1966-02-23 Planning Comm Minutes8;00 :p.m., wih Len Iuf,,,3tig,' :Trod 'Brass, Rolf Lja:412,..iill,
and Nardy pTelma, laso present was Hr„.;14.d Dahlgrekl. Present re
case 6t':;72 Xchlan, atty. foxLimel Inc, and Mr. Llyle.
2 Gase 66-2 LiyIel Inc.
Z.ohlan3.p2J,maTy contention as that original frontage regairements
of• vi3jago were because of necessity of privat.e sell,71stems,,, laoW
mo longer aplicable, a:tad that lOW frontae caased nthascos8e.ky 0:peaSo
tU t1r,,,1 z.,ma pro-pertY owtter, Ne asked. for 901 minimm fo37 houses
in the ;'08 rang,, Hr. Ly1v17„,9.gested five houses with 90 'frontage
on. tk..e siso oft -9 block aD.1. foul' on, the other.
Motion bY lastigt seoondea by L,Iungknil,, thot tho commission recommend to
the counof3 that the alley in Block u of T. T. Smith's Oadivision No. 0
be ',,,acated and thatthe block be approved for eight lots -- four fronting
on 1st Avenue four frr,nting on 2nd ANenae, Ayes 4, nayes O.
Howard Nhigren rer.,rted that R -3•--A sone rec:ommer.dations are complete
ersw4t for iom. on air oonditioning and wonid soon. be forvarded to 7illage
attornoy, and .t the X -1-A recommendatiors had alre%1Y.gPne foruard...
on Cases 652? e.7:; 18 Ykgle Howawd Dahlgren reported that applicants
and their .oito planner had met with him aad.tat ho bad given them an
outline with suggestions for solviag probllam.
4 1,),E6-1on reviewed that T)ertion of thfa 2nd phase of Midwest Planning
6 Reonro'il. re -port. to tho school district affecting the village of Mendota
rlot':,.on by WriP:ht, seconded py Lustig that the. commission rind to
the ommea that the Village Council recomnnd to the school board of
Ind, Tilist, T,197 that the Board olest the second :oh ase 'of the reDort from
Aidxest Paaan1ng Renearth, lac. O0ntai2 ecommendations on school sitos
and faoiiitiz,s, Ayes 4, nayet
.c2The ;,74djoavnod at 11;05
MPny,le,,stng scheduled
8A00 D.:. viIlegs hRai
;712hmkieft h;,7 T'ecy