2015-08-18 Council Packet1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Pledge of Allegiance 4. Adopt Agenda CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS CITY COUNCIL AGENDA August 18, 2015 — 7:00 pm Mendota Heights City Hall 5. Consent Agenda a. Approval of August 4, 2015 City Council Minutes b. Approval of Renewal of Webstreaming Agreement with NDC4 c. Scheduling a Joint Meeting with the Planning Commission d. Approval of Resolution 2015-63 Accept Donation to Patrick Memorial e. Approval of Off -Leash Dog Area Fencing f. Approval of Personnel Action Report g. Approval of Building Activity Report for July 2015 h. Approval of Claims List i. Approval of Contractor List 6. Public Comments 7. Presentations (none) 8. New and Unfinished Business a. Ordinance 483 Concerning Video/Electronic Display Scoreboards, Planning Case 2015-28 9. Community Announcements 10. Council Comments 11. Adjourn page 2 CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS DAKOTA COUNTY STATE OF MINNESOTA Minutes of the Regular Meeting Held Tuesday, August 4, 2015 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the regular meeting of the City Council, City of Mendota Heights, Minnesota was held at 8:00 p.m. at City Hall, 1101 Victoria Curve, Mendota Heights, Minnesota. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Krebsbach called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. Also present were Councilmembers Duggan, Povolny, Petschel, and Norton. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Council, the audience, and staff recited the Pledge of Allegiance. AGENDA ADOPTION Mayor Krebsbach presented the agenda for adoption. Councilmember Duggan moved adoption of the agenda. Councilmember Povolny seconded the motion. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 CONSENT CALENDAR Mayor Krebsbach presented the consent calendar and explained the procedure for discussion and approval. Councilmember Povolny moved approval of the consent calendar as presented and authorization for execution of any necessary documents contained therein, pulling items d) Approval of Temporary Liquor License for Holy Family Maronite Catholic Church for September 13, 2015 and h) Accept June 2015 Par 3 Report. a. Approve July 21, 2015 City Council Minutes b. Acknowledgement of July 14, 2015 Park & Rec Commission Minutes c. Acknowledgement of July 28, 2015 Planning Commission Minutes d. Approve Temporary Liquor License for Holy Family Maronite Catholic Church for September 13, 2015 e. Approve Resolution 2015-58 Wetlands Permit -2185 Glen Toro Rd, Planning Case 2015-27 f. Approve Resolution 2015-62 Call for a Public Hearing for a Drainage and Utility Easement Vacation at 1450 Northland Drive g. Approve Purchase Order to Replace Warming House at Marie Park h. Accept June 2015 Par 3 Report i. Approval of Claims List page 3 j. Approval of Contractor List k. Approve Resolution 2015-61 Adopting Emergency Operations Plan 1. Approve Purchase of Light Bars and Controls m. Approve Personnel Action Items Councilmember Duggan seconded the motion. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 PULLED CONSENT AGENDA ITEM D) APPROVAL OF TEMPORARY LIQUOR LICENSE FOR HOLY FAMILY MARONITE CATHOLIC CHURCH FOR SEPTEMBER 13, 2015 Councilmember Duggan noted that he does not have a problem with the temporary liquor license request; however, they usually have an overflow -parking problem for this event. He asked what particular impact this may have on the Victoria Road reconstruction. Public Works Director John Mazzitello replied that the portion of Victoria Road near the church would be complete by the date of the festival. The street is the same width as before but it now has a curb. Councilmember Duggan suggested that the reserve officers be available to help with the parking and noted that they would also be using the City Hall parking lot for overflow. Councilmember Duggan moved approval of the temporary liquor license for Holy Family Maronite Catholic Church for September 13, 2015. Councilmember Petschel seconded the motion. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 H) ACCEPT JUNE 2015 PAR 3 REPORT Councilmember Duggan noted that everyone is excited about the report. He has received many compliments from residents regarding the Par 3, especially the new FootGolf. He wished to recognize Recreation Program Coordinator Sloan Wallgren and the staff for their good work. Councilmember Petschel made note of the Minnesota PGA Junior Golf event that recently took place at the Par 3. Also, the net profit so far for this year is almost $23,000 — an incredible turnaround. Councilmember Duggan moved to accept the June 2015 Par 3 Report. Councilmember Norton seconded the motion. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 PUBLIC COMMENTS There were no public comments. page 4 NEW AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS A) RESOLUTION 2015-59 VARIANCES AT 2075 MENDAKOTA DRIVE — MENDAKOTA COUNTRY CLUB, PLANNING CASE 2015-25 Planner Nolan Wall explained that the applicant was seeking to construct an accessory structure and requires several variances to do so. The subject parcel is approximately 145 acres and contains the Mendakota Country Club and Golf Course. The property is zoned R-1 and guided as golf course on the Comprehensive Plan. The applicant intends to construct a 2.5 story 4,942 square foot accessory structure on the southwest side of the clubhouse to allow for additional storage. Planner Wall shared images of the clubhouse showing where the proposed structure would be located and a copy of the site plan. He explained that the new structure would have three levels; a basement drive-in level with an overhead door, a main level, and attic storage space. The proposed structure would meet the setback standards but exceeds the height, number of structures, total area of structures, and individual size of structure standards for the R-1 district. Planner Wall explained the requirements for variance approvals and how this application meets those requirements. Staff recommended approval of this application. Councilmembers asked if the Planning Commission added any conditions or had any additional questions regarding the removal of the temporary storage pods. Councilmember Duggan suggested that an additional condition be included which would require the site of the storage pods to be restored to its original condition. Mr. Bob McKinney, Mendakota Country Club Golf Course Grounds Superintendent, came forward to address the Council and to answer questions. He stated the location of the temporary pods will be restored to its original condition. Councilmember Petschel moved to approve RESOLUTION 2015-59 VARIANCES AT 2075 MENDAKOTA DRIVE-MENDAKOTA COUNTRY CLUB, based on the findings of fact and conditions as stated in the resolution. Councilmember Povolny seconded the motion. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 page 5 B) ORDINANCE 483 CONCERNING VIDEO/ELECTRONIC DISPLAY SCOREBOARDS, PLANNING CASE 2015-28 Planner Nolan Wall explained that the City of Mendota Heights was considering amendments to Title 12, Chapter 1, Article E of the City Code concerning video and electronic display scoreboards. Representatives from St. Thomas Academy did appear before the City Council on July 7, 2015 to discuss their plans for a new scoreboard for their main athletic field and track on campus. As a result of that discussion, staff brought forward a code amendment to establish standards for that proposed use to be considered as a scoreboard and not a sign. In April 2014 the Council adopted Ordinance 460, which allowed for electronic display signs for institutional uses in residential zoning districts. At that time, scoreboards were intentionally excluded from that definition; however, video and electronic display components that encompass an entire scoreboard were not discussed as part of that code amendment process. As proposed, a video and electronic display scoreboard would be considered as a permitted accessory use for public and private school uses in a residential zoning district. Therefore, no additional approval would be necessary as long as those conditions were met. Copies of the draft ordinance were sent to St. Thomas, Visitation and School District 197 for their review. The schools responded favorably to the proposed regulations. Planner Wall provided a copy of the revised ordinance, which replaced the term `institutional uses' with `public and private schools', which was in response to a Planning Commission comment. He also explained that the ordinance was drafted with St. Thomas Academy's design and intended use in mind; however, examples from other communities were reviewed and staff believes they are comparable. Staff proposed the following conditions to the ordinance: use restrictions, brightness and security requirements, setbacks from surrounding residential uses, area, height, on premise advertising, number of displays, and hours of operation. Councilmembers asked questions and made suggestions regarding restricting the use to school related events only and the distance the sign should be located from residential properties when facing those properties, or if it should even be allowed to face a residential area at all. Mr. Paul Solmon, Director of Facilities for St. Thomas Academy, came forward to address making the revised code fit so the current scoreboards are in compliance. Councilmember Duggan moved to table ORDINANCE 483 CONCERNING VIDEO / ELECTRONIC DISPLAY SCOREBOARDS to allow staff and the City Attorney time to investigate the suggestions and questions raised and make any necessary revisions to the draft ordinance. Councilmember Povolny seconded the motion. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 page 6 C) DISCUSSION OF DOG PARK Mayor Krebsbach commended the Planning Commission for their extensive due diligence on this item. City Administrator Mark McNeill explained the requests from City staff regarding interim use in the Industrial zone for an Off -leash Dog Park. He then turned the floor over to Planner Nolan Wall. Planner Wall stated the City was considering amendments to Title 12, Chapter 1, Article G of the City Code concerning off -leash dog areas as an interim use in the industrial district. Secondly, the City was then requesting an interim use permit to establish a temporary off -lease dog area on the vacant city - owned property in the industrial district. He then shared images of the area under consideration and provided background and history on this request by stating that in 2014, City Council began exploring potential sights for an off -leash dog area. It was determined that the vacant city -owned properties in the industrial district were the best option. Council then directed staff to amend the City Code to allow interim uses, which was adopted by Ordinance 479 and an off -leash dog area as an interim use in the industrial district, which is what was being considered in this current code amendment. Planner Wall then shared information on the topography and vegetation in the proposed area. C1) ORDINANCE 484 INTERIM USES IN INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT — OFF -LEASH DOG AREA Planner Wall reviewed the proposed Ordinance 484 concerning interim uses in the Industrial District for an off -leash dog area. The proposed ordinance contained the following ten conditions: a) The minimum parcel size shall be five acres, which may include a combination of adjoining lots under control by the same property owner. b) No principal or accessory structures shall be located on the lot(s). c) Proper fencing is installed around the entire off -leash area with height and materials approved by the City Council. d) Adequate parking shall be supplied, as determined by the City Council. e) Hours of operation shall be limited to between 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. f) Fixed lighting structures are prohibited. g) All dogs shall be appropriately licensed. h) All dogs shall be kept on -leash at all times except within the designated off -leash area. i) No dog(s) shall be left unattended within the off -leash area. j) Dog waste receptacles shall be provided and all dog waste shall be properly disposed of by the user. Councilmembers asked questions and made suggestions regarding parking, changing the closing time to 9:00 p.m., and no structures on the site. Councilmember Duggan moved to adopt ORDINANCE 484 AMENDING TITLE 12, CHAPTER 1, ARTICLE G OF THE CITY CODE CONCERNING OFF -LEASH DOG AREAS as amended by City Council. Councilmember Petschel seconded the motion page 7 Comments from the public: Ms. Julie Franson, 2170 Pilot Knob Road, lives adjacent to the proposed dog park. She has been working with staff and raised points that she feels were critical. She requested that a fence not be mandatory, but optional, which would make the area less intrusive. She believes there should be lighting in the area for safety of the users. She requested that parking not be restricted on Pilot Knob Road. Councilmembers had additional discussions regarding fencing and lighting. Councilmember Duggan replied to some of Ms. Franson's specific points. Ms. Bonnie Resnick, 2251 Copperfield Drive, expressed her appreciation to the Council for thoroughly exploring this. She noted that many dog owners live in Mendota Heights and have been asking for a dog park in Mendota Heights. She believes that the expectation has always been that there would be a fence because it is safer for the dogs and residents. She encouraged the Council to move this issue forward. Mayor Krebsbach called for the vote. Ayes: 3 Nays: 2 (Povolny, Norton) Councilmember Norton explained the reason for his nay vote by noting that he is in favor of a dog park and is supportive of a permanent dog park; however, he does not feel that this is an appropriate use of the city funds on a temporary basis when there is no interest in maintaining this as a dog park beyond a few years from now. C2) RESOLUTION 2015-60 APPROVING AN INTERIM USE PERMIT FOR UNADDRESSED CITY -OWNED PROPERTY Planner Wall noted that based on the adoption of Ordinance 484, the City would also need to approve the Interim Use Permit for the proposed off -leash dog area. The proposed off -leash dog area use would be compliant with the policies and standards of the newly adopted code. Staff recommended approval of the Interim Use Permit request based on the Findings of Fact that the proposed project complies with the policies and standards of the City Code and is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, with the following conditions: 1. The interim use shall be terminated by December 31, 2020 or upon the properties being sold by the City, whichever comes first, but may be renewed as provided for by the City Code. 2. The interim use permit is periodically reviewed to ensure compliance with the applicable codes and policies and, if necessary, amended accordingly. 3. A fence permit is obtained. Council requested that 'or revoked' be added to Condition 2. Councilmember Petschel moved to adopt RESOLUTION 2015-60 APPROVING AN INTERIM USE PERMIT FOR UNADDRESSED CITY -OWNED PROPERTY as amended by Council. Councilmember Duggan seconded the motion. page 8 Ayes: 3 Nays: 2 (Povolny, Norton) City Administrator McNeill clarified the costs which were estimated for establishing the dog area. D) ESTABLISH DATE FOR CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP AND SPECIAL MEETING City Administrator Mark McNeill explained that there are two City Council Workshops scheduled, one for Tuesday, August 18 and the other for Tuesday, September 1, to discuss the 2016 budget. He asked the Council to consider an additional workshop not related to budget, to review the St. Paul Regional Water Authority (SPRWA) contract and to review the Fire Station Feasibility and Programming Study. It was suggested to hold a special Council meeting at this same time, to hold an official public hearing for the Prime Therapeutics project. He suggested Monday, August 24 or Wednesday, August 26. The Council agreed to Monday, August 24, starting at 4:30 p.m at City Hall. COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS Assistant to the City Administrator Tamara Schutta made the following announcements: • MnDOT is hosting a community workshop on August 24, at 5:00 p.m., to talk about future improvements to Smith Avenue and Dodd Road at Bad Weather Brewery, 414 West 7th Street, St. Paul. • A public thank you was extended to Great River Greening for hosting 25 volunteers from River Valley Church who removed buckthorn and planted grasses on July 25. They cleared out 1,200 square feet of buckthorn and planted 70 sages and grasses at Valley Park. • The summer concert series is wrapping up, only three more Wednesdays to go. • Great River Greening will be hosting a volunteer opportunity on Saturday, October 3, at Dodge Nature Center. Go to Great River Greening website to register. • The City of Mendota Heights is hosting a blood drive on September 2, noon -6:00 p.m. • Space is available for the Citizens Police Academy which begins September 17. • The City is accepting applications for volunteer Fire Fighters. Applications are due August 21. • Applications are being accepted for the Police Reserve Program, due by August 21. COUNCIL COMMENTS Councilmember Povolny noted that he enjoyed the Night to Unite events. He rode with the Fire Department. Councilmember Petschel noted that she traveled with the Police Department. Councilmember Petschel commented on an issue that the Airport Relations Commission will need to deal with, that being airport noise. Because of changes from the FAA, more runways are being used and flight patterns have changed. Also, the voluntary restriction of flights times not occurring before 6:00 a.m. or after 10:30 p.m. is no longer being abided by, creating more night-time operations. Based on that, the cities in the surrounding area have drafted a letter that the Noise Oversight Committee will be sending to every person in charge of operations for their airline operating out of MSP airport. page 9 Mayor Krebsbach noted that Liz Petschel has been re-elected to the Chair of the Noise Oversight Committee (NOC). Her leadership has been valued and recognized. Councilmember Norton reminded residents to lock their cars, take valuables out of cars, and do not leave your car keys in your car. It is also a good idea to not leave your garage door opener in your car — especially not in sight. Lock your service door between your garage and your home. Councilmember Duggan noted that the Irish Fair is taking place this weekend at Harriet Island. Mayor Krebsbach expressed her appreciation to everyone for the very appropriate events in memory of Officer Scott Patrick on Thursday. Everyone did an outstanding job. She also stated that she visited the John Hoene Ice Arena in West St. Paul. She shared a couple of pictures. The rink should be ready to open by October 1st ADJOURN Councilmember Petschel moved to adjourn. Councilmember Duggan seconded the motion. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Mayor Krebsbach adjourned the meeting at 10:09 p.m. Sandra Krebsbach Mayor ATTEST: Lorri Smith City Clerk � DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS page 10 1101 Victoria Curve I Mendota Heights, MN 55118 651.452.1850 phone 1 651.452.8940 fax www.mendota-heights.com August 18, 2015 Mayor and City Council Mark McNeill, City Administrator Renewal of Webstreaming Agreement with NDC4 COMMENT: INTRODUCTION The City Council is asked to approve a three year agreement with NDC4 for webstreaming services. BACKGROUND: Since 2008, the City of Mendota Heights has been in a partnership with three other members of NDC4—the Cities of South St. Paul, West St. Paul, and Inver Grove Heights—to have City meetings cablecast to viewers. The provider of the webstreaming services is Granicus; NDC4 now proposes to to renew that service contract for three years. Included in the negotiations with Granicus for the renewal is the upgrading of certain pieces of equipment, which will allow for viewers with mobile devices such as smart phones and tablets, to watch live streaming. This will improve accessibility for our customers. BUDGET IMPACT: The City's share of the partnership for 2016 is $3848 for the purchase of the new equipment, plus $7479 in operating expenses, for a total of $11,327. Those operating expenses will increase in each of the following two years of the contract. Funding for the payment of these expenses will be budgeted, and will come from the Cable Television Franchise fees. RECOMMENDATION: I recommend that Council approve the Webstreaming Agreement. page 11 ACTION REQUIRED: If the Council concurs, it should, by motion authorize the appropriate City officials to execute the NDC$ 2015 Webstreaming Agreement. Mark McNeill City Administrator page 12 NDC 4 NORTHERN DAKOTA COUNTY CABLE COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 5845 Blaine Avenue Inver Grove Heights, Minnesota 55076-1401 651/450-9891 Fax 651/450-9429 e-mail: NDC4@townsquare.ty NDC4 WEB STREAMING AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT ("Agreement") dated ("Effective Date") is made by and between the Northern Dakota County Cable Communications Commission, a municipal joint powers cooperative ("NDC4") and the City of Inver Grove Heights, a municipal corporation of the State of Minnesota (" Inver Grove Heights"), the City of West St. Paul, a municipal corporation of the State of Minnesota ("West St. Paul"), the City of Mendota Heights, a municipal corporation of the State of Minnesota ("Mendota Heights"), and the City of South St. Paul, a municipal corporation of the State of Minnesota ("South St. Paul"), sometimes referred to separately as a "City," and collectively as the "Cities." NDC4 and the Cities shall sometimes be referred to separately as a "Party," and collectively as the "Parties." PRIOR AGREEMENTS Upon the Effective Date, this Agreement shall supersede and replace any previous Web Streaming Agreement between the parties. All prior agreements between the parties are hereby void and of no force and effect. RECITALS WHEREAS, NDC4 is comprised of the cities of Inver Grove Heights, Lilydale, Mendota, Mendota Heights, South St. Paul, Sunfish Lake, and West St. Paul ("Members"); and WHEREAS, the Parties have determined that a need exists to broadcast city meetings and other local programming over the Internet; and WHEREAS, Granicus, Inc., a California Corporation ("Granicus"), has specifically developed a streaming media solution, specific hardware and media management software that facilitates Internet broadcasting and web streaming ("Streaming Services"); and WHEREAS, NDC4 and the Cities have determined that the technical abilities of Granicus are reasonably sufficient to meet the needs of NDC4 and the Cities regarding the provision of Streaming Services; and WHEREAS, NDC4 and the Cities have determined that it is more efficient for one entity to procure the services of Granicus and thereafter administer the contract with Granicus; and page 13 WHEREAS, in addition to the costs incurred for the services and hardware provided by Granicus, NDC4 will incur certain additional costs for staff, hardware and software at NDC4's facility to accomplish the Streaming Services on behalf of the Parties; and WHEREAS, the Cities desire to enter into this Agreement with NDC4, which will allow NDC4 to procure the services of Granicus on behalf of the Cities and to thereafter administer the contract with Granicus on behalf of the Cities as set forth herein. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of and reliance upon the respective representations, promises, concessions, terms and conditions contained herein, the Parties agree as follows. 1. NDC4 Obligations. 1.1 NDC4 will procure the Streaming Services and become the "client" in the services agreement with Granicus attached as Granicus, Inc. Service Agreement 2015 ("Granicus Contract"). NDC4 will pay Granicus all fees and costs required under the Granicus Contract. 1.2 NDC4 will also pay for other costs required to accomplish the Streaming Services including, but not limited to, costs for hardware, staff, web site creation, additional broadband capacity and related issues ("Other Costs"). NDC4 will calculate the total costs of the Granicus Contract and Other Costs ("Total Costs") each year at approximately the same time the Cities are sent their annual cable franchise fee checks from NDC4 as mandated under the Joint Powers Agreement by and among the Cities. NDC4 will send each City an invoice or request for reimbursement for their respective share of the Total Costs from the previous time period, as estimated on the attached spreadsheet Web Streaming Cost Sharing Estimates 2015. 1.3 NDC4 will be the primary point of contact and liaison for communications between the Parties and Granicus except in situations where Granicus needs to work directly with the staff or officials of the Cities. NDC4 will coordinate the initial set up and ongoing execution of Streaming Services. 1.4 NDC4 will add a high-speed cable modem connection at the NDC4 facility master control location to ensure sufficient bandwidth to upload web streaming files to Granicus. 1.5 NDC4 will revise and upgrade its web site, along with Granicus integration, to provide a user-friendly entry point to city meetings on NDC4's web site home page. 1.6 NDC4 will hire an employee, whose duties will include, but are not limited to: coordinating and training city employees and cablecasters on web streaming related tasks, fine tuning the indexing of meetings after the conclusion of the meetings, helping with the management of web streaming related electronic files, serving as a qualified back-up cablecaster when and if the need arises, and posting additional non -meeting related content on the website. 1.7 NDC4 cablecasters covering governmental meetings will perform additional technical tasks necessary to prepare the web streaming electronic files as directed by NDC4. Page 2 of 6 page 14 2. Cities Obligations. 2.1 Each City will reimburse NDC4 for its share of the Total Costs, as calculated and invoiced by NDC4 annually. (As estimated on attached spreadsheet Web Streaming Cost Sharing Estimates 2015.) 2.2 The Cities will send relevant staff to attend training, if needed, at a location within NDC4's seven -city area, coordinated by NDC4, in order to receive training from Granicus and/or NDC4 staff regarding the Streaming Services. 2.3 Each Cities' staff will post the agenda and any additional supporting documents on the Granicus website for each meeting, utilizing Granicus software. 2.4 Each City will provide, at the City's sole cost, a high-speed Internet connection, behind a city -provided firewall system, at each city hall in the cablecasting control room. 2.5 Each City will provide a highly visible link to the NDC4/Granicus web streaming service visible on each City's home page. 2.6 The Cities will provide reasonable access, as needed for Granicus and NDC4 staff to install and train in the Cities' facilities. 2.7 Cities will communicate closely with NDC4 staff regarding service problems or technical issues, and generally NDC4 staff will be the liaison to Granicus. 2.8 The Cities will provide NDC4 and Granicus a communications list with current contact information for their staff or officials who are involved with web streaming tasks and physical access to the Cities' facilities. 3. Term. The term of this Agreement shall begin on the Effective Date and shall run concurrently with the Granicus Contract attached as Granicus, Inc. Service Agreement 2015. 4. Addition of Member. If Members wish to participate in web streaming after this Agreement is executed, each Member will be required to sign a Web Streaming Agreement for Additional Cities, and will be required to fulfill the same city obligations set forth in Section 2 of this agreement, and will receive the same services from NDC4 and Granicus as Inver Grove Heights, Mendota Heights, South St. Paul and West St. Paul. Members executing a Web Streaming Agreement for Additional Cities will be required to pay for the following costs: 1) Reimburse NDC4 for Member's respective share of initial set-up and installation costs incurred previously; 2) Reimburse NDC4 for hardware, set-up and installation, training, and other new costs relating to setting up Streaming Services for the Member; 3) Reimburse NDC4 annually for respective share of Total Costs. The Cities will receive credits on annual invoice/request for reimbursement from NDC4 to reflect reductions in initial set-up costs and going -forward annual costs caused by increasing the number of Parties sharing respective costs. Going -forward annual Total Costs will be divided between the Cities, including any additional Members that executed a Web Streaming Agreement for Additional Cities. Page 3 of 6 page 15 5. Non -Member Users. If Non -Member entities wish to web stream meetings or other programs (i.e. school board meetings), Non -Member entities must enter a Web Streaming Agreement with NDC4. Parties to a Web Streaming Agreement may not "sub -lease" or "sub- contract" for web streaming services. Parties to a Web Streaming Agreement with NDC4 that wish to web stream occasional individual meetings or other programs may request NDC4 staff resources, which may be provided based on availability. 6. Indemnification. Each Party shall indemnify and hold the other harmless against any claim of liability or loss from personal injury or property damage resulting from or arising out of the negligence or willful misconduct of the indemnifying Party, its employees or agents, except to the extent such claims or damages may be due to or caused by the negligence or willful misconduct of the other Party, or its employees or agents. 7. Modification. This Agreement may be amended or modified only by a written instrument executed by all Parties. 8. Integration. It is agreed and understood that this Agreement contains all agreements, promises and understandings between the Parties and that no verbal or oral agreements, promises or understandings shall be binding upon either Party in any dispute, controversy or proceeding at law, and any addition, variation or modification to this Agreement shall be void and ineffective unless made in writing signed by the Parties. In the event any provision of the Agreement is found to be invalid or unenforceable, such finding shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions of this Agreement. The failure of either Party to insist upon strict performance of any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement or to exercise any of its rights under the Agreement shall not waive such rights and such Party shall have the right to enforce such rights at any time and take such action as may be lawful and authorized under this Agreement, in law or in equity. 9. Notices. Any notice to be given under this Agreement shall be in writing and may be delivered either personally, by facsimile or by certified or registered mail with postage prepaid and return receipt requested, addressed as follows: If to NDC4: Northern Dakota County Cable Communications Commission 5845 Blaine Avenue Inver Grove Heights, MN 55076-1401 If to the City of Inver Grove Heights: City of Inver Grove Heights 8150 Barbara Avenue Inver Grove Heights, Minnesota 55077 Page 4 of 6 page 16 If to the City of Mendota Heights: City of Mendota Heights 1101 Victoria Curve Mendota Heights, Minnesota 551 1 8 If to the City of West St. Paul: City of West St. Paul 1616 Humboldt Avenue West St. Paul, Minnesota 55118 If to the City of South St. Paul: City of South St. Paul 125 3rd Avenue North South St. Paul, Minnesota 55075 10. Miscellaneous. a. NDC4 and the Cities each hereby warrant that each has the requisite power and authority to enter into this Agreement and to perform according to the terms hereof. b. The headings used in this Agreement are inserted for convenience or reference only and are not intended to define, limit or affect the interpretation of any term or provision hereof. The singular shall include the plural; the masculine gender shall include the feminine and neutral gender. c. NDC4 and the Cities shall cooperate fully with one another in the execution of any and all other documents and in the completion of any additional actions necessary or appropriate to give full force and effect to the terms and intent of this Agreement. d. Nothing contained in this Agreement is intended or shall be construed as creating or conferring any rights, benefits or remedies upon, or creating any obligations of the Parties hereto toward any person or entity not a Party to this Agreement, unless otherwise expressly set forth herein. e. To the extent the provisions of this Agreement conflict with any other agreements the provisions of this Agreement shall control. 11. Binding Effect. This Agreement shall be binding upon and for the benefit of each of the Parties and their respective present and future city council members, officers, employees, agents, attorneys, successors, assigns, and any assigned entities, as applicable. 12. Default and Remedies. Any unresolved complaints or concerns about NDC4 or Granicus performance should be communicated in writing to NDC4 through the following levels: 1) NDC4 Web Streaming employees, 2) NDC4 Executive Director, 3) NDC4 Cable Page 5 of 6 page 17 Commission Chair. Any unresolved complaints or concerns about City performance should be communicated in writing to City through the following levels: 1) City Web Streaming employees, 2) City Administrator/Manager, 3) City Council or Mayor. Provisions of Granicus Contract and NDC4 Joint Powers Agreement will be referenced for major default or remedy issues if necessary. 13. Choice of Laws. This Agreement and the performance thereof shall be governed, interpreted, construed and regulated by the Laws of the State of Minnesota. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto, by their duly authorized representatives, have executed this Agreement and made the same effective as of the Effective Date. NORTHERN DAKOTA COUNTY CABLE COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 5845 Blaine Avenue Inver Grove Heights, MN 55076-1401 By: Name: Title: CITY OF INVER GROVE HEIGHTS 8150 Barbara Avenue Inver Grove Heights, Minnesota 55077 CITY OF WEST ST. PAUL 1616 Humboldt Avenue West St. Paul, Minnesota 55118 By: By: Name: Name: Title: Title: CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS 1101 Victoria Curve Mendota Heights, Minnesota 55118 By: Name: Title: CITY OF SOUTH ST. PAUL 125 3rd Avenue North South St. Paul, Minnesota 55075 By: Name: Title: Page 6 of 6 page 18 IDC 4 NORTHERN DAKOTA COUNTY CABLE COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 5845 Blaine Avenue Inver Grove Heights, Minnesota 55076-1401 651/450-9891 Fax 651/450-9429 e-mail: NDC4@townsgaare.ty August 11, 2015 Mark McNeill City of Mendota Heights 1101 Victoria Curve Mendota Heights, MN 55118 RE: NDC4 Web Streaming Agreement Dear Mark: Enclosed are the materials relating to the upgrade of encoders and renewed three-year service agreement with Granicus for web streaming. Because this is a continuation of the current arrangement between NDC4 and the four partner cities that has been in place since 2008, we are hoping that you may be authorized to sign the documents quickly without the need for city council action. However, if your city council is required to review the materials, please process the documents as quickly as possible, as we have a fairly tight timeframe in order to coordinate all of the hardware, software, and contractual agreements needed to get the upgrade implemented by our goal date in November. Background: As you know NDC4 has been negotiating with Granicus, the third party Web Streaming provider, on the replacement of the four encoders shared by all partners, which are over seven years old and must be replaced. These encoders come with a three year warranty and would last at least that long. The new encoders will have the added capability of streaming Live and On -demand to mobile devices. We have negotiated favorable terms with Granicus, including mobile device capabilities for Apple and Android devices, no CPI increases through the three-year term of the agreement, and the option to stream in High Definition when we are ready at a low cost of $100 per month shared by all partners. Please see the attached Web Streaming Cost Sharing Estimates 2015 for detailed cost information. Cost Highlights: Your city's annual reimbursement amount due in March of 2016 will be $3,848 (per partner) for up -front purchase of hardware, plus the estimated $7,479 per partner for operating expenses, for an estimated total of $11,327. Interestingly, the start-up costs in 2008 were very similar at $11,330 per partner for the first four partners. (South St. Paul reimbursed its portion when they joined in 2012.) NDC4 Web Streaming Upgrade Page 2 of 2 page 19 You will see on the attached sheet that the estimated annual operating costs for 2016-18 are about $8,800 to $9,600, or about $1,300 to $2,100 over what you paid on average for the first seven years ($100 to $175 per month). Operating costs averaged about $7,500 per year per partner for the first seven years. This increase covers the additional costs for mobile device capability and improved picture quality, and is also partly explained by the fact that we successfully kept our operating costs in the first two Granicus agreements set for seven years with no CPI increases. We have historically budgeted worst case scenario, managed costs very closely, and come in under budget when we send you the annual request for reimbursements to the cities. Action Request: In order for NDC4 to execute the agreement with Granicus and receive the current favorable terms, we need our four partner cities to sign and return the attached NDC4 WEB STREAMING AGREEMENT before August 26, 2015. This will allow us to coordinate the implementation tasks and meet the goal date in November for completion of the upgrade. We very much appreciate the hard work and dedication of city staff and officials to cooperate in this project. As you know, web streaming provides a tremendous level of access to the residents, businesses, and city staff. It has come to be expected by the public, and we know that the addition of mobile device capability will further expand its usage. We'd like to mention that in addition to our (NDC4) cost participation as an equal partner with the four partner cities, we have contributed over $28,000 through 2014 in costs not reimbursed by the partner cities. We will be spending an additional (not reimbursed) $15,000-$28,000 in 2015 for this upgrade. This has been an excellent example of collaboration and cost-sharing to achieve results that would not be possible on an individual basis. We also plan to continue providing a dedicated web streaming PT staff position to handle the day-to-day web streaming technical tasks and support your city employees with their questions or requests. We are available to answer your questions or make a presentation on this upgrade if requested. Thank you again for your participation and support! Sincerely, Dennis Rafftery NDC4 Government Programming Manager Encls. (3) page 20 WEB STREAMING COST SHARING ESTIMATES 2015 ESTIMATE 2015 Estimate 2016 Estimate 2017 Estimate 2018 Estimate Set-up Costs, equipment and configuration (4 Encoders) 19,238 Monthly Managed Services to Granicus 12,800 16,800 16,800 18,000 Total 32,038 16,800 16,800 18,000 (includes HD Possible web site update cost upgrade) Possible equipment repairs & maint. 1,200 1,000 1,000 NDC4 dedicated Internet service to master control 1,630 2016 2,117 2,223 Staff position 22,965 24,113 25,319 26,585 Increased cablecaster independent contractor costs Additional staff hours for existing staff: Government Coordinator Technician Master Control Total NDC4 costs to be shared by participants Operating cost (5 parties) SSP IGH MH WSP NDC4 no charge no charge no charge 56,633 no charge no charge no charge 44,129 no charge no charge no charge 45,235 no charge no charge no charge 47,807 11,327 8,826 9,047 9,561 Estimate 2015 Estimate 2015 hardware upgrade Annual operating costs to be costs to be reimbursed in reimbursed in March 2016 March 2016 3,848 7,479 3,848 7,479 Estimated Total 2015 costs to be reimbursed in March 2016 11,327 11,327 Estimate 2016 Annual operating costs to be reimbursed in March 2017 8,826 8,826 Estimate 2017 Annual operating costs to be reimbursed in March 2018 9,047 9,047 Estimate 2018 Annual operating costs to be reimbursed in March 2019 9,561 9,561 3,848 7,479 11,327 8,826 9,047 9,561 3,848 3,848 7,479 7,479 11,327 11,327 8,826 8,826 9,047 9,047 9,561 9,561 19,238 37,395 56,633 44,129 45,235 47,807 DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: MENDOTA HEIGHTS August 18, 2015 Mayor and City Council Mark McNeill, City Administrator Joint Meeting with Planning Commission COMMENT: page 21 1101 Victoria Curve I Mendota Heights, MN 55118 651.452.1850 phone 1 651.452.8940 fax www.mendota-heights.com INTRODUCTION The Council is asked to approve the scheduling of a joint meeting with the Planning Commission to discuss the Industrial Area Redevelopment Plan. BACKGROUND Staff is currently coordinating the initial tasks included in the scope of work with the City's consulting planning firm, Stantec. After completing the planning analysis, market overview and idea generation tasks, staff proposes to schedule a joint workshop for both the Planning Commission and City Council. The purpose of the workshop is to present ideas to the two bodies in order to receive feedback, gauge support and develop a preferred plan for Stantec to refine. The regular October meeting of the Planning Commission is scheduled for the 27th at 7:00 PM. A joint workshop could begin at 5:00 PM. RECOMMENDATION: I recommend a joint workshop to discuss the preliminary Industrial Area Redevelopment Plan be scheduled for 5:00 PM, on Tuesday, October 27th. The meeting would be in the City Council Chambers. ACTION REQUIRED: If the Council concurs, the Council should, by motion, schedule a joint meeting with the Mendota Heights Planning Commission to be held at 5:00 PM on Tuesday, October 27th. Mark McNeill, City Administrator mCITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS page 22 1101 Victoria Curve I Mendota Heights, MN 55118 651.452.1950 phone r 651.452.9940 fax www.mendota•hei g hts.com DATE: August 18, 2015 TO: Mayor, Council and City Administrator FROM: Mike Aschenbrener, Chief of Police / Emergency Manager SUBJECT: Resolution 2015-63 Accepting Gift Toward The Scott Patrick Memorial BACKGROUND The City Auditor has advised that Minnesota State Statute 465.03 "Gifts to municipalities" requires all donations be acknowledged by Resolution. This memo meets Minnesota State Statutory requirements. Last week we received a wonderful card of encouragement from Cathy Ransom. Cathy was a past Mendota Heights Part -Time Police Support Specialist until she retired and moved to northern Wisconsin. I recommend the City Council pass the attached resolution accepting the donation to the police department to go toward the Officer Patrick memorial. A thank you letter will be sent to Cathy after the resolution has been passed. BUDGET IMPACT The acceptance of this gift will help with a permanent memorial for Officer Scott Patrick. RECOMMENDATION If Council desires to implement the recommendation, a motion will need to be passed adopting RESOLUTION 2015-63 "FORMALLY ACCEPTING A GIFT TOWARD THE SCOTT PATRICK MEMORIAL." City of Mendota Heights Dakota County, Minnesota RESOLUTION 2015-63 page 23 RESOLUTION FORMALLY ACCEPTING A GIFT TOWARDS THE SCOTT PATRICK MEMORIAL WHEREAS, the City of Mendota Heights desires to memorialize Officer Scott Patrick; WHEREAS, the Minnesota State Statute requires a resolution to accept gifts to municipalities; and and WHEREAS, the Minnesota State Statute requires a resolution to accept gifts to municipalities; and WHEREAS, the City has previously acknowledged gifts with a resolution; and WHEREAS, the City of Mendota Heights encourages and supports citizens who wish to participate in government; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Mendota Heights have duly considered this matter and wish to acknowledge the civic mindedness of citizens and officially recognize their donations. NOW THEREFORE BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Mendota Heights accepts the donation of $25 from Cathy Ransom for use towards an Officer Memorial. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Mendota Heights this 18th day of August 2015. CITY COUNCIL CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS Sandra Krebsbach, Mayor ATTEST: Lorri Smith, City Clerk DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS BACKGROUND August 18, 2015 Mayor and City Council Sloan Wallgren, Recreation Program Coordinator Off -Leash Dog Area Fencing Options page 24 1101 Victoria Curve 1 Mendota Heights, MN 55118 651.452.1850 phone 1 651.452.8940 fax www.mendota-heights.com Staff has obtained quotes form three fence companies to provide and install the fence at Pilot Knob for the Off -Leash Dog Area. The three companies were Town & Country Fence, Northland Fence and Midwest Fence. The low quote for all of the following options was Northland Fence Company. The preferred option is a fence creating a large rectangular area for dogs and users (as shown in the attached map). There would be a small 10' x 10' bullpen to leash and unleash the dog before entering or leaving the area. This would include two walk gates and one utility gate. The total length of fence would be 1,600 feet. A. 4' fence galvanized chain link= $18,000 B. 4' fence black vinyl coating= $20,000 C. 6' fence galvanized chain link= $28,000 D. 6' fence black vinyl coating= $30,000 BUDGET IMPACT A June 29th memo to Council outlined possible sources of funding for the off leash dog area, with a $30,000 budget. With the black chain link option, the breakdown will be: Black Chain Link Fencing $20,000 2 benches @ $800 each $1,600 Portable Toilet ($55/month for 8 months) $440 Dog Waste Container $200 Signage (1 entrance sign) $200 Security light (annual power only) $125 Portable Watering Tank $500 TOTAL $23,065 There will be added maintenance and enforcement costs, which the Council was made aware of at the August 4 meeting. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends Option B above and Council action to authorize purchase and installation of the 4 -foot black vinyl fence option. The ancillary items (benches, water, trash containers, etc.) will also be ordered. If the Council concurs, approval requires a simple majority vote. Proposed Off -Leash Dog Area 8/14/2015 0 100 SCALE IN FEET page 25 City of rajMendota W. Heights GIS Map Disclaimer: This data is for informational purposes only and should not be substituted for a true title search, property appraisal, plat, survey, or for zoning verification. The City of Mendota Heights assumes no legal responsibility for the information contained in this data. The City of Mendota Heights, or any other entity from which data was obtained, assumes no liability for any errors or omissions herein. If discrepancies are found, please contact the City of Mendota Heights. Contact "Gopher State One Call" at 651-454-0002 for utility locations, 48 hours prior to any excavation. m CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS page 26 1101 Victoria Curve I Mendota Heights, MN 55118 651.452.1950 phone r 651.452.9940 fax www.mendota•hei g hts.com DATE: August 18, 2015 TO: Mayor, City Council and City Administrator FROM: Tamara Schutta Assistant to the City Administrator/HR Coordinator SUBJECT: Personnel Action Items Item 1: Successful Completion of Probationary Period, Police Officer Nick Gorgos Effective August 10, 2015, Nick Gorgos has successfully completed his one year probationary period as a Police Officer. Officer Gorgos is doing an outstanding job in all categories of the Police Officer position. After completing his FTO program, Officer Gorgos was quick to volunteer for a number of additional duties within the department including serving in the role as an FTO. Officer Gorgos assisted in training our newest Officers Hilyar and McCarty. His work ethic has made him a perfect fit for the City of Mendota Heights and part of our team. City staff recommends that the City Council officially appoint Nick Gorgos to the position of regular, full-time Police Officer, effective August 10, 2015. Item 2: Temporary Employee The Public Works Department is currently short staff due to a medical leave of absence. At the previous meeting, the City Council authorized staff to hire a temporary employee to work for the next six to eight weeks to fill the vacancy. Originally we were going to work with Montu Staffing Solutions to fill the position. However, Public Works Superintendent Terry Blum was given a name of a seasonal employee from So. St. Paul Public Works Department. Staff met with Mr. Jason Evazich and he was interested in the temporary position. Mr. Evazich will assist our Street's division with general street maintenance duties, five days a week for approximately six weeks. His hour rate is $10.75. A background check was completed. Staff is recommending Jason Evazich for employment effective August 11, 2015. BUDGET IMPACT As noted above. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Mendota Heights City Council approves the action requested above these two items. 8/13/2015 Mendota Heights Building Activity Report Mike Andrejka, Building Official page 27 July 1, 2015 thru July 31, 2015 January 1, 2015 thru July 31, 2015 January 1, 2014 thru July 31, 2014 January 1, 2013 thru July 31, 2013 Building Permit No. Valuation $ 37,910.61 Fee Collected Building Permit No. Valuation Sub Total Fee Collected Building Permit No. Valuation 367 Fee Collected Building Permit No. Valuation Fee Collected SFD 2 $ 1,101,744.00 $12,207.53 SFD 8 $ 4,064,744.00 $44,424.62 SFD 11 $ 4,780,000.00 $47,818.26 SFD 3 $ 1,059,000.00 $ 11,176.11 APT 0 $ - $0.00 APT 0 $ - $0.00 APT 0 $ - $0.00 APT 0 $ - $ - Townhouse 0 $ - $0.00 Townhouse 2 $ 500,000.00 $6,457.28 Townhouse 0 $ - $0.00 Townhouse 0 $ - $ - Condo 0 $ - $0.00 Condo 0 $ - $0.00 Condo 0 $ - $0.00 Condo 0 $ - $ - Misc 67 $ 823,045.76 $ 14,561.28 Misc 338 $ 5,339,890.12 $ 81,479.76 Misc 305 $ 3,349,414.90 $ 57,749.21 Misc 304 $ 3,567,279.00 $ 64,419.32 Commercial 5 $ 1,053,988.00 $11,141.80 Commercial 25 $ 2,911,301.00 $36,904.08 Commercial 29 $ 9,470,573.50 $81,117.38 Commercial 60 $ 10,669,290.00 $ 79,859.04 Sub Total 74 $ 2,978,777.76 $ 37,910.61 Sub Total 373 $ 12,815,935.12 $ 169,265.74 Sub Total 345 $ 17,599,988.40 $ 186,684.85 Sub Total 367 $ 15,295,569.00 $ 155,454.47 Trade Permit No. Valuation Fee Collected Trade Permit No. Valuation Fee Collected Trade Permit No. Valuation Fee Collected Trade Permit No. Valuation Fee Collected Plumbing 15 $1,170.00 Plumbing 133 $11,589.72 Plumbing 83 $7,422.15 Plumbing 105 $ 6,378.60 Water 0 $0.00 Water 5 $50.00 Water 3 $30.00 Water 2 $ 20.00 Sewer 1 $75.00 Sewer 10 $600.00 Sewer 11 $275.00 Sewer 3 $ 75.00 Mechanical 38 $3,075.27 Mechanical 202 $17,561.17 Mechanical 145 $14,841.79 Mechanical 175 $ 22,350.51 Sub Total 54 $ 4,320.27 Sub Total 350 $ 29,800.89 Sub Total 242 $22,568.94 Sub Total 285 $ 28,824.11 License No. Valuation Fee Collected Licenses No. Valuation Fee Collected Licenses No. Valuation Fee Collected Licenses No. Valuation Fee Collected Contractor 21 $1,050.00 Contractor 261 $13,050.00 Contractor 258 $12,900.00 Contractor 285 $ 14,250.00 Total 149 $ 2,978,777.76 $ 43,280.88 Total 984 $ 12,815,935.12 $ 212116.63 Total 845 $ 17,599,988.40 $ 222153.79 Total 937 $ 15,295,569.00 $ 198,528.58 NOTE: All fee amounts exclude SAC, WAC and State Surcharge. Amounts shown will reflect only permit, plan review fee and valuation totals page 28 1101 Victoria Curve j Mendota Heights, MN 55118 651.4521850 phone 1 651,452.8940 fax www,mendota-heights.com DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS BACKGROUND August 18, 2015 Mayor, City Council and City Administrator Kristen Schabacker, Finance Director Claims List Summary Significant Claims Xcel Energy — Utilities BSN Sports — Soccer Goals Eckberg Lammers — Legal Services Generations Custom Cabinets — Police Dept Project and Council Chambers Table Great River Greening — Valley Park Invasive Species Removal KDV — 2014 Fire Relief Audit Northern Dewatering — Emergency Sewer Repair RMS Rentals — Emergency Sewer Repair Schlomka Services — Emergency Sewer Repair Valley Paving — Victoria Road South Project Manual Checks Total System Checks Total Total for the list of claims for the August 18, 2015 city council meeting 8,055.10 4,427.97 5,625.47 6,620.00 4,000.00 4,700.00 13,531.00 6,140.80 18,997.00 362,546.24 $ 11,998.86 $ 489,745.65 $ 501,744.51 RECOMMENDATION: Approval of the list of claims for August 18, 2015. CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS Claims List MANUAL CHECKS 07/31/15 MAN Account Comments DEPT Descr Amount page 29 08/13/15 11:00 AM Page 1 Search Name I C M A RETIREMENT 457 G 01-2072 07/31/2015 PAYROLL Search Name I C M A RE 11REMENT 457 Search Name NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION G 01-2072 07/31/2015 PAYROLL Search Name NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION Search Name UNITED WAY OF ST. PAUL G 01-2070 07/31/2015 PAYROLL Search Name UNITED WAY OF ST. PAUL Search Name XCEL ENERGY E 01-4212-310-50 E 01-4211-310-50 E 01-4211-310-70 E 01-4211-315-30 E 01-4211-320-70 E 01-4211-420-50 E 08-4211-000-00 E 15-4211-310-60 E 01-4211-300-50 E 28-4211-000-00 E 01-4212-310-70 E 01-4212-315-30 E 01-4212-320-70 E 08-4212-000-00 E 15-4212-310-60 E 15-4212-400-60 E 15-4211-400-60 Search Name XCEL ENERGY JUNE 2015 GAS UTILITIES JUNE 2015 EL. UTILITIES JUNE 2015 EL. UTILITIES JUNE 2015 EL. UTILITIES JUNE 2015 EL. UTILITIES JUNE 2015 EL. UTILITIES JUNE 2015 EL. UTILITIES JUNE 2015 EL. UTILITIES JUNE 2015 EL. UTILITIES JUNE 2015 EL. UTILITIES JUNE 2015 GAS UTILITIES JUNE 2015 GAS UTILITIES JUNE 2015 GAS UTILITIES JUNE 2015 GAS UTILITIES JUNE 2015 GAS UTILITIES JUNE 2015 GAS UTILITIES JUNE 2015 EL. UTILITIES Road & Bridges Road & Bridges Parks & Recreation Fire Parks & Recreation Road & Bridges Spec Fds Utility Enterprise Road & Bridges Spec Fds Parks & Recreation Fire Parks & Recreation Spec Fds Utility Enterprise Utility Enterprise Utility Enterprise $1,558.00 $1,558.00 $50.00 $50.00 $49.00 $49.00 $19.40 $217.86 $217.86 $566.65 $283.38 $217.02 $2,127.66 $217.86 $1,700.40 $764.42 $19.40 $118.93 $50.00 $87.59 $19.40 $27.19 $1,400.08 $8,055.10 $9,712.10 CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS Claims List MANUAL CHECKS 08/13/15 MAN Account Comments DEPT Descr Amount page0R3/15 11:04 AM Page 1 Search Name CRANE, BOBBY E 05-4410-105-15 Search Name CRANE, BOBBY VOID #087109 Search Name MN DEPT OF LABOR & INDUSTRY R 01-3615 STATE SURCHARGES R 01-3315 STATE SURCHARGES Search Name MN DEPT OF LABOR & INDUSTRY Engineering Enterprise -$169.99 -$169.99 -$102.36 $2,559.11 $2,456.75 $2,286.76 CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS Claims List SYSTEM CHECKS 08/18/15 PAY page 31 08/13/15 11:06 AM Page 1 Account Comments DEPT Descr Amount Search Name AGGREGATE INDUSTRIES E 01-4422-050-50 STREET MAINT. MATERIALS Road & Bridges $1,106.55 Search Name AGGREGATE INDUSTRIES $1,106.55 Search Name ALL CITY ELEVATOR, INC. E 08-4335-000-00 AUG 2015 ELEVATOR CONTRACT Spec Fds $153.00 Search Name ALL CITY ELEVATOR, INC. $153.00 Search Name ALLEGRA PRINT & IMAGING E 01-4300-110-10 RECEIPT BOOKS Administration $103.34 E 01-4300-070-70 RECEIPT BOOKS Parks & Recreation $206.68 E 01-4300-040-40 RECEIPT BOOKS Code Enforcement/Inspe $723.38 Search Name ALLEGRA PRINT & IMAGING $1,033.40 Search Name ALLSTATE PETERBILT E 01-4330-490-50 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS - STREETS Road & Bridges $13.78 Search Name ALLSTATE PETERBILT $13.78 Search Name ALTERNATORS STARTERS AND PARTS E 01-4330-490-50 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS - STREETS Road & Bridges $164.45 Search Name ALTERNATORS STARTERS AND PARTS $164.45 Search Name AMERIPRIDE SERVICES E 01-4335-310-50 E 08-4335-000-00 E 01-4335-310-70 E 15-4335-310-60 Search Name AMERIPRIDE SERVICES Search Name APACHE GROUP E 01-4305-070-70 Search Name APACHE GROUP Search Name ARROW MOWER INC. E 01-4330-490-70 Search Name ARROW MOWER INC. Search Name B S N SPORTS E 01-4435-200-70 Search Name B S N SPORTS MAT SERVICE - PW GARAGE MAT SERVICE - CITY HALL MAT SERVICE - PW GARAGE MAT SERVICE - PW GARAGE OPERATING SUPPLIES - PARKS EQUIPMENT MAINT. PARTS - PARKS SOCCER GOALS Search Name BESSER WELDING & FABRICATION E 01-4620-070-70 HOCKEY RINK MATERIALS Road & Bridges Spec Fds Parks & Recreation Utility Enterprise Parks & Recreation Parks & Recreation Parks & Recreation Parks & Recreation $30.61 $153.59 $30.60 $30.60 $245.40 $129.60 $129.60 $14.39 $14.39 $4,427.97 $4,427.97 $3,150.00 Search-Name-BESSER WELDING -&-FABRICATION $3,150.00 Search Name BOLTON & MENK INC E 80-4220-788-00 VICTORIA RD PROJECT Spec Fds $2,935.00 Search Name BOLTON & MENK INC $2,935.00 Search Name BYRNES, KEVIN E 01-4490-080-80 Search Name BYRNES, KEVIN 2ND QTR 2015 ARC MEETINGS Planning $50.00 $50.00 Search Name C. DARLENE OEHLKE, CAP E 01-4220-110-10 08/04/15 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Administration $132.40 CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS Claims List SYSTEM CHECKS 08/18/15 PAY page 32 08/13/15 11:06 AM Page 2 Account Comments DEPT Descr Amount Search Name C. DARLENE OEHLKE, CAP $132.40 Search Name CAMELOT CLEANERS E 01-4410-020-20 UNIFORMS CLEANING - PD Police $100.30 Search Name CAMELOT CLEANERS $100.30 Search Name CDW GOVERNMENT, INC E 01-4330-440-20 SQUAD COMPUTERS WARRANTIES Police $487.64 E 01-4301-030-30 COMPUTER ACCESSORIES - FIRE DEPT Fire $42.34 Search Name CDW GOVERNMENT, INC $529.98 Search Name CENTERLINE CHARTER CORP E 01-4435-200-70 FIELD TRIPS Parks & Recreation $290.00 Search Name CENTERLINE CHARTER CORP $290.00 Search Name CENTRAL IRRIGATION SUPPLY E 01-4330-215-70 IRRIGATION REPAIR PARTS Parks & Recreation $44.60 Search Name CENTRAL IRRIGATION SUPPLY $44.60 Search Name COCA-COLA REFRESHMENTS E 45-4310-210-45 BEVERAGES - PAR3 Golf Course $290.52 Search Name COCA-COLA REFRESHMENTS E 45-4210-045-45 AUG 2015 SERVICE - PAR3 Golf Course $196.13 Search Name COMCAST $196.13 E 01-4422-050-50 STREET MAINT. MATERIALS Road & Bridges $746.92 Search Name COMMERCIAL ASPHALT $746.92 Search Name CRANE, BOBBY E 05-4410-105-15 PROTECIVE CLOTHING - ENG. Engineering Enterprise $129.99 Search Name CRANE, BOBBY $129.99 Search Name CSC PUBLISHING E 01-4490-050-50 STREET REPAIRS Road & Bridges $131.74 Search Name CSC PUBLISHING $131.74 Search Name COMCAST $290.52 Search Name COMMERCIAL ASPHALT Search Name DAKOTA COMMUNICATIONS CENTER E 01-4275-020-20 SEP 2015 DCC FEE Police $17,515.00 E 01-4275-030-30 SEP 2015 DCC FEE Fire $612.00 Search Name DAKOTA COMMUNICATIONS CENTER $18,127.00 Search Name DISCOUNT TIRE E 01-4330-460-30 TIRES - FIRE DEPT Fire $620.00 Search Name DISCOUNT TIRE $620.00 Search Name DUNN, BILL E 01-4490-080-80 2ND QTR 2015 ARC MEETINGS Planning $25.00 Search Name DUNN, BILL $25.00 Search Name ECKBERG LAMMERS E 01-4221-120-10 JULY 2015 LEGAL SERVICES - COUNCIL MTGS Administration $400.00 E 01-4481-110-10 JULY 2015 LEGAL SERVICES Administration $3,702.97 E 01-4220-120-30 JULY 2015 LEGAL SERVICES Fire $150.00 CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS Claims List SYSTEM CHECKS 08/18/15 PAY page 33 08/13/15 11:06 AM Page 3 Account Comments DEPT Descr Amount E 13-4220-000-00 JULY 2015 LEGAL SERVICES Spec Fds $885.00 E 01-4220-120-80 JULY 2015 LEGAL SERVICES Planning $337.50 E 01-4220-120-10 JULY 2015 LEGAL SERVICES Administration $112.50 E 01-4220-120-20 JULY 2015 LEGAL SERVICES Police $37.50 Search Name ECKBERG LAMMERS $5,625.47 Search Name EMERGENCY AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOG E 01-4330-440-20 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS - PD Police $119.70 E 01-4330-490-50 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS - STREETS Road & Bridges $188.54 Search Name EMERGENCY AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOG $308.24 Search Name ESS BROTHERS & SONS INC E 15-4330-490-60 EQUIPMENT REPAIR - SEWER Utility Enterprise $661.00 Search Name ESS BROTHERS & SONS INC $661.00 Search Name EVANS, JACK E 01-4490-070-70 2ND QTR 2015 PARK & REC. COMM. MEETING Parks & Recreation $50.00 Search Name EVANS, JACK $50.00 Search Name FASTENAL INDUSTRIAL & CONSTR E 01-4305-050-50 OPERATING SUPPLIES - SHOP E 01-4305-070-70 OPERATING SUPPLIES - SHOP Search Name FASTENAL INDUSTRIAL & CONSTR Search Name FLEETPRIDE E 01-4330-490-50 E 01-4330-490-50 Search Name FLEETPRIDE EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS - STREETS EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS - STREETS Road & Bridges Parks & Recreation Road & Bridges Road & Bridges Search Name GENERATIONS CUSTOM CABINETS E 01-4600-020-20 CABINETS - PD Police E 08-4335-000-00 FURNITURE - CITY HALL Spec Fds Search Name GENERATIONS CUSTOM CABINETS $12.54 $12.53 $25.07 $76.78 $29.97 $106.75 $5,645.00 $975.00 $6,620.00 Search Name GOPHER STATE ONE CALL E 01-4210-040-40 JULY 2015 SERVICE Code Enforcement/Inspe $423.60 Search Name GOPHER STATE ONE CALL $423.60 Search Name GRANNIS & HAUGE, P.A. E 01-4222-120-20 JULY 2015 LEGAL SERVICES Police $5,891.00 Search Name GRANNIS & HAUGE, P.A. $5,891.00 Search Name GRAYBAR ELECTRIC E 28-4330-000-00 STREET LIGHTING SUPPLIES Spec Fds $185.80 Search Name GRAYBAR ELECTRIC $185.80 Search Name GREAT RIVER GREENING E 01-4330-215-70 INVASIVE SPECIES - VALLEY PARK Parks & Recreation $4,000.00 Search Name GREAT RIVER GREENING $4,000.00 Search Name HANCO CORPORATION E 01-4330-490-70 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS - PARKS Parks & Recreation $19.80 Search Name HANCO CORPORATION $19.80 Search Name HINDERSCHEID, PAT E 01-4490-070-70 2ND QTR 2015 PARK & REC. COMM. MEETING Parks & Recreation $75.00 Account CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS Claims List SYSTEM CHECKS 08/18/15 PAY Comments DEPT Descr page 34 08/13/15 11:06 AM Page 4 Amount Search Name HINDERSCHEID, PAT Search Name HOSE INC E 01-4330-490-50 Search Name HOSE INC Search Name IPMAHR E 01-4306-020-20 Search Name IPMAHR Search Name IDENTISYS E 01-4300-110-10 Search Name IDENTISYS EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS - STREETS POLICE OFFICERS TESTING EMPLOYEE BADGES Search Name INNOVATIVE OFFICE SOLUTIONS E 05-4300-105-15 E 05-4300-105-15 E 01-4300-050-50 E 01-4300-110-10 E 01-4300-110-10 E 01-4300-110-10 E 01-4300-080-80 E 15-4300-060-60 E 01-4300-110-10 OFFICE SUPPLIES - ENG. OFFICE SUPPLIES - ENG. OFFICE SUPPLIES - PW OFFICE SUPPLIES - ADMIN OFFICE SUPPLIES - ADMIN OFFICE SUPPLIES - ADMIN OFFICE SUPPLIES - PLANNING OFFICE SUPPLIES - UB OFFICE SUPPLIES - ADMIN E 05-4300-105-15 OFFICE SUPPLIES - ENG> E 01-4300-110-10 OFFICE SUPPLIES - ADMIN E 05-4300-105-15 OFFICE SUPPLIES - ENG. Search Name INNOVATIVE OFFICE SOLUTIONS Search Name INTOXIMETERS E 01-4305-020-20 OPERATING SUPPLIES - PD Search Name INTOXIMETERS Search Name IRON MOUNTAIN RECORDS MGMT E 01-4490-110-10 JULY 2015 SHREDDING E 01-4490-020-20 JULY 2015 SHREDDING Search Name IRON MOUNTAIN RECORDS MGMT Search Name JANI-KING OF MINNESOTA, INC. E 01-4331-020-20 AUG 2015 SERVICE - PD E 01-4335-315-30 AUG 2015 SERVICE - FIRE HALL E 01-4335-310-50 AUG 2015 SERVICE - PW GARAGE E 01-4335-310-70 AUG 2015 SERVICE - PW GARAGE E 15-4335-310-60 AUG 2015 SERVICE - PW GARAGE Search Name JANI-KING OF MINNESOTA, INC. Search Name JRK SEED & TURF SUPPLY E 01-4330-215-70 HERBICIDE - PARKS Search Name JRK SEED & TURF SUPPLY Search Name K D V E 01-4220-130-30 Search Name K D V Search Name KIPP, IRA 2014 AUDIT - FIRE RELIEF ASSN Road & Bridges 9 Police Administration Engineering Enterprise Engineering Enterprise Road & Bridges Administration Administration Administration Planning Utility Enterprise Administration Engineering Enterprise Administration Engineering Enterprise Police Administration Police Police Fire Road & Bridges Parks & Recreation Utility Enterprise Parks & Recreation Fire $75.00 $147.53 $147.53 $635.00 $635.00 $75.78 $75.78 $4.91 $157.10 $4.28 $15.72 $15.45 $4.99 $12.40 $36.10 $28.16 $4.48 $19.10 $11.14 $313.83 $96.25 $96.25 $18.43 $55.31 $73.74 $780.00 $200.00 $66.67 $66.67 $66.66 $1,180.00 $58.60 $58.60 $4,700.00 $4,700.00 Account CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS Claims List SYSTEM CHECKS 08/18/15 PAY Comments DEPT Descr Page a913/15 11:06 AM Page 5 Amount E 01-4490-070-70 Search Name KIPP, IRA Search Name KUSTOM SIGNALS INC 2ND QTR 2015 PARK & REC. COMM. MEETING Parks & Recreation E 01-4330-440-20 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE - PD Search Name KUSTOM SIGNALS INC Search Name LAWSON PRODUCTS, INC E 01-4305-050-50 E 01-4305-070-70 E 15-4305-060-60 E 01-4305-050-50 E 01-4305-070-70 E 15-4305-060-60 Search Name LAWSON PRODUCTS, Search Name LEVINE, STEPHANIE E 01-4490-070-70 Search Name LEVINE, STEPHANIE Search Name LEXISNEXIS E 01-4223-020-20 Search Name LEXISNEXIS OPERATING SUPPLIES - SHOP OPERATING SUPPLIES - SHOP OPERATING SUPPLIES - SHOP OPERATING SUPPLIES - SHOP OPERATING SUPPLIES - SHOP OPERATING SUPPLIES - SHOP INC Search Name LILLIE SUBURBAN NEWS E 01-4240-050-50 E 01-4210-110-10 E 01-4240-080-80 E 01-4240-080-80 E 01-4240-030-30 Search Name LILLIE SUBURBAN NEWS Search Name LORBERBAUM, SALLY E 01-4490-080-80 Search Name LORBERBAUM, SALLY Search Name M R PA E 01-4400-070-70 Search Name M R PA Police Road & Bridges Parks & Recreation Utility Enterprise Road & Bridges Parks & Recreation Utility Enterprise 2ND QTR 2015 PARK & REC. COMM. MEETING Parks & Recreation JULY 2015 SERVICE JULY 2015 PUBLICATIONS ORDINANCES 2014 FINANCIAL REPORT JULY 2015 PUBLICATIONS - PLANNING JULY 2015 PUBLICATIONS - ORDINANCES JULY 2015 PUBLICATIONS - ORDINANCES 2ND QTR 2015 ARC MEETINGS FOOTGOLF SEMINAR Search Name M T I DISTRIBUTING COMPANY E 01-4330-490-70 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS - PARKS E 01-4330-490-70 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS - PARKS Search Name M T I DISTRIBUTING COMPANY Police Road & Bridges Administration Planning Planning Fire Planning Parks & Recreation Parks & Recreation Parks & Recreation $75.00 $75.00 $135.00 $135.00 $74.97 $74.97 $74.96 $220.39 $220.39 $220.38 $886.06 $50.00 $50.00 $123.65 $123.65 $26.25 $540.00 $157.50 $210.00 $48.75 $982.50 $50.00 $50.00 $20.00 $20.00 $603.04 $397.45 $1,000.49 Search Name MAUER CHEVROLET E 01-4330-490-50 E 01-4330-460-30 Search Name MAUER CHEVROLET Search Name MAZZITELLO, JOHN E 05-4415-105-15 Search Name MAZZITELLO, JOHN Search Name MCNEILL, MARK EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS - STREETS EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS - FIRE DEPT JULY 2015 MILEAGE Road & Bridges Fire Engineering Enterprise $23.86 $8.82 $32.68 $63.83 $63.83 CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS Claims List SYSTEM CHECKS 08/18/15 PAY page36. 0$T13/15 11:06 AM Page 6 Account Comments DEPT Descr Amount E 01-4490-110-10 MEETINGS EXPENSE - M. MCNEILL Administration $227.67 Search Name MCNEILL, MARK $227.67 Search Name MENARDS E 01-4330-460-30 E 01-4422-050-50 Search Name MENARDS EQUIPMENT REPAIR SUPPLIES - FIRE DEPT Fire STREET MAINT. MATERIALS Road & Bridges $7.57 $29.97 $37.54 Search Name MILLER, DAVID E 01-4490-070-70 2ND QTR 2015 PARK & REC. COMM. MEE11NG Parks & Recreation $75.00 Search Name MILLER, DAVID $75.00 Search Name MINNESOTA EQUIPMENT E 01-4330-490-70 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS - PARKS Parks & Recreation $182.53 Search Name MINNESOTA EQUIPMENT $182.53 Search Name MINNESOTA PIPE& EQUIPMENT E 15-4305-060-60 OPERATING SUPPLIES - SEWER Utility Enterprise $151.52 E 15-4305-060-60 OPERATING SUPPLIES - SEWER Utility Enterprise $515.34 Search Name MINNESOTA PIPE & EQUIPMENT $666.86 Search Name MITCHELL1 E 01-4301-030-30 AUG 2015 SERVICE Fire $169.00 Search Name MITCHELL1 $169.00 Search Name MN CHIEFS OF POLICE ASSN E 01-4400-020-20 TRAINING - PD Police $1,080.00 Search Name MN CHIEFS OF POLICE ASSN $1,080.00 Search Name MN TEAMSTERS LOCAL 320 G 01-2075 AUG 2015 UNION DUES $620.00 Search Name MN TEAMSTERS LOCAL 320 $620.00 Search Name NAMEN, VALARIE E 27-4460-791-00 VICTORIA RD SOUTH REPAIRS Spec Fds $37.46 Search Name NAMEN, VALARIE $37.46 Search Name NEUHARTH, JIM E 01-4490-080-80 2ND QTR 2015 ARC MEETINGS Planning $50.00 Search Name NEUHARTH, JIM $50.00 Search Name Nl1 I1 SANITATION INC E 45-4280-045-45 RUBBISH & RECYCLING - PAR3 Golf Course $114.59 Search Name NITfI SANITATION INC $114.59 Search Name NORLING, GINA E 01-4490-080-80 Search Name NORLING, GINA 2ND QTR 2015 ARC MEETINGS Search Name NORTHERN DEWATERING, INC. E 15-4330-490-60 EMERGENCY SEWER BREAK REPAIRS Search Name NORTHERN DEWATERING, INC. Search Name OFFICE DEPOT E 05-4300-105-15 OFFICE SUPPLIES - ENGINEERING Planning Utility Enterprise Engineering Enterprise $50.00 $50.00 $13,531.00 $13,531.00 $51.96 Search Name OFFICE DEPOT $51.96 Account CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS Claims List SYSTEM CHECKS 08/18/15 PAY Comments DEPT Descr page 0/13/15 11:06 AM Page 7 Amount Search Name OREILLY AUTO/FIRST CALL E 01-4305-050-50 E 01-4305-070-70 E 01-4305-050-50 E 15-4305-060-60 E 15-4330-490-60 E 01-4305-070-70 E 01-4330-490-50 E 01-4305-070-70 OPERATING SUPPLIES - SHOP Search Name OREILLY AUTO/FIRST CALL OPERATING SUPPLIES - SHOP OPERATING SUPPUES - SHOP OPERATING SUPPLIES - SHOP OPERATING SUPPLIES - SHOP EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS - SEWER OPERATING SUPPLIES - SHOP EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS - STREETS Search Name OXYGEN SERVICE CO E 15-4200-610-60 E 15-4305-060-60 E 01-4305-050-50 E 01-4200-610-70 E 01-4200-610-50 E 01-4305-070-70 Search Name OXYGEN SERVICE CO Search Name PAC E 15-4330-490-60 Search Name PAC Search Name PAPER, JOEL E 01-4490-070-70 Search Name PAPER, JOEL Search Name PIPE SERVICES E 15-4330-490-60 E 15-4330-490-60 Search Name PIPE SERVICES Search Name RMS RENTALS E 15-4330-490-60 Search Name RMS RENTALS Search Name SAM S CLUB E 01-4435-200-70 E 45-4310-210-45 E 45-4310-210-45 E 45-4305-045-45 E 45-4305-045-45 CYLINDER RENT - PW OPERATING SUPPUES - SHOP OPERATING SUPPLIES - SHOP CYLINDER RENT - PW CYLINDER RENT - PW OPERATING SUPPLIES - SHOP EMERGENCY SEWER BREAK REPAIRS Road & Bridges Parks & Recreation Road & Bridges Utility Enterprise 'Utility Enterprise Parks & Recreation Road & Bridges Parks & Recreation Utility Enterprise Utility Enterprise Road & Bridges Parks & Recreation Road & Bridges Parks & Recreation Utility Enterprise 2ND QTR 2015 PARK & REC. COMM. MEETING Parks & Recreation SEWER BREAK TELEVISING SEWER BREAK TELEVISING EMERGENCY SEWER BREAK REPAIRS TENNIS PROGRAM SUPPLIES CONCESSIONS - PAR3 CONCESSIONS - PAR3 OPERATING SUPPUES - PAR3 OPERATING SUPPLIES - PAR3 Utility Enterprise Utility Enterprise Utility Enterprise Parks & Recreation Golf Course Golf Course Golf Course Golf Course $19.98 $13.49 -$9.99 $13.49 $44.88 $23.88 $208.90 $7.98 $322.61 $29.96 $91.20 $91.20 $29.97 $29.97 $91.20 $363.50 $825.00 $825.00 $75.00 $75.00 $860.00 $1,505.00 $2,365.00 $6,140.80 $6,140.80 $175.36 $60.24 $265.80 $15.08 $66.29 E 45-4305-045-45 E 45-4310-210-45 E 01-4435-200-70 E 01-4435-200-70 E 01-4435-200-70 E 45-4310-210-45 G 01-1145 E 01-4435-200-70 Search Name SAM S CLUB OPERATING SUPPLIES - PAR3 CONCESSIONS - PAR3 SAFETY CAMP SUPPLIES SAFETY CAMP SUPPLIES SAFETY CAMP SUPPLIES CONCESSIONS - PAR3 BEVERAGES PARK PROGRAM SUPPLIES Search Name SCHLOMKA SERVICES, LLC Golf Course Golf Course Parks & Recreation Parks & Recreation Parks & Recreation Golf Course Parks & Recreation $142.55 $171.18 $236.56 $189.43 $150.52 $142.64 $67.82 $15.13 $1,698.60 Account CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS Claims List SYSTEM CHECKS 08/18/15 PAY Comments DEPT Descr pagetg 3/15 11:06 AM Page 8 Amount E 15-4330-490-60 E 15-4330-490-60 E 15-4330-490-60 Search Name SCHLOMKA SERVICES, Search Name SCHROEDER, DOUG E 01-4435-200-70 Search Name SCHROEDER, DOUG Search Name SCHUTTA, TAMARA E 01-4400-110-10 Search Name SCHUTTA, TAMARA Search Name SELECT ACCOUNT E 01-4220-020-20 E 01-4220-020-20 E 01-4220-020-20 E 15-4220-060-60 E 05-4220-105-15 E 01-4220-080-80 E 01-4220-050-50 E 01-4220-110-10 E 01-4220-070-70 Search Name SELECT ACCOUNT Search Name SHARMA, ARVIND E 01-4490-080-80 Search Name SHARMA, ARVIND Search Name SLOAN, DAVE E 01-4490-080-80 Search Name SLOAN, DAVE EMERGENCY SEWER BREAK REPAIRS SUMP CLEANING - SEWER SUMP CLEANING - SEWER LLC SOFTBALL OFFICIAL TRAVEL EXPENSE - T. SCHUTTA AUG 2015 HSA PARTICIPANT FEE JULY 2015 HSA PARTICIPANT FEE JUNE 2015 HSA PARTICIPANT FEE AUG 2015 HSA PARTICIPANT FEE AUG 2015 HSA PARTICIPANT FEE AUG 2015 HSA PARTICIPANT FEE AUG 2015 HSA PARTICIPANT FEE AUG 2015 HSA PARTICIPANT FEE AUG 2015 HSA PARTICIPANT FEE 2ND QTR 2015 ARC MEETINGS 2ND QTR 2015 ARC MEETINGS Search Name SOUTH ST. PAUL UMPIRES ASSN E 01-4435-200-70 JULY 2015 UMPIRE SERVICES Search Name SOUTH ST. PAUL UMPIRES ASSN Search Name STERLING CODIFIERS, INC E 01-4220-110-10 SUPPLEMENT #22 Search Name STERLING CODIFIERS, INC Search Name SULLIVAN, TERRY E 08-4415-000-00 Search Name SULLIVAN, TERRY MILEAGE REIMB. - T. SULLIVAN Utility Enterprise Utility Enterprise Utility Enterprise Parks & Recreation Administration Police Police Police Utility Enterprise Engineering Enterprise Planning Road & Bridges Administration Parks & Recreation Planning Planning Parks & Recreation Administration Spec Fds $17,357.00 $440.00 $1,200.00 $18,997.00 $240.00 $240.00 $516.34 $516.34 $16.84 $1.20 $1.20 $2.11 $5.42 $2.11 $3.31 $11.13 $1.20 $44.52 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $1,568.00 $1,568.00 $884.00 $884.00 $70.15 $70.15 Search Name SUMMIT COMPANIES R 01-3250 R 01-3315 Search Name SUMMIT COMPANIES PERMIT FEE REFUND PERMIT FEE REFUND Search Name SUMMIT FIRE PROTECTION E 08-4335-000-00 FIRE SPRINKLER INSTALL - CITY HALL E 45-4335-045-45 FIRE EXT. INSPECTION - PAR3 Search Name SUMMIT FIRE PROTECTION Spec Fds Golf Course $57.50 $0.75 $58.25 $530.00 $99.92 $629.92 CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS Claims List SYSTEM CHECKS 08/18/15 PAY page 13/15 11:06 AM Page 9 Account Comments DEPT Descr Amount Search Name TOTAL TOOL E 01-4305-050-50 TOOLS - STREETS Road & Bridges $139.08 Search Name TOTAL TOOL $139.08 Search Name TOTH, MIKE E 01-4490-070-70 2ND QTR 2015 PARK & REC. COMM. MEETING Parks & Recreation $75.00 Search Name TOTH, MIKE $75.00 Search Name TRIANGLE RUBBISH & RECYCLING E 01-4280-315-30 JULY 2015 SERVICE - FIRE HALL Fire $53.10 Search Name TRIANGLE RUBBISH & RECYCLING $53.10 Search Name TWIN CITY CONTAINER E 01-4305-070-70 OPERATING SUPPLIES - PARKS Parks & Recreation $368.40 Search Name TWIN CITY .CONTAINER $368.40 Search Name TWIN CITY REFUSE & RECYCLING E 08-4280-000-00 WASTE DISPOSAL - CITY HALL Spec Fds E 45-4280-045-45 WASTE DISPOSAL - PAR3 Golf Course Search Name TWIN CITY REFUSE & RECYCLING Search Name ULINE E 01-4305-070-70 OPERATING SUPPLIES - PARKS Parks & Recreation Search Name UUNE Search Name VALLEY PAVING, INC. E 27-4460-791-00 VICTORIA RD SOUTH PROJECT Spec Fds Search Name VALLEY PAVING, INC. Search Name VIKING PLASTIC PACKAGING E 80-4460-788-00 VICTORIA RD REPAIRS Spec Fds Search Name VIKING PLASTIC PACKAGING Search Name VITO MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS E 08-4335-000-00 HVAC REPAIRS - CITY HALL Spec Fds Search Name VITO MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS Search Name WASTE MANAGEMENT E 01-4280-310-70 E 15-4280-310-60 E 08-4280-000-00 E 01-4280-310-50 Search Name WASTE MANAGEMENT JULY 2015 SERVICE - PW GARAGE JULY 2015 SERVICE - PW GARAGE JULY 2015 SERVICE - CITY HALL JULY 2015 SERVICE - PW GARAGE Search-Name-WINFIELD-SOLUTIONS, LLC Parks & Recreation Utility Enterprise Spec Fds Road & Bridges $50.00 $20.00 $70.00 $901.14 $901.14 $362,546.24 $362,546.24 $1,288.35 $1,288.35 $1,638.00 $1,638.00 $106.30 $106.30 $198.47 $106.31 $517.38 E 45-4334-045-45 CHEMICALS - PAR3 Golf Course E 45-4334-045-45 CHEMICALS - PAR3 Golf Course Search Name WINFIELD SOLUTIONS, LLC $199.41 $378.46 $577.87 Search Name WIRTZ BEVERAGE MINNESOTA E 45-4310-205-45 BEVERAGES - PAR3 Golf Course $204.90 Search Name WIR?Z BEVERAGE MINNESOTA $204.90 Search Name ZEE MEDICAL SVC E 15-4305-060-60 FIRST AID SUPPLIES - SHOP Utility Enterprise $5.31 CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS Claims List SYSTEM CHECKS 08/18/15 PAY page 40 08/13/15 11:06 AM Page 10 Account Comments DEPT Descr Amount E 01-4305-050-50 E 01-4305-070-70 E 15-4305-060-60 E 01-4305-050-50 E 01-4305-070-70 Search Name ZEE MEDICAL SVC FIRST AID SUPPLIES - SHOP FIRST AID SUPPLIES - SHOP FIRST AID SUPPLIES - SHOP FIRST AID SUPPLIES - SHOP FIRST AID SUPPLIES - SHOP Road & Bridges Parks & Recreation Utility Enterprise Road & Bridges Parks & Recreation $26.05 $26.05 $26.05 $5.32 $532 $94.10 $489,745.65 page 41 2015 Licensing List for City Council Type Contractor Name General HVAC Sign Serice Construction, Inc Aerotek Heating & Cooling KB Mechanical, Inc Kline Corporation dba Practical Systems Patton Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc Spectrum Sign Systems, Inc Thursday, August 13, 2015 Page 1 of 1 HUDSON Plaza 94 Shopping Center 1701 Ward Ave, Ste 200 Hudson, WI54016 715-377-9913 1V L. vr� LOCATI v Shoreview Village Mall Mendota Plaza 1075 West Highway 96 752 Highway 110 Shoreview, MN 55126 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 651-203-3663 651-203-3663 www.freshandnaturalfoods.com Clean feels good t CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS page 42 1101 Victoria Curve 1 Mendota Heights, MN 55118 651.452.1850 phone 1 651.452.8940 fax www.mendota-heights.com DATE: August 18, 2015 TO: Mayor, City Council and City Administrator FROM: Nolan Wall, AICP Planner SUBJECT: Ordinance 483 Adopting Standards for Video/Electronic Display Scoreboards BACKGROUND Attached is revised DRAFT Ordinance 483 based on the Council's discussion at the August 4 meeting. A summary of the significant proposed revisions and rationale are as follows: 1. Video/Electronic Display Scoreboard Definition (Section 1): VIDEO/ELECTRONIC DISPLAY SCOREBOARD: A display board equipped with video or electronic components encompassing a majority of the surface erected at an athletic field, or similar outdoor facility, which shows the score of a contest and other relevant information to spectators at an event. The scoreboard must be erected at an athletic field or similar outdoor facility, but would allow for more than displaying the score as long as it is considered to be "relevant information" to spectators at the event. The intent is to allow the use of the scoreboard for non -sporting events that are hosted by schools. Scoreboards utilizing electronic or digital displays which only show the score or game clock would not be included, based on staff's interpretation of the proposed definition and intent of the applicable standards. 2. Setbacks (Section 2, #3) The video/electronic display portion(s) of the scoreboard shall not face a residential neighborhood, not including the back of the scoreboard, unless screened or otherwise obscured from view. The Council discussed several options for regulating potential negative visual impacts to surrounding residential uses. As proposed, "residential neighborhood" is deliberate in order to differentiate existing residential uses from non-residential uses that are zoned residential. For example, potential scoreboards that face the Dodge Nature Center, Visitation, and St. Thomas Academy properties may not require screening since they are not residential neighborhoods. Staff is seeking direction on whether a setback distance is necessary or whether the revised standard is adequate. Attached are a series of maps depicting various setbacks based on existing and potential scoreboard locations oriented towards surrounding residential properties. BUDGET IMPACT N/A RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission recommended approval of DRAFT Ordinance 483, as described in Planning Case 2015-28. If the City Council desires to implement the recommendation, pass a motion adopting ORDINANCE 483 CONCERNING VIDEO/ELECTRONIC DISPLAY SCOREBOARDS. This matter requires a simple majority vote. page 43 CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA ORDINANCE NO. 483 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 12, CHAPTER 1, ARTICLE E OF THE CITY CODE OF THE CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA, DAKOTA COUNTY, CONCERNING VIDEO/ELECTRONIC DISPLAY SCOREBOARDS The City Council of the City of Mendota Heights, Minnesota, does hereby ordain: Section 1. Title 12-1B-2 is hereby amended as follows: VIDEO/ELECTRONIC DISPLAY SCOREBOARD: A display board equipped with video or electronic components encompassing a majority of the surface erected at an athletic field, or similar outdoor facility, which shows the score of a contest and other relevant information to spectators at an event. Section 12. Title 12 -1E -3-C is hereby amended as follows to add the proposed language: Video/electronic display scoreboard for an athletic field on the campus of a public or private school, provided that: 1. The scoreboard shall only be used for organized events at an athletic field, or similar outdoor facility, in which the permitted use is participating in or hosting. 2. The video/electronic display portion(s) of the scoreboard shall only be used when an event is occurring at the athletic field. 42. The scoreboard shall be equipped with industry -standard security and brightness control features. 4.3. The video/electronic display portion(s) of the scoreboard shall not face a residential neighborhood, not including the back of the scoreboard, unless screened or otherwise obscured from view. be located closer than three hundred (300) feet to any surrounding residential property boundary line. 5-4. The scoreboard shall not exceed eight hundred (800) square feet in area per surface and the video/electronic display portion(s) shall not exceed six hundred (600) square feet of the total area. 6:5. The scoreboard shall not exceed forty-five feet (45') in height from the average natural grade at the base of the scoreboard. 7,6. Organizations sponsoring the scoreboard may include identifying information within the area allowed for the scoreboard in a combined amount not to exceed thirty (30%) percent of the total scoreboard area. 8,7. No permitted use shall have more than one (1) scoreboard structure equipped with video/electronic display(s) and no video/electronic display(s) or signage shall be affixed to the back of the scoreboard. page 44 8. The hours of operation for the video/electronic display portion(s) of the scoreboard shall be limited to between eight o'clock (8:00) A.M. and eleven o'clock (11:00) P.M. with an allowance of up to thirty (30) minutes before or after a permitted event. Section D. This Ordinance shall be in effect from and after the date of its passage and publication. Adopted and ordained into an Ordinance this eighteenth day of August, 2015. CITY COUNCIL CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS Sandra Krebsbach, Mayor ATTEST Lorri Smith, City Clerk Henry Sibley HS Scoreboard Setbacks 8/10/2015 0 �.- 330 SCALE IN FEET page 45 .- City of Mendota Heights -V NI\ �- .. r , 1 1 1 ' M I ., ;. a 481.9' O 707' 0 1162' 1 I O - — —i 1 r ,1ilior i Io -._-1m i i 9 - -i---r---i - r - i ; O I - - It Y L__ mac._ j . p I of : MENDOTA RD 14.4 HWY 110 HWY 110 I I . GIS Map Disclaimer: This data is for informational purposes only and should not be substituted for a true title search, property appraisal, plat, survey, or for zoning verification. The City of Mendota Heights assumes no legal responsibility for the information contained in this data. The City of Mendota Heights, or any other entity from which data was obtained, assumes no liability for any errors or omissions herein. If discrepancies are found, please contact the City of Mendota Heights. Contact "Gopher State One Call" at 651-454-0002 for utility locations, 48 hours prior to any excavation. Henry Sibley HS Scoreboard Setbacks 8/10/2015 ; r 0 230 SCALE IN FEET page 46 City of Mendota Heights + r • Existing Scoreboard 0 Potential Scoreboard I, 441 ar - 'I I 1. ' ° I I 0 ; ; ; _ 4 , LJ ; — AV W I 4V - I \ 0 0 I • i .. , t";0.. . [1....41_4.,:_•...____,...____L ---F--- . •; 1 •.; 411.0 247. 7,1 i ! ,r-------4i--- i , .—...._. ! ' - 1 . . i 1-1-1 i 1 . i :3- i1. --i* - 1 i • --------------------. --------------------4--- . : 1, , i : ! i . 1 . i i . .._ ..,.... 04Poilorkm, iiiAtri;:b D :' - 117'114411-04;044 -,. i-4 1 1 I ' V---0*•— ./' t -11;▪ - 1 i LIkim r4*11-11j1 1 41 144/ NOV 31-4 14 11 ;-1 • . 14. I 3-14 pinigi,iP 1.11 3 ;It 31-4$ frPlf;"‘ry VII 1 • 4F4 1./ I/ a • 40• 1 1 i I'Ve i tiffr * II 1 1 — chiam...m......i. , ..,_ 1, I I 1 i ! ''.. 1 C , i 1 1 A !ova GIS Map Disclaimer: This data is for informational purposes only and should not be substituted for a true title search, property appraisal, plat, survey, or for zoning verification. The City of Mendota Heights assumes no legal responsibility for the information contained in this data. The City of Mendota Heights, or any other entity from which data was obtained, assumes no liability for any errors or omissions herein. If discrepancies are found, please contact the City of Mendota Heights. Contact "Gopher State One Call" at 651-454-0002 for utility locations, 48 hours prior to any excavation. d WAGON WHEELTRL , i, 1 ! -r {,f 4 j` I► ' r4_ J 1. r• ,-•-:I-V ` I liL I -i fi "'i L el i 1 I T. T .J•... 1 T i_ ,r- � +I f • TI r.�PI 1 . 15 r ; 1 -- _L..1�— --�--.,...i—.—e.L..L...i._ L 4..1 1--J. _L1- . CHERI LN ' �'i 7- ,_1,--...t.,./ 0{I _ Al l 1, 4ii 1. It_._.' r_.,_,___/ .: . l _#;. •4�_ �•iii r: n:_.t I-- ...: 1 = ;yg. l_ I » I -/ LUQ3ILL DR —`_ ,,,ti ---, f" I- • Y -i 1 I_ -ice-- i 1- , i m`. _' --',- �._, yy — 1 I l�— 4 11 i.._....ia i * f ifr r, —_ 1 ' Y ' Convent of the Visitation Scoreboard Setbacks 8/12/2015 0 480 SCALE IN FEET page 47 City of Mendota Heights • J •IjjlI,�� I r I af.' YF +ra•a `71fs t -s.• I t A^ .n r', v +, • vir DODD RD RAMP GIS Map Disclaimer: This data is for informational purposes only and should not be substituted for a true title search, property appraisal, plat, survey, or for zoning verification. The City of Mendota Heights assumes no legal responsibility for the information contained in this data. The City of Mendota Heights, or any other entity from which data was obtained, assumes no liability for any errors or omissions herein. If discrepancies are found, please contact the City of Mendota Heights. Contact "Gopher State One Call" at 651-454-0002 for utility locations, 48 hours prior to any excavation. St. Thomas Academy Scoreboard Setbacks 8/10/2015 0 480 SCALE IN FEET page 48 City of Mendota Heights GIS Map Disclaimer: This data is for informational purposes only and should not be substituted for a true title search, property appraisal, plat, survey, or for zoning verification. The City of Mendota Heights assumes no legal responsibility for the information contained in this data. The City of Mendota Heights, or any other entity from which data was obtained, assumes no liability for any errors or omissions herein. If discrepancies are found, please contact the City of Mendota Heights. Contact "Gopher State One Call" at 651-454-0002 for utility locations, 48 hours prior to any excavation.