1964-02-12 Planning Comm MinutesFebruary 12, 1964 The meeting convened at 500. p.m. in the village hall with Ed Stringer, Len Lustig, Fred Brass, Dick Bancroft, Tom Libera end Hardy Wright present. A3.0 present were Mayor the and Trustee Nertensotto, Representing Midwest Planning Research was Dale Polluck. Harry Kirschner was present with an application. Members welcomed Tom Libera to the commission. According to correspondence ith, the council, the terms now stand a follows; Home Business Terme to expire mbr3l, 3964 / 67 Leonard 0, Lustig 1415 Lemay Avenue 699-0715 776-1531 ' Hardy E. Wright 1132 Sibley MemHwy. 698-5166 646-4654 -- Terms to expire December 31, 1965 . 1 Edward O. Stringer, -----71-or Court 454-169 226-6517 George ii, 29451)elawera A;70, 454-1615 222-8415 Terms to er.pire December 31, 1965. Richard H. ,Uncroft,-,Yr. 1315 Clement .£010 224-9131 224-7671 Fred W. Brass. 562 Riawatha b..ve. 222-4029 222-1515 Thomas M. Libra , 766 Mohican Lane 4541554 224-3773 Lttr 4td 1-31-64, Tighway Display Inc. to William Calkins TT); Cherokee State Bank sign, Hwys 109; Motion by. :112.EIS, second by Wright, that the commissio 'sone inquire specifically about the term o± contract and the square footage added. Ayes 6, nayes 0. Lttr dtd 2-1i-64, .1111age attny Sherman Winthrop to Mother Mary, 7:''sitation Convent re; church 1 Motion by BJnareft, secoa by. Lantig, tat the secy write Mother Mary that, while the cowlssion i5 inclined to look with favor unon installation of church bells ia the village, in the ConVent';,; and in the publiAthterer,nts it would be advisable to process a. formal Ayes 5, Ea Stringer rspoted c.a. his review of a suggested ordinance for re.ad staadarde dealing largely ,cith. engineering matters, Motion by. Lustig, 05COfl.1 by St1iy,41er that a copof the document be referred to Midwest Planning Pc -'c for recommendations, A:,ynIc 6, nayes 0. Case 54-1 Apm-1ic,ant: Hary A, UmMor 2159 Dodd read, Mendota Hoigh Request; Condition2a nee :cin 1; with variance to add service Dis-nostiow Motion by Wright, second by Brass to refer the applicaion Tho Midlimet Research for planning repot, yen 5, na:rns O. Lttr dtd 2-3-54, viIla;e mgr. Ed Kishel to commission secy hanfl.ing of Wagon Wheel Trail at 35E referred to Midwest P1aiiin 3 11.,rch for repibrt. At the request o: Trustee Mcrten'otto it was agreed that imModiate consideration be given the aoping of Mendota Heights road and a plan for beginning of street lighting for safety and street identification was reviewed ad generally approve:C.. Dale Pollack discussed a number of possible ways in which a villa; industrial brochure could be handled and agreed to loan the commission a copy ofoone prepared for Scan Rapids. The meeting adjourned at 1190 RJR, Har6,y Wright