10-09-1996 ARC Packet� . . � ,. � � � � :
� r•
Ociober 9, 1996 - 7 p.m. - Large Conference Room
1. Call fio Order - 7 p.m.
2. Roil Cali
3. Approval of September 25,1996 Nleeting Minutes.
4. Unfinished and IVevu Business:
a. Discuss IVISP Mitigation Committee - Draft Recommendations
b. Discuss Contract on Third Parallel Runways
c. Discuss Non Simultaneous Departure Procedures
5. Updates
a. Metropolitan Council's Revisions to Aviation Guide Plan
and Noise Zones
b. Mayor's and Administrator's Breakfast - Jeff Hamiel, Guest Speaker
�,.. . ✓�'� /l..�s �,,�:
6. �lcknowledge Receipt of Various Reports/Corresnondence•
a. IVIASAC Agenda for September 25 and August 27, 1996 Minutes
b. IVIASAC Technical Advisor's Report for August 1996
c. MASAC Complaint Summary for August (not available)
d. Part 150 Buyout Update - Issue 33
e. Notes from Jeff Hamiels Presentation to MASAC
f. Eagan Airpart Relations Commission Agenda for October 8, 1996
7. Other Comments or Concerns.
8. Adjourn.
Auxiliary aids for disabled persons are available upon request at least 120 hours in advance. If a notice
of less than 120 hours is received, the City of Mendota Heights will make every attempt to provide the
aids, however, this may not be possible on short notice. Please contact City Administration at 452-
1850 with requests
SEPTEtVIBER 25, 1996
The regular meeting of the Mendota Heights Airport Relations Commission was
held on Wednesday, September 25, 1996 in the City Hali Large Conference Room,
1101 Victoria Curve. The meeting was called to order at 7:10 o'clock p.m. The
following members were present: Beaty, Fitzer, Leuman, Olsen and Stein.
Commissioner Gross was excused. Commissioner Surrisi was absent. Aiso
present were City Administrator Kevin Batchelder and Senior Secretary Kim
Blaeser. As a special guest speaker, Mayor Charles E. Mertensotto was present.
Commissioner Olsen moved approval of the August 14, 1996 minutes.
Cammissioner Fitzer seconded the motion. ��
City Administrator Batchelder reviewed an August 9, 1996 letter sent by the
City to residents explaining the FAA Part 150 Sound Insulation Program.
Batchelder explained that there were several City residents present at a
recent MSP Mitigation public meeting who expressed their displeasure in not
being included within the sound insulation program. He noted that several
residents appeared resentFul that St. Thomas Academy and Visitation
Convent schools had been sound insulated and not their homes.
Batchelder stated that he is a little surprised that there are no residents
present at tonight's meeting to discuss this issue. He informed the
Commission that numerous calls have been received at the City Hall and
that some calls have been referred to the MAC. He stated that he intends
to include an article in the Heights Highlites explaining this program in
further detail.
Commissioner Olsen stated that the City should continue informing its
residents that we are doing what we can and that we advocate adding more
homes fio the program. Batchelder stated that the Mayor's Committee is in
the process of generating ideas to increase the funding process.
City Administrator Batchelder informed the Commission that the City Council
was very receptive and acknowledged the hard work the Commission put
forth in updating the Air Noise Plan of Action. He noted that
Councilmember Smith suggested that the Commission start making contacts
about MAC/MASAC representation. Chair Beaty stated that he believes
residents are beginning to understand the airport noise issue. The
Commission discussed educating the community further by including
specific information on issues directly impacting Mendota Heights, such as,
Part 150 Sound Insulation. Batchelder informed the Commission that he
welcomes additional newsletters ideas from them. Commissianer Fitzer
suggested that the Noise Hotline Number be included in the newsletter.
Mayor Mertensotto arrived at 7:25 p.m.
Chair Beaty' inquired about the status of implementing the non simultaneous
departure procedures. Administrator Batchelder informed the Commission
that he has placed several phone calls to the FAA Great Lakes
Environmental Department and that no one has returned his phone calls. He
informed the Commission that he will send another letter and that this time
he will carbon copy federal legislators.
Administrator Batchelder informed the Commission that Mayor Mertensotto
is present to update the Commission on the progress of the MSP
l �
Committee. He explained that on September 11, 1996, the MSP Mitigation
Committee held a four hour meeting to begin to bring recommendations on a
mitigation plan to conclusion.
Mayor Mertensotto informed the Commission that he has spoken with Nigel
Finney regarding the air noise contours. He discussed how the air noise
contours are formulated. Mertensotto stated that he informed Mr. Finney
that the Curley Addition receives a 90 decibels of air noise and is not a part
of the Ldn contour.
The Mayor stated that Mr. Finney is willing to work with the City to get
equitable noise distribution. He stated that Mr. Finney stated that another
runway needs to be constructed to achieve this goal. The Mayor stated
that while this sounds like a positive step forward for Mendota Heights, he
stated that it takes approximately four years to construct a new runway and
possibly longer if lawsuits are involved. The Mayor stated that he feels that
Mendota Heights can have immediate relief from air noise by pushing the
use of Runway 4-22. He stated that the construction of the north/south
runway needs to proceed immediately.
A discussion ensued regarding the City's of Eagan and Richfield concerns
for increased air noise with the construction of a north/south runway.
�` � Mayor Mertensotto informed the Commission of a recent meeting between
Mendota Heights and the Mayor of Minneapolis. He stated that the Mayor
of Minneapolis agrees with Mendota Heights' stand on equitable air noise
distribution and that the construction of a new north/south runway would
benefit both cities. He informed the Commission that the Mayor of
Minneapolis has suggested that the construction of fihe Runway 4-22
taxiway be reconsidered. He stated that the City of Eagan supports this
concept. Mayor Mertensotto stated that he believes that eventually
Northwest Airlines will support the construction of a new terminal. He
further stated that the City of Richfield suppor�s this concept.
The Commission discussed MAC's suppart in constructing the north/south
runway. He briefly discussed the process of approving the construcfiion
through the legislature.
The Mayor discussed the Draft Third Parallel Runways contract and stated
that the Cities of Minneapolis and Mendota Heig"hts will meet again to
discuss this further. The Commission discussed placing specific terms
within the contract such as breach of contract and renewal terms.
� 3
( 1
The Commission discussed the anticipated amount of runway use operations
by the year 2005. Mayor Mertensotto stated that the Mayor's committee is
. currently discussing recommendations on future configurations and runway
use at the airport.
Mayor IVlertensotto stated that an optimistic schedule in completing the
north/south runway is by the year 2002. He stated that the legislature
needs to act immediately.
The Commission discussed how the completion of Runway 4-22 extension
has given some relief to Mendota Heights. The Commission discussed
stacking capability and how a taxiway needs to be constructed which would
allow the runway to run more efficiently.
Mayor Mertensotto discussed the MSP Mitigation Committee and their
discussions on expanding the area of eligibility �for air noise mitigation
programs. The Commission discussed how changes in the noise policy
contours will affect the City's Noise Attenuation Ordinance and the fact that
the Ordinance wi11 have be revised to be consistent with any new noise
policy contours.
The Commission reviewed possible new boundaries and how the changes
will affect properties in the process of being .considered for development.
Administrator Batchelder stated that the City's Planning Commission may
need to �become involved in this process. He explained that the City needs
to update its comprehensive plan and that the air noise contours may need
to be included within this process.
Mayor Mertensotto was excused at 9:21 p.m.
The Commission acknowledged receipt of a West St. Paul/Mendota Heights
Sun Current news article regarding mayors of cities surrounding Mpls/St.
Paul International Airport September 11 meeting discussions on how to
redistribute aircraft noise equitably.
The Commission acknowledged receipt of the MASAC Complaint Summary
for July 1996.
�. �
Chair Beaty. stated that the Commission should send a thank you letter to
Mayor Mertensotto.
: � �171:��1►�il�►���1
There being no further business, the Airports Relations Commission moved
to adjoutn its meeting at 9:35 p.m.
RespectFully submitted,
Kimberlee K. Blaeser
Senior Secretary
__ 5
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October 4, 1996
To: Airport Relations Commission
From: Kevin Batchelder, City Admini�strator
Subject: Unfinished and New Business Items
The following items are on your agenda for discussion:
1. MS�" Mitigation Committee - Draft Recomanendations
Atta.ched are the draft recomrmenda.tions prepared .by MAC staff following the
MSP Mitigation Committee's September 11, 1996 meeting. The MSP Mitigation
Committee will have met on Monday morning, October 7, 1996 prior to our meeting
and a report on the progress made at that meeting will be prepared for Wednesday
The Mayor's are getting close on their final recommendations and some of the
issues are important to Mendota. Heights including sound insulation, airport
configuration and runway use.
2. Contract Discussions on the T'hird Parallel Runwav
The contract team has now met with MAC attorneys and with representatives of
the City of Mi.nneapolis to discuss this contract. Plea.se see attached draft contract and
state statute. This clraft will be rewritten to include our concerns. Specifically, we
desire the term of the contxact to go to the year 2020 �with three automatic 10 year
extensions, that the consideration we gi�e on the contract be our agreement not to sue
to stop the North-South Runway construction, and that the contract be one contract
with both Minneapolis and Mendota Fieights.
3. Non Simultaneous Deuarture Procedures
Please see attached letter to Annette Davis, FAA, requesting action on the
unplementation of the MAC Proposal #l.
` " OCT-09-1996 09�14 METRp. AIRPORT COMM.
Past•i� Fa�c Note 7671
612 726 5296 P.01i06
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612 726 5296 P.02i06
The ilJlitigation Committee recommends to the il�etropolitan Airports Commission:
1. that the residential sound insulation program for the area encompassed
by the 'i996 ONL f5 contour be compieted on the currently approved
schedute; � �
that the program be expanded after campletion of the current program
to incorporate the area encompassed by the 2005 60 DNL;
that the 2Q05 6� DNL contour be 6ased an the most accurate projection
of traffic levels and use of appropriate ANOMS data;
4. that MbC and affected cammunities seek approva! from FAA to develop
neighbarhood and "natura! boundaries" that reflect current conditions at
the outer edge of the expanded contour to the maximum extent possibie;
5. the prioritization of the expanded program should be to initiate single-
family homes upon compietion of the curre�tly approved schedule, and
begin work gn the foliowing newly eligibie dweliingstbuildings, beginning
with the highest noise exposure levels, in accordance with a schedule
agreed upon with each affected city -- multitamily dwellings, nursing
homes, churches with regular weekday dayca�elnursery schaol types of
operations; ,�
6. that the program be funded by a combination of PFC revenues, airline
fees, internalty generated funds, and federal aid, gnrith estimated total and
annual costs as summarized below; to ihe extent that MAC cannot fund
this expanded program in a reasonable period of time, support from the
State of Minnesota should be sought. In no case should unreimburseci
financial impacts fall on affected residents or their local governments.
7. that the Metropolitan
community based �oise
beyond its current level
Airports Commission commit to funding its
abatement program on an accelerated basis
o# �25.5 million annually;
OCT-09-1996 09�15 METRO. AIRPORT COMM.
612 726 5296 P.�3i�6
S. that the Commission evaluate the airport noise envitonment 18 months �
prior to the estimated completion of the expar�ded program. If conditions
warrant, a modified sound insulation package shouid be offered to eligibie
dweltingslbuildings within the 54 DN� contour which achieves at least
a 3-5 db interior noise level reduction;.
9. thai IVEAC develop noise impact models which reflect the impact of
g�ound level naise on residentia! properties. Mitigation for low frequency
noise should be developed after consultation with independent noise
mitigation. experts. �
i j
� �. �. �� ` '�• / ►' ►�
The Mitig�atiort Comrnittee recornmends to the Metropolitan Airports Commission that
it participate with affected communities in prepaNng a package of community
stabllization measur�s to be submitted to the Minnesota Legisiature. Community
stabiliza�io� r��asures considered should include, but not be limited to, the measures
described in the ivtetropotitan Counc�l-M�C Community Protection Report. The
measu�es include purchase .and property value guarantees and housing replacement
to complement the tax credit and revita(ization area legislation adopred in 1996.
A Working Group should be co�vened including representatives from MAC, Met
Council, Northwest Airlines, affected communities a�d iegislative staff. The 1Norking
Group should identifya ptogram design, funding options, administrative responsibitities
and eiigibility area. The finallegislative recommendation should be presented to MAC
and other interested parties for endorsement and inclusion in 1997 legislative
C- ,.
OCT-09-1996 09�15 METRO. AIRPORT COMM. 612 ?26 5296 P.05i06
� .
The Mitigation Committee recommends to the Metropolitan Airports Commission that
the foilowing be incorporated and evaluated in a Part i 50 update:
1. 7ake action, as required by the 1996 Legislature, to prohibit use of Stage
2 aircraft after December 3i, 1999.., :
2. Modifiy the night hours to 10:30 p.m. - 6:00 a.m. and limit activity
during these hours to Stage 3 aircraft. .
3. Develop a departure prvicedure for Runway 22 to direct aircraft over
areas ot commerciai development and the Minnesota River Valley.
4. Seek cooperation from FAA to implement departure procedures as
appropriate �t each tunway end,
5. Evaluate departure procedures in the Eagan-N9endota Heights corrido�. ,
6. Work within the aviation industry to encourage_further reductions in
aircraft noise levels.
7. Negotiate the Stage 2 prohibition, no;se abatement procedures, and
! j expansion of night hours .as provisions of airline lease renewals,
incorporating appropriate penalties for non-compliance:
8. The N1AC noise monitoring system �� monitors should �be increased in
number to provide more coverage of actual impacts in the airport vicinity, �
!n particular, areas affected by the north-south runway and paralle!
runways shouid have additionaf microphone locations to monitor
continued and growing volumes of air traffic as the airport expands. Ti�is
system should be used to corraborate the accuracy of the modeHed �
contours for noise program eligibility.
� j
; i
' OCT-09-1996 09�16 METRO. AIRPORT COMM. 612 726 5296 P.06i06
The Mitigation Committee recomrnends to the MAC the following:
1. Completiort of the e�vironmenta! pracess and construction of the North-
South Runway shauld be expedited and completed as soon as possible.
Progress should measured against this schedule:. ,
a. commence constructian -- 1998;
b. complete canstruction, open runway -- 2003
2. In the interim, Runway 4122 should be us�d for naise mitigation
purposes. This requires the following: ., �
a. construction, of an associated taxiway;
b. sound insulation at the end of Runway 4/22 on(y for those
dwellings eligible for the expanded insulation program whic� are
in the 2005 60 DNL . _
c. Insulation of these homes should be integrated into compietion of '
the cur�ently approved insulation program, starting as soon as the
interim use of Runway 4/22 starts. The sound insulatfon
commitment associated with inte�im use of Runway 4/2� should
be reevaluated if construction cannot be commenced by 1998 and
the runway cannot be opened by 2003.
■ • - ..
�_____ ___
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� 1 1 I • ,� ;
1 �! 1:
October 4, 1996
To: 1l�ayor, City Couacil and Airport Itelations Commission
From: Kevin Batchelder, City Administrator
Subject: Draft Recommendations - MSP Noise Mitigation Committee
Enclosed please find a copy of Draft Recommendations - MSP Noise Mitiga.tion
Committee from Steve Cramer, Chair.
Ma.yor Mertensotto has asked me to forward these draft recommenda.tions to City
Council members and the Auport Rela.tions Commission members today for comments and ,
suggestions. The next MSP Mitigation Committee meeting will be on Monda.y morning, at 8
a. m. on October '7, 1996. Ma.yor Mertensotto will be available on Sunday evening, at his
home telephone number - 4543394. I may be reached at home at 454-7084.
' ) Please review for comments. The meeting is open to the public and is scheduled for
, _,,
the MASAC Room at MAC offices located at 6040 - 28th Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN
should you be interested in attending. Any comments or suggestions would be appreciated.
This item will also be discussed Wednesda.y evening, October 9, 1996 at the regulazly
scheduled Airport Relations Commission meeting.
Oct-04-96 09=.36 Rowland & Mertensotto 612 2Z2-4755 � P_Ol
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�r.- ? � Minneapolis-Saint PauI International A'
� 6090 - 28th Avanue South • Minrie��rolis. MN 55150•2�g �
"� o Phoue (G22) 726-8i0� • Faz (6z2) �2f-SY4&
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ivlembers of the MSP Noise Mitigation Committee
Sieve Cramef, C�air
OctobCr 3, 1996
Atiached you wil! fir� draft recammen�atrons based on the ianguage handed out at
our iast meeting by M�yorg Say�os-8elton and Mertensotto, and our discussion of
tho�e proposals, i h8ve wOrked with Nig�i Ori thi5 t811gueg�, Tt�e draft reRresents sn
effort to reflect vvhat i believe to be the prevattin� sent�rnent on these matters,
afthough f suspect on each recommendation on� or more of our members may have
Questtons or be tess tha� 700% comfortabie.
The ides from the start of our effort has been to pt,,t togeti�er ��, aggressive,
compnehens;ve, bata�ced and fair set o� praposa�s that can both effecriveiy �ddress /
+nOfge around MSP a�d win approva! and fundinq from MAC and others as nec�s5ary�.
1 th�nk we are ciose to reaching this objective. `:
Ngy ho��a for Monday's meeting is that we can settle o� IanguagQ, record �veryone's
pos6tton on eaeh reeommenda�eion, end have � drsft set of proposats for informai
review 6y MqC•s Ptan�ing and Environment and iVtar�sgoment end Operstions
Committees on 7-v@5d�y and Wednesday of next week. i think we shoutd plan to
meet o�e last time later in October �co review the fuf! repoR of our Committee, consider
rnoctifications {if any) to our fit�et recommsnd�t;ons based on reaction of
Commissioners at the P&E and M&0 meetings, 8fld prepare far t�e preserltBtiOn to the
fu1' MAC on October 28, My hope is that some of you can atso bg Dresent ar that
meeting to assist +n r�eport;ng our work.
t� 1�m reeliy ambitious and can frnd home�phone numbers� t may m,ske sorne catts this
weeke�d =o see how mambers are reacting to this draft �anguage. Piease feet tres to
catt me et 825-6652 with arty comments or sugge$tiorts. For sure vye w;tt see on�
another or� Mandayl Thanks 'for a8 of your work on this assigRr�en�,
77ae b%uopolltba Aispoas G��a a+w aASrmett�: auiea .mplover. `�. ^
lislie�+er A:rpa+ts� 1Tx2,�;E. aNUKA CdtiNz'Y�BL�iM,. GRYSTA4 o FLYING CLOUD • fA10E EtMQ. �+�'i PAV
L boiV1Y'!1(j�
Oct-04-96 09s36 Rowland & Mertensotto 61Z ZZZ-4755 P_02
u��-v�-i�� nu.�u
P. 01 �'� ;
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TO: Mayor Sh�ron Saytes Belton, Minne�polis (673 230►5) �
Mlayor Ch��ies Mertensotto, Mendata Heigh�s (222-4766)
Mayor Tom Egan, Eagan (661-4612)
Mayor Co«t Houle, Btoomington (9d8-8754)
Msyor AABrti� fG�rssCh. Richfietd (88i-3155)
��yor �oe AtWns, Invet Grove Heig�his (d50-2502)
Mayor Elizabeth Kautz, gumsvitie (895-4404�
Chc�ck AtmStPong. S� Paul (266�8513)
Mary Ntlf Smifh, Met Councii {475_1048)
Carot Kummer, Met Counci! {296-9709}
Je�nifer Sayre, No�thwest Airiines (726-7947)
Steve Cramer, Metropotifan Airports Commisston (874-6444)
R�chsrd Long, Metrvpolitan Airports Commiss�on (f,98-9116j
John Himle. Motrcpolifan Airparts Commtssion (83i-5116)
Tommy Mericket� Metropolit�n Airports Commission {fi33-� 862}
I.auis Miiler, �Wetropofrtan Airpor�s Comrnisston (641-'f248)
Joe Gasper� t�letropotitan airports Commisston (�7'8-7691)
FRGM: Nige! D. F;nney, Oepuiy E�cecuhve Oireccar - Planning � Environment
M�tropo�itan Airports Commission
6040 28tfi Avenue South
MinneBpolis, MN 554$0
612-726-8�87 (Phone}
612-72H-528g (Fax)
:- •..._ ..-.
Number of p�g�$ induding cover _,�� ��
Oct-04-96 09s37 Rowland & Mertensotto
�.n.rt 'VJ'la?O !',J�{. faa . .
612 �22-4�.55 P_03
P. 0,:5:'8'?
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'the Mitigation Committee recommends to the Metropolitan �4irport� Commis�ion:
'• that the residential sound insut�tion pro�rar» fo, the area encvmpsased
by the 1896 DNL 65 contour be compteted on the current�Y �pproved
2• tha�t the peogram be expanded efter �omp1etiprt of the current prOgram
to incorpoP��e the area encompassed by the ZA05 60 Oh1L;
3• thnt the 2QQ5 60 DNL COntour be based On the mast reatisifc projectior�
of traffic tevels and use of appropr�ate ANOMS data;
�• 4hat MA� seek approval from F1�1A to develop neighbo�hood and "n�tufa(
boundarie,s' at the outer edge of the expanded contour to the me�cimum
extent possible;
`� the Prioritization of the e�tpa�ded program sttioutd 6e Yo initiate singi$.
femity homes, upan•campt�ttion of the cut�re�tty approved schedule, end
be$in vvork on the foltowing newty eligibte dweiltngs/bui(dings. beginning
with th� hi�hegj nolse exposur� levets, in accordance with a schedutQ
agreed upon with each 8ff�c�ted city -- muiiifamily dwellinBs. nursing
homes, Church+es wi�h reguler vveekday daycare/nursery school types of
6• that the program be funded by s c.ombir�stion of PF� revenues� �itline
fe�'�•'�t�«+e��Y generated funds, and tederal aid, wi=h estimated tota! anc9
annua! costs as summarized betaw;
7• that the Commissip� eY��u�� Yhe eirpor� Rotse environment 7$ rncnths
prior�o the esYimated corr�p�atfQn of the exp$�ded program, tf Conditions
ws��t. $ mod�tied sound ir�suiagion packeQe should be offered to eligibte
dwellings/butldinfls within the DNL contpur which achieves at
�easL a`�db intertor nase level reduction.
Oct-04-96 09:3? Rowland & Mertensotto
Ut, i -4�.S-ly'9b �id � "
Corrtptetfon of currentiy
app�ov�d program
Expandgd ptogram
t2e0Y- __Z
- ��ngis #�tmily
- multifamity
- nursing �tomgs
- cnurcheshe�u�ar datly
Esttm�tea Togaa Cost
612 22Z-4755 P.04
P. i3.1.•�7
EStit�lated AttnuBi Co,t
• : � -
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. � , .
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Oct-04-9'� 09:37 Rowland & Mertensotto
�J�.t't7J-1770 CJv-" � .
612 22Z-4755 P.05
P. G35.-Q?
Ti� IVt�t��st6on Committee �ecommends to the MBttopAtit�rt Airppns �ommissi0n that
�= Perticipate wiYh affeCted communities In preparin a
stabilization measures to be submitted to the Minnesota .Leg statur�. f Commun.icy
stabdiiaation measures cons;dered should �nctude
guer8ntees to complerrtien= rhe tax credit and revitalizat on ea�� � g s� p on ad pted in
A�ork�ng Graup sho�ld be co�vened inclu0ing reprasentatives from MAC, Met
Counail, affe,cted communittes end legisl�tive staff. The Working Group shautd
identify � program deSign, funding options, administrative respAnsibilitles a�d� etigibiiity
srea. Th� tinai legisl8tive recommentlation shoutd be presented to MAC and other
interested parties for endors�ment and inciusion in 1997 legislative programs.
Oct-Q4-96 09:37 Rowland & Mertensotto
u�.r-t�.s-1�7b t�a�»
11l. AtRPORT 4PERATl01tfS
61c 222-4755�_. R _ 06
The Mitigation Commlttee recommends to the RABt«palitan AirpOP'ts Commissian th�t
the fotlowing b� 6n�er�aorated ar�d evatuated i� a Pa� t 30 update:
1. Take action, as required by tha 7 996 Legislature, to proi�ibii use of Stage
2 airc�eft after Oecember 3'f , 7 999. �
2• Modify the night hourg tc 't0:3{? p,m. - fx:00 a.m. and limit activity
duritlg 4heSe hOurs Yo StBg@ 3 HIfCr�ft.
3. tmp�emeni departure procedures as approp�iate at each runway e�d.
Evatvate depanure procedures in the Eagan-Mendot� Neigi,ts co�ridor.
Wprk within the aviation industry to encour$ge �urthet reductions in
aireraft noise Ievels.
6• Negotiate the Stage 2 prphibitton and expansfon of night hours as
p�ovisio�s of airline tease �enewais, incorp�o��ting approp�iate penatties
for rton•comptlance.
Oct-04-96 09:38 ,_RaW��nd & Mertensotto
� w� v.� a ��o cr+• JJ
rv. AuruwaY vsE
612 Z22-4755 p_O7
Y. {?(.�(,?'/
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Tha Mi�cigst�pn Committee recommends to the MAC the following:
1� Completion of the environmenta! proCess and construction of the North-
South Ru�way should be expedited and compteted as soon as possiele.
pfo9ress should measured a�a�nst this schedute:
a. commence construction -- i 9,.,_;
�• �mP�ete construciion, open �unway -- 19„_,
in the inierir», Runway 4/22 should be used for noise mitigairon
purposes. This tequires the following: .
a. c�n�tr�tction af en sssoci�ted tsxiway;
b. sound insutation at the end of Run�nr��r 4l22 only for thos8
dwellings wt�ich a�e �n the 2045 60 ON� .
c. t�sulation of these homes shoutd be integrated into compietion of
the currently approved insutation peogram, st�rting as soon as the
interim use af Runway 4/22 stans. The sound insufation
commitment associated with tnterim us� of Runway 4/22 should
be expanded if the projected cempte#ion schedule of tho Nonn-
South Runway cannot be met.
I. Recltals.
1. The Minnesota Legislature, at its 1996 session, has
enacted Law of Minnesota, Chapter , Art. 3, Sec.10, which
amends Minnesota Statutes 1994, Sec. 473.608 (hereinafter
referred to as "the Runway Statute") to require the
Metropolitan Airports Commission (hereinafter "the Commission"
or "MAC") to enter into certain contracts with 10affected
2. The Commission has determined that [Minneapolis] [Mendota
` �
Heights] (hereinafter referred to as "the City") is an
_ affected city within the�meaning of the Runway Statute.
3. The Commission and the City have met and negotiated in
good faith concerning the terms and conditions of the contract
required by the Runway Statute, and have arrived at an
agreement (hereinafter "the Agreement") which both parties
desire to set forth in writing.
II. Definitions.
1. The term "third parallel runway�� shall mean [definition] .
2. The term "construct" shall mean physical construction,
and shall not refer to any part of the planning process
preliminary to physical construction. (�
3. The term "approval" shall mean a legally binding assent
occurring through action by which the city legally binds
4. The term "affected property owner" means any person
owning property within that part of the City which led to the
City being an "affected city" under the Runway Statutee
III. Termsa
1. The Commission promises that it shall not, without the
approval of the City, construct a third parallel runway.
2. The City, in consideration for the Commission's promise,
3. The term of the Agreement shall be:
4. It is intended by the Commission and the City that
affected property owners shall have third party beneficiary
rights only in the event that a state law changes, supersedes,
or invalidates the Agreement, or if a state law authorizes or
enables the Commission to construct a third parallel runway
without approval by the City.
4. This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding
between the parties and shall not be subject to any
alteration, supplement or repeal except as agreed to in
[siqnature blocks]
f �0?i25i96
13:29 EXECTIVE � 612 452 894�
N0.844 D03
�ec. l�. �Minuesota Statvies 199�. secfaon 4?3.508, is �nded bY adding a subciiviso� tR
read: . .
�ubd. 29. CONSZRUCTI�N OF � THIRD P'1�2A�� BZ�►'AY. {a) The cvrp�ora-
tion must enter inta a contcaet with each affeeted ' vides �e co rai�oa mav noL
construct a ttiird arallel flutwav at the M�n lis-Si. mt�rr�aLifluai ' rt without the
- — • -- --�. �..... ;..,�., e .�.,ni�r��tc },v 3am�2rv 1_ i99i.
-� . • :;-�. r ' .ia� U.r.� :c:.: ' ► i17:. .1 ��.:b:. t��.�.:s�- �
� ,}.J . � :1u_2� He ' ' . ��. rl ' � . ... •' �.7. s ..1.���q� . .
October 1, 1996
Ms. Annette Davis
DOT FAA Great Lakes Region
Chicago Regional Office
2300 E. Devon Avenue
Des Plaines, IL 6001 S
Dear Ms. Davis:
� ' � • •
This letter is ta. inquire about the progress regarding the Metropolitan Airports Commission's
(MAC) Corridor Refinement Finposal #1 for Non-Simultaneous Departure Conditions at the
M5P International Airport. This proposal was presented by MAC in January of 1996 for
review by your office. In 7une of 1996, in a telephone conversation with myself, you stated
that your office would have finished its work on this proposal within two months.
The 1Vletropolitan Airports Commission's (MAC) Corridor Refinement Proposal #1 is as
Whenever g�ossible, under non simultaaieous departure conditions:
* Aircraft depagting Runway 11R will be assigned a heading to maintain an
approximate ground track of 105 degrees (1VIj.
* Aircraft departing Runway i1L will be assigaed a heading to maintain a
ground track along the egtended. runway eenterline, appro�mately 1Y.8
degrces (1V�.
As proposed and approved by the MAC and FAA 1VYSP, Proposal #1 will allow departing
aircraft from Ruaway 11L aad Runway 11R to stay in the center of the Mendota HeightsJ
Eagan Corridor to the greatest extent possible during non-simultaneous, or off-peak, depariure
periods. This refinement will allow the Corridor to function as originally intended.
The Mendota. Heights City Council unaiwnously endorsed the Metropolitan AirPorts
Commission's (MAC) Comdor Refiaement Proposal #1 at its January 2, 1996 meeting arnd
believes that the FAA Great Lakes Region should conclude that a Fiading of No Significant
Impact (FONS� is warranted, based on the analysis aad environmental review by MAC and its
consultant, HNTB, that has beea performed to date. This analysis indicates that any defined
impacts are de minimis and are significantly below the FAA's standards for impacts that would
warrant further environmental review.
1101 Victoria Curve • 1Viendota Heights, 1ViN • 55118 452 � 1850
Ms. Annette Davis
�ctober 1, 1996
Page two _
The City Council conti.nues to urge MAC and the FAA to move forward with proposal #1 for
�mediate implementation now that the necessar�, envimnmen� re�ews have been sa.tisfied.
7'he implementation of Prnposal. ,#1 repres�n� a logica1 culmination to all the efforts by the
various parties involved.
Pr�`,�osal #1 was originally sug,gested by �e �C in 1992 as a solution to an issue considered
by MAC's Blue Ribbon Task Force that explored the issue of operations in the p,agan Mendota.
Heights corridor. The City of Mendota Heights has been patient during many years af study
and review and looks foiwa�nd to the immedia,te implementation of Proposal #1.
The City of Mendota Heights is interested in the Pmgr��s of the Federal Aviati.on
Administrati.on to this date and we are requesting a,n update an whether your offiice has issued
a Finding on this proposal,
Kevin Batchelder
City Administrator
�. Ma.yor and Ciry Council
Congressman Bnzce Vento
Sena.tor Paul Wellstone
Senator Rod Grams
Bruce Wagoner, FAA
Nige1 Finney, MAC
John Foggia, MAC
f j
. �.
General Nieeting
Se�atember �4, 1996
7:30 p.m. to 9:15 p.m.
6040 28th Avenue South
, Minneapolis, Minnesota
1. Cail to Order, Roll Call
2. Approval of Minutes of iVleeting August 27, 1996
3. Introduction of Invited Guests
Receipt of Communications
4. Technical Advisor's Runway System Utiliaation Report and Compiaint
Summary .
5. State of the Metropolitan Airports Commission - Jeffrey Hamiei
6. MSP Capital improvement P�ogram Briefing
7. Report of the MAC Commission Meeting
8. Persons Wishing to Address the Council ,
9. Other Items Not on the Agenda
9. Adjournment
Next Meeting:
October 22, 1996
August 27� 1996
7:30 p.m.
6040 28th Avenue South
Minneapolis� RAinnesota
Cail to Order Roli Call
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Bob Johnson at 7:40 p.m. and the secretary was
asked to call the roll. The foilowing members were in attendance.
Maric Salmen
Bob Johnson
Cha�les Curry
Dick Keinz
Joe Lee
Mike Teegardin
Judith Dodge
Carol McGuire
Tom Hueg
Scott Bunin
Don Priebe
Jamie Verbrugge
Petrona �ee
Vem Wilcox
Lance Staricha
Mayor Mortensotto
Ed Porter •
Dale Hammons
Alton Gasper
Ron Glaub
Ron Crabill
Cindy Greene
T�aci Erickson
John Foggia
. �ois Howard
John Sierbe2
Joyce Sieberz
Fioyd Sandell
Borys Polec
Joshua Davis
S.S. Pride, Mpis
Minneapolis .
St. Paul
St. Paul
St. Paul
Mendota Heights
lnver Grove Heights
John Towey
Dorothy Towey
David Velde
Juanita Betz
Keith Betz
Jeanette Swofford
2. Approvai of Minutes
The minaate� �f the July 23, '! 99� m�eting were appr�ved as presen4ed.
3. Introduction of invited quests
Receipt of Communications
There were no invited guests.
There were no communications.
4. Technical Advisors Runwav Svstem Utilization Reaort and Complaint Summarv
John Foggia, MAC Technical Advisor, presented the Technical Advisor's Report.
Highlights of the. Technical Advisor's Report:
1. July 1996 recorded the highest number of operations ever at MSP. July 23, 1996 was a
record day with 1583 operations.
2. Complaints are up from the previous year. Most were from IVlinneapolis and North Richfield.
Seventy percent were departure complaints. Seventy-two percent of departures were over
North Richfield and Minneapolis. Night time jet departures showed 63% over Eagan/Mendota
Heights and 3?% over Minneapolis.
3. There are a number of reasons for the increase in operations over Minneapolis and
North Richfield. Runway 04-22 was closed all of July and the North parallel nanway had
taxiway closures. The effect was more arrivals and departures from and to the northwest. �,,
This is temporary. September brings the end of the summer operation seasonal push and
the construction season, with a retum to a more fully utilized RUS.
4. Nighttime jet operations are up 10%. A decrease in the fall is expected.
5. FAA controllers will be briefed again this fall on the MSP RUS.
6. Fleet mix was:
51 °� Stage I I �
49°lo Stage I11
5. ChicaQo Aimorts Visit Debriefing and DGPS update - John Foqgia
John Foggia passed out infoRnation and maps regarding Chicago's •aircraft noise contours. July
9th, John Foggia, MAC, and Traci Erickson, MAC, attended an AAAE Great Lakes Meeting in
Chicago. The day before the conference they met with the Chicago O'Hare and Midway Noise
Offices. Some of the significant poi�ts were:
• O'Hare has no staff in their noise o�ce. The o�ce is run by consultants.
• O'Hare is not engaged in a Part 150 Program at this time.
• Midway has 2 staff people in their noise offic.e.
• Midway has a densely packed residential area surrounding the airport. There are 1860
residential dwellings in the 80+ DN� level.
• New townhomes are being built directly off one of the runways at Midway.
• Midway only has funds to insulate homes in the 85 DNL contour.
John Foggia also updated the council on the Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS). He
believes MSP will be certified by December 1996.
Lance Staricha, Eagan, asked about the significant decrease in noise levels reported on the June
1996 RIVIT Noise Events maps. John Foggia explained that there was a problem with the phone
system that dials the RMTs each night. The Noise to Track CoRelation was found to be off by
103 seconds. He said the problem is fixed. A new map depicting the approved modeled 1996
Part 150 Sound insulation 65 DNL countour with monitored aircraft DN� numbers at each RMT
will be issued at the next meeti�g.
Chairman Johnson asked John about the New Noise Management Methodology letters. John
Foggia said about 25 letters have been mailed �ut.
6. Report of the MAC Commission meetina - Julv 1996
Highlights of the MAC Commission meeting:
1. Cindy Greene presented plaques to two MAC employees honoring them for their assistance
in bringing down a completely iced-over plane in February of 1995. It was the #1 flight assist in
(' j � the country for 1995.
2. The next commission meeting will be October 28th, one week past the nonnal.date.
3. The commission was briefed on all construction projects planned for the next 45 years.
MASAC was promised a briefing of these plans at the next meeting.
7. Persons Wishinq to Address the Council
Borvs Polec, Minneapolis, complained about the nighttime flights. He said his family is having
trouble sleeping. He said he wanted no operation's between 11p.m. and 6 a.m. He also said he
believed that the number of Stage II flights had increased, not decreased.
Keith Betz� Edina, asked at what decibel level you could no longer hold a conversation at three
feet apart. John Foggia explained that a noRnal conve�sation is at a 65 decibel level. When the
decibel level of outside noise becomes greater than this, it will begin to interfere with the
conversation. Eighty-five decibels is conside�ed the point where two people can no longer hold
the conversation. Mr. Betz also asked how one could become a membe� of the MASAC council.
Joseph �ee, Minneapolis, told him that, although Edina was not part of the council, he could talk
with the Chairman after the meeting to find out more information about membership for Edina.
His last question was why it cost $50,000 fo� an RMT. John Foggia explained that the cost was
not simply the equipment costs but the labor and other consultant services.
,. `
�ois Howard, Richfield, thanked MAC for their help in placing a portabie noise monitor at her
house. She explained `the results of the monitoring and reiterated he� position that the City of
Richfield should stop the lawsuit regarding the expansion of Runway 0422.
(� �
John Sieberz, Richfield, disputed the number of noise events recorded over his area. He said �
he couldn't reconcile the number of noise events �ois Howard had recorded and the number
recorded in the July Technical Advisor's Report. He also said he believed the value of his home
has dropped because of the noise. Jamie Verbrugge, Richfield, told Mr. Sieberz that the city did
a study on property values in Richfield and found that they are not going down but rather
John Tower, Edina, asked whether pilots were flying at full power so that they can get away from
the airport and surrounding communities as soon as possible. Mark Salmen, Northwest Airlines,
explained that power setting and corresponding climb rate we�e a function of aircraft loading,
atmospheric conditions, runway length, etc.
8. Other Items Not on the Aaenda
Chair►nan Bob Johnson announced that there will be a public hearing of the Mitigation Committee
at the Thunderbird Hotel in Bloomington, August 29, 1996 at 7:00 p.m.
9. Adioumment
Chairman Johnson adjoumed the meeting at 9:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted. -
Melissa Scovronski, Acting Secretary . �
�r , Minneapolis / St. Paul International Airport
.._.:,, .
.,...... ..
MONTHLY MEETING - Metropolitan Airport Sound Abatement Council
R.obert P. jo6neoo
Vice Chaimwn:
s�ou s�
Technieal Adviaar:
ro� r�
Jean Ddg6taa
Airborne Fxprnss:
Brian Batea
AirTmraporl Auoctiation:
Paul McGrew
C6urlcs W. Curry Jr.
City afBloomingfan:
Pdrom Lee
Vem Wi(ooz
Gry c¢e�nrv�tte:
Juan Rivne
crry ��8anr
Tom P,gen
City oflmerGroveHeighta:
nnle amnmoon
Cily �'Mendota Heightr:
Jill Smi16
Cify afMinneapofi.rr
Jam.s B.3vrin �
Jo6n Richkr
Joe Lee
Judi�h Dodge
City ofRidifuld: .
noa rri�n�
c;ry �sr. co� ro,�:
tt�nnt na�.
ctr� �s�. Pa,t:
scott Sunin
c��g c. wtia�
ce� n� M�c��
De11a AirLirw�lnc.:
Rich HIdwca
Fedem! Erp�r,.xr;
T� ���
Fedeml AviQlion Administratioa:
Bcvice Wa�ooer
Ronatd Gleub
MAC Slaff.•
� Dick I{eiaz
Robeet P. Jdweon
Mexada NorJhwest Airlink:
I.ewreaoe McCebe
Mehopafilan Airporh Commi.uion
Commiesiaaer Atton Ga�er
MNAirNational Guord:
Mnjor Marlc R Ncas
Norlhweal Airlincr:
Mncic salmm �
Imnirec 9nyre
St. Pau! Chamber of Canuneice:
Iedc Earktey
Sun Comury AirAner:
Luke A. Gomez
United Airline.rinc.:
AOno Tomlinwn ��
United Pamel Service:
9teve Wallcer - Peggy Hi7lman
US. Air Foree Rraerve:
CaPfein 3teven C6apmm
US. SupplemeNaf Carriera:
Robert A.Ml�c
Metropolitan Airports Commission
Deciarahon of Purposes
l.) Promote public welfare and national security; serve public interest, colrvenience,
and necessity; promote air navigation and transportation, international, national, state,
and local, in and through this state; promote the efficient, safe, and econamical
handling of air commerce; assvre the inclusion of this state in national and international
programs of air transportation; and to those ends to develop the full potendalities of the
metropolitan area in this state as an aviation center, and to correlate that area with all
aviation facilities in the entire state so as to provide far the most economical and
effective use of aeronautic facilities and services in that area;
2.) Assure t}� residents of the metropolitan area of the minimum environmental innpact
from air navigation and transportation, and to that end provide for noise abatement,
control of airport area land use, and othsr protective measures; and
3.) Promote the overall goals of the state's emironmental policies and min;,,,;�e the
public's exposure to noise and safety hazards around airports.
Metropolitan Aircraft Sound Abatement Council
Statement of Purpose
This corporation was formeci in furtherance of the general welfare of the communities
adjoining Minneapolis-St Paul Internafional Airport - Wold-Chambeslain Field, a
public airport in the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota, thraugh the alleviation of
the problems created by the sound of aircraft using the airport; through study and
evaluafion on a continuing basis of the problem and of suggestion for the alleviation of
the same; through initiation, coordinafion and promotion of reasanable and effective
procedures, control and regulations, consistent with the safe operation of the airport and
of aircraft using the same; and through dissemination af information to the affected
cc►mmunities, their affected residents, and the users of the airport respecting the
problem of aircraft noise nuisance and in respect to suggestions made and actions
initiated and taken to alleviate the problem.
Metropolitan Aircraft Sound Abatement Council
The membership shall include representatives appointed by agencies, corporadons,
associations and governmental bodies which by reason of their statutory authoriry and
responsibility or control over the airport, or by reason of their status as sirport users,
have a dinect interest in the operation of the airport. Such members will be called User
Representatives and Public Representatives, pravided that the User Representalives and
Public Representatives shall at all times be equai ig number.
The Airport 2�-hour Noise Hotlrne is 726-9411.
Complaints to the hotline do not result in changes
in Airport activity, but provides a public sounding
board and airport information outlet. The hotline
is staffed 24-hours Monday - Friday
This report is prepared and printed in house by
Traci Faickson, ANOMS Specialist
Questioas or comments may be directed to:
MAC - Aviation Noise & Satellite Program
Minneapolis / Si Panl International Airport
6040 28W Avenue South
Minneagolis, MN 55450
Tel: (612) 725-6331, Fax: (612) 725-6310
ANSP Home Page: http://www.macavsaCorg
Metropolitan Airports Commission Aviation Noise & Satellite Programs
� ,
( j
Metropolitan Airports Commission
�'1' . 1 . ;1 1 1``. .;
• � ���.
Operations Summary - All Aircraft
IVISP August Fleet Mix Percentage
August Airport Complaint Summary
August Operations Summary - Airport Directors Office
Aviation Noise & Satellite Pro�rams
Paaa 1
�. . �,
• Metropolitan Airports Commission .
� ..
l�l[inneapolis - Sto F'au� International �irport Cornplaint Surnmary
August 1996 Complaint Sun��nary by City
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Afton 0 2 2 0.1%
A le �lalle 6 8 14 0.5%
Arden Hills 0 2 2 0.1%
Bloornin on 0 18 18 0.7%
Burnsville 1 3 4 0.2%
Corcoran 0 1 1 0.0%
Ea an 29 130 159 5.9%
Eden Prairie l 10 11 0.4%
Edina 2 59 61 2.3%
Falcon Hei ts 0 1 1 0.0%
Ho kins 0 1 1 0.0%
Inver Grove Hei hts 10 415 425 15.7%
Medina 1 0 1 0.0%
Mendota 0 1 1 0.0%
Mendota. Hei hts 6 282 288 10.6%
Mirmea olis 214 1257 • 1471 54.2%
Minnetonka 2 2 4 0.2%
Mounds View 0 1 1 0.0%
North Oaks 0 1 1 O.Q%
Pl rnouth 0 2 2 0.1%
Richfield 4 163 167 6.2%
Roseville 1 0 1 0.0%
S. St. Paul 0 4 4 0.1%
St. Louis Park 43 19 � 62 2.3%
St. Pau1 3 2 5 0.2%
Sunfish Lake 0 5 5 0.2%
W. St. Paul 0 1 1 0.0%
� 1 1 0
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Time of
- 05:59
- 06:59
- 11:59
- 15:59
- 19:59
- 21:59
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Nature of Compiain
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ve Noise 248
/Late 16�
F7. in 41
Disturbance " 17
;o ter p
d Noise 18
Run-up 5
Metropolitan Airports Commission
A.vailable Time for Runway Use
�'ower Log �2eports - August 1996
All Hours
: ``; �': �:' �Q; �:;::: :::: <:
,' �
Nighttime Hours
Aviation Noise & Satellite Frograms
Paae 'i
, � ♦ ,'1 ��'
Metropolitan Aircraft Sound Abatement Council (MASAC)
John Foggia, Manager, Aviati.on Noise & Satellite Programs
Airport Noise and Operations Monitoring System (.ANOMS)
23 September 1996
Continuing technical malfunctions wiih the ANOMS data acquisition system hampered accurate
da.ta. collection again this month. An abbreviated Technical Advisor's Report, sans ANOMS da.ta,
because of the .increased necessity for completeness and reproducibility of the published. data.
Beyond on-going monthly MASAC reporting requirements, interest in ANOMS capabilities
heightened in response to t.he proposed North/South Runway EIS process, a required FAA MAC
Airspace Study, and ANOMS input into new contours for Part 150, NADP, EIS, etc. To preclude
potentially recalling published ANOMS results, absolute confidence in ANOMS data must be
ANOMS reporting errors are a function of one or more of the following data. processing
l. FAA Diskpack
2. Tracor Diskpack reader
3. Transfer PC at FAA
4. SYTOS ffie transfer protacol (N TP) software at FAA
5. Tracor operations security filter at FAA
6. 150 Mb 1/4" tape
7. 150 Mb tape drive at FAA
8. 150 Mb tape drive at ANSP
9. SYTOS software at ANSP
10. Transfer PC at ANSP
1 l. PC to ITNIX network file server (NFS) transfer of files
12. ITNIX to ANOMS importing scripts
The following chronology of ANOMS maintenance efforts chronicles the technical situation.
As indicated at last month's MASAC meeting, the tune sync between FAA's radax, ANOMS
computers, and the noise monitoring analyzers was off 103 seconds due to a long distance code
added to MAC office phone lines. This piqued our awareness of ANOMS accuracy issues, and
prompted an overall system stand-down. We looked. . carefully at noise-to-track matching and
noticed significant noise events without correlated tracks.
The number of operations per da.y was determined from raw radar files. Relative to FAA counts,
ANOMS operations counts were incorrect (missing operations). Traci Erickson, MAC ANSP
Supervisor, contacted Tracor (ATCT.radar diskpack reader and associated transfer peripherals), �
HMMH (ANOMS contractor), and FAA personnel, regarding the above discrepancies.
Dave Dunlop, Tracor, visited MSP in August and early September, but was unable to isolate
problems with the cliskpack, diskpack reader, or transfer PC at the FAA ATCT.
Van Lincoln (FAA) cleaned the 150 Mb tape drive at FAA and at ANSP offices. New 150 Mb
tapes are used for each download, i.e., tapes are not reused, eliminating the possibility of physical
tape corruption. Additionally, Van Lincoln (FAA) reported no changes in FAA radar data
acquisition have taken place. Although numerous FAA hardware changes are scheduled, none
have been implemented yet. For example, the antiquated Bernoulli diskpack drives will be
replaced with an. optical disk reader in the near future.
Corrupt data files continned to be imported into ANOMS. A� typical magnitude was ANOMS
registering 300 iunported operations per da.y versus 1300 - 1400 reported by FAA.
Phillip Meidel, HM1V�I, was enlisted to deternune the nature of the ANOMS condition. His initial
impression was that the "problem" resided in the ANOMS software importing scripts. Hugh
Ensing, HIvIMH, began scouring MSP ANOMS data. and discovered. "bugs" in the import script
used by ANOMS. HIVIMH repaired the scripts and believed. the import process was then
functioning normally.
Traci re-imported August flight tracks to determine whether an improvement in capturing all the
flight tracks for a particular day's file had occurred. No improved. perFormance was evident. �
A utality was then insialled on both an ANOMS iJNIX rnachi.ne and the ANSP Transfer PC to
determine if there was a loss in data. when transferring files from the PC to UNIX. The utility was .
run on several weeks of flight track data. No loss was noted..
HMIVIH then took a closer look at each day's files. Two discrepancies were noted; l.) files were
missing whole blocks of data, and 2.) a da.ta. line in the wrong format was being added into the
data stream. Traci unrnediately called Dave Dunlop, Tracor, to investigate the missing data, in the
files. An original data tape from the FAA was sent via overnight mail to TRACOR, along with
printouts of the missing data streams. He is currently working the problem and will advise
Wednesda.y, 25 September 1996.
Page 2
09i26i96 12:34 3M DLD� 42-OW-06 y 612 452 0940 N0.196 D02
Summary of Jet�Hamiel's comments at RRASpi.0 meetin� September 24, 1996
1�vvfAC is embazking on a Strategic Planning Process for first time
ConsuItant - Paity Holmes - Cincinnati, OH
Noise mitigation activities - Wisb tist from commuruties
Insularion to 60 DNL contour
4000 homes
Cost of $80 to $90 million
Limited Federal funding available
FIS - Federal Inspection Facility - Customs .
Gates 2- 5 Gold Concourse - wilI be exganded ta Gates 1- 7
Starts 11/1 S/96
sprin� dedication
Recent letter to Dore Mead's district - some of information was not fully accurate
Will send a secand more accurate and camprehensive letter.
Didn't specii.y contents of letter.
Growth rate at airport
Increased flights to existing destinafion from NW & AC
Also, new services from NW �
Suhstantial growth - i7/35
By yeat' 2000 - i00% Stage 3
Star Trih artiele anticipated for this coming Sunday & comments by Hamiel
NW & MA.0 - Cozy
NW has 80 - 82% of scheduied flights at airport
Area pays higher fares
Passengers from twin cities pay S.5 billion more than they should each year
The higher operatin� costs far a hub are only S- 7% than other
Charges that MAC encaurages and sugports this monopoly - Hamiel assured
MASAC that MAC encourages competition - SW Airlines example. If
charge is true, he would consider it unethical.
Airport Security
MAC works with consultarrts to ensure the appropriate Ievel of security is
esta.biished at MSP.
09i26i96 12:34 3M HLD6 42-OW-06 i 612 452 0940 N0.196 D03
Jamie Verbru,gie - What if communities around airport object to Nort�►/South
zunway? Hamiel - It would not be acceptable to alter plans - the region must have the
additional capacity to suppart economic growth.
Question on landbankin�, Hamiel projects that MAC wiIi be revisiting the
question of whether the region needs a new air port by 2014. He discussed increased
capacity and said that each gate should be able to handle 12 to 14 turns per gate per day.
. � �
REGULAR MEETING ''�i �CT �� 1�96 i
�t�GAN, MINNESOTt� � �'''�T"`'"�" ' � '
_ . �, .
October 8, 1996
7:00 P.M.
iga. "v,i3i i u+a�5 i i➢ rsx, xii.Ei,Ri,
A. Community Survey Airport Responses
B. Runway 4/22 Background
�!. Agenda Items - Joint Council/Commission Workshop
A. MSP I�'Iitigation Committee
B. Eagan/Mendota Heights Corridor
C. MASAC Meeting of September 24
D. Narthern Dakota County Airport Relations Coalition
E. Aircraft Noise I.egal Consultation
tr�, �rrtFn�z�vr��rry�
XI. NEXT COMMISSION MEETING -_7:00 p.m. Tuesday, November 12
NEXT COMMISSION WORKSHOP (Joint Meeting with City Council)
- 5:00 p.m. Tuesday, October 15
NEXT MASAC MEETING - 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, October 22
Auxiliary aids for persons with disabilities will be provided upon advance notice of at least 96
hours. If a notice of less than 96 hours is received, the City of Eagan will attempt to provide
such aid.
( ;
.�°�'S SQ,ti Minneapolis-Saint Paul International Airport
r *'� 6040 - 28th Avenue South • Minneapolis, MN 55450-2799
1 i; o Phone (612) 726-8100 • Fax (612) 726-5296
_ * ,- -
x i n
o :`<� �n .
' F• F
�'r� 1} � LO . ,
Thursday, October 17, 1996, 1:00 p.m.
MASAC Room - MAC Generai Offices
6040 28th Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55450
. �.
1. Noise Mitigation Report Review
2. Commission/Legislative Review Process
The Metropolitan Airports Commission is an affirmative action employer.
' • � � '� .
October 7, 1996
i ;
The Mitigation Committee recommends to the Metropolitan Airports Commission:
� 1. that the residential sound
by the 1996 DNL 65 con
insulation program for fhe area encompassed
our be completed on the currently approved
that the program be expanded after completion of the current program
to incorporate the area encompassed by the 2005 60 DNL;
that the 2005 60 DN� contour be based on the most accurate projection
of traffic leveis and use of appropriate ANOMS data;
4. that MAC and affected communities seek approval from FAA to develop
neighborhood and "natural boundaries" that reflect current conditions at
the outer edge of the expanded contour to the maximum extent possibie;
5. the prioritization of the expanded program should� be ta initiate single-
family homes upon completton of the currently approved schedule, and
begin work on the foilowing newly eligible dweilings/buildings, beginning
with the highest noise exposure levels, an accordance with a schedule
agreed upon with each affected city -- multifamily dwellings, nursing
homes, churches with regular weekday daycare/nursery school types of
6. that the program be funded by a combination of PFC revenues, airline
fees, internally generated funds, and federal aid, with estimated total and
annual costs as summarized below; to the extent that� MAC cannot fund
this expanded program in a reasonable period of time, support from the
State of Minnesota should be sought. In no case should unreimbursed
financial impacts fall on affected residents or their local governments.
7. that the Metropolitan Airports Commission commit to funding its
community based noise abatement program on an accelerated basis
beyond its current level of 525.5 million annually;
8, that the Commission evaluate the airport noise env.ironment 18 months
� prior to the estimated compietion of the expanded program. If conditions
�'! warrant, a modified sound insulation package should be offered to eligibie
dweilings/buildings within the 54 DNL contour which achieves at least
� a 3-5 db interior noise level reduction;
9. that MAC develop noise impact models which reflect the impact of
ground level noise on residentiai properties. Mitigation for low frequency
noise should be developed after consultation with independent noise
mitigation experts.
The Mitigation Committee recommends to the Metropolitan Airports Commission that
it participate with affected communities in preparing a package of community
stabilization measures to be submitted to the Minnesota Legisiature. Community
stabilization measures considered should include, but not be limited to, the measures
described in the Metropolitan Councii-MAC Community Protection Report. The
measures include purchase and property value guarantees and housing replacement
to compiement the tax credit and revitalization area legislation adopted in 1996.
A Working Group should be convened inciuding representatives from MAC, Met
Council, Northwest Airlines, affected communities and legislative staff. The Working �
Group should identifya programdesign, fundingoptions, administrative responsibilities
and eligibility area. The final legislative recommendation should be presented to MAC
and other interested parties for endorsement and inclusion in 1997 legislative
� •-•' •' � •
The Mitigation Committee recommends to the Metropolitan Airports Commission that
the following be incorporated and evaluated in a Part 150 update:
1. Take action, as required by the 1996 Legisiature, to prohibit use of Stage
2 aircraft after December 31, 1999. .
2. Modify the night hours to 10:30 p.m. - 6:00 a.m. and limit activity
during these hour.s to Stage 3 aircraft.
3. Develop a departure procedure for Runway 22 to direct aircraft over
areas of commercial development and the Minnesota River Valiey.
4. Seek cooperation from FAA to implement departure procedures as
appropriate at each runway end.
5. Evaluate departure procedures in the Eagan-Mendota Heights corridor.
6. Work within the aviation industry to encourage , further reductions in
aircraft noise levels.
7. Negotiate the Stage 2 prohibition, noise abatement procedures, and
expansion of night hours .as provisions of airline lease renewals,
incorporating appropriate penalties for non-compliance.
8. The MAC noise monitoring system monitors should be increased in
number to provide more coverage of actual impacts in the airport vicinity.
In particular, areas affected by the north-south runway and parallel
runways should have additional microphone locations to monitor
continued and growing volumes of air traffic as the airport expands. This
system should be used to corroborate the accuracy of the modelled
contours for noise program eligibility.
The Mitigation Committee recommends to the MAC the following:
1. Compietion of the environmentai process and construction of the North-
South Runway shouid be expedited and compieted as soon as possible.
Progress should measur�d against this schedule:.
a. commence construction -- 1998;
b. compiete construction, open runway -- 2003
2. In the interim, Ru�way� 4/22 should be used for noise mitigation
purposes. This requires the following: . �
a. construction of an associated taxiway;
b. sound insulation at the end of Runway 4/22 only for those
dweilings eligible for the expanded insulation program which are
in the 2005 60 DNL . ..
c. Insulation of these homes should be integrated into completion of �
the currently approved insulation program, starting as soon as the
interim use of Runway 4/22 starts. The sound insulation
commitment associated with interim use of Runway 4/22 should
be reevaluated if canstruction cannot be commenced by 1998 and
the runway cannot be opened by 2003.
7 997-2000
Inside 65 DNL
Outside 65 DNL
Insulation *
Nursing homes
Religious Places
• • �Z��"�
S 113,000,000
S 2,000,000
S 18,000,000
S 10.000,000
S 102,000,000
$ 2,000,000
$ 6,000,000
S 22, 600,000
*Numbers are estimates and will be further refined as additional information is available.