1966-03-29 Planning Comm Minutes1DOTi, LI114,111I,LIG Oati,1):SSIO.C. Minutes • March 29, 1966 rZhe meet:Y..110', 6...i:omi.o.aod. at the ..7111ege ?ire hall at 8300 p.m. ulth La Lustig,' Yoffi irrGd. lrags, Weed and Hazdy Wroight pz,e4.1.eat. Xlso presant Truotee ,9tvinger o.nd Howard D,J,h16ron. Present with a verbal roveet for sreet naming was D. W. Dreana of 1203 ..,:7endota Road; re ease 66-3, Jaqies 'cd .c1, re Cae n 65 -17&M, Byean, Ta-minelli, Burkheodt, re re -arrav4oment og of CA1iaZg€: Hts„ Loretta gcre,Ilistram. -r rim hQA0.7.troOMPz'ta,A and the pest off'ic1 tfl( desi4nat1on of her street address. EOWQ2a Dahliven weg,,,eLted that it would. be in. ordor for tha villw-,4e council to m:nrcise it•:1 21aqLuE; prvogati7e. Non by Lust4;„ seoona by that the comi-Aisofj.on rel:,;oniiond to the council that the Ilome of 'Jest :endeta Road be assigned to 31 4 -lane oast -west therourhfare extending the villap:g from Dolo.w.,,oxe Ar',71'?Ya0 to the :lendot a B-.Pfidg, and tht the $t, Paul Post Office and V•orthwestozn. Bell Telaphone r.k.MDAY be so niAiTied. kyos 5, nyes O. (eo b3Ame?ican Oil Oompany V,otion by W?iht, second by J3TS2 that the CCYMTWISSiOR hoaxing o,.n re -zoning be set for April 2? at 900 Ayes 4, uayes abet. 1. Case 86 -1&&18 Mendota. De.uelopmcfla Ooo, U.1).1* kf'Lage revised plan fo:c the ontizo preon,;ed in so7:iematio form by tho planner for tN,_..) 0:gpncat with apprepriate ozplaaatlons Dream and TumnellYi wtJ) gave aosuances th,,,tt the .aian and devs1owent would confum in all respoV;s to the nvpposed 2.:on. The est.r.imate of totalnnits was '322 -- 12.9 an twlm towers, 4B in tot n housea, the balancs dou,ble bungalows or ;,..F,R3ot units per acre with sees, 11.S wit hcat hover it was asserted tha. those would hvTe tobe, re'elsea the aesi!..-,,n stage whoa determinations bad been madi3 as to tbe namber 0 bedroome to be in the .vazioas unite a..t which time conferince tc the rogaireT;eats could be 3a1ea1ut3d. Eorrd Da2grn pointed Wat .i,.m-pro7omeats in the plan and reported that the proposal faT h@R-3 -A sino 313 been foT!ward.ed to the village atty. Tortt, cinste:' a ,p.deatfrom the .:;:o?-lnission. arprowate roarrazget a oe:?. of ikadedu,..pe Hts th:ff Coton we.ze to n otion by LUStig secod by ',1("i? th.:,.t the 000m133ion recommend to the council that lots 1-5 ,;.nd the west 25j of lot 6 in Blo& :. of Gathalupe gtG, bodolvidea in lots with f:,,,f'orites of 90', fl5 3and 75' as measred in tht from Chippewa :,-genue dnd apro,red as bhildable sites by. the council, Ayes 5, nayiS 0,Mrs Fc'Ulstrwa t'rlt a. E.lrewing of the re&xraw..,:s.-Innt would be avan,lble to go1 1th.e recemmendaton, 0:31S9 66-4 Appaicanr. 11470..1 rf,„ Loction 806 fiacho.3.oA'71 Regaestt; application o-f.;e1 use 1.).rmit to raise chi&ens Disosition; seoAd by LibffIra, that the comission reeomend to the council that t'he aw).:Lic.,,n be ,zmroved fGr a. I yea? conditional use pnlit. Ayes 5, nyne 0, Fa :;''e-oorted on t;.e 'possibility of conveyance ',-/entuLaly ,as'":,itate the co mi of the Lilly plat Aw play3ands, They zlgreed to pursme furthel% The of further land acquisitions for parko and -playgrounds h® feaeral open space law wns aecioLssed favorably as was es neea TOT' an up-to-date land use maTp. Yia Stringer will seek antoaton :?or going aheaa on both these items from the coincLi 9 arljou7mo1 at 11;20 Stahit; l by Hardy Wright, SecY.