1965-06 & 07-14 Planning Comm MinutesMIXDO2A HBIC:TTS CONPMISION
Jnter.Am Heettngs
On, Zune 10, . '365, arTaJaaTae. mepbe..J.:-a of tlle Ofoui,n and of
the Cou(Tnet wjth represntatives of aial..y ana
-jpresen.ion c)f a dev..1,,ng pro.poal "3-1a.ed
CD, ao'reg east of
On J-ffne 1955, )f tLle Det
the J, 2esidenc a);:d flf fai;Tln
fcr bdiding of a zau.daa the -J:13A-wes f n -s "Lt,
The ma9t, began at ;00 :.13q'e 'EhU
) U"Jedgbt, Len Tiy„sti.gp Bras, 1,1b pren
FTesent Te 65-1 H..9srs„ C7,a7::!p ay),d
AndeY's07, Egene
Pollw* was a'3, attfaan-,
2_, 65 Faz'zanto of r.cia a
bhalf of
the enti-x'e zaxea and turn iv,. by a s.-.e.a1
c: t
sot a date:,
65 an11
Mldwest •a
fo:o the 2
of the reziaL---,J:.,..)j„.3:1
p9ti1'I„cm 1 thE,J area oa
Mro Lyons and f2f1iat
4 ..et c)f tbe rear
tne est„
a1-p-rv;a1 o..f. the that the
7.11 pl.at was p1acr,1 an 'the lot a way afi3 tc, foT
expansf,t,o-n. - aa
indir,ate'd that.; erzpails-j.11
the sea:-7.Tic station. f:Lild of this the
0.1..(.1,t111,ssien reomiJ.lenaeca to the OrcI/ that playi.s. be
M.2..:2h a way as tg....) obsET?rve and
with shoj,:., a -flar± o-±.• J.,..;,,:J.res to te
the had
and the of (en..2.,:iner
and whi,e,h will oa-.L1 for a strLd:cr.
EmggeE.;ted they ...,nae the thraiJgh the
ol'y's the eac, Jread the -.;:etitin and a.,2ter
that the appro7a1 of
the api)liation. Zor a, -;ass
4 yes, Hr. a.skecl the reaen for diEsehtig
vote be reorded the linee, to th.e is aoreaze
provased dedic.ation. tc coute Eiher.
ane or the of the tw-o re:eents is not ' -ifet.
Two apa'loations, for Earaze on. a 30 foc:t
steety ware looke6. OV&1,2 tLe
Villaze to be ouncerned
The -resignation ro-F Ed Striner the in orf,..er to serve on
(the was -fee0g-fd..E0r2,,, Tr:.,:otion. 1.2y sec...:inJed by that
the.seoretar7 be ini,Iltructed to oast ballots Zor Lezi LustiE as
LC jxman and fc...T 1oD1 Libea as vioe to serve the anoual
electiaD. TrifLta the reconstituted bod:y earlyii.1966.
Meet:thg d-;or)ed at 12g15 a„m.