. Meeting: February 28, 1968.....8:oo P M
Place: Village Fire Hall
Members Present
Rolf Ljungkull, Chairman Midwest Planning: Howard Dahlgren
Larry Ikce-Ek
B. Genereaux, Secretary
Trustee: Ed. Stringer
L C. /64 rt)
Rolf Ljungkull called the meeting to order and introduced Larry ' as a
new member to the Planning Commission.
Since a large number of Cherry Hill resident were present as interested parties
in the Proposed Ivan Hoe Green Torn House development, the meeting was moved to the
Fire Hall.
The order of business was as follows:
Case 68-1
Applicant: Bernard Barr and Dorothy Krekelberg, partners in the Lowry Hill Construc-
tion Company. Planning consultantas are Erason-Wehrman-Xnight and. Chapman, inc.
Location: 1401 Wachner Avenue
Si' of N Ei of Sect. 23, T. 28, R, 23 except the W 375 feet thereof,
containing approximately 21.48 acres.
Request: Special use permit to build Ivan Hoe Green Town House project of
approximately 60 units with double garages. Project to comply with the
requirements for 1 unit per 15, 000 so It of land.
Speaker for the Project was William Bush, Attorney from St. Paul. He repeated the
proposal as described by George Burkhards during December 27, 1967 Planning.
Commission meeting Some additions and. changes were mentioned as follows:
1. 55 units proposed with a variance of another additional 5 units.
2.. There would be 3 swimming pools.
3. A barrier fence would beluilt next to Wachner Road,
4. Average unit value would be $33,000 instead of $22,000.( Mr. Bush
explained there was no change in value. The $22,000 figure was meant
to be the mortgage value instead of the full vale.
5. The first these consisting of 20 units would be within loop near-
est Wachtler Avenue. The second stage would include a tennis court
and swimming pool.
6. The Lorry Hill Construction Company Purchased 7 acres of the
proposed project in fee title. The purchase of the remainder of the
property is contingent upon approval of the Town -House Project,
7. The swimming pools would not be public.
8. Trees to be added to landscape plan would be one inch to two inch
At the conclusion of the discussion the Planning Commission made recommendations
as follows:
1. First stage of construction should be in area most remote from
Wachtler Road in order that the land would provide space for single
family homes in case the Town House development ended after the
first phase.(Howard Dahlgren)
2. Requested more detailed plans of buildings.
3. Requested rendering and set back of fence.
4. Require detail of staging.
5. Landscape Plan.
Further discussion was tabled until the next meeting.
Case: No record
Applicant: Mary Clemens
Location: Mayfiled Heights Road
Mr. Goodrich, former St. Baul Councilman, presented a preliminary platt for
subdivision of a piece of property at Mayfield Heights Roadn and Sibley Highway.
The preliminary platt was approved with the provision that the Cul de Sac would
have a 60 foot radius.
Case 68-4
Applicant: Raymond G. Anderson 1190 E. Hoyt Avenue St. Paul 55106, Minn,
Location: L. C. S. Company 1480 Sibley Highway, Mendota Heights, Minn.
Reeuest: Permit to build an addition to L. C. S. Co, Bldg.
Action: Referred to next meeting.
Case: 67-2
Applicant: 3Vernon B Colen 401 Degree of Honor Bldg., St. Paul 55101, Minn.
Location: Highway #55 and Mendota Road 1.57 acres.
Request: Special use permit and rezoning from BlA to B2 for construction of a
three bay Conoco Service Station.
Present: Vernon R. Colen, developer
Roger Miller, attorney for above
G. C. Tuck of Conoco.
Due to a misunderstanding, a notice of public hearing was not published in the
West St. Paul Booster. Therefore a hearing with did not take placd. The hearing
vas postponed until the next Planning Commission.
Recommendations made were as follows:
1. Elevation of actual building needed.
2. Need more accurate platt plan.
Howard Dahlgredn mentioned that there was a strong possibility that Highway *110
would be elevated to full freeway status thereby affecting greatly, the land under
consideration. G. C. Tuck of Conoco said that Conoco would not be building for
four or five years and at least not before the status of Highway *110 was resolved.
Case: 68-3
Applicant: T. 0. Curley 2010 South Lexington Ave., St. Paul, 55118, Minn.
Location: Southeast corner of Highway *110 and Lexington Avenue South.
Request: Aporoval erection of 13161x1615i" Carriage House" sign at the south
east corner of Highway *110 and South Lexington Avenue.
Action: Request denied on the basis that applicant should apply for a Permit to
erect a sign conforming to the ordnance.
Meeting was adjourned at amoroximately 11:30 P. M.
Respectfully submitted,
Recording Secretary