1965-10-13 Planning Comm Minutesinmates
October 13, 1965
The mcotlng emivened at MO p.m. in the village hall with Len Lustig,
Tom Lo m an:/ Flady Wright present. Alse Present were Ea Stringer and
Dale Pollec!z. P:Tosent Fc Case 65-19 for the amlicamts were Ban Fawkes
and Herman Ratelle; K. M. Bridinen, 2021 lig7.55 and Dr. R. J. Gregg, 2262
$ibloy 'Lraao. Present re.Case 65-22 was Charles Beggs, re Oases 65-20 el 2C4
wore jidan ITon Voonon Pan aaa attny. Daley?, re case 65-2T were Rpeneer
Ione, MT. and. nrs. gnnen. Presen re Lerlingten water yroblem were Msers.
Kelley Ead Beelzotrmde. Present re g?imal plo.t en IV ,:111 Additiom wave
Nes:-?o. Ciao ama Dimond.
2 Case 65-9 Travel Coach Company - Hwy 13 Rezoning hearing.
Herman Ratelle described the application as an effort on the part of the
aoner to make a determination on ase of the property, having determined
that economic use could be made in either R -3A or R-1 zones. He pointed oat
pro:gty of the railroad and described zones across Hvy.13 to the east
as either .1-1 or R -5-A. Despite two written requests for &Aiwa to Frank
Murray of the Conservation Department, he has received no writtaa response.
The letters were dated June 15 and June 4 1965. By telephoning after the
first letter he wa,s told that the state had an appraisal, had funds and would
be able to proceed as eoo as one other legal matter was completed. A phone
call after the second letter produced the response that he could e=ect
offer by 7-1-65. Da/e Pollock also remrted on conversation with i4r. Murray
in which Mr. Pollock ueged attendance o. Conservation Department representatives
at the hearing; he was told that funds were now available, that a ooart decision
on one contingenv was imminent and that an offer would be made within a very
short time. Mr. Fawkes reported that the promise that en offer would be made
in writing in a matter of days was also received from Mr. Hella two yPars ago.
2a Ken Erickson pointed or'.1 tax rivantage of R-1 over R-31 as indicated in an
independent survey. Dr, Gregg agreed with the applicant that ho is entitled
to profitable use of his property, that he has waited long enough and that
Conservation DeptrepresentativPs should have attended the hearing. He
asked several questions about commission and council proceedures and about
ordinance reeuirements. Vr. Batelle indicated tl'at present plane do not
cal/ for high rise apartments and TAould conform with requirements for the zone.
2b Motion by Tom Libnra, seconded by hardy Wriht that the application be tabled
until the November meeting to give the Conservation Department another
opportunity to asPear, this time by strong recommendation and notice in
writing from the commission, promptly sent. Ayes 3 nayes 0. It was further
agreed that copies of the letter he sent to Mr. Porgan of Briggs & Morgan and
to other interested pT:xties.
3 CasP 65-22 - Rezoning request
Applicant; Charles Be.ggs
Location; 40,napo1is and Chippewa
Disposition ; The p1anner-8 re3:ort was read aloud. Mr. Lustig
that the holding of a hearing would not be in the interests of
the villain view of the apparent deficiencies of the site.
seconded by wriht, that the arplication be denied for reasons
planner report dated 10-13-65. AyPs 3 nayes 0.
gave the opinion
the applicant or
Motion by Libera,
stated in the
DIM Mimmtes
4 Gee 65-24
Applicant; flarrold D. Becher
Location; 2255 Pilot Knob Rd.
Request; 0° variance on side yard gOr attached garago
Disposition; Motion by Wright, seconded by Libere that the commission
recommend to the council titat the variance be granted. Ayes 30, Wee 0.
[-Aaplicant;' John M.
.7 \
Location; Perron Read and Awy.13 :A I
Request; Approval of preliminary plat for division of:property into two parcels L;
Disposition; Motion by Wright, Seconded by Lustig, taat tile commission recommendiv
) to the council that t4o application be approved. AYes 30 E*Yos 00 J
5 Case 65-26
Case 65-27
Applicant; A1.1ed Building:Products, Ins.
Location; Rwy.55 at* Mendota Ileights Rd.o BN" corner
Recuesta Approval of plot plan and building permit
Disposition; Wstoo wore raised about the technicality of fronting on
railroad r:Ight-of-fuay mad about future expansion room. Applicants indicated
that their deed includes direct access to hwy.55 by 30° oaseme t across the
railroad, e,Al_that
p1r Ror future =pension are In the directions where
most available property in the parcel romains. It was understood that the
owners would dedicate 400 along the south boundary of the property for
Mendota heights Road. Motion by Lustig, seconded by Libera, that the commission
recommend to the council that the application be approved subject to the
approvals oR the building inspector and the village engineer. Ayes 3, nayes 0.
7 Re; the problem of access to Lozington water main, Mr. Kelley suggested his
private acquisition of a 60° strip extending to his property line and his
granting of. water easements to the other two owners. Rd Stringer agreed to
investigate the feasibility of t1 method oi° =miring public water for
the throe ownors. Dale Pollock reported on his cursory enemination of the
entire Exea an provided sketches of rough tops/ and possible sdbdivision.
8 Case 65-14 Galagy Corp. presentation of final plat for Ivy dill Addition;
Motion by Libera, seeoRaed by Wright that the 00MIAGSiOA recommend to the
council that (1) the finzi plat submitted be approved subject to surface
water drainav owement lo°4,er Lot 1 aad village atterney°s approval of the
form of dedication of Ivy am. Park and (2) that conditional ase permit be
granted sdbject to approva2 by the building inspector aad tie village engr.
Ayes 3, naye s 0.
9 Cases 65-23 and 66=25 waTe tabled for appearance of applicaats at 10-27 meeting.
11 Meeting a ouraed at 1220 p.m.
It was supsested to Ken Erickson that he prepare a proposal for referral.
Submitted by Hardy Wright, Secy.
NOTE; THE OARING OW REZODING AT MARIE AND 35i for Eagle Ridge is scheduled for
October 27, 8;00 p.m. at the village hell.