1997-02-01 Planning Comm Minutes City Council Joint WorkshopCITY OF MENDOTA BEIGHT
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FEBRUARY 1, 1997
The Joint Workshop of the Mendota Heights Planning Commission and the Mendota
Heights City Council was held on Saturday, February 1, 1997, in the Large Conference
Room at City Hall, 1101 Victoria Curve. The meeting was called to order at 8:30 AM.
The following Commissioners were present: Betlej, Duggan, Friel, Dwyer, and
Lorberbaum. The following Councilmembers were present: Smith, Koch, Huber,
Krebsbach, and Mayor Mertensotto. Also present were resident Bill Nichols of 685 South
Freeway Road, City Administrator Kevin Batchelder, Planning Consultant Meg
McMonigal, City Engineer Marc Mogan and Administrative Assistant Patrick C. Hollister.
Mr. Batchelder welcomed everyone to the Workshop and introduced the participants.
Mr. Batchelder told the Workshop participants that the purpose of the Workshop was to
discuss three issues:
1. Street sweepings and anti-dumping enforcement at the Freeway Road site
2. Future development of the MnDOT right-of-way north of Highway 110
3. Future development of the MnDOT right-of-way south of Highway 110
Mr. Batchelder also pointed out that a revision of the Mendota Heights Comprehensive
Plan was due to the Metropolitan Council by December 31, 1998, and that planning for
the Freeway Road site should be included in the Comprehensive Planning process. Mr.
Batchelder mentioned that previous examinations of the site involved the 1985 Downtown
Study, the 1992 Survey, and a letter to MnDOT.
Ms. McMonigal presented the existing conditions of the Freeway Road site and
development opportunities and constraints.
Mr. Mogan presented details of engineering characteristics of the Freeway Road site,
including drainage, utilities, and traffic.
Mr. Hollister presented the results of the questionnaire issued to Workshop participants in
advance of the meeting.
The Workshop participants discussed the realignment of Freeway Road, potential land use
options, acquisition and redevelopment efforts, traffic and roadway capabilities and
roadway options.
The Workshop broke from 10 am to 10:15 am.
The Workshop participants made the following determinations and the Council gave the
following directions to Staff.
City -Owned Property North of 110
Mr. Nichols claimed that illegal dumping was occurring at the site, and that the chain
intended to prevent such dumping had been down for several months. Mr. Batchelder said
that the Public Works department had been ordered to completely cease dumping on the
site, and that the City was in the process of looking for an alternative site for dumping.
The Council directed Staff to replace the chain with a more secure fence and to notify the
Police Department about the alleged dumpings. Staff was directed to research options for
1997 street sweeping.
Release of Right -of -Way South of 110
The Council determined that it should not allow the release of MnDOT right-of-way south
of 110 to Paster Enterprises until it had thoroughly studied the development potential both
north and south of Highway 110. The Council agreed that the right-of-way north and
south of 110 should be planned in conjunction with each other.
The Council directed Staff to prepare an add-on item for Tuesday evening's agenda to
deny Paster Enterprise's request to release the MnDOT right-of-way at this time until
future development options for the right-of-way both north and south of Highway 110 had
been explored.
Status of City MSA Designated By -Pass Road
The Council determined that the City should attempt to get state and/or MSA funding for
the realignment of Freeway Road, which could be justified because its original intent as a
distant frontage road for Highway 110 never came to fruition. The Council was also
concerned that sufficient right-of-way be reserved north and south of 110 to accommodate
possible future increase in traffic at the intersection of Highway 110 and Dodd Road.
The Council directed Staff to conduct a Feasibility Study to consider options for
realigning Freeway Road and to examine the possibility of MSA status and/or state
funding for the realignment of Freeway Road. The Council also directed Staff to
determine future traffic scenarios along Highway 110 and to examine the possible
necessity of reserving right-of-way on both sides of 110 to accommodate future traffic.
Land Use - Establishment of Appropriate Land Use Designations
Mr. Batchelder asked Mr. Nichols to speculate about what preferences his neighborhood
might have for a future use of the Freeway Road site.
Mr. Nichols said that most of his neighbors were "empty -nesters" and that they would
probably not object to some sort of tasteful single-family, multi -family or even commercial
use of the site. He suspected that they would, however, object to an active lighted
The Council and the Planning Commission agreed that it would be best to first examine
how to realign Freeway Road to create the largest possible developable parcel with the
best access and visibility before deciding on future land use, zoning classifications, and
comprehensive plan designations for any or all of the property north of Highway 110. The
Council and Planning Commission were willing to look at the possibility of multi -family
housing, senior housing, or "life cycle" housing for empty nesters in addition to
commercial development or other types of development.
The Council directed Staff to draw scenarios showing various possible realignments of
Freeway Road and present them at a future Council meeting. The Council also directed
Staff to examine the possibility of an overpass bridge or an at -grade intersection across
Highway 110. The Council agreed that access to Mendota Plaza was less than optimal,
and thus the possibility of providing Mendota Plaza direct access to and from 110 should
be examined.
Level of City Involvement in Development/Redevelopment
The Council and the Planning Commission discussed transferring portions of the MnDOT
ROW north and south of Highway 110 to the City and agreed that this would probably not
be desirable (except perhaps what may be needed in the future for interchange purposes),
but that the City should use whatever development or redevelopment technique(s)
provided the greatest degree of control over the future development of the land.
The Council directed Staff to compile a list of development/redevelopment tools and
techniques for developing the Freeway Road site, including but not limited to Tax
Increment Financing, Redevelopment Zones, and/or the creation of a mixed-use PUD,
along with the advantages and disadvantages of using each mechanism. The Council also
directed Planner McMonigal to locate and invite a developer with expertise in this type of
development/redevelopment to explain to the Council what the possibilities would be on
this site.
Motion to adjourn made by Huber and seconded by Smith.
The meeting adjourned at 12:00 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Patrick C. Hollister