FEBRUARY 10, 1999
The regular meeting of the Mendota Heights Airport Relations Commission was held on
Wednesday, February 10, 1999 in the City Hall Large Conference Room, 1101 Victoria
Curve. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. The following members were
present: Beaty, Leuman, Des Roches, Stein and Roszak. Commissioners May and
Fitzer were excused. Also present were City Administrator Kevin Batchelder,
Administrative Assistant Patrick Hollister and, Senior Secretary Kim Blaeser.
Mr. Roy Fuhrmann
Mr. Roy Fuhrmann, Manager of MAC's Aviation Noise Program was present to
discuss the development of specifications for investigating the use of Global
Positioning Satellites (GPS) and how the use of GPS may enhance the use of
the Southeast Corridor for the benefit of the Mendota Heights community.
Fuhrmann was also present to discuss other areas of interest including Non -
Simultaneous Departure compliance and the evaluation of the Southeast
Mr. Fuhrmann introduced the following individuals present to discuss the above
issues. Mr. Shane Vandervoort, ANOMs Technician Aviation Noise and Satellite
Programs; Mr. Nathan Reis, TIN/GIS Systems Technician Aviation Noise and
Satellite Programs; and Mr. Chad Leqve, ANOMS Coordinator Aviation Noise
and Satellite Programs.
Mr. Fuhrmann explained that Differential Global Positioning Satellites (DGPS)
provides precise positional capabilities, previously only available with land based
navaids. Fuhrmann explained that the FAA is currently writing specifications for
how GPS augmented systems will be used in the future. He informed the
Commission that other airports as well as MSP communities will have a one time
opportunity to contribute to the implementation of this new technology. He
stated that the FAA is pursuing an active partticipation in airspace design rather
than proposing post implementation modifications.
In response to a question from Commissioner Roszak, Mr. Fuhrmann stated that
public input will be allowed until the end of the year (1999). Chair Beaty stated
that one interest that the Airport Relations Commission has is to narrow the
Eagan/Mendota Heights Corridor. He stated that we cannot help to think that
with the GPS system, the corridor will be narrowed and that most air traffic will
occur over the industrial area. Mr. Fuhrmann briefly explained how the land
base navigational aids work. Fuhrmann explained that GPS will help aircraft
navigate to a specific location not only using longitude and latitude positioning
but also altitude positioning. He stated that GPS is based on specific points in
space and that the localizer (used now) will be used as a backup.
Chair Beaty inquired when GPS will be implemented. Fuhrmann responded that
he is unsure but that within the next three to five years, major air carriers will be
converting their aircraft to GPS. Fuhrmann stated that new aircrafts are fitted
with the GPS system but that the on board avionics are not developed.
Commissioner Roszak inquired about the southern boundary and how the .
northwest beacon will dictate the southern boundary. Fuhrmann explained that
this beacon helps define the southern boundary and that the aircraft still follow
the tower's direction. Roszak stated that with implementation of the GPS, the
whole corridor could move further south. Chair Beaty stated that the FAA should
agree to shrinking the corridor. He stated that airplanes can be moved further
south of the Mendota Heights water tower and still implement safe flying
conditions. Fuhrmann stated that this may be an uphill battle. He stated this
may be possible and that the FAA will need to look at PRM (air borne
information). He stated that the FAA needs to look at the different ways an
airplane can look at their own lateral spacing.
Administrator Batchelder discussed the operation of the runways and how the
control tower develops a pattern of departing aircraft. He inquired if GPS is fully
implemented, will a 15 degree separation still be required. Mr. Fuhrmann
responded that he is unsure and that is why the study is necessary. Chair Beaty
informed Mr. Fuhrmann that the City would like to see the FAA shrink the
Mendota Heights/Eagan corridor. He stated that the City is particularly affected
by departures and that by shrinking the corridor, the departures will be directed
more over industrial/commercial areas.
The Commission discussed their concern with the GPS and the possibility that it
will allow aircraft to be directed over more residential areas. They stated that
most arriving aircraft is coming straight in and that it is paramount that the FAA
keep the final approach the way itis now. Mr. Fuhrmann responded that aircraft
should be kept over compatible areas and that is the purpose of GPS.
Mr. Fuhrmann stated that the FAA wants to hear from N/ISP communities and
that it is their hope that these communities provide them with their specific "wish
list" on how GPS will be implemented.
Administrator Batchelder inquired if there will be a specific corridor, similar to that
of the Mendota Heights/Eagan Corridor, with the construction of the north/south
runway. Mr. Fuhrmann responded that nothing has been finalized but that the
thought might be down the Cedar Avenue area where there is
industrial/commercial development. He stated that this new runway will benefit
Mendota Heights and will relieve the traffic off of the two parallel runways.
Fuhrmann stated that there is a potential of developing a specific flight track with
the new runway and that it is being reviewed at this time.
The Commission Inquired when the MASAC will be reviewing the implementation
of GPS at MSP. Fuhrmann responded this spring.
Mr. Chad Leqve presented an Analysis on Crossing in the Corridor.
Mr. Leqve discussed the scope of the analysis:
Data Sample Time Periods
Six month sample period - October 1997 to March 1998
Daily hours of concentration - 2300 to 2600
Weekend hours of consideration - Sat. 1500 to Sun 1300
When Did Crossing Occur
Determine when carrier jet operations crossed when departing 12L and
12R during the above time period.
Ops. Feasibility Variables
Nighttime one local controller assumption
Assess the existence of one local controller during the above weekend
Time between departures (2 min. separation feasibility).
FAA input
Mr. Leqve reviewed the major findings of the performed analysis:
During the six month period from 2300 to 0600 there were 990 carrier jet
departures from runway 12L and 12R.
There were 357 (36.1 %) carrier jet departure opera -Lions which performed the
crossing procedure when departing runways 12L and 12R during the six month
period between 2300 and 0600.
During the six month period from 2300 to 0600 the times between departure
in the 0 to 2 min. ranae with an overall percent of
operations were prevalent
12.5%, in the 10 min. to 30 min. range with an overall percent of 18.9% and in
the 1 hr. to 7 hrs. range with an overall percent of 19.6%
During the six month period on weekends from Saturday at 1500 to Sunday at
1300 there were 3734 carrier jet departures from runway 121 and 12R.
There were 643 (17.2%) carrier jet departure operations which performed the
crossing procedure when departing runways 12L and 12R during the six month
period on weekends from Saturday at 1500 to Sunday at 1300.
During the 572 hours of analyzed weekend time one local controller was on duty
for 416.4 (72.8%) hours.
During the 416.4 hours of one local controller during the mentioned weekend
periods there were 1432 carrier jet departure operations.
There were 419 (29.3%) carrier jet departure operations which performed the
crossing procedure when one local controller was on duty during the mentioned
weekend periods.
During the mentioned weekend periods the times between departure operations
were prevalent in the 0 to 2 min. range with an overall percent of 57.4% and in
the 2 min. to 4 min. range with an overall percent of 22.2%.
One of the single biggest impediments to the procedure during the analyzed
weekend periods was the time separation between departure operations.
The weather for the period was variable with thunderstorms prevailing during
October 1997 and late in March 1998 with snowstorms, and freezing rain present
in January 1998.
Regarding the required two minute separation of aircraft, the Commission
discussed how the FAA was willing to educate its control tower personnel on
how this process works and that there has been a big difference,
Chair Beaty inquired if with the new north/south runway, if the crossing
procedure will be used more. Mr. Fuhrmann responded that the new runway will
be used for departures and there May be a possibility.
The Commission discussed head to head operations and the use of Runway
4/22. Mr. Fuhrmann stated that there is a possibility that Runway 4/22 could be
used for arrivals.
Mr. Leqve reviewed the ne-,-'rL steps after the analysis findings.-
FAA Initiatives
As a result of the study findings, the FAA is making adjustments to
improve the use of procedure.
FAA and MAC Communication
FAA requested MAC staff to keep them informed with regard to the status
of procedural use.
Follow -Up Analysis
The analysis will be replicated using data from the six months spanning
September 1998 to February 1999 to assess the improvement.
Regarding the above, Mr. Fuhrmann stated that with the results of the above
analysis, the Tower Chief personally briefed each traffic controller about the FAA
procedures and that there has a been a lot of improvement. Chair Beaty stated
that he gives the FAA a lot of credit with coming up with specific criteria. He
stated that four years ago, this would not have happened and that the
environment seems more friendly now.
Commissioner Roszak stated that the Airport Relations Commission wants to
see equitable distribution and that all factors be researched.
Mr. Fuhrmann briefly reviewed the runway reconstruction taking place this
Jill Smith, ad-hoc member of the Airport Relations Commission, arrived at 8:28
The Commission discussed the use of Runway 4/22 during the construction
process. Mr. Fuhrmann noted that there will be more usable runway length
available. He explained that sequencing will be an issue this year.
Mr. Fuhrmann briefly reviewed the cost of the reconstruction process. He
explained that this reconstruction process is $4 million dollars more than last
year because there is a sink hole in the runway and that it will need to be built
back up again. Fuhrmann explained that the construction process will be in late
March and run through Labor Day weekend (105 working days).
The Commission discussed how aircraft will be distributed during the
construction process. Fuhrmann responded that it will depend upon the size of
the aircraft.
The Commission thanked Mr. Fuhrmann for attending their meeting.
Commissioner Roszak moved approval of the January 13, 1999 minutes.
Commissioner Leuman seconded the motion.
Administrator Batchelder stated that in October, MASAC discussed the Ground
Noise Study conducted by MAC staff, and it was suggested that Northwest
Airlines' test cell site was possibly contributing to the noise environment and
might be the source of unidentified ground noise that residents were complaining
about. He informed the Commission that this complaint was addressed at both
the December 11 and January 15 MASAC Operations Committee meeting. He
informed the Commission that the bottom line to this discussion is that the test
cell site is located inside a building. It was mentioned that maybe the ground
noise is coming from airplanes running their engines during taxi operations.
Election of Mayor Mertensotto as
Chair of MASAC
Administrator Batchelder informed the Commission that Mayor Mertensotto was
elected as Chair of MASAC, for a two year term, beginning in February 1999.
He explained that Mayor Mertensotto will Chair all MASAC meetings and appoint
the members of the MASAC Operations Committee and the MASAC Executive
Committee. Batchelder explained that this action came about primarily because
there was a strong desire by the community representatives on MASAC to have
a community representative as the Chair. He further stated that this is also
indicative of the respect for the Mayor's knowledge and expertise on the airport
issues, as well as, his ability to lead a group.
Chair Beaty stated that with the Mayor's appointment as Chair of the MASAC,
the Commission is getting closer to their Action Plan Goal in getting a community
representative to MAC.
The Commission was of the consensus that a congratulations letter be sent to
the Mayor with Chair Beaty's signature.
Third Parallel Runway Contracts
Administrator Batchelder informed the Commission that the City Council
accepted the Commission's recommendation and directed him to send a letter to
Mr. Jeff Hamiel requesting that negotiations begin so that our contract may be
updated to have the same provisions as the Minneapolis contract. He stated
that he will keep the Commission informed and that they will be relied upon to
provide advice as I the process negotiation unfolds.
MASAC Work Plan
Administrator Batchelder informed the Commission that the most recent draft of
the MASAC Work Plan includes the development of the new 2005 Part 150
Contours as a priority in the coming year. The Commission briefly reviewed the
work plan.
Ground Run UD Enclosures
The Commission acknowledged receipt of information about types of ground run
up enclosures. Administrator Batchelder informed the Commission that MASAC
will address this issue this year.
Northern Dakota County Airport
Relations Commission
Administrator Batchelder informed the Commission that the NDCARC met on
February 3 to discuss the logistics of the NDCARC for the coming year. He
explained that the NDCARC will meet every other month with the first meeting in
March. He explained that they will be redefining the purpose of this Commission.
The Commission acknowledged receipt of the MASAC Agenda for January 26,
1999 and Minutes for December 1, 1998.
The Commission acknowledged receipt of the MASAC Operations Committee
Minutes for January 15, 1999.
The Commission acknowledged receipt of the MASAC Technical Advisers
Report for the N/lonth of November.
The Commission acknowledged receipt of the MASAC Corridor Gate Penetration
Analysis for November 1998.
The Commission acknowledged receipt of the MASAC Technical Adviser's
Report for the Month of December.
The Commission acknowledged receipt of the MASAC Corridor Gate Penetration
Analysis for December 1998.
The Commission acknowledged receipt of the Airport Noise Report - January 22,
1999 edition.
The Commission acknowledged receipt of the NOISE - Legislative Update on
Airport Fees.
There being no further business, the Airport Relations Commission moved to
adjourn its meeting at 9:20 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Kimberlee K. Blaeser
Senior Secretary