M inutee
September 9, 1964
1 The meeting conversed at 8o00 p.m. ,t the .village hall with all members
except George Weed present. Dale Polltack repreawnted Midwest Planning.
Present re case 64-25 was Tony Kraft; re 64-14, Bo Friel, F. Zock,
RLSorenson, $,Kirschner and interested residents; re case 64.23, B.Bre ni
and C,Toumluelli.
Case 64-25 Arthur Bassnuseen, 1580 South Victoria
Request; Permit to build shelter for dogs to replace one taken. by ;. Ty.Depto
Disposition: Motion by Brass, second by bibora that the application b
recommended for appromal; Ayes 6, Hayes O. Reasons given for the recommen-
dation were =.s followeaThe lot caize, the grades, t'.- proximity of the
freeway all indicate at there could be little if any objection from any
present or future resident. The structure will be an ;improvement over the
the original which is being taken away by State Hwy. Dept. action.
3 Case 64=14 Kirchner application for conditional use permit to erect gas station.
B. Frieldcited conditions outlined in planning report and extant of conformance
as follows; (1) Box curb [now shown]
(2) 300 set back [sow shown, but North-South hedge has to go]
(3) Drainage system [till submit percolation test to Kiechel]
(4) Bo direct source of light on adjacent properties [Indicates
would be similar to photos. Zook: Height of lamps, 16°]
(5) B-1 or B=2 [cites !sedge contention that there was no intention
to split sones on individual parcels and submits copy of .con-
tract indicating description of Kirchner property.
(6) Adding 60 high fence shown on new drawing on required and on
south side as well as retaining wall.
Objections raised by residents who signed petition dated 8-20-64 were as follows;
Mossatin:. Qj uaatione screening, doean° t think fenc will help, o pecta drop in
property values, notes that picture window looks;np at sit=
Ivey: les -es with Mosentine objections, adds noise factor and increased dirt
accumulation inherent in a filling station operation.
Fredkovea Notes that 7 of the 9 petitioners immediately abutting property
came to add individual testimony to the petition. Rec: lied that the
commission recommendation for original village coning to R-2 was
changed to B-2 out of consideration for Mr. Kirchner°s investment
in what he considered commercial property. States that the homes
were built before proposal for the service station was made, and
that the surrounding homes establish the residential character of
the neighborhood.
M;Friedman; Objects that development would depreciate property values,
Firemen; Would espect that noise factor would be great.
Mullins: Change in view would depreciateresidential character a property value®;
the approved location for neighborhood gas station was eloewhore4
Bo Friel stated there was no question about the superiority of the screening
:proposed to the existing had and pointed to the fire hall and t'. NSP statio.'
as established strip zo'ing, He asked for a determination by the commission on
the zoning of the property, and there was general agreement that recommendation
will be made on the assumption that all of the property is coned B-2.
4 Caso 64-23; Molars. Bree. and Tuminelli agreed to submit a revised plat,
5 The meeting adjourned at 11:20 poen.
Hardy Wright, Secy.