1964-01-08 & 01-13 Planning Comm Minutesji:ouary. E3, • , J. The mooting convened at Fj.;00 7-.1m, in the village five hall with Len Ls.tig, Fred Brass,. D-L!'jk Dzncroft, Ed Stringer and Hardy Wright prclsent, Ed 8roder attended from counc:11. Present with a proposal WOTO Hoors. RoberbMillr and Arthm? Bendel, represented by .i,rchitacts DaTid Griswold and John ma.. R.I.:.02ES made en informal presentation of a proposal Thr re-soning to accommodate high -rise apartment buildings on 16 ,11-- acres optioned by Mslers. 'Allier and Bendel from Bond Fox and located across from Modern Door &Lumber on Hwy, 13, Ha described the maaimum permittod donsity of tho site, ander -3 2oning desired as 290 anits, indicating that three 16 -story buildings e,.,f2TL rising 1503 above present grade,,vouad be the holding capacity. He sald this woald be equivalent to about 15 city. blocks of Giagle dwelliags, shown iivfAcated elevations, diotr'bn. of anits on P -D oTerag7e, flocr and for overall development of tha site, Mr, Miller explained that the4. were a.nae'.c.. as to how' many anite wouldbe inclaaed in the firot building and the.t tho wouad be developed one buildiag with landscaping ata time. Ha alse oitud why ho though,:,the development on be inthe bast. interests of the 7illagu„ :Ct was agreed that an irdarimal hearing should be called at the hall af, soca as -possible, and hit Len Lustig and Hardy Wright .would peeonelly all resients ana property ownea's aa area bounded on. tAe wwsH, by the MILt'f, on the south by Prr03-1 Rd., ca the at by .2i1et Lnob Da„ ana ea •4'J..3 north Acacia Gematary to the haarin Ed Sroder Conducted the annual commisAon eLection of of-ncora. Ea a,e chairman, Len. Lustig as ViCO chairman and Hardy Wright as secroary hy passao of motions instructing the 'secretary •to oast 174dIC'::,-, 7:T1J. •• mentioned that e number of names ,sere being considered for the ...7NYIJRt. and that an appointment would. be made by the counsil 4 A discussion of planning commission functioas by the Tillage council was by. Ed Sroder as amphasi2ing the ft3i3.1".4" of the couzz-iol that the :-.1741110:,J, more active in cu.tivatiag informed pablic opinion aurin.g the pLannirg devciopmerAt„ Also desired by the council .-1F3 the comaissn''s recm!-nda. road standards and on policy for industrial development. The meeting adjourned at 11,130 p.m. Kntorim MGetiags January 13, 1964 Th.o 1fo n31 beaTing oa the apartment propoal for the 17. propsrty was at 3;00 p,m, 'tJ)z village hall and attended by twenty s-esiden.,.„o and oxaers from the dasinata arca, couflcil and commission members and ths deelover", presentation w.,72r made by Mr„ Rama who answered all qustions viith nos from Mr, Griswold, :tions an.d commonts of the residents wore almost uiform critical of the proposal osia o: its consideration by the commision and cow_o!J, January 3 reconvened January 17, 1Ei, htings of Mayfield Heights residents and Tiroperhy owneie at tae Wight were attended by commission members. Ed Sreder cerducte the o--)enin,ve part oZ first BC -10P in which all parties present and affected th commission -e,:moro PrePosal Le. 12-11-63 Minutes, para. 32 reached ,-,eneral egreamn.t. M:1? presented aata he haa gathered at the 3eCon6. session and .:Ieward Dahlgren, contri. to the discuss -ion_ 14 was aoreed that more informon woad be nedaa and agrsed to call ti.00t $abmitod by Jardy'Trib 1 toc::rt