1963-11-13 Planning Comm Minutes2
November 13, 1963
The meeting convened at 8;03 in the village fire hall with Ed Sroder, Len Lustig,
Dick Bancroft, Ed Stringer, Fred Brass and Hardy Wright presents Also present
wage Jim Hawkes of Midwest Planning & Research. Present re case 63-13 was rep,
for £alas Incinerator; re case 63-14 was Abner Johanson; re case 6+3-15 was
1, J. Mattlian; re case 6316 was Robert McCown; re case 63-6 were Brwin Stobbe,
Mrs. Clemens end Harold Goodrich, Also present was Calvin DeBuhr, Men, T, Hsaghes.
Case 63.13
Applicants Atlas Incinerator Co,
Request; Permit to install incinerator at Modern; Door & Lumber Co. on Sibley Hwy
Diepoeitions Following a report from Dick i3jorkland through Ed Sroder that the
proposed incinerator was approved by the state fire marshall and the national
fire underwriters, motion by Bancroft, seconded by Stringer that the commission
recommend approval upon joint application signed by the manufacturer and the
owner under the following conditions; (1) that installation and operation will
be in complete conformance with the village zoning ordinance with special reference
to Sec. 20,2 and Sec. 20.E8; (2) that routine operation of the unit will include
periodic emptying of ash; (3) tbat the exterior of the installation and ecreenirag
will be properly maintained& (4) that the operation of the unit continues to be
in.complete conformance with the maxufactu,:er°s recommended operating proceedures;
(5) that discontinuance of the o ;ration will be Iaeremptorially executed by the
village council in the event of (a) non-coep1ianoe with the above or (b) receipt
by the coaincil of complaints which the council deems justified, eye° 69 nayee 0.
Case 63-14
Applicant: Abner R. Johnsen
Location; 625 Emerson
Request; Permit t to erect utility building
Disposition; Motion by Brass, second by Bancroft that the commission recommend
approval on the basis of plane for good external appearance and screening on
the two sides closest to neighbors by a thick,, permanent hedge. .Ayes 5, n.ayee Oo
4 Case 6315
Applicant; Dale S. Harris
Location: 2095 Patricia
Request; 2-1/2 Coot variance to side yard restriction for cont,. of porch
Disposition; Noti.00. by Wright, second by Stringer that the commission_ recommend
approval on the basis of the orientation of exiat:.n€; hone on the lot. irnpmvement
of the property and si ;;ne d consent of the neighbor most affected. Ayes 6, nayes 0,
5 Dr, Darrell E. Westover d.%eecnesec pians for iocatlom of u.tili.ty Wilding, Motion
by Stringer, seoond by Lustig that the application be tabled to give Dr. Westover
opportunity to talk with his neighbor and with the understanding that it arill be
re-entered on tib commissic+n agenda whenever the applicant desire.. Ayes 6, sees 0,
Mr, DeBuhr inquired about building a house on a 5 awe lot, being informed of
village requiremente for public access, stating that he had no intention of
future subdivision, and being advised to apply through normal channels.
Case 6316
Applicant; Robert McUown
Location; 768 W. Wentworth
Requests building permit to enlarge residence to €aocommodate photo lab and lietng space
Disposition; Motion by Bancroft, second by Stringer that the photo lab operation be
recognized for present and future use as a home occupation under the zoning
ordinance and that further consideration be given the applic.Atter; when building
plans are completed, Ayes 6. n, Tree O.
11 -1S -G3 NinutoR (Coat.)
Coodrich, Mr. Stobbe ondNrs. Clemens inqui:eed abogt progrof3s on the
Mayfield Eta. problems and there was further discussion of possible
solutions. Jim Hawkes prosented a large mop and the matter was sciabled to
oomplets village boundary determination.
9 Mrs. Dorothy Hughes gave a rwoort from the citizens playground committee
and ropm%ted that the coMmittee had disc:on-timed meeting.. Thore was general
agreement that:playground acquisition should be.pureued ig some manner and
that possibly the commission could teke the next step.
10 Jim Hawker, preseated semple.brochures.froM other municipalities and the
matter a developing cue for Mendota Heights v tabled.
11 The meeting adjoavaed at 11:50
nerdy Wright, Sec70