2014-06-10 Parks and Rec Comm Agenda PacketCITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA AGENDA PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Tuesday, June 10, 2014 - 6:30 P.M. City Council Chambers 1. Roll Call 2. Approval of Agenda 3. Approval of the May 13, 2014 Minutes 4. Mendota Heights Athletic Association 5. Dog Park Update 6. Recreation Program Report 7. Par 3 Report 8. Announcements 9. Commission Comments 10. Adjourn Auxiliary aids for persons with disabilities are available at least 120 hours in advance. If a notice of less than 120 hours is received, the City of Mendota Heights will make every attempt to provide the aids. This may not, however, be possible on short notice. Please contact City Administration at 651-452-1850. Meetings can be viewed anytime on -demand at: www.mendota-heights.com. CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA PARKS AND RECREATION MEETING May 13, 2014 The May meeting of the Mendota Heights Parks and Recreation Commission was held on Tuesday, May 13, 2014 at Mendota Heights City Hall, 1101 Victoria Curve. Chair Hinderscheid called to order the parks and recreation commission meeting at 6:30 p.m. The following commissioners were present: Chair Hinderscheid, Commissioners Jack Evans, Ira Kipp, David Miller, Stephanie Levine and Michael Toth. Staff present: Recreation Program Coordinator Sloan Wallgren, City Planner Nolan Wall and Public Works Director John Mazzitello. Approval of Agenda Chair Hinderscheid add two items for discussion to the agenda. The first item added was funding for future park projects and the second was flowers in the parks. COMMISSIONER LEVINE MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE AGENDA; COMMISSIONER TOTH SECONDED THE MOTION. AYES 6: NAYS 0 Approval of Minutes of April 08, 2014 COMMISSIONER MILLER MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE MINUTES; COMMISSIONER TOTH SECONDED THE MOTION. AYES 6: NAYS 0 Announcements Mr. Wallgren wanted to thank the Mom's Club for cleaning up Wentworth Park on April 22, 2014. Mr. Wallgren also thanked the Rogers Lake Homeowners Association for cleaning up Roger Lake Park on April 26, 2014. Future Dog Park Locations Mr. Wallgren updated the commission on the five locations that they were considering for a Dog Park. Mr. Wallgren reviewed each of the five locations. Mr. Wallgren informed the commission that they should discuss the options and make a recommendation on how they would like the city council to proceed. Kathy Lindstrom commented that she is a dog owner and would live a Dog Park in the city. She thought that one acre was too small for a Dog Park and would prefer the Friendly Marsh or Pilot Knob site. Kathleen Laudergren commented that she felt all the all of the sites beside Pilot Knob were too small. He felt that a one acre Dog Park would not be worth building. Joann Pasturnack (retired veterinarian) commented that a one acre would not be suitable. She also would like to see parking very close by so that individuals could access the Dog Park easily. MH Parks and Recreation Commission 5-13-2014 Page 1 2 Amy Votel commented on her concern with the Friendly Marsh site. She stated that the wildlife in the area would be impacted, there would be increased traffic in the quiet neighborhood and that many people use the trail to commute. Bob Mars commented that he was concerned about the wildlife at the Pilot Knob site and also thought that one acre was too small for a Dog Park. Mary McGrory-Ussett stated that she toured all five of the potential sites and agreed that one acre was too small. Her preference would be the Pilot Knob site because of its size and location. Commissioner Toth asked if the site at Pilot Knob would need to be cleaned up and if the soil would need to be tested. Mr. Mazzitello stated that the soil would need to be tested and that would be an additional expense to the city. Don Machenhopp is not in favor of a Dog Park. He has seen many bad things happen at Dog Parks and would prefer to see a smaller off -leash area. Jean West was in favor of using the hockey rinks as an area for dogs to run. She also commented that the city code use to say that if your dogs were under voice control they could be off -leash. Sherri Mayer liked the idea of partnering with another local city to build a Dog Park. She has a friend that lives near Marie Park and has seen that not all people have their dogs under control. COMMISSIONER MILLER MADE A MOTION TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL THAT AT THIS TIME DUE TO PHYSICAL AND ECONOMICAL REASONS THE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION DOES NOT FEEL THAT THERE IS A CITY OWNED PROPERTY WITHIN THE CONFINDS OF THE CITY THAT ARE SUITABLE TO BUILD A DOG PARK. COMMISSIONER LEVINE SECONDED THE MOTION. AYES 7: NAYS 0 COMMISSIONER LEVINE MADE A MOTION THAT CITY COUNCIL CONSIDER ISSULING A THREE MONTH TRIAL PERIOD FOR USING THE HOCKEY PINS AT MARIE PARK AND WENTWORTH PARK AS OFF -LEASH DOG AREAS. EACH PARK WOULD HAVE SIGNAGE FOR OWNER EXPECTATIONS AND RULES, AND THERE WOULD BE AN AREA INSIDE THE BOARDS TO LEASH AND UNLEASH YOUR DOG. ALL DOG OWNERS USING THE AREA MUST REGISTER THEIR DOG WITH THE CITY. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER EVANS. AYES 6: NAYS 1 The commission also directed staff to obtain more information about the future Lilydale Regional Park Dog Park. MH Parks and Recreation Commission 5-13-2014 Page 2 3 Recreation Programming Report Mr. Wallgren informed the commission that there is still room in all of the summer programs. Mr. Wallgren reminded everyone that he 5k and Parks Celebration are on Saturday June 7, 2014. Staff has many fun activities planned for the day. The city is working with Mendota Elementary and the local Boy Scouts troop to offer a Bike Rodeo at Mendota Elementary on Saturday May 31, 2014 from 9:00a.m. to 11:00a.m. Mr. Wallgren announced that there will be live music every Saturday at Market Square Park from 6:30p.m. to 8:30p.m. starting June 4, 2014 and ending August 20, 2014. Par 3 Report Mr. Wallgren informed the commission that the golf course was open for 8 days in the month of April. Sales for the month of April were $1,300. Year to date the golf course has revenue of $21,000 verses expenses of $24,000. The clubhouse repairs are finished and the final product looks great. Mr. Wallgren informed the commission that the current condition of the golf course is fantastic, and that they are looking forward to a great year. Park Assignments Mr. Wallgren commented that in previous years the commission had assigned parks to commission members to visit during the year and report back to staff with any issues or concerns. The commission assigned the following parks: Commissioner Toth: Friendly Hills Park & Friendly Marsh Commissioner Evans: Hagstrom-King Park & Mendakota Park Commissioner Levine: Marie Park & Valley Park Commissioner Miller: Victoria Highlands Park & Sibley Park Commissioner Paper: Wentworth Park & Kensington Park Commissioner Kipp: Rogers Lake Park & Valley View Heights Park Chair Hinderscheid: Ivy Hills Park Future Funding The commission discussed the need for future funding for park projects. The commission came to the conclusion that their roles is not to focus on funding, but rather to focus making recommendations to the council about programs and facilities. Flowers The commission discussed the flower beds that were located in the parks. The commission would like to see the flower beds kept up. Staff will look into what parks have flower beds and how much it would cost to maintain them. MH Parks and Recreation Commission 5-13-2014 Page 4 4 Commission Comments Commissioners Kipp appreciated the citizens coming out. Commissioner Evans appreciated the citizens coming out. Commissioner Miller appreciated the respectfulness of everyone tonight. Commissioner Levine echoed everyone's comments. Chair Hinderscheid thanked the public for coming out and appreciated all the comments. COMMISSIONER PAPER MADE A MOTION TO ADJOUN THE MEETING; COMMISSIONER LEVINE SECONDED THE MOTION. Ayes 6: Nays 0 The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Respectfully Submitted by Sloan Wallgren MH Parks and Recreation Commission 5-13-2014 Page 5 5 CITY OF MEINDOTA HEIGHTS 1101 Victoria Curve 1 Mendota Heights, MN 55118 651.4521850 phone 1 651.452.8940 fax www.mendota-heights.com DATE: June 10, 2014 TO: Parks and Recreation Commission FROM: Sloan Wallgren, Recreation Program Coordinator SUBJECT: Mendakota Park Ball Field Use Background The Mendota Heights Athletic Association would like to have more access to the ball fields at Mendakota Park in the future. MHAA has seen an increase in the number of participants in both youth softball and youth baseball. The increase in registrations has added more teams to the association, which in return has increased the demand for fields. Currently the city runs adult softball leagues on Tuesday (11 teams) & Thursday (8 teams) evenings, and MHAA uses the fields on Monday & Wednesday evenings for a combination of baseball and softball. On Friday nights the fields are used by a local church group for their own adult softball league. On Saturdays and Sundays the fields are used for youth baseball and youth softball tournaments. There are currently seven weekend tournaments booked at the fields for the summer The other parks in town that have ball fields are very seldom used on Friday, Saturday and Sundays. Mr. Dan Novak is the president of MHAA and will be in attendance at the meeting to provide information and answer questions the commission may have. Budget Effects In 2013 the city collect $11,200 for adult softball leagues and spent $6,800 resulting in a net profit of $4,400. Action Required No action is required at this time. This is just a discussion to see how we should move forward. 6 IMCITY OF MEI\CDDTA HEIGHTS DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: 1101 Victoria Curve 1 Mendota Heights, MN 55118 651.4521850 phone 1 651.452.8940 fax www.mendota-heights.com June 10, 2014 Parks and Recreation Commission Sloan Wallgren, Recreation Program Coordinator Dog Park Update UPDATE At the May 29, 2014 City Council workshop the council discussed the Dog Park topic. At the meeting the council accepted the commission's recommendation not to build a Dog Park in the city at this time. The council rejected the recommendation of the commission to allow dogs off -leash in the hockey boards at Marie Park and Wentworth Park. The council was very interested in the future Dog Park that is planned to be built by the city of St. Paul at the Lilydale Regional Park. The council has asked staff to gather more information about the planned Dog Park and report back to council. Staff has attached a map of the location where the Dog Park is planned to be built. At this time the city of St. Paul does not have an exact timeline on when this project will be completed. Staff will continue to communicate with St. Paul and update the commission on any new information. SAINT PAUL AAAA PROPOSED GATEWAY (SEE ENLARGED WATER STREET IMPROVEMENTS FOR DETAILS) * CREATE PARK ENTRANCE INTO LILYDALE REGIONAL PARK * GATEWAY TO REFLECT OVERALL CHARACTER OF LILYDALE REGIONAL PARK * USE OF NATURAL STONE AND HISTORIC BRICKS FROM TWIN CITY BRICK YARDS * VEGETATED ROADWAY MEDIAN PROVIDED TO SLOW TRAFFIC AND MARK ENTRANCE INTO PARK PROPOSED WILDLIFE VIEWING AREAS * DEVELOP VIEWING AREAS ALONG PICKEREL LAKE AND THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER * HIGHLIGHT DIVERSE BIRDING OPPORTUNITIES * PROVIDE OPPORTUNITY TO SAFELY OBSERVE WILDLIFE IN NATURAL ENVIRONMENT * REVEGETATE WITH PLANT MATERIAL THAT PROVIDE HABITAT AND FOOD SOURCE * PROVIDE LOG/RECORD FOR PARK VISITORS TO RECORD AND DOCUMENT WILDLIFE OBSERVED MISSISSIPPI RIVERBANK RESTORATION * RESTORE MISSISSIPPI RIVERBANK TO NATURALIZED CONDITION * REMOVE EXISTING BITUMINOUS AND CONCRETE ALONG SHORELINE * RESTORE ENTIRE 2.5 MILES OF SHORELINE WITH EROSION PROTECTION AS NEEDED * PROVIDE REGIONAL TRAIL REST AREA/PULL OFFS WITH RIVER VIEWS REINFORCEMENT MAT WITH NATIVE VEGETATION GRAVEL CHANNEL WITH PLACED BOULDERS, VEGETATION AND GRADE CONTROL NATURALISTIC FLOOD DEPOSITIONAL BENCH RIP RAP BENEATH WATER LEVEL (IF REQUIRED) MISSISSIPPI RIVER A „0400 0 / / / 77 WATER STREET IMPROVEMENTS * BURY EXISTING OVERHEAD ELECTRIC LINES * COLLECT BLUFF SEEPAGE IN CREEK * REMOVE INVASIVE PLANT MATERIAL * STRENGTHEN VISUAL CONNECTION TO THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER * PROVIDE TRAIL OVERLOOKS/RESTING SPOTS FOSSIL GROUND ENTRANCE (SEE ENLARGED WATER STREET IMPROVEMENTS FOR DETAILS) * REALIGN ROAD TO ELIMINATE REGIONAL TRAIL AND ROADWAY CONFLICT * DEVELOP TRAIL HEAD AT ENTRANCE TO FOSSIL GROUNDS * PARKING LOT REDESIGNED TO ACCOMMODATE SCHOOL BUSES * PROVIDE INTERPRETIVE SIGNAGE AND MAPS AT TRAIL HEAD * SATELLITE REST ROOMS PROVIDED RELOCATED REGIONAL TRAIL UNDER RR * ELIMINATING EXISTING TRAIL AND ROADWAY CONFLICT * REGIONAL TRAIL RELOCATED UNDER RAILROAD SWING BRIDGE * REGIONAL TRAIL TO FOLLOW MISSISSIPPI RIVER PROPOSED BOARDWALK * PROVIDE CONNECTION TO FOSSIL GROUNDS * FOLLOW RAILROAD EMBANKMENT * MAINTAIN ACCESS TO ALL PARTS OF PICKEREL LAKE LEGEND EXISTING REGIONAL TRAIL PROPOSED REGIONAL TRAIL EXISTING SOFT TRAIL PROPOSED LAKESHORE TRAIL PROPOSED SOFT TRAIL EXISTING CONTOURS PROPOSED CONTOURS PROPOSED WILDLIFE VIEWING PROPOSED GROUP CAMPING PROPOSED LAKESHORE PICNIC/ GATHERING AREA (SEE ENLARGED LAKESHORE PLAN FOR DETAILS) * REALIGN LILYDALE ROAD AND PROVIDE PICNIC SHELTER PARKING * PROVIDE PICNIC SHELTER WITH WATER AND SANITARY SERVICE * SHELTER TO ACCOMMODATE SMALL GROUPS (APPROXIMATLY 50 PEOPLE) * SHELTER TO REFLECT SUSTAINABLE BUILDING PRACTISES AND ARCHITECTURALLY FIT INTO NATURAL LANDSCAPE PICKEREL LAKESHORE TRAIL AND SHORELINE RESTORATION * TO BE CONSTRUCTED SUMMER 2009 * REVEGETATION OF SHORELINE WITH NATIVE PLANT MATERIALS * RESTORATION OF CANOE LAUNCH * CREATE FISHING ACCESS POINTS ALONG PICKEREL LAKESHORE * PICNIC TABLES PROVIDED ALONG SHORELINE * SPLIT RAIL FENCE PROTECTS NEWLY PLANTED SHORELINE * SOFT TRAIL PROVIDED ALONG SECTION OF LAKESHORE EXISTING BOAT LAUNCH * RESTORE BOAT LAUNCH * EXISTING PARKING LOT RE -CONFIGURED TO MORE APPROPRIATE SIZE * REMOVE INVASIVE PLANT MATERIAL TO CREATE VIEWS OF BOAT LANDING FROM PARKING AND ROADWAY PROPOSED DOG PARK * LOCATED IN OLD LILYDALE MARINA DEMOLITION SITE * DESIGNED TO UTILIZE EXISTING BOAT LAUNCH PARKING LOT (60 SPACES) * DOG PARK TO BE ENTIRELY FENCED RESTRICTING ACCESS TO REST OF PARK AND MISSISSIPPI RIVER * PROVIDE CONSTANT EYES ON PARK * APPROXIMATELY 8 1/2 ACRES * EXISTING TREE COVER PROTECTED WHERE POSSIBLE * SOFT TRAILS PROVIDED FOR WALKING EXISTING KAMISH DEMOLITION SITE * REMOVE EXISTING DEMOLITION SITE * RESTORATION TO WETLAND WILL PROVIDE CITY WITH WETLAND BANK CREDIT WHICH CAN BE SOLD $1-2/SF * REMOVE UNNATURAL LANDFORM WITHIN EXISTING WETLAND PROPOSED STORM WATER TREATMENT AREA * DIVERT STORM WATER FROM IVY FALLS * STORM WATER TREATED IN SERIES OF WETLANDS PRIOR TO ENTERING PICKEREL LAKE * WILL PROTECT EXISTING WATER QUALITY OF PICKEREL LAKE * RISK OF WATER QUALITY DETERIORATING DUE TO LARGE STORM WATER DRAINAGE AREA ENTERING PICKEREL LAKE - " - ---0,..--------___—,____ _ --mei Yccs LILYDALE REGIONAL PARK MASTER SITE PLAN LILYDALE REGIONAL PARK CITY OF SAINT PAUL PARKS AND RECREATION DESIGN SECTION JUNE 29, 2010 8 CITY OF MEINDOTA HEIGHTS 1101 Victoria Curve 1 Mendota Heights, MN 55118 651.4521850 phone 1 651.452.8940 fax www.mendota-heights.com DATE: June 10, 2014 TO: Parks and Recreation Commission FROM: Sloan Wallgren, Recreation Program Coordinator SUBJECT: Recreation Update RECREATION PROGRAMS We have had a successful spring registering people for our summer programs. Currently we have the following numbers for each program: Tennis Program: 237 Playground Program: 266 Safety Camp: 50 (full) Field Trips: 55 Fishing Derby: 25 Skateboard Camps: 20 Disc Golf Camp: 12 Park Rentals The city has many beautiful park shelters located at parks throughout the city. The shelters are available to rent for: graduation parties, reunions, birthday parties, baby/wedding showers or any special event. If you would like help finding the right park for your group please contact city hall at 651-450-1850 and we can help you plan your event. Parks Celebration Activities have been finalized for the June 7th event from 11:OOam to 2:00pn.There have been many generous donations coming in from residents and local businesses to help offset the costs of this event. We have many fun activities and entertainment planned this year. Some of the activities include: Kevin Hall the "Magic Maniac", DJ, petting zoo, pony rides, fire truck rides, soccer kick, football kick, hockey shoot, basketball shoot, obstacle course, climbing wall, Duggan's Dashes, inflatables, face painting, food trucks, prizes and much more. Bike Rodeo The city partnered with the Mendota Elementary School and the local Boy Scouts Troop to offer a Bike Rodeo at Mendota Elementary on May 31St. There was a great turn out for the event, and hopefully the event will continue to grow next year. Thank you to everyone that helped make the event possible. 9 Truck & Travel Event The city is sponsoring the Teddy Bear Band at the Truck & Travel Event June 11th at Henry Sibley High School from 6:30p.m. to 7:30p.m. The event is free for everyone and there will be a lot of fun attractions for the kids. Cliff Timm Fishing Derby The annual Cliff Timm Fishing Derby will be held on June 18th from 5:30p.m. to 7:OOp.m. at Rogers Lake Park. There will be prizes awarded for the largest fish caught, smallest fish caught, and most fish caught. One lucky boy or girl will also win a Lifetime Fishing License. Please visit our website www.mendota-heights.com to register for the event. Summer Performances in the Park Staff has partnered with the Village at Mendota Heights to offer outdoor performances every Wednesday night for the upcoming summer: June 11, 2014 June 18, 2014 June 25, 2014 July 9, 2014 July 16, 2014 July 23, 2014 July 30, 2014 August 6, 2014 August 13, 2014 August 20, 2014 September 10, 2014 Teddy Bear Band *at Sibley High School Truck & Travel Show Pat Donohue Somewhat Dixieland Band Cash & Kerry Show Twin Cities Show Chorus Connie Evingson Mannie & Debbie Cortez Kid Power with Rachel & Animal North Suburban Show Chorus Kids Dance TreVeld 10 almost CITY OF MEINDOTA HEIGHTS 1101 Victoria Curve 1 Mendota Heights, MN 55118 651.4521850 phone 1 651.452.8940 fax www.mendota-heights.com DATE: June 10, 2014 TO: Parks and Recreation Commission FROM: Sloan Wallgren, Recreation Program Coordinator SUBJECT: Par 3 Update Update The golf course finished the month of May on a good note. The weather was very cooperative and we had a very successful final 8 days in the month. All of our leagues are up and running now. We have seen an increase in our Women's League, Junior Golf Camps and Junior Golf Leagues. The largest increase is in our Women's League which went from 45 players last year to 75 players this year. Maintenance Update The golf course is in great condition right now, we have received many positive comments. Staff is looking to the possibilities to purchasing a bunker rake, which will help keep the sand trap looking nice and reduce the amount of weeds that grow in the sand. Staff is searching trying to find this piece of equipment for under $1,500. Budget Total sales for the month of May were $21,650 and total expenses were $15,832. Total sales for the year through May are $41,685 and expenses are $41,496 resulting in a net profit of $189 year to date. These figures include materials and parts for the remodel of the clubhouse. These number will be adjusted once we receive payment from the insurance company. 11 MENDOTA HEIGHTS PAR 3 BUDGET TO ACTUAL REPORT May 2014 (41.66% OF YEAR) REVENUES MAY YTD YTD BUDGET 2014 2014 yo GREENS, LEAGUE & TOURN FEES $105,000 $13,835 $17,426 16.60% RECREATION PROGRAMS $35,000 $6,138 $21,969 62.77% CONCESSIONS $21,000 $1,676 $2,291 10.91% SUNDRY REVENUE $100 $0 $0 0.00% INTEREST $250 $0 $0 0.00% CAPITAL CONTRIBUTIONS $0 $0 $0 0.00% PAR 3 FUND REVENUE TOTAL $161,350 $21,650 $41,685 25.84% EXPENDITURES MAY YTD YTD BUDGET 2014 2014 % CLUBHOUSE SALARIES $32,700 $1,039 $1,039 3.18% ADMINISTRATIVE SALARIES $24,021 $1,861 $9,999 41.62% FICA/PERA $8,844 $517 $1,390 15.72% MEDICAL INSURANCE $7,144 $490 $2,448 34.27% U/E & W/C INSURANCE $6,100 $833 $1,236 20.25% RENTALS $1,500 $0 $0 0.00% UTILITIES $9,800 $689 $2,397 24.46% PROFESSIONAL FEES - AUDIT $2,425 $0 $0 0.00% PROF FEES - CONSULTING FEES $900 $972 $1,520 168.86% PROF FEES - GROUNDS MGMT $8,000 $2,000 $3,000 37.50% PROF FEES - GROUNDS WAGES $18,000 $883 $1,860 10.34% PROF FEES - TREE MAINTENANCE $500 $0 $0 0.00% ADVERTISING/NEWSLETTER $600 $104 $205 34.23% LIABILITY/AUTO INSURANCE $3,450 $0 $2,961 85.81% OPERATING COSTS/SUPPLIES $7,200 $5 $17 0.23% FUEL $2,000 $200 $382 19.09% REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE $15,000 $380 $1,833 12.22% SUNDRY/DUES/MILEAGE/CLOTHING $1,700 $333 $1,385 81.49% CONTINGENCY $0 $5,325 $9,359 0.00% ONLINE REG & CREDIT CARD FEES $2,750 $200 $465 0.00% PAR 3 EXPENDITURES TOTAL $152,634 $15,832 $41,496 27.19% MENDOTA HEIGHTS PAR 3 BUDGET TO ACTUAL REPORT MAY 2013 AND 2014 REVENUES MAY MAY YTD YTDD 2013 2014 2013 2014 GREENS, LEAGUE, TOURNAMENT FEES $12,309 $13,835 $14,190 $17,426 RECREATION PROGRAMS $6,302 $6,138 $17,973 $21,969 CONCESSIONS $1,857 $1,676 $2,008 $2,291 SUNDRY REVENUE $10 $0 $10 $0 INTEREST $0 $0 $0 $0 CAPITAL CONTRIBUTIONS $0 $0 $0 $0 PAR[ [TUND[12EVENUEEFOTAL $20,479 $21,650 $34,181 $41,685 EXPENDITURES CLUBHOUSE SALARIES $1,254 $1,039 $1,254 $1,039 ADMINISTRATIVE SALARIES $1,735 $1,861 $9,403 $9,999 FICA/PERA $428 $517 $1,527 $1,390 MEDICAL INSURANCE $443 $490 $2,214 $2,448 U/E & W/C INSURANCE $3,159 $833 $3,297 $1,236 RENTALS $1,100 $0 $1,100 $0 UTILITIES $754 $689 $1,795 $2,397 PROFESSIONAL FEES-AUDIT $0 $0 $0 $0 PROF FEES-CONSULTING FEES $0 $972 $25 $1,520 PROF FEES-GROUNDS MGMT $0 $2,000 $0 $3,000 PROF FEES-GROUNDS WAGES $455 $883 $455 $1,860 PROF-FEES-TREE MAINTENANCE $0 $0 $0 $0 ADVERTISING/NEWSLETTER $98 $104 $196 $205 LIABILITY/AUTO INSURANCE $0 $0 $3,088 $2,961 OPERATING COSTS/SUPPLIES $277 $5 $290 $17 FUEL $232 $200 $232 $382 REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE $3,566 $380 $4,123 $1,833 SUNDRY/DUES/MILEAGE/CLOTHING $712 $333 $1,359 $1,385 CAPITAL OUTLAY $0 $0 $0 $0 ONLINE REG & CREDIT CARD FEES $214 $200 $367 $465 CONTINGENCY $0 $5,325 $0 $9,359 PARC3F XPENDITUESCfOTAL $14,427 $15,832 $30,725 $41,496 13