01-14-1998 ARC MinutesCITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA AIRPORT RELATIONS COMMISSION JANUARY 14, 1998 - MINUTES The regular meeting of the Mendota Heights Airport Relations Commission was held on Wednesday, January 14, 1998 in the City Hall Large Conference Room, 1 10 1 Victoria Curve. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. The following members were present: Beaty, Stein and May. Commissioners Des Roches, Fitzer and Leuman were excused. Also present were City Administrator Kevin Batchelder, Senior Secretary Kim Blaeser and City Planner Meg McMonigal. Due to the lack of quorum, Chair Beaty directed staff to place formal _ approval of the December 10, 1997 minutes on the February 11 Airport Relations Commission agenda. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE - REVIEW OF ACTION PLAN Planner McMonigal was present to update the Commission on recent work she has completed related to the comprehensive plan update. She informed the Commission that she would like to review the Commission's action plan. McMonigal reviewed the following outline with the Commission: I. Overall Goal (s) 11. History and Background 111. Agency Responsibilities and Policies A. Metropolitan Airports Commission (MAC) 1.' Purpose, Responsibilities and Planning Authority 2. Interaction with other agencies 3. Interaction with local communities AIRPORT RELATIONS COMMISSION MINUTES - JANUARY 14, 1998 1 B. Metropolitan Council (MC) 1. Purpose, Responsibilities and Planning Authority 2. Interaction with other agencies 3. Interaction with local communities IV. Technical Information A. Noise Contours B. Noise Land Use Zones - old and new V. Air Noise Priority Issues VI. Air Noise Policies and Action Steps McMonigal stated that in October, the City Council and Advisory Commission conducted a workshop to determine significant issues Mendota Heights needs to identify during the comprehensive plan update process. She stated that the number one issue was determined to be airport noise. McMonigal stated that the outline has been established to help generate goals in updating the comprehensive plan. She stated that the current comprehensive plan has no specific goals related to air noise. McMonigal stated that the Commission's Action Plan outlines the significant issues which should be included within the comprehensive plan. McMonigal reviewed mandatory elements and non -mandatory elements for local comprehensive plans: Mandatory elements 1 Adopted land use compatibility guidelines for aircraft noise - aircraft noise zone map - identify incompatible land use activities - strategies to remove incompatibility - describe overlay zoning ordinance - describe local building codes 2. Map of airport airspace safety zones preparation of airport land use safety ordinance AIRPORT RELATIONS COMMISSION MINUTES - JANUARY 14, 1998 2 3. Identify all structures 500 feet above ground local height ordinance incorporated MnIDOT notification/reporting procedures (250') Non -Mandatory elements: 1. Identify local participation process for input to aviation planning 2. Airport related economic development plan McMonigal discussed the Met Council's Aviation Guide Plan and informed the Commission that all cities are mandated to adopt these guidelines. The Commission inquired about the Hoffman Homes proposed development. City Administrator Batchelder stated that the Met Council has informed the City that the proposed development is not considered consistent with the Aviation Guide Plan's land use policies. Commissioner Stein inquired about what would happen if the City did not adopt the new guidelines. Commissioner May inquired about the status of the Hoffman Homes request for developing homes on the Resurrection site. Batchelder responded that the Metropolitan Council has updated their Aviation Guide Plan and now considers this property to be in Noise Zone 3, which considers residential development to be an inconsistent land use. Batchelder explained that the Council has passed a resolution authorizing Hoffman homes to independently approach the Met Council to seek instructions, guidelines and specific information about a proposed comprehensive plan amendment that would be necessary to accommodate the development. Batchelder stated that City staff has met with representatives from the Met Council to discuss the City's concerns over the new noise zone policy areas. Batchelder stated that the City Council is concerned that with the new contour maps, parcels that have been developed are now considered incompatible. Planner McMonigal inquired if the City has requested a change in Met Council's contour map. Batchelder suggested that staff could send a letter to the Council inquiring how the contours were determined. Commissioner May inquired if land owners should be concerned with change in property value as a result of the new contours. Chair Beaty stated that the City should consider planning for the future using the 2005 Ldn 65 contours. The Commission discussed how the City should negotiate with the Met Council regarding the air noise contours. They discussed the possibility of not adopting land use guidelines until the air noise contours have been adjusted. AIRPORT RELATIONS COMMISSION MINUTES -JANUARY 14, 1998 3 The Commission identified several policies which should be included within the comprehensive plan: 1. Noise Reduction through Modified Takeoff Procedures 2. Heighten Awareness of Mendota Heights Air Noise Concerns 3. Monitor Contract with MAC on Third Parallel Runway 4. Implement MSP Mitigation Committee's Comprehensive Plan 5. Conversion to Stage III Quieter Aircraft The Commission discussed how the City should advocate for more equitable distribution of runway use. The Commission discussed specific documents Planner McMonigal should reference in the comprehensive plan: 1. Long Term Comprehensive Plan for MSP - Dual Track Legislation 2. Braslau/Colette Study (Proposal to Fan the Corridor) 3. MSP Mitigation Plan 4. Airport Noise Mitigation Needs Statement The Commission felt that the Planner McMonigal should include how the contours have increasingly "crept" over Mendota Heights (contour creep) Chair Beaty stated that it is important for Planner McMonigal to understand how the airport operates and how it relates to Mendota Heights as a community, i.e., economic impact and how the airport benefits Mendota Heights and/or how the airport affects Mendota Heights housing developments. MONITORING NON -SIMULTANEOUS DEPARTURES and MONITORING CLOSE -IN DEPARTURE PROCEDURES Administrator Batchelder explained that in 1997, the FAA Tower, based on a completed Environmental Assessment for Revised Air Traffic Control Procedures in the Eagan -Mendota Heights Corridor at MSP, issued a tower order that all planes departing on Runway 12 L during non -simultaneous departures would be given a heading to maintain a ground track along the extended runway centerline. Batchelder stated that Mr. Bruce Wagoner, Tower Chief, informed the City that this procedure would be implemented in May of 1997, and according to MAC and the FAA it has been implemented. Batchelder stated that there continues to be anecdotal information that AIRPORT RELATIONS COMMISSION MINUTES -JANUARY 14, 1998 4 departing aircraft are not flying runway centerline headings during non - simultaneous periods. Batchelder stated that the Commission should consider a request to MASAC's Technical Advisor to monitor when non -simultaneous procedures are in place and to monitor and record the headings given during non - simultaneous periods at MSP. He stated that this monitoring activity would be reported in the MASAC Technical Advisor's monthly report. Chair Beaty stated that a letter should be sent inquiring when the non - simultaneous hours are implemented. He stated that he is particularly interested in finding out why there are aircraft flying over Mendota Heights during Midnight hours and 4:00 a.m. hours. The Commission was of the consensus to direct Administrator Batchelder to initiate discussions with the MASAC Technical Advisor regarding the documentation of non -simultaneous operations. Regarding Close -in Departure Procedures, Chair Beaty inquired about Minneapolis' experience before close -in departure procedures were implemented. The Commission discussed receiving documentation regarding data prior to the implementation of close -in departures. The Commission discussed how the City of Mendota Heights seems to be experiencing more back noise. They inquired as to whether the close -in departure procedures implemented over Minneapolis is increasing back noise within the community. The Commission was of the consensus to direct staff to begin inquiries regarding documentation of close -in departure procedures over Mendota Heights prior to implementation and after implementation. MASAC APPOINTMENTS Administrator Batchelder reviewed a resolution recently adopted by the City Council designating the City's official representatives and alternates on the Metropolitan Aircraft Sound Abatement Council. It was noted that Chair Beaty has been designated an alternate on the MASAC. AIRPORT RELATIONS COMMISSION MINUTES -JANUARY 14, 1998 5 Administrator Batchelder informed the Commission that the City Council would like additional information before they make a formal commitment. He stated that Council does not wish to affect the City's credibility with the MAC without more specific information regarding this issue. He stated that the Council believes that the City of Inver Grove Heights needs to prepare a more definitive proposal. Batchelder suggested that the City should consider requesting that a study be implemented regarding how the City of Mendota Heights would be impacted if a variance is granted. LETTER FROM METROPOLITAN COUNCIL ON AIR NOISE ZONES/LAND USE The Commission acknowledged receipt of a Metropolitan Council letter dated December 24, 1997. This letter is in response to the City of Mendota Heights Resolution No. 97-74 which requests instructions and informational guidelines on a comprehensive plan amendment to facilitate proposed residential housing developments. NDCARC - DRAFT COLLABORATIVE ISSUES The Commission acknowledged receipt of the draft NDCARC Status of Collaborative Issues document. It was noted that this document was created at the inception of the NDCARC which lists issues prioritized by the member cities based on the potential for the NDCARC to achieve a consensus and the ability of the NDCARC to impact the issues. ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF VARIOUS REPORTSICORRESPONDENCE The Commission acknowledged receipt of the Airport Noise Report for December 26, 1997. The Commission acknowledged receipt of the South Metro Airport Action Council Newsletter of December 1997. The Commission acknowledged receipt of information submitted by Commissioner Stein regarding Runway Criteria. AIRPORT RELATIONS COMMISSION MINUTES -JANUARY 14, 1998 6 The Commission acknowledged receipt of the Eagan ARC Agenda for January 13, 1998. • . , k �Jk � There being no further business, the Airport Relations Commission adjourned its meeting at 9:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Kimberlee K. Blaeser Senior Secretary AIRPORT RELATIONS COMMISSION MINUTES -JANUARY 14, 1998 7