1966-01-05 and 01-15 Planning Comm MinutesMEIMTA FM .3? LOIN I NG C;OMMISSI01,1 Minutes of Zoning ffearing January 5, 1266 1 The meeting convened at 600 p.m. with Tom Libera, Fred Brass, Dick Bancroft, Rolf Ljungkull and Hardy Wright -oresent. Presqnt for the hearing were Robert Daly representing john Lyon and Skaly Oil Go., John Lyon, Veraon Palm of Skelly Oil ad Donald Hensel of 0(mmeroial Properties. Tom Libra welcomed Rolf Ljungkall to the commission, introduced the members, indicated that proper notice and publication had beei! given, and opened the hearing on the aDplication of John Lyon to rezone the noutheast corner of Perron Road and N4y.13, Case 65-30 with references to 6E4..0 and 65-26. Mr. Palm indicated that a revisod plot pleu Ji been delivered to the village hall, bat it could not be located. Accordla to Mr. Palm, the plan provides the required number of parking places, °ben -cos the 30' set -back on the sign, and conforms with all other requirements llsied in the planneigs previous report. 3 Daly: Mr. Lyon feels that the service statioY isthe highest and best use for his property, that he has plenty of expansJor xoom and that there are no service stations in the vicinity for the neighbors. His check with Hastings indicates an ostimated tall- return of $1,800 on a lani %u,lue of 12M and construction costs of 451. No restaurant, suggested in applimatfon, is contemplated. 4 Discussion included a reading of essill ccntents of the new planner's report. 0) What plans do prospective owners.havf: for the rest Of the property? Daly: None have been made, but it is polcy of Skelly Oil 0o, to purchase more land than is needed and delelop srme other commercial use aieng side a service station as this becomes feas.ble. Q: .Why do you feel that the land would be be;ter used in B-2 than in /71? Daly: ACC8GSOS are better for B-2. Lyon: ;nant people employed in the area need on accessible service station, what change could be cited as warrattingresoning? Lyon: Oar count has increased tremendolsly, the plant to the north has empanded, Richline has moved in; many empl)7eesrequire commercial facilities. Brass: Vmployees were expected or hop en for end increased traffic empected. Lyon: Land can be 'out to immediate us( for ax purposes. The whole original parcel lias divided in a way tha' make; one of throe parcels unusable. 5 .?lotion by Brass, secondedby Wright, -,hat 'ie commission recommend to the council that the application be denied en the basiof considerations given in the planner's re-cort; Ayes 5. nayes O. Interim Me,inf.: jaauary 15, 196. The village council and three planning colTnissin members met TTith Howard Dahlgren and reviewed proposals for 1-1A and R. -3A r,„ne flquirements. Tentative agreements: On - Omit servicestations as a confUtion. use but give consideration to servicecenter provisions.(station•with reitatult or motel) and in shopping center; strengthen section on screening where abultingt-district; allow no outside storage. On R -3A ie.outire reP,istered enFO.neer's s'amo fa all structural- and electrical systems; no protrudinp; air conditioners; no quar ers below grade; no hollow-co7e doors connecting units or hallways; separate plumbin; require 2 parking spaces per unit; check for reasonable reoeirement for losi, of Eu.nd transmission thru interior -ralls no emterior storage of laundry drying or gardeng or lawn care equipment or of trash or garbage disposal equipment or-e::ternal incituation; check possible submittal, of complete plans to checking service comected Buildimm Code. Second drafts on both I -1A and R -3I to be consid,Ted in one week, same time 1-22-66. Pubmitted by Hardy :.right, Secy.