JANUARY 13, 1999
The regular meeting of the Mendota Heights Airport Relations Commission was held on
Tuesday, January 13, 1999 in the City Hall Large Conference Room, 1101 Victoria
Curve. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. The following members were
present: Beaty, Roszak, Fitzer, Leuman, Stein and May. Commissioner Des Roches
was excused. Also present were City Administrator Kevin Batchelder and Senior
Secretary Kim Blaeser.
Commissioner Leuman moved approval of the December 9, 1998 minutes.
Commissioner Fitzer seconded the motion.
Administrator Batchelder explained that in November, the MAC and the City of
Minneapolis agreed to a contract on the Third Parallel Runway. He explained
that the Commission briefly reviewed the contract at their December meeting and
that the Commission requested a comparison, contract to contract, with the
Mendota Heights contract.
Administrator Batchelder explained that the Commission's goal should be to
make a recommendation to the City Council suggesting changes to the contract
between the MAC and the City of Mendota Heights.
The Commission discussed the following comparisons between the Mendota
Heights contract with MAC prohibiting a third parallel runway and the recently
signed MAC/City of Minneapolis contract. (The comparisons are listed below
along with specific discussion as generated by the Commission).
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Section 1 of the Minneapolis contract
includes additional language as follows:
"That provides the corporation (MAC)
may not construct a third parallel
runway without the affected city's
Commissioner Roszak suggested that a copy of the 1994 State Statute
referencing the above recital be included as a source of reference to the
Section 2 is identical in each contract.
Section 3 is identical in each contract.
Section 4 of the Minneapolis contract
has an additional sentence that reads
"The City and MAC have identified other
matters of mutual interest that are also
addressed in this contract.
Administrator Batchelder questioned whether the additional sentence should be
added because this item is addressed later within the contract under land
purchases. Chair Beaty suggested that Runway Use Projections should be
included. Administrator Batchelder reminded the Commission that the EIS was
not completed at the time the Mendota Heights contract was signed. He stated
that the MAC, at the time of the contract signing, agreed to give Mendota
Heights the same provisions as the City of Minneapolis. Commissioner Roszak
stated that the MAC may not agree to add new language.
Section 1 of the Minneapolis contract
has additional language defining
"generally parallel".
The Commission noted that the additional language "generally parallel" should
be added to the Mendota Heights contract. The Commission noted that this
definition encompasses all runways.
The second sentence of Section 2 has
the additional clause stating "so long as
the acquisition of any property to the
north of and generally parallel to the
existing parallel runways includes".
The Commission discussed this clause and inquired if the definition included
acquisition of land. Administrator Batchelder informed the Commission that he is
still waiting for a copy of the contract or some form of confirmation that the MAC
will not be constructing a third parallel runway on the Bureau of Mines land.
The Commission determined that additional review to determined what is
preferred or not is necessary.
Commissioner May arrived at 7:40 p.m.
Section 2 of our City's contract ends with Their contract has the additional
the restrict covenant running for the language "as defined in paragraph
benefit of the affected property owners 4 below".
"and the City".
The Commission felt that Mendota Heights language "and the City" is the
preferred language. Batchelder stated that this is better language because it
gives the City same third party benefit rights as third party property owners.
Section 3 is identical in both contracts.
Section 4 has additional language
in parenthesis stating (whether a
legal owner or an equitable owner)
The Commission felt that adding "whether a legal owner or an equitable owner
should be added to the Mendota Heights contract.
It should be noted that the diagram
designating the area meeting the
"affected property owner" criteria
Has not been approved by the City.
Sample maps were produced by MAC,
but have not been approved by our City.
It is not known if MAC and Mpls.
have produced diagrams for an
exhibit to their contract.
Regarding the diagram, the Commission discussed Ldn 65 contours and how
affected property owners should be identified. Commissioner Roszak pointed
out that the map should be built off of specific legal descriptions. Chair Beaty
stated that not all areas are referred to correctly. Commissioner May stated that
all pictorial' documents should be drawn to scale and should be surveyed as well
He stated that there is a need for an accurate representation of property.
The Commission felt that the City of Mendota Heights should inquire if the City of
Minneapolis agrees with the diagrams. Commissioner Roszak suggested that a
letter be sent inquiring about the interpretation of the third parallel runway usage.
Terms Terms
Our agreement runs through December Their term runs to December 31, 2050.
31, 2020 with provisions for three, automatic,
additional ten year terms, unless we mutually
agree to terminate the automatic renewal.
This would go to January 1, 2051.
Our contract has a provision that after Their contract has a provision that
January 1, 2021, the agreement may be after January 1,,2036, the agreement
terminated by the Legislature. This may be terminated by the
termination language is identical in each Legislature.
Contract, only the year is different.
Section 2 is identical except the date, which The promise date in the MpIs. contract
in our contract is December 31, 2020. Is December 31, 2035.
The Commission felt that the above Minneapolis language should be added to
Mendota Heights contract.
Our Section 3 is identical to MpIs. Section 4,
with the exception that they have added
the following language "the Dual Track
Airport Planning Process Final Environ.
Impact Statement, May 1998 ("DTAPP/EIS")
A document not available at the time of
execution of our contract.
Our Section 4 is similar to their Section 4.
We have an additional clause that starts
Section 4 as follows "It is intended by the
Commission and the City that".
Their Section 3 has additional language
in the first sentence with the following
clause inserted after Agreement.
"related to the prohibition on construct.
of a third parallel runway.
Administrator Batchelder stated that there is no differences between the two
Our Section 4 refers back to the language in
Terms, 1st Paragraph, which is different dates
than in Mpls. agreement.
Administrator Batchelder informed the Commission that Mendota Heights
language is much narrower.
Our Section 5 is identical to their Section 10.
Our Section 6, allowing other affected cities
to adopt our contract, or reach a separate
agreement, is not contained in the Mpls contract.
At Section 5 of the Mpls. contract, their
contract diverges significantly from our
contract with additional provisions that
are not in the Mendota Heights/MAC
Their Section 5 discusses the use of
Runway 17/35 in accordance with the
conditions set forth in the Dual Track
FEIS, Appendix A, page A.3-17. This is
to prevent departures to the north off of
Runway 17/35, except under limited
safety and weather conditions. This
section further refers to a letter from the
Mayor of Mpls. detailing percentages of
arrivals from the north.
Section 5 also discusses operating
Runway 17/35 in a manner designed to
maximize airfield capacity, reduce
community noise and equitably
distribute noise throughout the
community. This section also commits
MAC to not seek to permanently close
down one or both parallel runways
without the approval of the City, or
request any changes to the runway use
system, which would be inconsistent
with pages A.3-17 of the FEIS.
Regarding Section 5 of the Minneapolis contract, the Commission discussed air
noise distribution. Commissioner Roszak stated that the air noise should be
distributed throughout the metropolitan area and not just throughout a specific
In Section 6, MAC agrees not to acquire
for use as air operations any land within
Minneapolis north of TH 62 without the
approval of the City, except for runway
approach protection, Part 150 or to
located navigational aids.
Administrator Batchelder stated that Section 6 does not affect the City of
Mendota Heights. The Commission discussed how the City of Mendota should
have a guarantee that no land within Mendota Heights will be used for off site
airport use (i.e., car rental agencies, car washes, etc).
In Section 7, MAC agrees to
immediately expand the Noise
Monitoring System in the area affected
by the existing parallel runways. It is
not known whether the current ANOMS
expansion satisfies this requirement of
the contract.
Regarding Section 7, the Commission discussed the possibility of adding more
monitors and that the Mendota Heights contract should include this Section.
In Section 8, MAC affirms its overall
commitment to a fairer distribution of air
traffic, specifically its commitment prior
to completion of the North South
Runway to use Runway 4/22 to
distribute traffic to other parts of the
Metropolitan area.
Regarding Section 8, the Commission felt it important that the City of Mendota
Heights include this section within its contract.
In Section 9, the contract limits MAC's
potential use of the Bureau of Mines
property currently being considered for
acquisition by MAC. Paragraph E
describes the allowed land uses.
Paragraph F addresses demolition of
existing buildings on BOM land.
Regarding Section 9, Administrator Batchelder stated that he does not see the
potential of developing park land.
Commissioner Roszak inquired if there are any goals that the City should inform
MAC about. Administrator Batchelder stated that the MAC should be made
aware of the 2005 Runway Usage Projection. He stated that the City has been
concerned with the operations being inequitable and that the Mendota Heights
contract should reflect more equitable distribution of air noise throughout the
metropolitan area.
Commissioner Roszak moved to recommend that the City Council direct
the City Administrator to send a letter to the Metropolitan Airports
Commission requesting the commencement of official negotiations to
resolve the differences between the Mendota Heights and Minneapolis
Contract (s) Prohibiting a Third Parallel Runway.
Commissioner Leuman seconded the motion.
Administrator Batchelder provided the Commission with a copy of the Record of
Decision for Runway 17/35 - Executive Summary.
Batchelder informed the Commission that Executive Summary discusses Low
Frequency Noise Impacts (Pages 39 and 40). He informed the Commission that
the Summary refers to the Mendota Heights Contract along with MSP expansion
Commissioner Roszak inquired if the City of Eagan has shared their contract
with the City of Mendota Heights. Administrator Batchelder stated that he has
not heard from the City of Eagan. Roszak inquired if the City of Mendota Heights
has a "me too" contract with the City of Eagan, and if so, is it in letter format.
Roszak noted that if the City of Eagan weights in and cuts a deal, will the City of
Mendota Heights be able to do the same. Batchelder stated that he would need
to speak with Eagan's new assistant.
Runway 4/22 Settlement by MAC/Richfield
Administrator Batchelder informed the Commission that Mr. Jeff Hamiel will fax
any documents pertaining to this issue and that he will forward it to the
Commission as soon as it is received.
Airport Controlled Property
Administrator Batchelder explained that the test cell site which Northwest Airlines
runs its engine testing is an indoor facility and that it runs 24 hours a day.
Richfield Settlement
The Commission briefly reviewed an article within the Airport Noise Report, Vol.
10, No. 25) regarding the Richfield settlement.
Guest Speaker in February
Administrator Batchelder informed the Commission that Mr. Roy Fuhrmann,
MAC, will be the Commission's guest speaker at their February 10 meeting.
The Commission acknowledged receipt of the MASAC Operations Committee
agenda for December 11.
The Commission acknowledged receipt of the MAC Planning and Environment
Committee Agenda for January 5, 1999.
The Commission acknowledged receipt of the Airport Noise Reports - Volume
10, Numbers 22-25.
The Commission acknowledged receipt of the Reliever Airport Article - Met
Council Newsletter.
The Commission acknowledged receipt of the NOISE Policy Statement and
Legislative Alert.
The Commission acknowledged receipt of the Eagan ARC Agenda for January
12, 1999.
The Commission acknowledged receipt of the Eagan Letter on Temporary Noise
Monitor Request.
There being no further business, the Airport Relations Commission moved to
adjourn its meeting at 9:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Kimberlee K. Blaeser
Senior Secretary