1965-01-13 Planning Comm MinutesdDOTA I GETS !,(0:1S Minutes January 13, 1965 1 The meeting convened at 820 with Len Lustig, George weed and. Hardy Wright present, Later arrivals were Rd Stringer ano Dick Bancroft, Also 'preso,nt were Trustee Sroder and Ddln Pollock. Present re case 64-26 was Pau/ Maczko and with.a proposa h.Aream, 2 Case 64-26 - Peul Mako Received an review041 -was a copy of a letter from Mv=k0f3 attorney' indicating tht thn to shou3d be approvei az deaMng a pltteft lot with acceisci' to ptil:ilic; right-of-way, It wegc agreed to follciw iRttc:rnu's stAgetion of ttronInp thett over to the v111agp attorney for an qpialon on ,..71Ietber tho villagrt3 ollIgna to ieurtue a building perMit, Trustee Sroder afrreed to handle tne matter, .3 Harvey Bream mado a presentation...as a beetnning -point looking toward indicatIon Trom the oommiF.siontc., to how he should vroceed further. Dn'a general proposal fpr planned residential development on a M-acra traot 30v.theast of Vi,r::toa & Marie. The tent-Dr- tive overall r1421 cells for 244 living unIts, averaginp 8,4 pev acre,: Land use 5 acres 7,3 acres /2 acres 1.8 acres Rods and mrks 2-3 unit bonc,:alows various other multiples 'private service roads an 3 cnndium 14 its uni Apartn mettss 49 units Town Holne2: 4,• com/,,e;mes garden apts, 47 units high rive 60 units Mr. Brom indicated that they would envision starting ,A,th the 2-3 unit b,,Ingaloqqs along Victoria and proceed on the basis of sale nd the availbility of public facilities. All bat the 245 unit bui:idinvs would be, uPdJvr mv,intins„-t contract arrangement for buildings ani ;wounds, The plan was referred to Oidwest Plannimr. Resozrch for study and rorort. 4 Xotion by Stringer, seconded by vright, tht the east -west thoroughfare initiallY called Mendota :-Fliphts Road, subsequently naii163d Ft:Snelling Parkway be officially named Mendota Tielents Road, and that the fAame Ft. Snelling Parkvay be abandoned in recommendation to the village council, .(7,p,sv 4, sr. The meeting adjourned at, 1150 p.m, Hardy Wright Secretexy