1964-10-14 Planning Comm MinutesMENDOTA HEIGHTS PLANNIN COMMISSION Minutes October 14, 1964 The meeting convened. at 8800 p.m. in the village hall with Ed Stringer, Ian Lustig, Fred Braes, Tom Libera, Dick Bancroft and Hardy Wright preoent. Dale Pollack represented Midwest. Present re 64-23 were Mssrs. Friel, Chase and Kirchner; re 64-26, Paul Maooko; re 64-31, NOWT. Peterson, Osterman and Pundsack; re 64-02. Ed enbash; re 64-30eidlingor; re 64-33, D. Dostert; re 64-34, Calvin DeBuhr. Also Dresent was Wilfred Dehrer. 2 Case 64-23, now including application for building permit. Report by letter dtd 10-6 E. W, Rishol to Hardy Wright wao read and Mr. Friel indicated that reqnests would be fulfilled even though not all shown on current set of plans; three instead eg one distribation box will be installed. Mr. Friel summed un the presentation as follows; Thera should be no depreciation of property values eapectsd. No objections eIcept Mr. Fredkovee were voiced at the time of B-2 zoning. No objections have been raised by residents to the present lighting. Site survey reveal that line of vloion from 20u back of line of property most affected would ohow only the top of the building above the fence. In answer to (inaction, Mr. Kirshner said there was no possibility that the station uould be opev all aiGht. go would lawn mowers still be servicod? Ao will do or not do what the village suggesto. q3 what guarantee against clutter ie offered? A the design of the station and all modern praotice is against it. 2a Motion by Lustig, second by Wright, that the commission recommend to the council that both the application for conditional use vomit and the application for building permit be denied. Ayes; Lustig, Wright, Stringer, Brass. Nayes8 Bancroft, Libera. 2b Considerationo offered in favor of the motion were - by Lustig; the oite is too small for the operation proposed, there can be no gaarantee against clatter by the very nature of the busineso, noise and other factors would depreciate property values, while the hedge is ineffective in winter the proposed fence ascii is not easy to look at, and the engineerus report is not too favorable. By Wright; see °Member opinionattached. By StringerJ the proposal is not in the best interests of the majority of people and residential proporty values that would be most affected, By Bras ; Future development la tha neighborhood should be leo rather than more commercial in character, Other considerations that entered into the discussion at previous meetinp ware: virtual Impossibility of controlling the operation once what is now a non -conforming use and one for a residential neighborhood is permitted to nd; the prior designation of a nearby oite for a filling station within a shopping center zone; that any con- ditions agreed to by the present owner would not necessarily be binding on a future owner. 20 Considerations offered in opposition to the motion were - by Bancroft; it was established in discuosion with the objecting property owners at a previous meeting thot the objections are primarily to the intensification of commercial nee rather than objectiono to the commeocial nee of property zoned B-92 and used commercially for many year prior to the building of the objectorhomes; it was also agrodby the objectors that there was no reduction of hoasing cost due to this prior commercial nee; the plans call for doing better-owith less clutter and in a more attractive way—what is already being done on the site. By Libera; (not offered as a planing consideration bat as relevant to the connollus ddoision) the owner has gone to get expense and effort to secure approval for iuproving his own property from which 1149 mokeo his living. MLPOO Minates 3 -2- October 14, 196g Th, chairman expreseed the appreciation of the commiesion for the care and natience with which the applicant and his representatives clarified the proposals and to others who participated in the discussion for helping the commiaylon to reach its recommendation, Case 64-26 The problems posed were discusced with Dale Pollnch and a planning report requested for the next meeting to which property ownero involved will be invited. Gaze 64-27 . dimensioned sketch locating workshop in relation to house and property lines wee examined, and the applicant agreed to bringai scat© drawing of same to the coancil meeting. Motion by Bancroft, eecond. by Wright, that the commission recommend to the council that the application be approved. .yea 6, nayen O. 5 Dick Bancroft reported on his street naming investigation and recommettded the following; (1) that the name °Brookside° now designating a north -south street be abandoned for that street (it is not on the 8ide of a'brook) and that the street now designated °Zero Street° be re -named °Brookside Lane(it is near a brook); (2) that the street now deoignated °Brookside° be re -named Laura Street° out of coneideration for a long time resident and (3) that the un -named street west of °Lauri° and parallel to it be named °Dolly Street° out of similar consideration. Motion by Wright, second by Lib, that the report be accepted and that the recommendations be forwarded to the council with recommendation for approval. Ayes 6, naves O. Oase 64o31 Alfred Pundsack - 798 E. Geranium, St. Paul Location t Block 3, lot 5 John H. Morrison°8 Addition Requestt Two side yard variances Dieposition; Motion by Wright, seconded by Lustig that the COMDASSiOA recommend to the council that the application be approved with aminimum of 7=1/2° side yard on each side and on the condition that adjacent property owners sign written approval for submittal to the council. Ayes 6, naves O. 7 Oase 64-32 Ed Gubash - 515 Staples Avenue Request; Side yard variance for 2B garage Disposition; Motion by Brass, seconded by Lustig that the commission recommend to the council that. the application be denied. Ayes 6, payee 00 8 9 Oe 64-30 Mrs. Theresa Meidlinger - 538 W. Annapolis Request; Permit to band garage 2° from property line. Disposition; Motion by Braes, seconded by Lastig that the commission recommend to the council that the application be denied. Ayes 61 napes O. Wilfred Dehrer discussed plans for separating a lot adjacent to G. Rahn residence from a tract being sold on S. Victoria and agreed to discues farther with buyer and planning consultant regarding how the new lot would fit into a future plan. 10 Donald Poster (Oase 64-33) asked for a rolling on buildability of a lot across from 659 - 2nd Avenue (of. case 64-22) and agreed to further investigation. 11 Oase 64-34 Calvin DeBahr - 2563 De/aware Requeet; Building permit for 22x16pole shed, barn siding, asphalt shingle.roof Dispositions Motion by Libera, second by Bancroft that the commission recommend to the council that the application be approved providing that the abed be not. less than 30° from either side lot lino and 90° from the house. Ayes 6, nares O. 12 Dale Pollnch reported consulting with the village attorney about the possibility MJLP.C. M 12701V3 October 14, 1964 of vacating all the alleys in a subdivision, and the attorney says that a majority of property owners must sign a petition far each alley; then the council can act by resolution. 13 It was agreed that Dick Bancroft should write a letter to Clapp -Thompson regarding the misle ding sign in the same neighborhood as cases 64-22 4 33 that indicates 6 - 60 -foot lots for sale. 14 Motion by Stringer, seconded by Bancroft that the secretary write the building inspector requesting a report to the November commission meeting on the Art Edie property on let Avenue. Ayes 6, nayes 0, 15 Ed Sroder explained that investigation ofsoning requirements by himself and Dale Polluch revealed that the plane for construction of a 70° x 40° z 20° roof system on the North end of the existing structure at B. B, Bach Millwork Company fell within the side yard requirements by the railroad track and was appro‘fed. 16 The meeting adjourned at 1220 p.m. Hardy Wright, SecYo