1964-07-08 Planning Comm MinutesMENDOTA HEIGHTS pialumG COMMISSION Minutes July 8, 1964 1 The meeting convened at 800 p.m. in the village hall with Ed. Stringer, Dick Bancroft Fred Braes and Tom Libera. Arriving after the beginning of the meeting were George Weed and Len Lustig, and near the end of the meeting, Hardy Wright. Also present were Mayor Huber and Ed Broder. Dale Pollack presented planning reports. Present re Case 6446 were Harvey Bream and. Carmen Tamminelly and present for the hearing were Whitey Jones, Wood Foster, A. W. Schneider, Attny. Jensen representing Mr. Andrews. Present re Case 64-17 was Montle Rockhold; re Case 6444 were Bernard Friel and Harry Kirchner; re 64-16, F. W. Wohlers; re 6448, Len Dolny; 6449, P. D. Edgell; 64-20, Mervin No:h. Case 6415 Applicant; Richard Kenneth Randal, 954 Wagon Wheel Trail Request: (1) Vaction of Rogers Avenue south of Wagon Wheel Trail; ( 2) approval for building a 20x20 frame art studio. Disposition; Motion by Braes, second by Libera that the application be tabled until further inquires can be made about problems of future rezoning. yes 6, nayes 0. 3 Case 6443 Hearing on application for re -zoning ' Mendota Development Oompany, Inc. 1386 West 7th St., St. Paul, Minn. Location; NW corner of intersection of Dodd Rd. and Wentworth Avenue. Request; Re -zoning from R-1 to R -'3A Opposed; Whitey Jones on grounds of single family residence across the street; Wood. Foster on grounds that rezoning woald not be in keeping with surrounding area; Attny. Jensen on grounds that the intersection is a hazardous one. In Favor; A. W. Schneider on grounds that the village needs such improvement. Disposition; Motion by Weed. seconded by Lustig that the commission recommend to the council that the application be denied. Ayes 6, nayes 0. Reasons given for the recommendation were as follows: (1) No substantial change in the character of the neighborhood that would support rezoning; (2) Opposition of majority of neighboring property owners at the hearing based on appropriate use in R-1 District and concern with blind approl.ch at intersection of Dodd -Wentworth. 4 Case 6447 Applicant; Montie Lee Rockhold, 2161 Hwy. 55, St. Pau/ 18. Request: approval for building an enlargement of accessory use building used for horses to make room for a colt. Disposition: Motion by Weed, seconded by Libera that the application be recommended to the council for approval. Ayes 6, nayes 0. 5 Case 64-14 Applicant; Harry Albert and Elaine M. Kirchner Location: 2150 Dodd Road Request: Conditional use permit to erect gasoline service station Discussion; The planneres report was reviewed and. Dale Pollack gave the opinion that the question about the boundary of the present zoning was negligible. Mr. Kirschner said there would be no body work or involved mechanical work, just grease job, etc. Mr. Friel requestbd a tabling motion to permit obtaining further data. Disposition: Motion by Stringer. second by Wright that the application be tabled until the next commission meeting. Ayes 7, nayes 0. Case 64-16 Appaicant; Lennard Dolny, 2231 Apache Street Request: approval of accessory use permit to build child's playhouse Disposition: Motion by Weed, second by Bancroft that the commission recommend to the council that the application be approved. Ayes 7, nayes 0. F7. H.a 1sazn.ing Commission Minutes «2= July 8, 1964 7 CQee 64-19 F. Do Bdgell, 2071 Patricia Street Rego.estio approval of accessory use building permit for garage tool house Disposition: Motion by Weed, second by Brass that the commission recommend to the council that the application be approved. Ayes 7, naves 0. 8 Case 64-20 Applicant: Mervin F. Noah, 2557 Hwy. 61 North Location; William 01ewwe property on Hwy..100 Requests Permit to move mobile home onto property Disposition: Motion by Lustig, second by Brass that the application be referred to Ml west Planning & Research, Ayes 7, Mayes 0. 9 Case 64-16 Applicant: F. N. Wohlers, 641 Highway 100 Regeest; permit to build two -case basement garage (determination of minimum front yard permissible in relation to frontward extension of gag=.. e) Di.3positiona Motion by Bancroft, second by Wright that the application be referred tc Midwest Planning and Research. ayes 7, naves 0. 10 I.ohn Fuller appeared to ingaire aboult any village rego.irenents for orientation of house to be bailt on Lot 9. Lametti Addition and any anticipated Change in the culdaeac on which it fronts. He was assured that the culdasac would probably be abandoned when an extension of the street was required, and that there was no village regulation governing orientation of a home on a lot. 11 Ed Sroder asked the commission to make recommendations for the re -naming of Zero Street. Dick Bancroft was appointed to the street naming committee. Dale Pollack presented Hwy. Dept. plane for (1) FIR 494; Minn, River to Hwx 49; (2) FIR 494 e,:et of 49 to F. village limits; and (3) FIR 35E south of Hwy.100 to FIR 494; and Midwest Planning & Research proposal for interchange at T.H. 13 and T.H. 55 at the end of the Mendota Bridge. He indicated that the Hwy. Dept. had agreed to the general layout of the latter interchange and suggested that, since there had been further queetione raieed about the other three layouts in the meeting with the Hwy. Dept. on June 9, that all four should be ready for village approval. Motion by Brass, seconded by Wright that the four layouts be recommended to the village cousaoil for approval. Ages 7, naves 0. 13 Hardy Wright revorted an inquiry by Mr. Temple of the architectural firs Hammel, Green & Abrahamson concerning the commission's preferences, if any, for location of a future elementary school in the village. Mr. Temple said that the two sites being c:ozasidered were (1) an expansion of the Somerset site and (2) a portion of the 31 aore Aract between Iv3r Falls Avenne and Partition Rd. There seemed to be general reement that a site swathe let of the creek or northeast of the creek in the later tract would be prefered. 14 The meeting »djourened at 12;20 p.m. Submitted by Hardy Wright from notes by lien Lustig