1997-03-25 Planning Comm MinutesCITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS
MARCH 25, 1997
The regular meeting of the Mendota Heights Planning Commission was held on
Tuesday, March 25, 1997, in the City Hall Council Chambers, 1101 Victoria
Curve. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. The following members
were present: Dwyer, Koll, Friel, Betlej and Duggan. Commissioners Lorberbaum
and Tilsen were excused. Also present were Public Works Director Jim Danielson,
Planning Consultant Meg McMonigal, Administrative Assistant Patrick Hollister and
Senior Secretary Kim Blaeser.
Commissioner Friel moved to re-elect Mike Dwyer as Chair and Ultan
Duggan as Vice Chair.
Commissioner Koll seconded the motion.
Commissioner Duggan moved approval of the February 25 Minutes with
Commissioner Betlej seconded the motion.
Mr. Jonathan Yanta, Koll Real Estate Services Company, was present to
discuss a request to build two office buildings and an office/flex building on
the Tousignant property in the northeast corner of 1-35E and 1-494. Mr.
Yanta introduced Mr. Daniel Gleason, of Koll Real Estate Services Company
and Mr. James Resop, of Resop Real Estate.
Mr. Yanta explained that the proposed planned unit development is located
off of 135E between Mendota Heights Road and 1-494. He stated that the
property is owned by the Tousignant Family Limited Partnership and is
currently under contract to purchase by Moen Leuer Construction Company.
Mr. Yanta stated that Mr. Mark Leuer was unable to attend tonight's
Mr. Yanta explained that the property has ponding in the approximate center
of the property and to enhance this feature, they are proposing a high-end
office/corporate use on the east end of the property and a high profile
office/flex uses on the west end of the property with the ponds as a buffer
between them. Mr. Yanta stated that pond in the center of the property
creates an aesthetically pleasing atmosphere.
Mr. Yanta explained that they would like to construct two three story office
buildings and a one story "office -service area" building. The office buildings
would each be about 100,000 square feet and the "office service" building
would be about 120, 000 square feet.
In response to a question from Chair Dwyer, Mr. Yanta explained that the
difference between the office building and the "office -service" building is
that the ceiling for the "service area" space is 14 feet. He stated that this
building type would accommodate medical/technical companies. He stated
this building type would be attractive to companies who wish to move to a
one level building.
Mr. Yanta stated that all three buildings would have office quality exterior
materials, such as brick with ribbon class.
Chair Dwyer inquired if the loading docks would be hidden from casual
view. Mr. Yanta stated that the service area will be well hidden from the
school and highway system. He stated that there will not be a lot of service
vehicle traffic.
In response to a question from the Commission, Mr. Yanta explained that
there proposals will need to be sent soliciting tenant space.
In response to a question from Chair Dwyer, Planner McMonigal explained
that the Tousignant property is zoned R-1 and that it is guided in the City's
Comprehensive Plan as Limited Business Planned Unit Development (LB -
PUD), which is analogous to the B-1 zoning designation. Commissioner Friel
inquired if the applicant's request is consistent with the Planned Unit
Development Ordinance. Planner McMonigal stated that "office/flex" is not
listed as permitted use. She explained that offices of general nature where
the operations do not include retail sales or warehousing from the site is a
permitted use. She stated that there is room for interpretation by the City.
Planner McMongial submitted photographs of one story office/flex space
buildings within the Twin Cities area. She stated that these buildings offer a
variety of uses. She noted that the loading docks are well hidden. She
informed the Commission that her office utilizes this type of space and that
it works well. She further informed the Commission that while this offers a
good mixture of uses, parking appears to be a problem.
Regarding marketing, Mr. Gleason informed the Commission that today's
market needs this product. He stated that the Twin Cities has experienced
a 10-15 year low with vacancy rates and that one level office buildings are
less expensive. He pointed out that these buildings do not offer common
areas such as conference rooms which adds more square footage and more
expense to tenants. He explained that United Properties offers a similar
product within Mendota Heights. He explained that they intend to provide
parking as per the City's ordinance requirements. Mr. Gleason stated that
the proposed buildings with 14 foot ceilings will not accommodate
warehouse users.
Commissioner Koll inquired about financing. Mr. Yanta stated that they
intend on getting a lead tenant and then pursue the financing. Mr. Yanta
explained that the office/flex space will be constructed with up front
financing and that tenants will be pursued later. Commissioner Koll inquired
about other Moen Leuer developments in the'Twin Cities area. Mr. Yanta
explained that Moen-Leuer has $11 million of product in the Twin Cities
Mr. Gleason explained that the project will be completed in two phases with
the off ice/flex phase beginning first. He explained that the total cost of the
project will be between $25430 million. Commissioner Duggan stated that
this is a lot of money. He noted his concern should Phase I not be rented.
He further stated that he is concerned with what recourse the City has
should the property become vacant and unsightly. Mr. Yanta responded
that the market controls what phase will occur first. He stated that should
a recession occur, may be development of the second phase will be
postponed. Commissioner Duggan inquired if the applicant would be willing
to develop the office building first and then building the office/flex building.
Mr. Yanta stated that they would prefer to construct all three buildings right
away but that the market is really asking for the office/flex building. He
stated they are very confident that this space will be rented.
Mr. Gleason stated that they intend to approach an institution and place
them on long term financing. He stated that they definitely need tenants on
hand. Gleason stated that Moer-Lever has done this type of development
before and that they work with banking institutions who provide funding for
these developments.
Chair Dwyer inquired about the applicant's suggestion about City
assistance. Mr. Yanta responded that they want to adhere to what the City
would like to see on this property. He stated that the City envisions
corporate headquarters on this site. He pointed out that the viability of a
corporate headquarters in this area is low. He pointed out that one
corporate headquarter facility is constructed ever 5 to 6 years in this area.
He stated that he believes that their proposed development will bring in a
high tax base for the City.
Mr. Gleason stated that the Mendota Heights does not have a lot of existing
tenants who need to transfer a different building. He stated that tenants
need to transfer from other cities. Mr. Gleason stated that they realize that
the City envisions this area as a gateway to Mendota Heights. He pointed
out that most corporations prefer their headquarters in an office park setting
and the residential nature of the surrounding area and the presence of the
two schools across the street make this site less attractive for a corporate
headquarters use.
Commissioner Betlej inquired about other Moen-Leuer developments. Mr.
Yanta responded that Moen-Leuer has developed 323,000 square foot
corporate facility across from Dundee in Plymouth. Betlej suggested that
the Commission consider walking through one of their facilities.
Commissioner Betlej stated that the City would like to have additional
information regarding financing. Regarding City assistance, Commissioner
Betlej stated that he does not believe that this area is targeted for Tax
Increment Financing.
Commissioner Betlej inquired about tenants. Mr. Gleason stated that they
have been pursuing tenants from the east Bloomington area. He stated
these tenants are looking for one level buildings. Betlej inquired if these
tenants are looking for warehouse space. Mr. Gleason stated that they are
trying to create a flexible environment for future tenants. He stated that
they are trying to create office space for tenants who also need storage
Commissioner Betlej inquired about signage. Mr. Gleason stated that they
envision a monument sign and that each tenant will have its own signage
above their entry doors. He stated that a corporate headquarters will want
its own signage and so a major tenant may have signage on the building
which should be highly visible.
Commissioner Betlej inquired about parking. Mr. Yanta responded 5 per
1,000 square feet of office space and 3 1/4 to 4 spaces per 1,000 square
feet of office/flex space. Betlej suggested that the developer consider a
higher parking ratio.
Commissioner Duggan concurred with Commissioner Betlej. He inquired
about how many tiers the parking ramp will be. Mr. Gleason that the ramp
will hold 400 cars. Duggan noted his concern for how visible the ramp will
be. Mr. Gleason stated that landscaping will be completed, such as a berm,
to help hide the ramp. A discussion ensued regarding decreasing the size of
the building which would then conform to the parking requirements within
the City's ordinance. Commissioner Betlej stated that a more efficient plan
is needed showing parking and landscaping around the parking ramp.
Commissioner Betlej inquired if the ponding area is considered a wetlands
area. Public Works Director Danielson responded that staff would review
the City's Wetlands Map and if the property is determined to include a
wetlands, the developer would need a wetlands permit if they wish to build
within 100 feet of the water.
Chair Dwyer expressed his concerns with the proposed development and
how it might increase the volume of traffic on Mendota Heights Road.
Dwyer noted his concerns for safety of students from St. Thomas Academy
and Visitation. Dwyer inquired if the developer has completed a traffic
study. Mr. Gleason responded no. Dwyer stated that the current traffic at
Dodd Road and Mendota Heights Road is significant and that additional
vehicle and truck traffic is a significant issue of concern. Commissioner
Betlej pointed out that there is a lack of public transportation available to the
community. He stated that because there is a lack of public transportation,
developers in Mendota Heights are forced to create more parking for
tenant/truck use. He suggested that the City work with the Metropolitan
Transit Authority to help provide more public transportation to the City.
Commissioner Friel asked for clarification as to what office/flex space is. He
inquired if this includes UPS/Mail Boxes etc and printing companies. He
stated that this type of space offer different kinds of uses, maybe retail in
nature. He stated that this type of use will generate traffic apart from
regular employee traffic. He stated that traffic studies need to be
demonstrated to prove that additional traffic is not a concern in this area.
Mr. Gleason stated that additional work needs to be completed regarding
traffic studies. Mr. Yanta stated that they will need to focus on the type of
tenant that will blend in with park. Planner McMonigal informed the
Commission that the B-1 zoning does not allow retail sales but does allow
office. Commissioner Friel stated that there is room for interpretation.
A discussion ensued regarding warehouse/storage space. Planner
McMonigal stated that a primary business who requires warehouse space
belongs in a different zoning district.
In response to a question regarding land ownership, Mr. James Resop, of
Resop Real Estate, informed the Commission that the Tousignant family has
owned this property for many years and that currently, the property is
owned by 20 different owners.
Commissioner Duggan inquired about Moen-Leuer's commitment to the
project. Mr. Yanta responded that they will need to review the property's
footprint and that parking is a real issue. Mr. Gleason stated that Moen-
Leuer Development is committed to be successful and delivering a product
that is conducive to the City and also to market demands.
Commissioner Duggan noted his concerns for safety within the parking
ramp. He inquired about security. Mr. Yanta stated that they would work
with the City on this issue.
Commissioner Duggan suggested that the developer consider reducing the
size of the project. He stated that the proposed three story building is large,
especially because it sits on top of a hill. Mr. Yanta stated that they want
to work with the City and adhere to their guidelines. Mr. Yanta concurred
and stated that these guidelines need to be reasonable.
In response to a question regarding exterior building materials, Mr. Gleason
stated that the materials will consist of brick with ribbon class. He stated
that color has not been discussed but that it will blend in with the
surrounding area. Commissioner Duggan inquired about the overall height
of the structure. Mr. Gleason responded 35 to 40 feet. Chair Dwyer
inquired about the site lines from St. Thomas Academy. Mr. Gleason
responded that the proposed development will be a barrier to St. Thomas
Academy. Commissioner Duggan inquired about the color of the parking
ramp. Mr. Gleason stated standard white or vanilla.
Commissioner Duggan suggested that the developer submit information on
proposed lighting of the ramp area and proposed security ideas for the
Mr. Yanta and Mr. Gleason stated that they are trying to find a combination
for what works well for the City as well as what works well for the owners
of the property. Mr. Yanta stated that they realize that parking is an issue
and that the PUD ordinance guidelines need to be adhered to. He further
stated that landscaping is an issue along with building materials. He stated
that they will do their best to keep the City's interest at heart. He stated
that more specific plans are needed and that they intend to work more on
the ponding area and drainage. He stated that a traffic study needs to be
completed because they anticipate an additional 1,200 to 1,300 trips a day
on Mendota Heights Road. Chair Dwyer suggested that the developer drive
through this area during rush hours both in the morning and afternoon.
Commissioner Duggan suggested that the developers read through the PUD
ordinance several times.
Mr. John Greving, Headmaster of St. Thomas Academy, expressed
concerns for additional traffic on the site and parking lot security.
The Commission inquired about the future of the triangle shaped parcel to
the est of the Tousignant property and the future of the parcel to the east
owned by Visitation. Mr. Resop stated that a developer had the triangle
piece on a purchase agreement for a hotel, but that he had not heard from
the developer for quite a while. Mr. Gleason stated that he had contacted
Visitation and that they informed him they are not interested in selling or
developing their land any time soon.
Mr. Greving inquired about construction timelines. Mr. Yanta stated that
the office/flex is proposed to begin construction in 4 to 6 months with a
completion in January of 1998. He stated the second phase could begin in
18 months.
The Commission acknowledged receipt of information regarding a workshop
on Land Use Planning.
Regarding the Tousignant property, Commissioner Friel suggested that this
land may be better suited a park land.
There being no further business, the Planning Commission adjourned its
meeting at 9:35 p.m.
Kimberlee K. Blaeser
Senior Secretary