08-14-1996 ARC MinutesCITY OF J 1 i19EIGHTS DAKOTA // . AIRPORT RELATIONS COMMISSION AUGUST 14,1996 The regular meeting of the Mendota Heights Airport Relations Commission was held on Wednesday, August 14, 1996, in the City Hall Large Conference Room, 1101 Victoria Curve. The meeting was called to order at 7:01 o'clock P.M. The following members were present: Beaty, Fitzer, Gross, Olsen, and Stein. The following members were excused: None. The following members were absent: Leuman and Surrisi. Also present were City Administrator Kevin Batchelder and Recording Secretary Carla Wirth. Gross expressed concern with the projected numbers of operations being used by MAC for basing decisions on the dual -track and noise mitigation efforts. Gross stated the project operations are underestimated significantly and that this seems to be a major factor in their future noise contour models. Batchelder displayed a colored map showing 1996 and year 2005 DNL contour alignments. Beaty asked if the DNL 2005 LDN 60 is based on new technology, shrinking the corridor, or Stage M. Batchelder reported on his conversation with Evan Futtermann, of HNTB (consultant to MAC). Batchelder reported that Futtermann stated that Stage III aircraft are the primary reason for the shrinking of the year 2005 LDN 60 contour. He reported that Futtermann stated that, with Stage III aircraft, the landings begin to dominate the contours and that is why they are narrower and longer than current contours. Batchelder reported that the 2005 contours use an assumption of 520,000 operations in the year 2005, which is not realistic. Batchelder stated that in arguing for an expanded area of eligibility for Part 150 Sound Insulation we have to be careful that the MAC does not use a future (year 2005) contour that is actually smaller than today's contour. Gross stated he does not consider the projected contours valid because with GPS they will be able to approach along the river, make a right hand turn and land - in theory. He stated he does not believe long and narrow contours, based on an assumption of that landings dominate the contours, is credible. APPROVAL OF MDiUTES Commissioner Gross moved approval of the June 12, 1996 minutes. Commissioner Fitzer seconded the motion. AYES: 5 NAYS: 0 Commissioner Gross moved approval of the July 10, 1996 minutes. Commissioner Olsen seconded the motion. AYES: 5 NAYS: 0 Batchelder reviewed past activity regarding the position statements from various municipalities which were recorded during the MSP Mitigation Committee's deliberations on noise mitigation. He reported that the Council sent a letter to the Dakota County board requesting their assistance in the lobbying effort. The Council also considered the statement of Common Issues generated by NDCARC and made some minor revisions. Batchelder reported the MSP Mitigation Committee will be holding a public hearing at their next meeting which is August 29, 1996. He suggested the Airport Relations Commission be represented at this meeting. Batchelder reviewed the revisions and advised that one area of concern is regarding property guarantee assurance and how a program of this type would work. Beaty inquired who would pay. Batchelder stated that a likely scenario may be some type of fund set aside through MAC for this purpose. Batchelder explained the Council still wants the Commission to discuss this matter and provide input even though they have already reviewed and endorsed it. He stated the upcoming public hearing provides a good opportunity for Mendota Heights, this Commission, and residents to make statements at that public hearing. Batchelder asked if the Airport Relations Commission would like to have a subcommittee representing them at this meeting. Beaty supported representation at the public hearing and suggest those attending meet ahead of time to determine which issues will be brought forward. Batchelder noted the survey results which identify what residents want, such as some time off or "window" of time without airport noise. Batchelder advised the Mayor is a member of the committee and suggested Mendota Heights residents also be organized to provide input. He stated he would be willing to script statements to assure major points of concern are addressed. Beaty, Olsen, and Stein volunteered to present comments at the public hearing. Beaty suggested this public hearing be announced at the upcoming Council meeting which will be televised. Olsen suggested the petitioners for Part 150 Sound Insulation Program eligibility also be informed of this public hearing. F �- Beaty commented on the need to educate residents and clear up misunderstandings regarding the Part 150 Sound Insulation Program which will also assure articulate comments are made at the public hearing. �r Gross inquired regarding the noise level at the DNL65 and at one mile distant from this contour. Batchelder explained the levels are averages based on 24 hours. Gross explained how a phased -in option based on noise levels may require meters to be relocated to determine the level of noise. Beaty explained that meters are not used to determine the levels and commented regarding ANOMS data and his belief that if used, contours would be longer and, perhaps, even wider. Batchelder pointed out the variance in DNL maps and provided a comparison between the Part 150 Noise Exposure map and the map identifying the MSP Urban Revitalization and Stabilization Zone. The Commission discussed the new Urban Revitalization and Stabilization program passed during the 1996 legislative session. Consensus was reached that Beaty, Olsen, and Stein will attend the MSP Mitigation Committee public hearing of August 29, 1996 and requested Batchelder to prepare statements which can be presented. Batchelder was also asked to send out a notice of the public hearing and invite residents of the petition to contact him to obtain suggestions on their presentation to assure they are well prepared. Also, the public hearing date will be announced at the August 20, 1996, Council meeting. Beaty requested the Commissioners attend the August 20, 1996, Council meeting so they can be introduced and add comments. Ems � MOW$ Batchelder advised this is the last opportunity for the Commission to review the Airport Noise Plan of Action and prioritized list of Topics of Interest prior to City Council consideration on August 20, 1996. Beaty advised he will meet with Batchelder next Tuesday morning to prepare a presentation for the Council. Batchelder noted revisions made since the last meeting which includes adding dates, removing redlining, and the intent to leave in items defined as "completed" which will indicate activities of the Airport Relations Commission over the past several years. Stein requested adding an issue to address areas seriously impacted by continuous aircraft noise. Batchelder commented on previous discussions regarding the Part 150 Program and potential acquisition. With regard to the Furlong neighborhood, Batchelder noted that at one time, sewers f ) 3 in that location were failing but then utilities were installed and now homeowners have the opportunity for noise insulation so it is now considered a viable neighborhood. Batchelder explained that due to the public investment in the Furlong neighborhood, he is not sure it would qualify or that the City would approve acquisition. It was determined to add to Page 12, as 96, "City would examine the feasibility of Part 150 purchase or buy-out of severely impacted areas". The "ISSUE" identified on this page will also be revised to indicate "Assure Eligibility of Part 150 Benefits in Areas Affected by Air Noise Exposure". Beaty asked if the Furlong neighborhood would be assisted if aircraft remained on the south side of the watertower. Stein concurred this would help. Beaty commented on the positive impact that would result if aircraft was required to remain on the southside of the watertower. Batchelder explained that as part of the Program, the resident is required to sign a navigation easement for aircraft to fly over their house. Beaty invited all to attend the Tuesday, August 20, 1996 meeting with Batchelder to prepare the Council presentation. Olsen indicated he will attend the Council meeting. Beaty stated he believes that the general population is not aware of the issues dealt with by the Airport Relations Commission. Batchelder suggested this be covered during the presentation introduction. Beaty asked that an announcement be published in the newspaper the next time such a presentation is being made to the Council. Batchelder stated he will contact the Sun Current and Southwest Review newspapers tomorrow morning to see if a news release can be . published prior to the August 20, 1996, Council meeting. Batchelder reviewed the history of the Survey of Community Preferences for Air Noise Mitigation, which grew out of the 4/22 Runway Mediation Group's efforts. He reviewed the graphs on Mendota Heights respondents' on duration of residence, description of neighborhood, degree of neighborhood noisiness, major source of neighborhood noise, etc. It was noted that if it were not for aircraft/airport noise, Mendota Heights' neighborhood noise level would be quite low, compared to all other airport communities. Gross was excused from the meeting at 8 p.m. Batchelder continued a review of the Survey, in particular that annoyance made by departures is much higher than arrivals. Also reviewed was the study design and time of day when aircraft noise is most objectionable. Batchelder noted Mendota Heights' residents responded that evening noise event s�were most annoying. t Batchelder noted that Mendota Heights' residents do not believe acoustic insulation will help that much or that reducing property taxes would reduce their annoyance with aircraft noise since the 4 reduction would be minimal. A high number of residents believe time periods free of aircraft noise would reduce their annoyance, as would fewer airplanes. He noted that Mendota Heights residents responded favorably to free airline tickets to compensate for noise. It was noted the recap ofll questions indicates free time periods and fewer airplanes rank highest as mitigation measures for Mendota Heights residents. Beaty commented on the impact of cognitive rationalization on homeowner's response to questions such as this and how it can differ once they understand there is an option, such as operational changes, which would reduce the level of aircraft noise. The Commission then reviewed the information which identified the interview area within Mendota Heights Consensus was reached to forward comments to the City Council that the Survey indicates residents want more free time periods and fewer planes. DISCUSS RESIDENT'S PETITION ON PART 150 SOUND INSULATION Batchelder advised a petition has been received from 24 households in the Rogers Lake neighborhood asking why their homes are not eligible for the MAC Part 150 Residential Sound Insulation Program. He stated a letter of response has been sent to them acknowledging receipt of the petition and informing them of boundaries of eligibility for this program. This petition was also forwarded to Steve Vecchi, Program Director at the Metropolitan Airports Commission for the Part 150 Noise Program. It was noted that it had been previously determined to ask Batchelder to send these residents another letter to inform them of the August 29 public hearing and to offer assistance in formulating their response at the public hearing, should they decide to attend. Batchelder stated he will send a letter to Annette Davis of the FAA reminding of Mendota Heights' interest and to request a decision in the City's favor. He noted that the Commission also discussed copying this letter to Representative Bruce Vento, Senator Paul' Wellston, and Senator Rod Grams. Batchelder noted the household and population data being used for the Noise Abatement Departure Profiles study was faulty so he arranged for MAC to contact Dakota County to obtain parcel specific information for each lot in Mendota Heights and Dakota County through GIS. It was noted that this particular issue has not been on MASAC's agenda since this request was made. In response to Beaty, Batchelder explained that since MASAC is still trying to get more accurate numbers than the 1990 data, they may not be ready to discuss it again. Perhaps, it is "on hold" until the consultant puts accurate data into the equation. 5 SUN CURRENT ARTICLE Batchelder reviewed an article recently published in the Mendota Heights Sun Current indicating the discussion between the mayors bogged down on the issue of noise redistribution. It was noted that the City of Richfield has indicated they will have a position statement by the end of the month about whether they intend to litigate over the new proposed North-South Runway. Beaty suggested the City of Mendota Heights address the concern that during runway construction, more flights will be directed over Mendota Heights. Batchelder advised that Mayor Mertensotto requested a time and construction schedule for the north -south runway, as well as, for the reconstruction process for 11R. Batchelder reviewed the MAC letter inviting Mayors Sayles Belton and Mertensotto to negotiate an agreement to comply with recently adopted legislation which requires affected city approval prior to the construction of a third parallel runway. Beaty suggested there is no need for Airport Relations Commissioners to be present since Mayor Mertensotto is involved and doing a good job representing the concerns of Mendota Heights. Sa. The Commission acknowledged receipt of the MASAC agenda for July 23, 1996, and June 25, 1996, Minutes. 5b. The Commission acknowledged receipt of the MASAC Technical Advisor's Report for June 1996. Olsen reported on his attempts to telephone them several times and that on several occasions, there has been no answer. Also, he has requested a response but received none. The Commissioners reviewed the Technical Advisor's Report and charts identifying the loudest aircraft noise events. They questioned whether this data contains some inaccuracies. Beaty questioned the various types of planes which are being identified. 5c. The Commission acknowledged receipt of the MASAC Complaint Summary for June 1996. It was noted the monthly complaints for May and June are increasing. Beaty pointed out that with backsliding, a decease should be apparent.. Stein stated United is using a lot of 737's with the old engines. Beaty added that Continental is doing the same. it 5d. The bommission acknowledged receipt of the MASAC Corridor Gate Penetration Analysis for June 1996. G 5e. The Commission acknowledged receipt of the Part 150 Buyout Update - Issue 31. 5f. TI e Commission acknowledged receipt of the SMAAC Newsletter for August 1996. Beaty stated he reviewed an article indicating a lot of Northwest's new planes are now operating from Detroit. The proposed expansion to the Detroit airport was also discussed. 5g. The Commission acknowledged receipt of the Northern Dakota County Airport Relations Coalition Minutes of July 16, 1996. Beaty inquired regarding meetings held and asked what will be discussed at the meeting scheduled for this Tuesday. Batchelder stated he has not yet received the agenda for that meeting but expects MSP mitigation will be the main topic and each community will report whether or not their Council approved the letter to Dakota County. 5h. The Commission acknowledged receipt of the MAC Part 150 Policy Advisory Committee Agenda for August 9, 1996 and Minutes of May 7, 1996. 5i. The Commission acknowledged receipt of the Backsliding Letter of July 22, 1996 to Jennifer Sayre of Northwest Airlines. Batchelder advised Jennifer Sayre is in the process of providing a response. Beaty questioned whether the increases use of Stage II airplanes is causing an impact. Batchelder noted that part of the Northwest Airlines backsliding agreement is that they will not use a higher percentage of Stage II planes than is present in their fleet mix. However, the fleet mix is actually comprised of a mixture of short haul (Stage II) and long haul (Stage III) airplanes and Northwest may be doing more short hauls into Nlmneapolis. Fitzer agreed this may be the case. 5j. The Commission acknowledged receipt of the StarTribune Article on Extension of Runway 4-22. 5k. The Commission acknowledged receipt of the Eagan ARC Agenda for August 13, 1996. Airport Noise Report Stein asked if the Commission will continue to be provided with the Airport Noise Report. Batchelder explained that a copy was provided last month by Jill Smith, MASAC Representative, but Mendota Heights is not a current subscriber. Based on Stein's indication, Batchelder stated he will subscribe io this publication. 7 Beaty asked the Commission if they would like the Mayor to attend the next meeting to provide an update on the Mitigation Committee. The Commissioners answered affirmatively. Batchelder stated he will contact the Mayor to determine if he is available. A brief discussion occurred regarding the future of Stage N aircraft. Beaty suggested Batchelder try to locate someone who can inform the Commission regarding types of future aircraft. There were no other comments or concerns. � II. NN I I Ii There being no further comments, the Airport Relations Commission moved to adjourn its meeting at 9:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Carla M. Wirth Recording Secretary TimeSaver Off Site Secretarial 8