April 149 1965
1. The meeting convened at 8&00 p.m. in the Village Hall. Members present
were Edward Stringer Fred Brass, Leonard Lustig, Hardy Wright and
Tom Libera. Dale Pollock was also present Present re Case No. 65-4
was Charles Wagenknecht9 Case No. 65-5, Ted Cruz.
2a Case No. 65-4. Mr. Wagenknecht made an application to move his house
because of the highway coming through. He asked if there would be a
need to build a new 300 foot well and if he would need new wiring®
Commission advised him to talk with Mr. Bjorkland in this regard."
Lustig rade a motion that the Commission recommend to the Council
that Mr Wagenknecht be permitted to move his house from the part
being taken by the state to the back part of that lot provided the new
location will follow the proper set backs and allow variance from
the lot area requirements. Seconded by Brass. Ayes 5, nayes 0.
3o Case 65-5m Mr. Cruz of 1435 Dodd Road made application to buy a
lot in Mendota Heights, which presently has only a garage, to park
his dump truck and pick-up truck. It was explained to him he could
not use this area as a business for reconstruction of cars of the
like. Mr® Cruz hauls sand and other miscellaneous jobs Libera
asked if anythingeould be done if Mr. Cruz had purchased the land
without making an. application and it was agreed that unless complaints
were received the Commission would take no actions Libera made a
motion that the application be denied, seconded by Brass. Ayes 5, Nayes 00
4o Case_64-13a Stringer, Libera and Sroder held a meeting with Messrs.
Bream and Tumixaelly of the Mendota Development Company on on . Saturday
April 10, regarding the Wentworth Avenue Project and the Victoria
Avenue Planned Development and multiple proposal® Libera stated in
regard to the Wentworth Ave. project the general feeling of the
Cozmrission was that there have been no physical development changes
that would .make it obvious that changes should be approved and that
the application should again be denied.
4a, Mrs Pollock presented the Midwest Planning report in regard to the
Victoria Avenue project and he agreed to send a copy to Bjorkland.
Commission members agreed that when they are presented with the
preliminary plat it should be drawn to scale with proper set backs,
architectural drawings of elevation, landscaping pians, street align-
ment and studies and approval should be obtained from the engineer
for sewage disposal and drainage - everything that would be required
for a preliminary plat for subdivision. Aletter was received from
Donald Huber, a copy of which Wright will send to Bjorkland.
5, Mr. Pollock presented a partial up date of base map of Mendota Heights.
There were several additional items of up dating mentioned by the
Commission members and noted by the planner. Pollock: indicated
that to complete the industrial brochure they must know what land
is vacant and the owners of this land; he also said there was .a
conflict between their land use map and that of the engineer and
proposed that a new land use map be drawn using the Minnesota Highway
Departments most recent air photographs. All future plans are to
be made in accordance with the land use map and Midwest Planningeoa
could give a very chose cost estimate for a new land use maps
Stringer said if it is desired by Midwest we should definitely
6. Mr. Polluck distributed five booklets which he recommends for the
Commission's library. It was agreed upon to purchase seven copies
each of Mr. Planning Commissioner9 Zoning Primer and Citizens Guide
to Planning. Lustig reminded Pollock of the check list he was to
provide as a guide for approving preliminary plats.
7° Case No. 65-6 Edward C. Sgringer made an application for variance
to build a rden house on his lot. After some discussion Libera
made a motion that the application be recommended9 Seconded by
Brass. Motion unanimously carried.
There was no further business and the meeting adjourned at 10:25 p.m.
Submitted by Hardy Wright 9 Secretary