1963-03-21 Planning Comm MinutesMENDOTf 7 IGETS PLANING COMMISSION Secretary's report on State Highway Meeting March 21, 1963 The meeting; convened at 4;00 p.m. in the state highway building with J._McCubrey: District Engineer; D.,, M, Wenger, Traffic Analyst; D. T. Burns and J. C. Robbers from the highway department. Attending from the village were Mayor Huber, Trustee Mertenuoto, Hardy Wright and Howard Dahlgren. y: 2 Howard Dahlgren presented the village's position with regard to the long culdasaac of Lexington Avenue as drawn in highway plans for the 35E=49455 interchange and (2) with regard to the need for a bridge at 35E.and Mendota Heights Road—proposing that the development of the, village road.. across 35E would eliminate the culdasaac and open Lexington Avenue traffic to +Ivy 55. He located the village recommended crossing . t station 11.15 on the highway drawings, and it was determined by Mr, Wenger that the bridge would go about 11 feet over the proposed grade of 35E at that point. _ 2a There Were no objections raised by the dep.rtment to a crossing at this point or ssaywhere in its near vicinity that the village might determine that it should cross. Mr. Burns stated that he saw no reason why the Bureau of Public Roads would not go along with this proposal providing the village submit a resolution along with drawinge to locate the crossing wanted and indicating that the Village will build the road within the next five years. He inquired why, as long as the village was eking for a bridge, it did not ask for it on the quarter section line, and Howard Dahlgren detailed the factors considered in arriving at the proposed location. 3 Villge representatives inquired why current 35E drawings omit a bridge crossing at Marie Avenue a previously agreed, State highway representatives acknowledged the previous agreement and explained the omission on the basis that the highway department had not received a resolution from the village indicating when the road would be co.'.structed. Mayor Huber stet.d that the department had previously acknowledged that the village had fulfilled the requirements but that if a further resolution was required he would see that it is promptly submitted. With respect to the segment of 35E extending from the Mississippi to Hwy. 100, highway representatives stated that current drawings are tentative only and that the department is still exploring possibilities. 4 Howard Dahlgren pointed out that they indicate the carrying of currently high volume® of traffic off Victoria onto Kay Avenue and thence onto a private road. He stated the village position that it is Wrong to divert in. tb.is way the traffio off a major thoroughfare to a residential street and that a similar position had previously been upheld with respect to Kay Avenue in district court. Dahlgren pointed out the traffic generating potential of the land between Victors :. and 35E ae a major consideration in the handling of Victoria traffic, indicating that pressures for development of this area will be enormously increased by development of this section of 35E, He proposed instead that Victoria traffic be carried along with the eazt'=bound, south -moving, right - turning 35E traffic in the arcing movement to Hwy 100 at Dublin road, or that a bridge be provided to convey Victoria traffic to Riff 100. 4a Highneay officials cknowled currently high volumes of Victoria traffic along with future potentials, but stated that the room provided on their alternat for backing up the traffic approaching an expected stop -light intersection was absolutely necessary. There was no resolution of differences on thio subject. 5 Z4r, McCubrey confirmed with other at Hwy 100 was not in any currant however that the culvert could be that they can get the water to the highway personnel . that improvement of Hwy 49 program—extending through 1969. Be agreed lowered as soon ae the village provides evidence culvert. Report submitted by Hardy Wright. P_ G_ Snrz r