03-11-1998 ARC MinutesCITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA AIRPORT RELATIONS COMMISSION MARCH 11, 998- MINUTES The regular meeting of the Mendota Heights Airport Relations Commission was held on Wednesday, March 11, 1998 in the City Hall Large Conference Room, 1 10 1 Victoria Curve. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. The following members were present: Beaty, Leuman, Stein, Des Roches, Roszak and May. Commissioner Fitzer was excused. Also present was Senior Secretary Kim Blaeser and City Planner Meg McMonigal. INTRODUCTION OF NEW COMMISSIONER Chair Beaty introduced new Commissioner John Roszak. Staff informed Mr. Roszak that he will be sent orientation materials. Commissioner Stein moved approval of the February 11, 1998 minutes. Commissioner Leuman seconded the motion. AYES: 6 NAYS: 0 DISCUSSION OF COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AIR NOISE POLICIES - CITY PLANNER MEG MCMONIGAL Planner McMonigal updated the Commission regarding the Comprehensive Plan amendment process and reminded the Commission that the number one issue the City is focusing the amendment on is air noise. Planner McMonigal reviewed a list of goals with the Commission: 1. To reduce airport impacts in Mendota Heights. 2. To reduce air noise through equitable distribution of flights. 3. To work diligently with all noise issues and agencies to ensure aircraft noise does not increase in volume or expand in area. AIRPORT RELATIONS COMMISSION - MARCH 11, 7997 MINUTES 1 The Commission discussed the above goals and determined to revise the goals as follows: 1. To reduce negative airport impacts in Mendota Heights. 2. To reduce air noise through equitable distribution of flights. 3. To work diligently with all noise issues and agencies to ensure that aircraft noise decreases in volume. The Commission reviewed the following Air Noise Policies as submitted by Planner McMonigal: A. • Public participation and representation: 1 Continue to be represented on the Metropolitan Aircraft Sound Abatement Council (MASAC). 2. Propose new structure and representation on MASAC. 3. Pursue appointing a city resident to the Metropolitan Airports Commission (MAC). 4. Continue to inform the community about air noise concerns and the work of the City. 5. Continue to work with the Northern Dakota County Airports Relations Committee. 6. Continue to keep abreast of other communities' issues and actions. B. Noise reduction through advocating modified takeoff procedures including: 1 Promote implementation of non -simultaneous take -off procedures to minimize Mendota Heights Air Noise Exposure. 2. Pursue adoption of "close -in" vs. "Distant" departure procedures to reduce noise generation over Mendota Heights. 3. Urge adoption of mandatory nighttime takeoff regulations. 4. Advocate implementation of narrowed air traffic corridor. 5. Monitor conformance with three mile heading procedure. C. Advocate a more equitable runway use system. 1. Prevent construction of a third parallel runway. 2. Monitor contract with MAC on not building third parallel runway. 3. Monitor EIS process for N/S runway. 4. Monitor EIS process for 12,000 foot runway. AIRPORT RELATIONS COMMISSION - MARCH 11, 9997 MINUTES 2 5. Monitor Runway Use System (RUS) for conformance to MAC policies. D. Minneapolis/St. Paul (MSP) Airport Comprehensive Plan 1. Implement noise mitigation requirements in Mitigation Committee's Plan. E. Specific Noise Control Measures 1. Promote conversion to Stage III quieter aircraft by 2000 deadline. 2. Expand eligibility for Part 150 Sound Insulation Program is areas affected by air noise exposure. 3. Reduce aircraft engine run-up noise and aircraft ground noise during periods of departure over Minneapolis. 4. Implement Global Positioning Satellite Technology to control departure headings in corridor. F. Metropolitan Council "Noise Zone Map" and related land use controls 1. Advocate that the Metropolitan Council revise its land use zones and controls to the previous land use zones. Commissioner Stein stated that the City should pursue appointing a City resident to the Metropolitan Council. It was noted that the City's Met Council Representative is Kevin Howe and that he is a Mendota Heights resident. It was noted that Mr. Howe's District includes cities other than Mendota Heights. Commissioner May suggested that the City consider sending a City representative to Met Council meetings on a regular basis. He stated that the City should improve its direct contact with the Met Council regarding air noise issues. The Commission was of the consensus to revise the Air Noise Policies as follows: A. Public participation and representation: 1. Continue to be represented on the Metropolitan Aircraft Sound Abatement Council (MASAC). AIRPORT RELATIONS COMMISSION - MARCH 11, 1997 MINUTES 3 2. Pursue appointing a city resident to the Metropolitan Airports Commission (MAC). 3. Heighten the awareness of the community about air noise concerns and the work of the City. 4. Continue to collaborate with the Northern Dakota County Airports Relations Committee (NDCARC). 5. Continue to keep abreast of other communities' issues and actions. 6. Work with Metropolitan Council representatives regarding air noise issues. B. Noise reduction through advocating modified takeoff procedures including: 1 Monitor the implementation of non -simultaneous take -off procedures to minimize Mendota Heights Air Noise Exposure. 2. Pursue adoption of "close -in" vs. "distant" departure procedures to reduce noise generation over Mendota Heights. 3. Urge adoption of mandatory nighttime takeoff regulations. 4. Advocate implementation of narrowed air traffic corridor. 5. Monitor conformance with three mile heading procedure. C. Advocate a more equitable runway use system. 1. Prevent construction of a third parallel runway. 2. Monitor contract with MAC on not building third parallel runway. 3. Monitor EIS process for N/S runway. 4. Monitor EIS process for 12,000 foot runway. AIRPORTRELATIONS COMMISSION- MARCH 11, 1997 MINUTES 4 5. Monitor Runway Use System (RUS) for conformance to MAC policies. D. Minneapolis/St. Paul (MSP) Airport Comprehensive Plan 1. Monitor and encourage promulgation and adoption of air noise mitigation requirements in Mitigation Committee's Plan. E. Specific Noise Control Measures 1. Assure conversion of Stage N quieter aircraft by federal deadline of year 2000. 2. Expand eligibility for Part 150 Sound Insulation Program in areas affected by air noise exposure. 3. Develop plan to reduce aircraft engine run-up noise and aircraft ground noise during periods of departure over Minneapolis. 4. Promote implementation of Global Positioning Satellite Technology to control departure headings in corridor. F. Metropolitan Council "Noise Zone Map" and related land use controls 1. Revise Metropolitan Council land use zones and controls to the previous land use zones using the MACs year 2005 Ldn contours map. Planner McMonigal stated that the City will be conducting another joint workshop between the Council and Commissioners on April 14, 1998. She stated materials will be sent to each commissioner prior to the workshop. DISCUSSION ON THE FEBRUARY 3, 1998 REPORT TO THE METROPOLITAN AIRPORTS COMMISSION REGARDING MASAC ASSESSMENT The Commission briefly reviewed a February 3, 1998 report to the Metropolitan Airports Commission regarding an assessment on MASAC. It was noted that Mr. Robert Johnson has asked members of MASAC to submit their suggestions by March 31, 1998. Chair Beaty stated that the NDCARC had originally brought up the ineffectiveness of MASAC which lead to the reexamination of the MASAC AIRPORT RELATIONS COMMISSION - MARCH 11, 1997 MINUTES 5 Bylaws. He stated that the NDCARC felt that the MASAC membership should be changed to include more communities who are directly affected by the operations at MSP International Airport. Commissioner Roszak inquired about the MASAC's opinion regarding equitable noise distribution. It was noted that the MASAC membership consists of many cities, such as Richfield, Bloomington and Eagan who do not have the same opinion as Mendota Heights regarding equitable noise distribution. It was noted that the City of Minneapolis has similar concerns as Mendota Heights. The Commission discussed how the MASAC has served as more of an information gathering entity for the MAC and that a lot of Mendota Heights concerns and suggestions have not been shared with the MAC. The Commission was of the consensus that the following four questions be answered as to how the MASAC organization should function: 1. What is the purpose of MASAC? 2. How can MASAC as an organization and as individual members better communicate both internally and externally? 3. How should MASAC members address the issue of conflicting motives? 4. How should MASAC members address the issue of trust between the public and user representatives? The Commission felt that this item should be discussed further at their April meeting. UPDATES The Commission acknowledged receipt of a February 18, 1998 letter from the Mayor to the Metropolitan Council. This letter specifically requests an opportunity to meet with the Met Council to confirm why the agency is requiring strict adherence, with no deviations, to the Aviation Guide Plan. The Commission acknowledged receipt of a draft February 27, 1998 letter to Mr. Robert Johnson, Chair of MASAC, formally requesting that the ANOMS system monitor the NSDP in the southeast corridor. AIRPORT RELATIONS COMMISSION - MARCH 11, 1997 MINUTES 6 The Commission acknowledged that Mr. Evan Futterman, HNTB, will be conducting an April 28 meeting regarding Noise Contour Modeling and a May meeting regarding FAA Airspace. It was suggested that the Commissioners attend these meetings. ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF VARIOUS REPORTS/CORRESPONDENCE The Commission acknowledged receipt of MASAC Operations Committee February 20, 1998 Agenda and Minutes. The Commission acknowledged receipt of the MASAC Abbreviated Technical Advisor's Report for January, 1998. The Commission acknowledged receipt of information regarding the 1998 Airport Noise Symposium. The Commission acknowledged receipt of the MASAC January 27, 1998 meeting minutes and March 2, 1998 agenda. The Commission acknowledged receipt of the MASAC membership status. The Commission acknowledged receipt of the February 4, 1998 FICAN Letter. The Commission acknowledged receipt of the February 26, 1998 MSP Airport News. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the Airport Relations Commission moved to adjourn its meeting at 9:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Kimberlee K. Blaeser Senior Secretary AIRPORT RELATIONS COMMISSION - MARCH 11, 1997 MINUTES 7