1966-05-25 & 1966-06 Planning Comm Minutes'.UcgDOTA EJTIGHV 21S OGAMISS:MR
May 25 1)66
Tho meeting ovencd at MO p.m. in the village hall With Lea Lustig, Fred Brass
=la lardy Wright present, Algo presont w.c,xee HsSs. Bream aId Tuminellin
MIDOS Apvil 27, T,,,ara„4, dl,spoitio. was corrected to roadt Motion by Brass,
secoaded 11,y Ljunkjcull that the eIT1!cation be referred to the consultants„ Y -f),
A. swcal meoting wP,s called f'or ;Jane 4, 9t00 an. at the village hall-
'g.Geting adjourned at (920 p.m.
Jaw, 4, 1966
The Ameting convened at 900 a,m in. the village hall with Len Lustig, To Libera,
Dic Bancroft and Hardy Wright preseY4t, • Also present was Nd StrinF.er. Present
TO Case 66-10 were Messrs Bream and Taminelli.
0.,se 66-10 Nagle Ridge
Motion WBanoroft, second by Wright that tho commission recommend to tho council
that the aDplication be apprimd, that a parks andplaygrounds contribution of
$4,205.00 be accepted for the total area covered by the application, that 505!) of
this contribution be payable on e:pproval of the application by the council, and
that the othr 50'.(17 be payable one year from that date, flye 4 hayes 0.
The meeWmg adjorirned at 10,40
29, 1966
Th,a Jleating convemad at 800 p.m, in t'im:'; 'Fillage hall with Len Lastig, Tom L'.;
Rolf 1.,:jungku21 and SJardy Wx-J„ght present, d'aso presant was Nward Dahign. Present
re ease 66-8 wero Mssrg,, :frson. Present froM 900 p.m, was Dick Bancroft,
'2 Case 66-7 Jamas J. "Bayer
Koton by igrOt, .zeoond by Lira that the cc.( commend to thG council
that the aTroliaatien be arp-colg,(1. Ayes 4 nayes 0. ReJ.son s given for tho recom
mendation were a:gproval of adjacent owner most affected, investiation of
alternatives ;.xrld previo'as disapproval of an inferior -olan, agreement that present
plan m2kes best use of alable y:4v,er,, and planrers recomendpaL.
OaGt. 631a
Loctio:, 1413 Clement
Request Subdivision of
Dis-positont it was agreed that a letter be writton ex:p1aiaing -crobiGns involved
that Dick of; wed follow np letter with pereonaa contact.
0,2:se' 65-0 Ray Peterson
Applicants relported s cypinien a tura-around shonia go with
any fu,rther extension 0 Sul.nset Lane, Motion. by paacroft, 2nd by Libra, that the
afflication hG referred to v.illage enginer for feasibility etnEy, Ayes 5, nayes CH
3 The mcatf,.ng adoud at 10130 p.m..
):31abmitted by I'Lody Wri,!.7ht, Secy