1964-03-11 Planning Comm Minutes1
March 11, 1964
The meeting convened at 800 p.m0 in the village fire hall with Ed Stringer,
Len Lustig, GeorgelNeed, Fred Brass, Dick Bancroft, Tom Llbera and Hardy Wright
present. Council members present were Don Huber, Charles Mertensotto and Ed Sroder.
Representing Midwest Planning acReaearch was Dale Pollock. Also present from
Economics Laboratory were R. E. Wheeler and Dr. John L. Wilson. Present re Case
64-2 were the applicants, persons appearing in behalf of the Ft. Snelling State
Park and village citizens (signature roll on file). Present re subdivision plans
was John Deegan. Present re Case 63-6 was Erwin Stobbe.
2 Dr Wilson and Mr. Wheeler shamed a model and explained plans for accommodation
of all Economics Laborgtory research and development equipment and personnel on
the Sibley Hwy site as well as construction of an aesembly plant.
3 Case 64-2, referred by village council to the commission on 3-3-64
Applicants: Arthur P. Bendel and Robert H. Miller
Location: Part of Gov. Lot S, Sec. 33, extending on west side of Huy 13: 16.88 acres.
Request: Rezone from R-1 to R -3-A
Disposition: Motion by Lustig, second by Brass that the hearing be held April 1, 196L
at 8:00 p.m. in the village hall. Ayes 7, nayes 0.
acme residents of the Gardenville Rearrangement who were present objected to the
consideration of the application. Speaking in behalf of the Ft. Snelling State
Park and indicating generally that re -zoning would not be in the best interests
of the state or the village were Patrick Foley, Assn. Bd. member; Thomas C. Savage,
Assn. President; Robert Giessing, representing the State Conservation Dept.;
Everett Hart, representing the Minnesota Historical Society; F. Robert Edman
speaking as village citizen. Filed by Mr. Giessing was a copy of the state statute
indicating the property included in the legislative limits; filed by Mr. Hart was a
statement from RusseilW. Fridley, Director, Minnesota Historical Society; received
from Henry G. Kuitu, Exec. Director, Metropolitan Airports COMIASS/011 was letter
dated 3-10-64. The petition for rezoning with survey of property signed by owners
and applicants was received through the village council.
4 Case 64-3
Applicant: Convent and Acadeny of the Visitation
Location: Site on Dodd Rd. between Blue Gentian Rd. and Lake Frive
Request: To ring a peal c bells in the bell tower.
Discussion: Hardy Wright reported elaboration by phone of the aplication: Sister
McCabe indicated that one small size bell is contemplated in the chapel
far ringing two or three times in the morning and in the afternoon..
Disposition: Motion by Weed, seconded by Bancroft that the application be recommende6
to the village council for approval. Ayes 7, nayes 0.
5 Re: Highway Display (cf. minutes 2-14-64, para. 3) Motion beTeed, seconded by
Lustig that they be notified that no action has been taken, pending receipt of
application and information requested, and that the sign will be removed if the
request is not met in ten days. Ayes 7, nayes 0.
6 Dale Polluck reported on state highway plans for handling the junction of Wagon
Wheel and Hwy. 49. He agreed to secure plans and make recommendations for the
handling of the junction at 35E..
M.H.Planning Commission - Minutes -2- March 11, 1964
John Deegan presented preliminary sketches as suggested by Howard Dahlgren
for subdividing 5 acres adjoining Iv Falls Add. Letter dated March 10,
Harvey B. Dream to commission received and filed indicating desire that the
property of Mendota Development Company be planned for subdivision in conjunction
with the Reagan property. Motion by Lustig, seconded by Brass that Midwest
Planning (0:: Research be asked to act as coordinator for plans of the three
property owners in the area. Ayes 7, nayee 0.
8 Dale Pollock recommended that those sections of the proposed road ordinance
that deal with specifications be adopted by the council by resolution and that
those sections dealing with policy statements be incorporated in a dubdivision
ordinance amendment. Motion by Wright, seconded by Lustig that sections 17
thru 20 be recommended to the council for adoption by resolution and that the
balance of the proposed road ordinance be referred back to the consultants for
recommendation of a subdivision ordinance amendment incorporating policy statements
and other usual contents of a dubdivision ordinance not now included in the
village ordinance. Ayes 7, nayes 0.
9 Erwin Stobie presented a revised plan for Mayfield Htswith the assurance that
it could be effectuated if it met with village approval. Motion by Stringer,
seconded by Bancroft that the commission recommend referral to the consultants.
Ayes 7, nayes 0.
10 Ed Stringer appointed Dick Bancroft to investigate possible names for Liendota
Heights road and report back to the commission. A letter from Lustig with a
suggestion was referred to Bancroft.
11 Letter dated 2-27-64, Raymond E. Klockeman to Mayor Huber referring to halves
of lots 6 & 7, Block 1, Morrisons Addition referred to consultants.
12 The meeting adjourned at 1215 p.m.
Hardy Wright, Secy