1964-04-22 & 05-13 Planning Comm Minutes4
April 2'2, 1964
The meeting cenNened at 800 p.m. in the village hnIlmith 24 atrinewri, Tom Libera
:Prod: lirms, Dick '18ancroft and kirdy rbtpresent. Planner present tlat Talc Pollack.
Also prement Imre Xarvey anft Oaemen Taminelly. Vrotont re Case 64..6 were
joba 'Keefe, Tg. S. Zee and qaltor tMrlsenti, r Case 64-7 qatr, David Lothert.
oketcheo ?or Apartment bonne development at Dodd Ra. and. Vontworth
aM for preliminaryrlat of Ivy Palle at were cOhmittod by Rsors. Bream and,
Tuminolly wto agreed to submit Pormal applications.
Oave 644 for a.vproval of prottainary xlat a? ivy rAllvi A41,4ition, II
Motion lyp-qright. aeaand, by. Bancroft that the oommittion recommend to the council
that tho application be approved. 4yee 5, naves O. Votion by 4-itringor, tecotd, by
Ilrl4ht that the plat be routed through the village engineer fer blo recommendation
before beitig subvitted to tho counell. Arce umYle 0.
Mr. Ilthert presentta a preTogal for sn Indoor ebooting rang* oxla retail sporting
goade otore on approx. 1 -acre triangplar ict betaoen praent ,5.iha future Hult. 15.
bistiUm by lirass, second by Bancroft thst the 0,;4MmiAlf1,10A recommena to the eoancil
that the t*plication be denieki on the basis of tot -back reciairement. Ayes 5, n4yeo 0.
5 Review' prq3posed ,amendremate t eubdivician ordinance were set for the next meeting.
6 4t,tte, highway plane Thr interstoto 494 were referred to Delo :Pollack. The meeting
adjourned at 1(446
Oay 13, 1964
Tho meeting convened, at n400 int itlij 111,1-.11 With IM.
trthger 112M If41'471"61
Prett 4rpn 4,121,ttig 4n.d, hardy 'artght PreGent. Vlamezk presont W4,C4 Dztl*.
:Present re case 63-.2 va$ Lem Efilugon; re 04.tle. 64-6. Dr. Darrell Westovnr.
a Revioed prqp.oeal. oaoe 63-Z rafarroa to bildveet nalming flr.TAgdy and rqprt.
3 Revifsed plot plan (of .nate;,‘J 11 -VS-63. para. 5) Ovoq V4 -e, gardeh house pomitt
Kotimn WrIght, ttee0TJa by Brass recomamaing approval, dlYer., tit 11a7s 0.
Froil Braun repovted m tudy itlAutetrial br,qabore r9q.uiremettti and made the smtion,
escondea by,Tiustig, that Uldwezt 'PloAningbo reveste4 t enbmit a prposci of
oontett ead, aoot of a Lw' e to Vile one dom for Coon A..5piaq to include
an area riv. with radlua 1ineo to Ryas. et P,r;411, ourrtsnt genoral 20AlOg map,
genera1 communityilatT4i, and 0.t$0,7 /oaatioa by property oun*rship,
avallabIo or potent10117available, nejor trightay'o and viiiage theroughfures for
1-1. B -1-.P.1. arml g -3-A; and mach other material az ths, planners ad7ige. Ayev 5/ 0.
5",ge 'oc, mabaivision. ovainaneo amendmInt$; R010.0n by Lurtig, 24d by Braso, that
M e cammtemion rocomv;end. to the crounell that the propoBed amendments in meto form
at revigoa bo all.lptsa. Ayes 5, Aves O.
6 Ito 0:E..40 6r,1 -6 2rvin atebbe; Motion by Lustig. 2nd by ,i'z,ringor recomlended that
the a;plication b aenied. for the rewson that the 'Lot doeD mt front on a publiC
etreet. Jree 5 nayen 0.
goeting, aajourAed at 11;C:5