANY $1,397.41 Search Name MARTIN-MCALLISTER page 50 CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS 10/14/15 2:35 PM Page 5 Claims List SYSTEM CHECKS 10/20/15 PAY Account Comments DEPT Descr Amount E 01-4490-109-09 CONSULTING SERVICES City Council $250.00 Search Name MARTIN-MCALLISTER $250.00 Search Name MCNEILL, MARK E 01-4400-110-10 TRAVEL EXPENSES - M. MCNEILL Administration $1,391.84 E 01-4490-110-10 MEETING EXPENSES - M. MCNEILL Administration $36.94 Search Name MCNEILL, MARK $1,428.78 Search Name MENARDS E 01-4305-070-70 OPERATING SUPPLIES - PARKS Parks & Recreation $37.19 E 01-4305-050-50 OPERATING SUPPLIES - STREETS Road & Bridges $158.24 E 01-4305-050-50 OPERATING SUPPLIES - STREETS Road & Bridges $177.68 Search Name MENARDS $373.11 Search Name METRO SALES E 01-4330-030-30 QTRLY COPIER MAINTENANCE - FIRE DEPT Fire $162.43 Search Name METRO SALES $162.43 Search Name MID NORTHERN SERVICES E 28-4330-000-00 STREET LIGHTING REPAIRS Spec Fds $180.00 E 28-4330-000-00 STREET LIGHTING REPAIRS Spec Fds $717.30 E 01-4335-315-30 LIGHTING REPAIRS - FIRE HALL Fire $418.80 Search Name MID NORTHERN SERVICES $1,316.10 Search Name MITCHELLI E 05-4300-105-15 OCT 2015 SERVICE Engineering Enterprise $169.00 Search Name MITCHELLI $169.00 Search Name MN ST ADMIN ITG TELECOM SRVCE E 01-4220-133-10 SEPT 2015 WAN SERVICE Administration $111.00 E 01-4223-020-20 AUG 2015 WAN SERVICE Police $134.00 E 01-4223-020-20 SEPT 2015 WAN SERVICE Police $134.00 E 01-4220-133-10 AUG 2015 WAN SERVICE Administration $111.00 Search Name MN ST ADMIN ITG TELECOM SRVCE $490.00 Search Name MN TEAMSTERS LOCAL 320 G 01-2075 OCT 2015 UNION DUES $620.00 Search Name MN TEAMSTERS LOCAL 320 $620.00 Search Name NITTI SANITATION INC E 45-4280-045-45 RUBBISH & RECYCLING - PAR3 Golf Course $66.32 Search Name NITTI SANITATION INC $66.32 Search Name NORTH STAR PUMP SERVICE E 15-4330-400-60 LIFT STATIONS MAINTENANCE Utility Enterprise $2,045.00 Search Name NORTH STAR PUMP SERVICE $2,045.00 Search Name NORTHLAND FENCE AND REPAIR E 01-4480-110-10 FENCE - DOG PARK Administration $6,025.00 E 01-4480-110-10 FENCE - DOG PARK Administration $6,025.00 Search Name NORTHLAND FENCE AND REPAIR $12,050.00 Search Name NUSS TRUCK & EQUIPMENT E 01-4330-490-50 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS - STREETS Road & Bridges $333.00 Search Name NUSS TRUCK & EQUIPMENT $333.00 page 51 CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS 10/14/15 2:35 PM Page 6 Claims List SYSTEM CHECKS 10/20/15 PAY Account Comments DEPT Descr Amount Search Name OFFICE DEPOT E 01-4300-110-10 OFFICE SUPPLIES - ADMIN Administration -$3.60 E 01-4300-110-10 OFFICE SUPPLIES - ADMIN Administration $21.86 Search Name OFFICE DEPOT $18.26 Search Name OREILLY AUTO/FIRST CALL E 01-4305-050-50 OPERATING SUPPLIES - STREETS Road & Bridges $59.96 E 08-4335-000-00 BLDG REAPIR SUPPLIES - CITY HALL Spec Fds $10.99 E 01-4330-460-30 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS - FIRE DEPT Fire $11.99 E 01-4305-050-50 OPERATING SUPPLIES - STREETS Road & Bridges $54.60 E 15-4305-060-60 OPERATING SUPPLIES - SHOP Utility Enterprise $24.55 E 01-4305-070-70 OPERATING SUPPLIES - SHOP Parks & Recreation $24.55 E 01-4305-050-50 OPERATING SUPPLIES - SHOP Road & Bridges $24.55 E 01-4305-030-30 OPERATING SUPPLIES - FIRE DEPT Fire $127.30 E 08-4335-000-00 BLDG REAPIR SUPPLIES - CITY HALL Spec Fds $11.99 Search Name OREILLY AUTO/FIRST CALL $100.48 $350.48 Search Name OTT, JOSEPH E 01-4425-310-70 G 15-1150 REFUND - SEWER ACCT CREDIT $16.85 $10.86 Search Name OTT, JOSEPH Spec Fds $69.86 $10.86 Search Name OXYGEN SERVICE CO E 15-4200-610-60 CYLINDER RENT - PW Utility Enterprise $29.00 E 01-4305-030-30 CYLINDER RENT - FIRE DEPT Fire $113.16 E 01-4200-610-70 CYLINDER RENT - PW Parks & Recreation $29.00 E 01-4200-610-50 CYLINDER RENT - PW Road & Bridges $29.00 Search Name OXYGEN SERVICE CO $200.16 Search Name PIONEER ENGINEERING E 27-4220-791-00 VICTORIA RD SOUTH PROJECT Spec Fds $3,352.00 Search Name PIONEER ENGINEERING $3,352.00 Search Name S K B E 15-4335-310-60 CLEAN-UP - PW Utility Enterprise $41.66 E 01-4335-310-70 CLEAN-UP - PW Parks & Recreation $41.67 E 01-4335-310-50 CLEAN-UP - PW Road & Bridges $41.67 Search Name S K B $125.00 Search Name SAM S CLUB E 01-4331-050-50 COFFEE BREWER - PW Road & Bridges $83.16 E 01-4331-070-70 COFFEE BREWER - PW Parks & Recreation $83.16 E 15-4331-060-60 COFFEE BREWER - PW Utility Enterprise $83.15 E 01-4435-200-70 SENIOR PROGRAMS SUPPLIES Parks & Recreation $15.98 E 45-4310-210-45 CONCESSIONS - PAR Golf Course $122.16 E 45-4305-045-45 FOOTGOLF SUPPLIES - PAR3 Golf Course $94.05 Search Name SAM S CLUB $481.66 Search Name SECURITY RESPONSE SERVICES INC E 45-4335-045-45 SECURITY MONITORING - PAR3 Golf Course $100.48 Search Name SECURITY RESPONSE SERVICES INC $100.48 Search Name SPRWS E 01-4425-310-70 SEPT 2015 SERVICE - PW Parks & Recreation $16.85 E 08-4425-000-00 SEPT 2015 SERVICE - CITY HALL Spec Fds $69.86 CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS Claims List SYSTEM CHECKS 10/20/15 PAY page 52 10/14/15 2:35 PM Page 7 Account Comments DEPT Descr Amount E 01-4425-315-30 SEPT 2015 SERVICE - FIRE DEPT Fire $77.31 E 01-4425-070-70 SEPT 2015 SERVICE - PARKS Parks & Recreation $1,242.10 E 15-4425-310-60 SEPT 2015 SERVICE - PW Utility Enterprise $16.85 E 01-4425-310-50 SEPT 2015 SERVICE - PW Road & Bridges $16.86 E 01-4425-070-70 SEPT 2015 SERVICE - PARKS Parks & Recreation $551.30 E 45-4425-045-45 3RD QTR SERVICE - PAR3 Golf Course $55.43 Search Name SPRWS $294.83 E 05-4210-105-15 SEPT 2015 CELL SERVICE $2,046.56 Search Name TRI STATE BOBCAT E 01-4210-110-10 SEPT 2015 CELL SERVICE Administration $102.34 E 01-4330-490-50 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS - STREETS Road & Bridges $527.44 Search Name TRI STATE BOBCAT E 08-4335-000-00 BLDG REPAIRS - CITY HALL $527.44 Search Name TWIN CITY TELEPHONE Search Name WALLRAFF ELECTRIC CO. $226.00 E 01-4210-070-70 TELEPHONE REPAIRS - CITY HALL Parks & Recreation $108.33 E 15-4210-060-60 TELEPHONE REPAIRS - CITY HALL Utility Enterprise $108.33 E 01-4210-050-50 TELEPHONE REPAIRS - CITY HALL Road & Bridges $108.34 Search Name TWIN CITY TELEPHONE Utility Enterprise $104.80 $325.00 Search Name VALLEY PAVING, INC. E 27-4460-791-00 VICTORIA RD SOUTH PROJECT Spec Fds $511,522.91 Search Name VALLEY PAVING, INC. $511,522.91 Search Name VERIZON WIRELESS E 01-4210-070-70 SEPT 2015 CELL SERVICE Parks & Recreation $51.17 E 15-4210-060-60 SEPT 2015 CELL SERVICE Utility Enterprise $52.47 E 01-4210-050-50 SEPT 2015 CELL SERVICE Road & Bridges $287.89 E 01-4210-114-14 SEPT 2015 CELL SERVICE Info Tech $121.19 E 01-4223-020-20 SEPT 2015 CELL SERVICE Police $280.12 E 01-4210-020-20 SEPT 2015 CELL SERVICE Police $879.89 E 01-4210-030-30 SEPT 2015 CELL SERVICE Fire $294.83 E 05-4210-105-15 SEPT 2015 CELL SERVICE Engineering Enterprise $153.51 E 01-4210-110-10 SEPT 2015 CELL SERVICE Administration $102.34 Search Name VERIZON WIRELESS $2,223.41 Search Name WALLRAFF ELECTRIC CO. E 08-4335-000-00 BLDG REPAIRS - CITY HALL Spec Fds $226.00 Search Name WALLRAFF ELECTRIC CO. $226.00 Search Name WASTE MANAGEMENT E 01-4280-310-50 SEPT 2015 SERVICE - PW GARAGE Road & Bridges $104.81 E 08-4280-000-00 SEPT 2015 SERVICE - CITY HALL Spec Fds $195.02 E 01-4280-310-70 SEPT 2015 SERVICE - PW GARAGE Parks & Recreation $104.80 E 15-4280-310-60 SEPT 2015 SERVICE - PW GARAGE Utility Enterprise $104.80 Search Name WASTE MANAGEMENT $509.43 Search Name WINFIELD SOLUTIONS, LLC E 45-4334-045-45 CHEMICALS - PAR3 Golf Course $333.71 Search Name WINFIELD SOLUTIONS, LLC $333.71 Search Name WINGFOOT COMMERCIAL TIRE E 01-4330-440-20 TIRES - PD Police $3,297.84 Search Name WINGFOOT COMMERCIAL TIRE $3,297.84 $602,662.34 2015 Licensing List for City Council Type Contractor Name Gas Piping Genera/ HVAC Oak Grove Mehanical, Inc Appro Development, Inc Gallagher Concrete, Inc Thomas Finn Company Welsh Construction Kalmes Mechanical, Inc One Hour Heating & Air page 53 Wednesday, October 14, 2015 Page I of I page 54 Mendota Heights Airport Relations Commission City Council Presentation October 20, 2015 page 55 ARC Member Assignments • Dave Sloan- Chair/Attend NOC meetings • Sally Lorberbaum- Vice Chair/Analyze complaints, runway usage • Kevin Byrnes- Compile Literature/web searches • Bill Dunn- Review MH/other noise monitor readings • Jim Neuharth- Analyze 12L/12R runway and north of corridor activity • Gina Norling-Analyze MH Noise monitor data • Arvind Sharma- Attend MAC meetings page 56 2015 Accomplishments •Utilized statistical methods to identify noise, usage and corridor deviation (out of control) events. • Contacted the FAA and received analysis and explanations for above events. • Continue to optimize our statistical methods to enable more effective analysis and communication. • Held joint meeting with Eagan, with presentation by Jeff Hamiel, Executive Director of MAC. • Included 2035 LTCP (long term comprehensive plan) review. • Both commissions provided a behind the scenes tour of airport, a first for us. • Met with Dana Nelson, new Manager of environment and noise at MAC. page 57 1101 Victoria Curve I Mendota Heights, MN 55118 651.452.1850 phone 1 651.452.8940 fax www.rnendota-hei ghts.corn s CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS DATE: October 20, 2015 TO: Mayor, City Council, and City Administrator FROM: Ryan Ruzek, PE, Assistant City Engineer SUBJECT: Assessment Hearing for Victoria Road South Neighborhood Improvements BACKGROUND Staff identified the Victoria Road South Neighborhood Improvements as a 2015 street reconstruction project. Council ordered the Victoria Road South Neighborhood Improvements at their November 18, 2014 meeting and directed staff to prepare plans and specifications for this street reconstruction project. Council approved the plans and specifications at their April 21, 2015 meeting. The Public Hearing for the consideration of special assessments for the Victoria Road South Neighborhood Improvements was advertised for the city council meeting at 7:00 P.M. The project has been substantially completed with only the signage replacement and miscellaneous punch list items remaining. Street Reconstruction — Victoria Road South of Marie Avenue to Lexington Avenue Improvements for Victoria Road included the reclamation of the existing bituminous roadway and the placing of a 2.5" bituminous base course and a 1.5" bituminous wear course over the reclaimed pavement material, storm sewer and curb and gutter installation. Trail Improvements Proposed improvements to the Victoria Road multiuse trail included reclamation of the existing trail and placing a 2.5" bituminous wear course over the reclaimed material, adjusting the trail grade to street level and installing pedestrian curb ramps. BUDGETIMPACT The total construction cost for the Victoria Road South Neighborhood Improvements is $1,536,774.31, not including, signage replacement and indirect costs for legal, engineering, administration, and finance. A feasibility report for the project was presented to the city council in August of 20W e X8copy of the final assessment roll is attached to this memo. Assessments are shown in the tables below. ASSESSMENT CALCULATIONS - STREET RECONSTRUCTION Assessable Costs $1,268,504.64 Assessment $634,252.32 Assessable Units SUH 23 Assessable Units MUH 20 Estimated Unit Assessment per City Policy $14,750.05 Proposed Unit Assessment SUH Proposed Unit Assessment MUH $8,950.00 $6,500.00 50% $634,252.15 50% $205,850.00 16% $130,000.00 10% The estimated unit assessments for this street reconstruction project are higher than a typical street reconstruction project due to the large lot sizes as well as portions of the road not having assessable parcels. Staff proposes to assess the benefiting properties $8,950/unit for single unit homes and $6,500/unit for multi -unit homes in order to bring the assessment rate closer to previous reconstruction projects. The difference in assessment amounts between SUH and MUH properties is from the results of a pre -construction appraisal report the City commissioned as part of the project development. Four (4) Single Unit Homes(SUH) were constructed under the plat of Rolling Green. The owners of those four properties feel that they should only be assessed the same amount as other platted Rolling Green properties which had their street rehabilitated in 2014. The assessments for Rolling Green were $3,850. Staff has been proposing assessments based on what street the property has a driveway access to. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that council conduct the required Public Hearing and adopt the attached assessment roll as prepared, or amend them if council deems it appropriate to do so. Conduct the required Public Hearing and then if city council wishes to implement the recommendation, pass a motion adopting RESOLUTION 2015-81 ADOPTING AND CONFIRMING ASSESSMENTS FOR THE VICTORIA ROAD SOUTH NEIGHBOORHOOD IMPROVEMENTS (PROJECT #201308a). This action requires a simple majority vote. page 59 CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2015-81 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING AND CONFIRMING ASSESSMENTS FOR THE VICTORIA ROAD SOUTH (PROJECT #201308a) WHEREAS, pursuant to proper notice duly given as required by law, the Mendota Heights City Council has met and heard and passed upon all objections to the proposed assessment for the improvement to reconstruct Victoria Road referred to as the Victoria Road South Neighborhood Improvements. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Mendota Heights City Council that: 1. Such proposed assessments, copies of which are attached hereto and made a part hereof, is hereby accepted and shall constitute the special assessment against the lands named therein, and each tract of land therein included is hereby found to be benefited by the proposed improvement in the amount of the assessment levied against it. 2. Such assessment shall be payable in equal annual principal installments extending over a period of 19 years for reconstruction. The first of the installments shall be the annual principal plus interest calculated from the public hearing date to the end of this year plus twelve months of the next year and shall bear interest at the rate of 6% per annum from the date of the adoption of the assessment resolution. To each subsequent installment when due shall be added interest for one year on all unpaid installments. The owner of any property so assessed may, at any time prior to certification of the assessment to the county auditor, pay the whole of the assessment on such property, with interest accrued to the date of payment, to the City Finance Director, except that no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid within 30 days from the adoption of this resolution. The property owner may, at any time thereafter, pay to the City Finance Director the entire amount of the assessment remaining unpaid, excepting the installment portion appearing upon the current year's property tax statement. 4. The City Clerk shall prepare and transmit to the County Auditor a certified duplicate of said assessment rolls with each then unpaid installment and interest set forth separately, to be extended upon the proper tax lists of the County, and the County Auditor shall thereafter collect said assessments in the manner provided by law. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Mendota Heights this 20th day of October, 2015. CITY COUNCIL CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS Sandra Krebsbach, Mayor ATTEST Lorri Smith, City Clerk CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS - ASSESSMENT ROLL Street Reconstruction = 19 years Victoria Road South INTEREST RATE = 6% Job #201308a Parcel No: Reputed Owner: Subdivision: Lot: Block: Recon: 27-02600- Gene W & Rita C Tste Marquardt 05-020 1824 Victoria Road Mendota Heights, MN 55118 27-02600- Daniel & Kelly Lattier 25-011 1811 Victoria Road S Mendota Heights, MN 55118-4234 27-02600- Luelle Mitchell & Edward P Kanitz 27-031 1925 Victoria Road S Mendota Heights, MN 55118-4234 27-02600- Dakota Adults Inc. % Dakota Communities 30-012 680 Oneill Drive Eagan, MN 55121-1535 27-02600- Robert J Tste Shaheen 30-021 1021 S 10th St Saint Louis, MO 63104 27-02600- Henry T Taylor 30-030 2021 Victoria Rd S Saint Paul, MN 55118-4163 27-02600- Marty E Evans 30-040 PO Box 16600 Saint Paul. MN 55116-0600 Section 26 Twn 28 Range 23 S 100 ft of N 300 ft of W 280 ft of Govt L6 Section 26 Twn 28 Range 23 N 205 ft of E 210 ft of NE 1/4 of NW 1/4 being pt of govt Lots 1 & 5 ex pt to city for st Section 26 Twn 28 Range 23 pt govt lot4 in SE 1/4 of NW 1/4 S 150 ft of N 459 ft of E 383 ft sub to rd esmnt over E 33 ft ex pt platted Stratford Woods Section 26 Twn 28 Range 23 S 693 ft of W 660 ft of NW 1/4 ex S 417.42 ft of W 417.42 ft ex W 378 ft of N 275.58 ft of S 693 ft & ex S 417.42 ft of E 190.5 ft Section 26 Twn 28 Range 23 N 275.58 ft of S 693 ft of W 378 ft of SW 1/4 of NW 1/4 & W 417.42 ft of S 417.42 ft of SW 1/4 of NW 1/4 exhwy Section 26 Twn 28 Range 23 S 417.42 ft of E 190.5 ft of W 1/2 of W 1/2 of NW 1/4 Section 26 Twn 28 Range 23 E 200 ft of W 860 ft of S 709.5 ft of W 1/2 of NW 1/4 less 83/100 A hgwy page 60 $8,950.00 $8,950.00 $8,950.00 $8,950.00 $8,950.00 $8,950.00 $8,950.00 Thursday, October 15, 2015 Victoria Road South Draft Page 1 of 7 Parcel No: Reputed Owner: page 61 Subdivision: Lot: Block: Recon: 27-15800- Chelsey Vivian Laura Griggs L-1 B-1 Burow Pond 1 1 $8,950.00 01-010 1845 Victoria Road Mendota Heights, MN 55118 2 1 $8,950.00 27-15800- John M. & Ellen J. Schreier L-2 B-1 Burow Pond 01-020 1853 Victoria Rd S Mendota Heights, MN 55118 Elizabeth Klas Polome L-3 B-1 Burow Pond 27-15800- 3 1 $8,950.00 01-030 1861 Victoria Rd S Mendota Heights, MN 55118 4 1 $8,950.00 27-15800- Nicholas J & Anita A Wills L-4 B-1 Burow Pond 01-040 1869 Victoria Rd Mendota Heights, MN 55118 5 1 $8,950.00 27-15800- Elizabeth J Tuohy L-5 B-1 Burow Pond 01-050 1877 Victoria Rd S Mendota Heights, MN 55118 27-15800- Kevin E Roe L-6 B-1 Burow Pond 6 1 $8,950.00 01-060 1885 Victoria Rd S Mendota Heights, MN 55118 7 1 $8,950.00 27-15800- Andrew J. & Natalie R. Hunter L-7 B-1 Burow Pond 01-070 1893 Victoria Rd S Mendota Heights, MN 55118 $6,500.00 27-22452- Russell Leplante Eagle Ridge Plat No. 3 Lot 1 Blk 1 & Interest 01-010 attributable to common area known as Lot 2 Blk 1 1810 Victoria Road S Eagle Ridge Plat 10 1 1 Mendota Heights, MN 55118 Thursday, October 15, 2015 Victoria Road South Draft Page 2 of 7 Parcel No: Reputed Owner: page 62 Subdivision: Lot: Block: Recon: 27-22452- Jodell T. Vidas Eagle Ridge Plat No. 3 Lot 2 Blk 1 & Interest 2 1 01-020 1812 Victoria Road attributable to common area known as Lot 2 Blk 1 Eagle Ridge Plat 10 Mendota Heights, MN 55118 27-22459- Mary Margaret Tste Weinberger Eagle Ridge Plat 10 Lot 1 Blk 1 & interest 1 1 01-0101814 Victoria Rd S attributable to common ara known as Lot 2 Blk 1 Mendota Heights, MN 55118 27-48600- Ingrid E Mattsson L-10 B-1 Michael D Dupont 1st Add 10 1 01-100 2005 Victoria Rd S Mendota Heights, MN 55118-4163 27-48600- Grandpas Games LLC L-11 B-1 Michael D Dupont 1st Add 11 1 01-110 2007 Victoria Rd Mendota Heights, MN 55118 27-48600- Louis R & Anne M Sylvester L-12 B-1 Michael D Dupont 1st Add 12 1 01-120 2009 Victoria Rd S Mendota Heights, MN 55118 27-64700- Dennis W Tste Stern & Mary Lee Tste Stern L-1 B-3 Rolling Green 1 3 03-010 1837 Victoria Rd S Mendota Heights, MN 55118-4234 27-64700- Allan & Nancy L Isaacs L-2 B-3 Rolling Green 2 3 03-020 1831 Victoria Rd Saint Paul, MN 55118-4234 27-64700- Bruce J & Cathleen Resell L-3 B-3 Rolling Green 3 3 03-030 1823 Victoria Rd Saint Paul, MN 55118-4234 $6,500.00 $6,500.00 $8,950.00 $8,950.00 $8,950.00 $8,950.00 $8,950.00 $8,950.00 Thursday, October 15, 2015 Victoria Road South Draft Page 3 of 7 Parcel No: Reputed Owner: page 63 Subdivision: Lot: Block: Recon: 27-64700- Gunnar L. Larson L-4 B-3 Rolling Green 4 3 $8,950.00 03-040 1817 Victoria Rd S Saint Paul, MN 55118 27-82000- 01-010 Sheila A Culligan 1900 Victoria Ave Unit M Victoria Town Homes Lot 1 Blk 1 & interest attributable to common area know as Lot 1 Blk 7 1 1 $6,500.00 Mendota Heights, MN 55118-4265 27-82000- 01-0201900 Patrice C Walsh Victoria Ave Unit N Victoria Town Homes Lot 2 Blk 1 & interest attributable to common area know as Lot 1 Blk 7 2 1 $6,500.00 Saint Paul, MN 55118-4265 27-82000- 01-0301900 Charlotte D Damian Victoria Ave Unit O Victoria Town Homes Lot 3 Blk 1 & interest attributable to common area known as Lot 1 Blk 7 3 1 $6,500.00 Saint Paul, MN 55118-4265 27-82000- 02-0101900 Robert C & Yvonne M Momsen Victoria Ave Unit P Victoria Town Homes Lot 1 Blk 2 & interest attributable to common area known as Lot 1 Blk 7 1 2 $6,500.00 Saint Paul, MN 55118-4265 2 2 $6,500.00 27-82000- Bradley L Beatty Victoria Town Homes Lot 2 Blk 2 & interest attributable to common area known as Lot 1 Blk 7 02-0201900 Victoria Ave Unit O Saint Paul, MN 55118-4265 $6,500.00 27-82000- Thomas John Trust Ag Virnig Victoria Town Homes Lot 3 Blk 2 & interest 02-030 Carole Le Trust Agre Viring attributable to common area known as Lot 1 Blk 7 3 2 1900 Victoria Ave Unit R Mendota Heights, MN 55118-4265 1 3 $6,500.00 27-82000- Mary K Orme Victoria Town Homes Lot 1 Blk 3 & interest attributable to common area known as Lot 1 Blk 8 03-0101900 Victoria Ave Unit J Mendota Heights, MN 55118 Thursday, October 15, 2015 Victoria Road South Draft Page 4 of 7 Parcel No: Reputed Owner: 27-82000- Karen E Jacobson 03-020 2107 Artisian Way Unit 11 Salt Lake City, UT 84121 27-82000- Louise A Rev Tst Eggleton 03-030 1900 Victoria Road S Saint Paul, MN 55118-4265 27-82000- Darrel & Mary Raines 04-021 1900 Victoria Road Unit G Saint Paul, MN 55118-4264 27-82000- Gerald & Norine Obrien 04-031 1900 Victoria Road Unit I Mendota Heights, MN 55118-4266 27-82000- Fredrick R Wysoki & Kathleen A Whaley 05-010 1900 Victoria Road Unit D Mendota Heights, MN 55118-4264 27-82000- Karen E Moss 05-020 1900 Victoria Road Unit E Mendota Heights, MN 55118-4264 27-82000- Ronald J Larson 05-030 1900 Victoria Road Unit F Saint Paul, MN 55118-4264 27-82000- Miles H & Alleen A Snyder 06-010 1900 Victoria Road Unit A Saint Paul, MN 55118-4264 Subdivision: Lot: Block: Recon: page 64 Victoria Town Homes Lot 2 Blk 3 & interest 2 3 $6,500.00 attributable to common area known as Lot 1 Blk 8 Victoria Town Homes Lot 3 Blk 3 & interest 3 3 $6,500.00 attributable to common area known as Lot 1 Blk 8 Victoria Town Homes Lot 1 & SW'ly 1/2 Lot 2 Blk 2 4 $6,500.00 4 & interest attributable to common area known as Lot 1 Blk 8 Victoria Town Homes NE'ly 1/2 Lot 2 & all Lot 3 3 4 $6,500.00 Blk 4 & interest attributable to common area known as Lot 1 Blk 8 Victoria Town Homes Lot 1 Blk 5 & interest 1 5 $6,500.00 attributable to common area known as Lot 1 Blk 9 Victoria Town Homes Lot 2 Blk 5 & interest 2 5 $6,500.00 attributable to common area known as Lot 1 Blk 9 Victoria Town Homes Lot 3 Blk 5 & interest 3 5 $6,500.00 attributable to common area known as Lot 1 Blk 9 Victoria Town Homes Lot 1 Blk 6 & interest 1 6 $6,500.00 attributable to common area known as Lot 1 Blk 9 Thursday, October 15, 2015 Victoria Road South Draft Page 5 of 7 Parcel No: Reputed Owner: 27-82000- Barbara A Coughlan 06-020 1900 Victoria Road Unit B Saint Paul, MN 55118-4264 27-82000- Sheila M Fitzgerald 06-030 1900 Victoria Road Unit C Saint Paul, MN 55118-4264 Michael J Jr Huot & Katie Macdonald 27-83300- 00-010 1945 Victoria Rd Mendota Heights, MN 55118-4234 27-83300- Paul & Deborah Rammer 00-021 1951 Victoria Rd S Saint Paul, MN 55118-4234 Subdivision: Lot: Block: Recon: page 65 Victoria Town Homes Lot 2 Blk 6 & interest 2 6 $6,500.00 attributable to common area known as Lot 1 Blk 9 Victoria Town Homes Lot 3 Blk 6 & interest 3 6 $6,500.00 attributable to common area known as Lot 1 Blk 9 Wagenknechts Addition ex pt taken for hgwy 1 $8,950.00 Wagenknechts Addition lying W of W line hgwy 2 $8,950.00 35E of Lot 2 Thursday, October 15, 2015 Victoria Road South Draft Page 6 of 7 Parcel No: Reputed Owner: Number of Properties: 43 Subdivision: Total Recon: $335,850.00 Thursday, October 15, 2015 Victoria Road South Draft Lot: Block: Recon: page 66 Page 7 of 7 CITY OF MENI]OTA HEIGHTS page 67 1101 Victoria Curve I Mendota Heights, MN 55118 651.452.1850 phone 1 651.452.8940 fax www.mendota-heights.com DATE: October 20, 2015 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Mark McNeill, City Administrator SUBJECT: Financial Management Plan Authorization COMMENT.- INTRODUCTION OMMENT: INTRODUCTION The Council is asked to authorize the City's financial advisor, Ehlers and Company, to produce a ten year financial management plan for the City. BACKGROUND As part of the discussion of the FY 2016 budget, Council held a discussion about the benefits of holding a workshop, or series of workshops, to talk long term and strategically about the City's financial condition. While the Mendota Heights financial condition is in excellent shape now as evidenced by its current AAA bond rating and low rate of property taxation, it would be prudent to look at the City's comprehensive financial picture to make certain that that is sustainable. Staff has spoken with Ehlers about performing a Financial Management Plan, which would look at a variety of money issues for the City. Such a study would be long term, and would integrate: • Existing Debt • Capital Improvements (such as improvements to the existing, or new, fire station) • Future Debt • Tax Base Growth • Future Operating Expenses In addition, it will provide a framework for analyzing the impacts of changes in service levels; street reconstruction assessments; revenue changes resulting from growth, inflation, and intergovernmental transfers (including fiscal disparities); changes in fund balance; and the cumulative effect of debt. page 68 The end product would be a ten year budget and capital improvement plan for the City. The strategic financial planning workshop (s) could be scheduled in early January. While not necessarily covered by the proposed study to be done by Ehlers, I also would like to review how Mendota Heights compares with other cities on fees, such as development fees and conduit debt issuance fees. BUDGET IMPACT Ehler's has proposed to do the work, to include the items in the attached proposal. As shown, the cost would bean amount not to exceed $10,000. $10,000 was the amount which was included in the FY 2016 preliminary budget. RECOMMENDATION I have spoken with the City's finance director. While she will be integrally involved with this study, it involves issues for which having an outside opinion and comprehensive overview would be critical. Therefore, we both recommend hiring Ehlers to do the job, rather than doing it "in- house". ACTION REOUIRED If the Council concurs, it should, by motion, authorize Ehlers and Company to prepare a Financial Management Plan for the City of Mendota Heights, at a cost not to exceed $10,000. Mark McNeill City Administrator page 69 EHLERS LEADERS IN PUBLIC FINANCE October 20, 2015 Mark McNeill City Administrator City of Mendota Heights 1101 Victoria Curve Mendota Heights, MN 55118 Re: Proposal for Financial Planning Services Dear Mark: On behalf of Ehlers, we are pleased to present this proposal to provide financial planning services to the City of Mendota Heights. Our experience in public finance and financial management plans brings the necessary skills and perspectives to deliver the highest quality services. Ehlers offers a team of people with an understanding of the legal and operational complexities of delivering city services. Mark Ruff, Stacie Kvilvang and Elizabeth Diaz bring unique and considerable skill sets to the project. Mark and Stacie have a combined 50 years' experience working in public finance for local governments and will bring their financial, economic development/redevelopment and bond experience to the City. Elizabeth Diaz is a former city finance director from Cottage Grove and has been with Ehlers for 14 years and specializes in preparing financial plans. Proposed Scope of Work Financial Management Plan A Financial Management Plan ("FMP") is a long-term planning tool that gives leaders a roadmap to determine options and make farsighted decisions. The interactive process of developing the FMP involves both the staff and elected officials. When completed, the FMP will highlight policy issues/considerations, and compare options available to the community so that the real results of financial decisions can be seen. Specifically, the FMP will show the tax impact of capital improvements, such as street reconstruction projects and public facilities, and operational decisions, such as staffing levels. Financial actions or inactions will reflect in a way that allows the City Council to make realistic decisions for their future. The FMP process will provide your City Council and staff with information to make decisions related to your revenue and expenditure practices and assist you in matching resources to future needs. The resulting product of a FMP is a ten-year budget and capital improvement plan with a funding strategy. The FMP will: Review the community's current financial position; Ergs ir-., Enters kAsst7 nt Partners and Bone Test Services are of le coaparries. 1-800-562-1171 I www,ehlers-inc.cam The information provided in these materials does not create or imply any fiduciary relationship, and is being provided solely for the purpose of marketing our services to you as a prospective client of Ehlers & Associates. Inc. page 70 EHLERS LEADERS IN PUBLIC FINANCE • Develop an inventory of capital needs and program requests; • Develop an inventory of financial resources, including special assessments, franchise fees, and property taxes; • Assist in identifying policy issues to be discussed and assist in setting framework for discussion • Present options, including options for different special assessment policies; • Analyze the financial impact of each option; • Prepare an affordable, comprehensive financial plan; • Develop a framework to review future capital projects. Specifically, Mendota Heights' IMP will provide financial plans for the General Fund, Special Assessment Debt Service Fund, Street Capital Projects Fund, Special Assessment Capital Project Fund, Equipment Reserve Fund, Infrastructure Reserve Fund, and Facility Reserve Fund. Additional funds support by tax levies may be included at the preference of the City. Financial Management Plan Deliverables • Two planning meetings with staff; • One meeting with the City Council; • Financial Management Plan projections and graphs, provided in PDF and Excel formats; and • Power Point presentation to Council and the public. Cost Ehlers will prepare Mendota Heights' FMP for a not -to -exceed cost of $ 10,000. Additional work, including additional meetings, will be performed at an hourly rate. The hourly rate for Mark and Stacie is $225 and $210 for Elizabeth Diaz. Thank you for your consideration. Ehlers stands ready to deliver financial planning services and surpass your expectations for quality and value. Sincerely, Mark Ruff Senior Municipal Advisor/Director Stacie Kvilvang Senior Municipal Advisor/Director Ergs ir-c, Enters kAsst7 nt Partners and Bone Test Services are of le coaparries. � � � � 1-800-552-1171 I www,ehlers-inc,cam The information provided in these materials does not create or imply any fiduciary relationship, and is being provided solely for the purpose of marketing our services to you as a prospective client of Ehlers & Associates. Inc. DATE : October 20, 2015 TO: Mayor, Council, City Administrator and Chief of Police FROM: Mike Aschenbrener, Chief of Police / Emergency Manager SUBJECT: Out of Metro Travel INTRODUCTION: City policy requires notification of out of state travel. Stephen Hilyar and Jeff Parker volunteered to assist the Mutual Aid Assistance Group training a Fort McCoy in Sparta, WI the week of October 26, 2015. MAAG Training: Included in membership dues Travel date: October 26-295, 2015 Location: Fort McCoy, Sparta, WI Lodging: Included Meals: Included Mileage: 174 miles one way round trip 348 miles City Vehicle: 17.4 gallons of fuel@ current $2.76 maximum cost $48.02 Total estimated cost: $103.77 BACKGROUND: The officer salary is a budgeted expense and the reserve is no cost. The money is available in the budget to cover the costs. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize staff to attend the training as representatives of the City of Mendota Heights Police Department. 1