November 10,, 1965
The meeting oonvened at 6g00 p.m. in the village hall with Len Lustig,
Tom Libora, George Weed, Fred Brass and Hardy Wright present. Dale
Pollock represented the consultants. Present re case 65-16 was
.T4 Parks representing the owners of the 60 acres to the northg
-repro-beating Laval A°3900. was Frank B. Valeoh,
2 Cao 65-19 Lttr. dtd. 11-5-65 Herman Ratelle to Hardy Wright was read.
Motion by Libora, seconded by Weed that in view of the fact that the
rezoning application is not in conformance with tho comprehensive vlam of the
village indicating nee of the land for park purposes and in view of the fact
that the Minnesota Department of Conservation has institmted condemnation
Proceeding° as of rovombor 4., that the commission recommend to the council
that the application be denied. Ages 5, rages O.
Case 65-18 Mr. Parks expreseed the concern of biz clients over the distance
between their property /ince north of Mario and the proposed to houses
acroos the riAht-of-way. Their suggestion was that 200 feet would be
appropriate, but in examining the plot plan Mr. Parke thought they would
bo agreeable to a lessor distancrd. He also expressed their expectation
that their property would probably bo eventually developed in the name
land use decided upon for the property in question. Motion by Lustig,
seconded by Wood that the application be tabled until the regular mg,etin
on December 8. Ayes 5, neyez O. C'
Case 65-29
Applicant Oscar Gigstad
Location 999 Chippewa
Request3 to locate garage 6 feet from side lot limo
Dispositions It was noted. the npighbor to the north would mot approve
the plea. Similar questions previously raised by Mr. Pollock as to whether
tho plan proposed a variance were resolved by examination of the following
sections in the zoning ordiarInce; 21,2.6; 21,2.8; and 2.4(4). Motion by
Weed, seconded by Brass that the commission recommend to the council that
the application bo approved but not as a variance, Ayes 5,, nates 0.
Reports from the council mooting and presentation by Mr. -Glesh indicated
that Laval Assoc. propose a bus stop shltor to which they would retain
ownership, leasing tho space on which it rests and maintaining it for
shelter and display of advertising. Ordinance loassagss examined wore
21.3 (3) (2.1) It w agreed that the council should be notified that
the commission has reviewed tho plans and finds the applicant agreeable
to conformance in all remects,
6 The 11-10-65 memo from the consultants on density standards for maltiple
dwellInge was reviewed and further consideration deferred.
The mooting adjourned at 1040 p.m.
Submittod by Hardy Wright, SPV.