1965-10-27 Planning Comm Minutes4
October 27, 1965
The mc4.tin g con7aned at 600 p.„ L the village hall with LPm Liaetie7,
Tom Libera, George Weed and Hardy Wri6bt prczont. Prosont from the
villago council walz; 2a Striagiv:r and from the congultantsr Dale PelIo
PrerAmt for caso 63-16 Ty,.titin to reoono VOrP Mcero. Brom and ToAnPlii,
Mr. end Mrs. Careloa Sorsort, 1919 Swath Viotoxim Dr. D.t.vid Mclot ama
Mr. Willara Alastraz. ro Oin0 66-25 ung William Zreits.
Gazes 65-17 and 65-10 Roam,ning hoaring.
Mr„ Bram present plane for &evolopmeat of the prverty bounded generally
by the frvewa7 33-:0 on thv; ort and south:, by .taie ivov:tended on thi:
north and by Victoria .1%7S, on. tha vregt He indicAted that tho overall
rental otracture would be bwed on approx. 1;8 conatraotion coots
for th 249 anits and that Project §P coverin,s the area 1,7ietitioned. for
re -zoning would be devaioped in at least 2 md not more than3 tage
following vmilability o: panic facilitie,o.
All quest:tons rise;d in the hoaring pertalaed to clarification. of
development plana or location of property OWACTS or t -411age ozpoctation.
of land is to the north. Additional qmosti,ozi were raised by coillmieGion
members loortaining to :gpectod number of childron :per mnit, preoLcgdonts
that might be zot for other bui4derg; who might dw;i1o7); with lower;
constrnctioa otandards, probeble effect of the development on the
wver-all charactor of the neigh'berhootl. gInd 11ig Mr, Broam iAdicg,toa
that all rental mits wcald be Indr reutrictioA nn to waximum ombor of
children allord and that he It;ould ox.vect this to Tary accord.ing the
o unit end everago oat th the neighborhood of the I indioated by
'Bale Pollock as stanaard for this cian,lity construction. He felt tha
any precedent set woald bq ono of high qmality dollopment azIa. that many
aspoots of tha plan would toad to onhance the somi-vmral charactar of
the villge.
Motion by WecfL.eecoed by Lustig that the application be tabled until
Nov6mber 10, ApT 5, nayel5 O.
dastf, 65-25
Irolicant; Wm. Kroita
Location; 2359 Pilot Kob Rd,
B1dg. permit for moving awAseory Ilse bldg. on prop,.rty,
Diopoeition; Motion by WPed, oconded by,BraBs, that the rayplication be
mcommendd for avorovi F.vtlbj=,ctto complting the new building to bo
compat;ale witl'z other baildingg and. subject to completion within to
wePks of permit isznaues, and olbject to rporting back to the commisgiou
when comploted. Ayoz 5, n;aye's 0,
6 M6qfield Caze 65-28, (..1,orge2J. CIemp,ns, ar„ to approve o.chmatio 7.114,1t.
Vod.en by. Bra, seconded by Wrig;ht, .that a letter be w:to n to thr.,3
Apas 5, nAyos
C. It woo nAreed that tho letter wonld indica,ted that the
commission would'aTTrove the ve,-1:1,:mir,ary pL,.t agrod to by tho prowirty
ownere and property giving accae to the ;.,,pplicant hadbvpsn acquirnd.
The mooting adjourned at 10Y,50„
Submitted by Mardy wriet, Secy.