2014-06-10 Parks and Rec Comm Minutes CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA PARKS AND RECREATION MEETING June 10, 2014 The June meeting of the Mendota Heights Parks and Recreation Commission was held on Tuesday, June 10, 2014 at Mendota Heights City Hall, 1101 Victoria Curve. Chair Hinderscheid called to order the parks and recreation commission meeting at 6:30 p.m. The following commissioners were present: Chair Hinderscheid, Commissioners Jack Evans, Ira Kipp, Joel Paper and Michael Toth. Staff present: Recreation Program Coordinator Sloan Wallgren. Approval of Agenda Chair Hinderscheid add three items for discussion to the agenda. The first item added was funding for future park projects, the second was concerns, and the last item added to the agenda was log of projects. Commissioner Paper wanted to add parks maintenance to the agenda. COMMISSIONER TOTH MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE AGENDA; COMMISSIONER EVANS SECONDED THE MOTION. AYES 5: NAYS 0 Approval of Minutes of May 13, 2014 COMMISSIONER EVANS MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE MINUTES; COMMISSIONER TOTH SECONDED THE MOTION. AYES 5: NAYS 0 Mendota Heights Athletic Association Dan Novak and John Masica from the Mendota Heights Athletic Association asked the commission to consider getting rid of adult softball at Mendakota Park on Tuesday and Thursday nights. MHAA has seen an increase in the number of participants in both softball and baseball. The Mendota Heights Athletic Association did use fields in West St. Paul, but those fields are now closed and they do not know if they will have access to them in the future. They would like to have more access to the fields at Mendakota Park, because they believe: it is the premier facility in town, families can have kids at multiple age groups playing at the same facility, and it helps to create a better sense of community. Mr. Wallgren said that more information was needed before any decision could be made. Mr. Wallgren said that the commission should take a look at the number of participants in the programs versus the number of residents in the programs. MH Parks and Recreation Commission 6-10-2014 Page 1 Future Dog Park Locations Mr. Wallgren update the commission on the dog park topic. He informed the commission that at this time the council will not be building a dog park. The council also will not be allowing dog off- leash in the hockey areas. Staff will continue to communicate with the city of St. Paul about the dog park that is planned to be built at Lilydale Regional Park. Recreation Programming Report Mr. Wallgren informed the commission that registration for summer programs has been going well. Many of the programs and camps are approaching the maximum capacity. He also informed the commission that many of the shelters at the parks have been rented out for the weekends in June, but we still have many open dates and anyone interested in renting a shelter should contact city hall. Mr. Wallgren informed the commission that the Parks Celebration had taken place last weekend on June 7th, and even though it was rainy people came out and had a good time. He thanked all of the sponsors and everyone that helped make the event possible. Mr. Wallgren thanked the Boy Scouts and Mendota Elementary for helping with the Bike Rodeo on st May 31. The event was well attended and we are hoping to improve on it for next year. Par 3 Report Mr. Wallgren informed the commission that the golf course had a good finish to the month of May. All of our leagues have now started, and we have seen an increase in the number of members of all leagues. The golf course offers Junior Golf Camps almost every week during the summer, please contact city hall to register for a camp. The golf course is in great condition right now and we have received many positive comments. Staff is looking into purchasing a bunker rake, which will help eliminate the weeds in the bunker and make them better looking. Total sales for the month of May were $21,650 and total expenses were $15,832. Total sales year to date are $41,685 and expenses are $41,496 resulting in a net profit of $189. Mr. Wallgren said that these numbers include materials and parts for the remodel of the clubhouse. These numbers will be adjusted once we receive payment form the insurance company. Announcements Mr. Wallgren announced that the school district will be hosting the Truck & Travel event at Sibley High School in June 13, 2014 from 6:00p.m. to 7:30p.m. The free event should be fun for people of all ages. Mr. Wallgren also announced that there is still space available in the Cliff Timm Fishing Derby th being held June 18, 2014 at Rogers Lake Park from 5:30p.m. to 7:00p.m. The cost of the event is $9 and is open to all youth under the age of 14. Future Funding Chair Hinderscheid asked Mr. Wallgren to give any information about future funding for the Special Parks Fund. Mr.Wallgren stated that at the city council workshop on May 29, 2014 the council discussed a way to fund the Special Parks Fund and that he would keep the commission updated on the process. MH Parks and Recreation Commission 6-10-2014 Page 2 Concerns Chair Hinderscheid apologized for making a motion to allow dogs off-leash in the hockey areas. This item was not on the agenda and citizens should have been made aware of the issue so that have a chance to speak for or against this issue. Projects and Past Motions Chair Hinderscheid provided the commission with a list of projects and motions that have taken place during the past year. Park Maintenance Commissioner Paper congratulated Terry Blum on being promoted to Public Works Superintendent. Commissioner Paper also wanted to make sure that the Parks Staff got extra help if they needed it. Mr. Wallgren informed that commission that it would be a while before the Parks Staff was back to 3 full time employees, but he believed that they were going to hire a couple of extra part time seasonal employees to make it through the summer. Commission Comments Commissioner Kipp reminded people that this is no fishing on the north side of the S curve along Wagon Wheel, he would also like to see a sign posted there. Commissioner Toth thought it was a good meeting and would like to see if we can get a trash can placed at the S curve on Wagon Wheel. Commissioner Evans thanks Chair Hinderscheid for providing a list of the current projects and a history of motions passes. Commissioner Paper thought it was a good meeting and thanked MHAA representatives for attending the meeting. Chair Hinderscheid also thanked MHAA for attending the meeting and thought it was a good meeting. COMMISSIONER PAPER MADE A MOTION TO ADJOUN THE MEETING; COMMISSIONER TOTH SECONDED THE MOTION. Ayes 5: Nays 0 The meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m. Respectfully Submitted by Sloan Wallgren MH Parks and Recreation Commission 6-10-2014 Page 3 MH Parks and Recreation Commission 6-10-2014 Page 4